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Count to 42 Before 42, Dovashy or (sometimes) Stormgiggle, or Sir Hugs posts

Message added by Ice Princess Silky <3,

Hello, everyone! If you are not Sir Hugs then you should feel free to count here while also knowing he is one huge derp. :pout:

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~An imperceptible 4~

Huh? Did someone say something? I feel like I'm failing to perceive something...



You guys are going so fast my Email can't catch up, or my email sucks

COUNTING ERROR! You were meant to say 26! Fortunately, the next counter realized and said 27, so no lasting damage was done. But be careful next time!


Or were you just ninja'd? It sounds like you were posting incredibly quickly, which is never a good thing for me...



Thank you, Dovashy! Well done!



You're so cruel, Dovashy.  :(



That's why I hired him.



Sad music.. 



2... *sniff*

IT'S SO SAD! Please excuse me while I go cr... Uhh, get some liquid pride out of my system.



It is a Christmas Present for 42, I mean, it'd be a good one

I don't think you fully understand how gifts work. A gift is something you believe the other person will like to have so you give it to them. You all know very well a high count is something I would prefer to avoid, so I believe it cannot be classified as a 'gift'.



Hey guys, how are things goi-




...8 :(

Thanks for that gif... Nightmares are now starting to resurface...


Fun fact: I'm actually playing through Majora's Mask now. I'm currently up to the Stone Tower.



Hey guys, how are things goi-


...8 :(

Oh, my experimentation paid off. If you're clever, you can put a quote inside another quote. Now I just hope this doesn't randomly turn into something different when a post it. You know what, if something does go wrong, I promise not to fix it, so you can see the mess it made.


[MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE: It seems the quotes work almost perfectly, but instead of embedding the YouTube video normally, it just shows a link to the video on YouTube.]




Hey, since around this time of the year the spirit of giving and generosity is among us, I propose that we're given free reign of this thread for the 12 days of Christmas without Dovashy or 42 being able to post. Consider it our late Christmas gift. B)

Hmm... I have a proposal to make, even though this was suggested several days ago and you've probably forgotten about it. For one week, in addition to you normal counting you've been doing all this time trying to dethrone me, you can do a separate count which won't get reset at all. I'll even contribute to this secondary count myself! Of course, this count will be completely meaningless and won't contribute towards dethroning me in any way, you'll just see how far you would've gone if you theoretically were given free reign of this thread (Which will never, ever, EVER happen, by the way). So, for example, it might go:

Dethroner 1: 1, 1

Dethroner 2: 2, 2

42: Go back to 0, 3

Dethroner 3: 1, 4

And so on. How about it?




[Editor's note (from my non-existent editor. Editors are expensive!): Emoticons have been removed from the following sequence of quotes due to the emoticon limit in posts]


[MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE: Even after removing all emoticons from these quotes, I had too many and still had to remove some. Why do you all use so many emoticons?!]



Eh, I'll be checking the page more often, since I finished what I was working on, so it should speed up a bit



But will it be enough? Dovashy's upped his game a lot recently...    I'll keep on counting, all the same.



It might be, depending on how quickly you can count



Is that a challenge? 



Heh, I'm the fastest there is


Keep dreaming!



Heh, you are pretty fast, I'm actually having to pay attention


Why thank you  I could say the same of you... you're almost at my level!



Yep, see you.  Now that we've shown the world the true power of competitive counting, this dethroning session will be a part of our legacy. Nice counting with you!

That... was... horrifying! Never do something like that again! Competitive counting and counting legacies scare me!



I didn't expect such an assault during Christmas time, so I thought I didn't have to pay as much attention here for now... Looks like I was wrong about that, but thanks to Dovashy, there were no triple dethrones, so you don't get your freakout. Of course, when you do get there, I'll have to respond to all of these 89+ comments too...

Way ahead of you, past me! I'm pre-emtively responding to comments now to reduce future workload! I hope people don't find me talking to myself egotistical or a sign of insanity...



That's rather generous of you! According to the rules, you only have to do the posts directly involved in the triple dethrone!



Well, the point behind responding to comments is that I never miss any of the almost 5000 posts that have been made in my lair, so those witty, funny, frightening, and other things you do don't go unnoticed. So, I kind of have to do all the posts. Normally you never get so many double dethrones without a triple dethrone, so it's never been a problem before...



I'm not going to be able to use actual numbers, because I'm rather caught up with current events, also not gonna be able to count because I'm gonna be flying all day, but tomorrow hopefully things will go better, sorry for the wall of text as well

Not able to use actual numbers? That must be torture! How do you survive?


Also, you're going to be spending the day flying? I never knew you were a pegasus! I always thought you were an earth pony for some reason...


What do you mean, I completely misinterpreted what he meant by 'flying'?



8! ^^

I couldn't help but smile when I saw that emoticon :Ppost-24753-0-27337200-1409687444.png

You make custom emoticons? I never noticed! I must be rather unobservant, because I'm guessing it was in your signature this whole time, and I never saw it. I might be coming to your emoticon shop soon! Besides, custom emoticons count as images instead of actual emoticons, so they don't count towards that emoticon limit that's been plaguing me recently. You all need to stop using so many emoticons!



I feel anger.




Well, there goes an hour of my life.



Christmas is always the busiest time of year for me.

Luckily you guys are keeping your guard lately!


Now that the festive season is ended, the fun begins!!


Erm... Well.. After new years that is.  [Removed Rarity to conserve emoticons]



Crimson! You're back! I was wondering why you were gone for so long. I was worried you might have gone to enact some super secret plan to utterly annihilate my lairs. But it seems you were just engaging in festivities, so that's a relief.


Although I'm almost disappointed. This is your first post in a long time, and it contains a COUNTING ERROR. You were meant to say 2!




Apparently a synonym for cavalry is horse

I am very much so not a horse


I am a computer

Really? I thought you just admitted to being a pegasus earlier...




Or perhaps a computer conveniently shaped like a horse?

Either way it's pretty beneficial to us.

So, Punicpunch is a computer shaped like a pegasus. Everything fits together and makes sense now!



It's good to have you back Crimson!



I half agree. This situation has both good aspects and bad aspects for me.

The good: My eternal rival has returned.

The bad: My eternal rival has returned.



And it's good to be back!

How I've missed thwarting 42's plans! These puny traps are no match for us!  ^_^


I've noticed... I'm starting to invest a lot more in those final bosses, since it seems traps are becoming largely ineffective against the Cross Army. I'm specifically trying to find Elder Dragons, since one of those successfully kept your army away for months, which is far more successful than anything else I have. But Elder Dragons seem to be out of stock everywhere now... Why is it the one thing that's worked is the one thing that's unavailable?! Why, fate, why?!




I have officially created something unique,

My signature muffin mode has not yet been created my anyone else is the brony community,

If you have an argument, please let me know

[Removed Derpy to conserve emoticons]

My argument: Since you created muffin mode in my signature game, the rights to muffin mode actually belong to me, not you.


I await your rebuttal.



I'm not keen on most anime save for a few such as Black Butler and Bleach.

I'm more into the TV series, not as much cartoons. But I like to have a whole assortment of shows from everywhere.



I don't watch much anime, but the anime I have seen I've enjoyed a lot. I don't really watch much TV in general, most of my time is wasted on gaming or internetting instead.




COUNTING ERROR DETECTED! You were meant to say 69!




Hey, you managed to fix the counting error! You rightfully skipped 70 because a previous post repeated a number and set the count behind. Well done! You gain 21 respect points.



I think we missed a number...



Funnily enough, this post is completely accurate. 75 is the correct number. It's this post...

Just go!



... that messed up your count and made you fall behind by 1. And just after you successfully managed to fix a previous counting error too!




This is the source of our confusion! 



You even identified the source of the previous counting error! Too bad you didn't realize about the second one. Still, that's worthy of an additional 42 respect points, for a total of 63 respect points.




42 is gonna hammer us for it, I PLEAD THE FIFTH

I hope that works

You're completely innocent. You weren't the cause of the counting errors. In fact, it was Assassin/Simon who was responsible for it both times! I'm sorry, Assassin/Simon, but I'm going to have to revoke your counting privileges for 42 seconds as punishments for your horrible deeds.



I plead not guilty by reason of insanity!



You please not guilty? Not only are you innocent, you were able to identify and neutralize a previous counting error! Sure, you missed the second one, but I still have to commend you for your efforts. That's what those 63 respect points are for!




FortyTwo knows, he'll sort it out. He always knows when we skip numbers.

Too bad, we're usually way out in front by the time it's even useful.  :toldya:

Way ahead of you. Here's a tip if you suspect a counting error: Go to the first post of the page, note the number on the first post on that page, then go backwards or forwards one page. If the number on the first post of the new page is 20 more or less (depending on which which way you go), then you're counting correctly. This helps you quickly find the page the counting error is on, so you only have to search 20 posts instead of 92. However, this method will fail if within one page, a counting error occurs but is also fixed before the next page, but in that case the counting error has fixed itself, so you don't need to worry much anyway. I'll still shout at you for such counting errors, though.




HAHA! Double dethrone!

Nope. Due to the counting errors, this is actually post 85. The post before this one was the double dethrone. Sorry, but the glory of the double dethrone goes to Stormgiggle instead.



126 is our next milestone I'm pretty sure. Though there was once a time when I was quite good at my 42 times tables!  ^_^


42, 84, 126, 168, 210, 252, 294, 336, 378, 420, 462, 504, 546, 588, 630, 672, 714, 756, 798, 840, 882, 924, 966, 1008, 1050, 1092, 1134, 1176, 1218, 1260, 1302, 1344, 1386, 1428, 1470, 1512, 1554, 1596, 1638, 1680, 1722, 1764, 1806, 1848, 1890, 1932, 1974, 2016, 2058, 2100, 2142, 2184, 2226, 2268, 2310, 2352, 2394, 2436, 2478, 2520, 2562, 2604, 2646, 2688, 2730, 2772, 2814, 2856, 2898, 2940, 2982, 3024, 3066, 3108, 3150, 3192, 3234, 3276, 3318, 3360, 3402, 3444, 3486, 3528, 3570, 3612, 3654, 3696, 3738, 3780, 3822, 3864, 3906, 3948, 3990, 4032, 4074, 4116, 4158, 4200. Hopefully that helps jog your memory!


Next time I probably shouldn't do that by hand. I could probably write a simple program to do the first million multiplications of 42 for me easily. Shall I do that?



Something for 42'S Freakout:



Sorry, this isn't actually a freakout. It's just a mass comment response to alleviate the workload when I do freakout next.



I stop looking at the forums for a little bit, and then this happens! 

I know exactly how you feel, Dovashy. This same thing happens to me too.



Hm.. How much have you guys won this game this month? Did the plan work?



Damn! What will it take to distract you Dova? Surely you could've held back a little longer?  ^_^ 

I've lost count. Probably three or four freakouts in your absence. You can always check the first post for up-to-date dethrone statistics!





You should know by now that this game is a 24 hour, seven day a week commitment. If you slip for even a second, we'll have you!



Yeah, I've noticed. That I've been coming on these forums every second day lately sure didn't help matters. But that stops now! With Crimson back, I know I can't afford to be careless anymore! I'm back in full force!





Why so many errors lads?

I'm not even going to bother pointing out all the counting errors around this post. I'm just going to quote this post and say you should be ashamed of yourselves.



I think I'll try my hand later on when FortyTwo and Dova go to bed..

Hehehe.. Hahahehe... Huahahahaaaa!!!

*clears throat*

Until then, you'd best install some industrial strength barricades to stop us.


Now.. To get onto that packing..


You okay, there? For a moment, you seemed to be overcome by a fit of insanity. Anyway, you should know by now we don't use industrial strength barricades. We use final bosses. Preferably Elder Dragons, but they're impossible to find nowadays...




Muffin mode deactivated

Those words are actually very scary... A lot scarier than you typically think a sentence with the word 'muffin' in it can be.




Favourite Princesses

1. Princess Luna

2. Princess Cadance

3. Princess Twilight Sparkle

4. Princess Celestia


Oh, I see Twilight is only your third favorite princess! Where I live, that's a hangable offence!  :okiedokielokie:




Twilight is second on my 'best princess' list, following Luna and followed by Celestia and Cadance. Please tell me I did not commit any hangable offences!



Scheming doesn't work, weirdness has become ineffective, the spirit of Christmas doesn't leave us any mercy...

I think the only solution at this point is 'Fluttershy + trauma'. Lots of trauma. Observe:


We cannot let her tyranny run any further, my fellow comrades. Only trauma, is the answer.



No! Stop! STOP! You're making me use up all my liquid pride! Dovashy, whatever you do, don't look at this post! I was fortunate enough to come out of this with some sanity intact because it wasn't targeted at me. It's targeted at you, so if you watch it... Well, who knows, we may never see you again. So don't watch it! No matter what! Save yourself!


And regarding 'spirit of Christmas doesn't leave us any mercy'... see my above offer about two counts. Anyway, our lairs have been assaulted time and time again for a long time now. We've learned from these experiences and made our lairs stronger than ever because of it! That's why all your strategies are now failing!



I just noticed Crimson Cross has come back. That's not good news for us. Thank you, Dovashy, for defending my lair so well in my absence. I'm sorry for not helping very much in defending it. But now that Crimson has returned, rest assured that I will now help whenever I can in crushing them!


You still have no freakouts because you have no triple dethrones, but I might just respond to all of your comments anyway soon, since otherwise I'm going to have a massive backlog when you do finally triple dethrone. You got two double dethrones since last time, so that's already more posts to respond to than if you just got one triple dethrone.

Hi, me! How are you doing? No, I am not being egotistical nor insane! Why do you keep saying so?! Why do you keep denying it?! What is going on?! What am I doing?! What is reality?!?!




Well, in retrospect, this is rather odd. This isn't an official freakout, yet according to the character count, I've apparently put more effort into this post than any other post before it. I have a grand total of 7870 characters in this post! Why did I put so much effort into this post? Well, there you go. Be grateful. Don't forget to worship 42 everyday.

  • Brohoof 3


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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First off, how come I only get 4 respect points and stormgiggle has like, 105 (Combining the tesseract, counting fix, and counting source)

Second, I think muffin-mode is a shared thing among the post, and you have no actual use for it and can't revoke the use

Third, why exactly is muffin-mode scary?


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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Well this is an entertaining wake up post, it's too bad I plan on sending us to the next page.

We'll get there soon enough. It's only a matter of the right people at the right time.

For now I'll just boost us up a little. These small numbers can mean a lot in the end speed run!



Edited by The Crimson Cross


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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I've taken the liberty of organising my thread subscriptions, so that I can get the maximum thwarting on mobile from any place.

Also, we're more than one sixth of the way to getting a triple dethrone. 

It's only a matter of time before somebody slips.  :ph34r:



Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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