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ooc Fallout Equestria

Concerto Dusk

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You are both accepted. Never were need castles.

Now we need I meant.

Sage you need any NPC characters?

Here's one OC named Silver Rush. Doesn't like zebras. He hates em.




Here's a female npc


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Age: 25


race: Earth Pony

Appearance:Olive Green, tree brown mane

personality: oftens trys to talk his way out of trouble,friendly, and kindhearted, and haggler against merchants

Role: Non vault

Skills: Speech,barter,repair









Was born in a small Midwestern town to two merchants, and traveled the waste land doing trades in the family carvan of which he repaired weapons and armor untill he was 18 and he got attacked by raiders looking for a few snacks, was one of the survivors of the attack but after that raid the business fell apartment and he was forced to wander the waste where he met other friendly travelers and the would often have their own storys or journeys,so he decided to help other wastlanders that had storys and help end the troubles they have, he often helps other wastelanders get out of debt by talking, or over a few good storys, with the one they are in debt to,often known to talk his way out of conflict and get the best deals with fellow merchants.

Edited by Castle
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