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private Fallout Equestria

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/105366-fallout-equestria/


Vault 2, 200 years after the apocalypse. Night.

Sky Drill, a young pegasus, stands by the open door, surrounded by security and the Overmare. "I am leaving, I am a pegasus, and you cannot keep me in this cage, I know that you can survive out there." As the alarm blares, he backs out of the vault, the door slamming shut as he left.

Ok, vault dwellers, you have to escape now, non vault dwellers, y'all are in the area if sweet apple acres. This is the Equestrian Wasteland, enjoy your stay.

Edited by Kay Dreamer
Adding OOC link, removing OOC sentence

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Night Star a young zebra was busy searching in a barn for anything of value or use. He went up to the hay loft to look there. He scanned the area then walked to the back. He moved some old empty boxes and saw a old wooden trunk. "Couldn't hurt to look." He opened it and searched it.

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Event- item loot.


Items include two destroyed books. $5 pre war money, ruined clothes and a hmaster ball.


Take what you will, the barn is already raided if everything else.


(I need to find a better way of doing this, but until then this is hiw i will run the loot.)

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Night Star takes the pre war money and ruined clothes. "I guess I could sell the money and use the clothes as cloth or something." He walked around the barn some more. "Raiders must have gotten here first. Damnit" He climbed down and headed to the house. He stopped in front of it and looked in the window. "Nobody's in there" He said. He opened the door and walked in.

Edited by Lighting Bell
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(hello everypony PonygamesFluttershy here [reference to my channel])

Snowflake starts "prospecting" sweet apple acres and notices Night Star he then rolls behind some boxes hoping he doesn't get noticed Snowflake then mutters to himself "please be friendly" Snowflake continues to hide he then peaks his head and see's Night Star is gone Snowflake gives a sigh and stays on guard "hopefully there is a knife around here not sure how much longer I'm going to last" Snowflake opens some boxes

Edited by PonygamesFluttershy


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Night Star walks upstairs into a bedroom. He scans the area. "Nothing is in here" he walks out of the room. He walks into a other bedroom which appeared to have been a old women's. He walks over to a cabinet. "Looks promising" he said. He quickly opens it and finds.

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Event more loot


In the cabinet you find:


A cookie jar, a hamster food, a partial list. You also find a bolt, some blank paper and a book of the story of Cinderella. (My sister s watching it so it popped into my head lol, and damn it to hell, I need a better way to do the loots)

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"Damn I can't use any of this" Night Star said. He walks over to a foot locker ands tries to open it. Its locked. He heads downstairs to find something to break the lock. When he gets downstairs he finds a pony searching through some boxes. He draws his weapon "Who are you" he ordered.

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As he sses the outside workd for the first time, he sees a barn. Running up, he pulls his guns out, and checjs fir threats, assuming ti find a radroach or two. (Guys slow down a little, and let the others post so they can be introduced, ok giys? Thanks and sorry)

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Snowflake reaches into his robe..."huh where the buck is my knife" Snowflake gets in a defensive stance he looks at his pipbuck and checks the chance of disarming "nrrg not good" Snowflake then puts his hooves up "don't shoot don't shoot you wouldn't kill an unarmed stallion would you?"


(my laptop is near death and its my sisters birthday when the party starts I gotta get off)


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Saintly sinner was traveling through the wasteland when he came upon a deserted house and heard clanging from the place.


" humph. Probably just some chem-heads scraping over the last bit of jet. I'll let them be."


As he walked onward, he saw a stream. It had been awhile since he had drank and his canteen was out, but then again... If it was irradiated water, it would not bold well for him. He'd rather be at his pinnacle, than even suffer a slight case of radiation sickness.


Even so, he decided to sip a bit of it. It didn't taste bad. Like ordinary water. He didn't take too much.


Still, he could hear loud clanging from the house.


" hmmmm... Seems interesting enough. I guess I'll have a look." Saintly sinner walked toward the house, and peeked inside a window

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"I'm not gonna hurt you" Night Star said. "Now who are you" He keeps his gun raised but he hopes he won't have to use it. "What's your name? What are you doing here?" Night Star knew this pony was meaning no harm but he wasn't lowering his defense level. He knew lowering your gun on a stranger leads to death.

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Steel wings comes across a tree house in the middle of a farm, he flies down to it and goes in through the window, as he lands he can hear the floorboards creek under pressure.


He quickly trots over to a chest in the corner hoping to find something of use, the create has the letters CmC carved into it, he opens it to find...

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(Ok, if anyone of yall is on a computer invite al the rpers to a private chat. It will make loot a hell of a lot easier for me.)


The crates loot



A hamster cage, a book on cutie marks, a cape with the initials CMC embroidered onto it and a cart axle. You also find half a paper with numbers written on it.[ 8749 ]

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Snowflake stands there in a defensive stance and starts to lower it "oh good your not a Fiend I had a bad feeling you were one my name is Snowflake I'm just a wanderer I was trying to find a knife to repair my knife but I seemed to of miss placed it I'm pretty much worthless with out a knife so whats your name?"


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"My name is Night Star, as you can see I'm a zebra" He lowered his gun and holstered it. This pony was no harm. Yes I'm not a feind or a dangerous stallion." He got out a fresh apple he found on the way here. "Do you want an apple?" Night Star asked while smiling a friendly smile.

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(Ok, please.someone set up the chat like i asked, I cant seem to do it on my phone because my phone isn't letting me start chats right now. Also, when we all meet, we can either stick together or split up, that is up to which you pick.)



Seeing the barn, his pipbuck labels it as Sweet Apple Acres. "Strange name."hearing the commotion inside, he sees a zebra and another pony. As he goes to walk in, he feels a hit on the back of his head, and blacks out.






While everypony is talking, (this applies to all who have posted so far) a group of well armed slavers surround the group. "Drop your weapons, now. Stand against the wall, if you try anything, we will kill you." Twenty slavers point their weapins at you.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Snowflake smiled "sure glad to see somepony who isnt trying to steal my caps" Snowflake's eye widens "gasp get down we are not alone" Snowflake goes behind the boxes again "I saw somepony peaking there head by that window over there" Snowflake points to the window "he might be another prospector or he might be one of Caesar's! I don't want to be a slave do you know what they do to there slaves!" Snowflake shudders at the thought of being a slave we got three options we need to act fast either kill him, hide, or confrount him it up to you"

(you set an event minutes before I posted this)

"oh even better we got other prospectors around here plus armored slaves... oh no don't tell me they are from Caesar!"

(Ok, please.someone set up the chat like i asked, I cant seem to do it on my phone because my phone isn't letting me start chats right now. Also, when we all meet, we can either stick together or split up, that is up to which you pick.)

I can do that but how do I do it?

words words words words words words words dnhdfkj;lzbh jdszf wofjzdfkjdfvnhsdj dfoihfjklf nfb jn odfsn odkf dfo diof nldkfs odfsi   ;ifndo ndfk ndsf kojdf po nm donj kldfnmodfnb odfn dl dfn dfnf ipodfsn lkdf d nf dndf 

Edited by PonygamesFluttershy


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Saintly sinner saw snowflake and night star through the window. One had a gun trained on the other, but then lowered it. Fellow wastelanders? That may be friendly? Hmmm... Now this... This was rare indeed. Sinner expected it to end blood spilling. He continues t watch through the window. If they were the least bit perceptive, they'd notice him watching them. Perhaps they already had. It didn't matter. He meant them no harm as long as they didn't mean him any either.


The skin under the bandanna on his left upper hoof started to itch. It had been a full two months since he'd carved that old tattoo out of his skin. He'd hope no one would remember who he was. But then again, who around here knew about the 80's tribe?


He reached into his courrier pouch and got a ciggerete pack. Hard to come by. He only smoked when he knew he could enjoy it. He walked around to the front of the barnhouse and sat. If they came through that way, they would meet him.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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(Invite all of the rp to a chat and Dusk Shade as well, I will explainbwhy later. Second the slavers have surrounded everypony qho has posted. Excwpt me, they just knocked the ignorant vault dweller unconscious. Also, i forgot who the zebra is, but you zebras automatically hate Luna and refer to her as Nightmare Moon. Also, the slavers work for RedEye. He will not be mentioned until later though.)


The slavers fir off a warning shot. "We said drop your weapons. We will kill you, we already got a nice pegasus, as rare as they are supposed to be, you all are just a bonus."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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(I could PM all of us if you want I don't know about a computer invite. If cursing isn't allowed I will stop)

Night Star throws his hoofs in the air and gets against the wall. "Fuck.....fuck fuck fuck" He says angrily. "Damn slavers. You will not hurt us. I know a zebra that will hunt you down and kill all of you." The zebra was not lying. Being out in the wasteland has its advantages.

Edited by Lighting Bell
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Snowflake gets out from behind the boxes and walks outside with his hooves up "alright alright you got us who do you work for might I ask" Snowflake mutters to himself "I'm noponies slave I would kill myself then be a slave but looks like that's not an option here"


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Great.... Now some slavers had shown up. He continued to smoke his cig.


He spoke to them. " and just what would you want with me? I'm hardly fit to be a slave."



He could feel that they heard the sheer audacity in his voice. He didn't care. Thankfully, he knew exactly how to bull$#*+ morons like this.


" you know..." He spoke. " it's a really bad idea to stand there.... Considering I claimed this place as my home, I took preventive measures to make sure no one else may safely stand here... You see, buried under the ground are mines that have synced up with my pipbuck"


He raised the pipbuck as if to press a button.



" I've lived a full life. Can you say the same? Want to join me in hell?"



He hoped the bluff worked.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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(Sage I'm the zebra. My names Night Star)

"Who do you work for?!" Night Star asked rage filled. He hated slavers with a burning passion. If I get a chance I'll kill all of you he thought to himself. "Answer me" he said taking one step forward.

(Please don't make 'em shoot me)

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(Sorry to all, but for the sake of the story, your fucked. And fine, they wont shoot you, but you.may widh they did.)


The slavers stared at the stallion laughing. "We've been watching this place for months, ain't no damned mines here. To the zebra, three slavers, one armed with a sledgehammer, one with a shovel, and one with a baseball bat, proceed to beat te living hell out of him. "We warned you. Now will you come quietly?" (Sorry Lightning and whoever can get the pm up, please do.)

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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