Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 "these will work can't really ease his pain but the healing potion should get him back on his hooves I hope he doesn't get addicted to this stuff" Snowflake puts the Chems and medicinal supplies in a sattle bag he then carries the sattle bag "alright don't worry Night just a bit longer" Snowflake sneaks back to the shack "Night you still with the living?" (oh don't worry I have no plans on leaving the group Snowflake is most trusting to Night and Sky and is least trusting to Steel so he will stay with those two or if Night goes off on his own Snowflake will probably join him) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concerto Dusk 240 August 1, 2014 Author Share August 1, 2014 (Well, depending on the group size the enemies will change around. Like in borderlands. As of right now, the encampment holds twenty slavers with no guns. All melee weapons. They will also be holding nothing but their weapons. Five have machetes, two have sledgehammer, six have spears, seven have pocket knives.) So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss. mirrorwing obsidian wing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anon In Equestria 57 August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 Steel grabs his gun and anything else that was his, also the note and the pvc piping, he quickly slides that onto his back and loads his pistol. "I'll take those caps if your interested" Steel then lifts the cape from out of his bag and holds it up, showing of the CMC Logo. "Also grab your weapons from her were gonna need them if we want to burn this place down" He then looks at saintly with a grim smile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concerto Dusk 240 August 1, 2014 Author Share August 1, 2014 "Caps, ammo, take whichever, I just want that cape. As for the rest if you, I am going back to the barn, and taking whatever I can. As for burning the place down to the ground, I would rather avoid it. Killing other ponies, I really do not think I caould do that so callously." So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss. mirrorwing obsidian wing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 (Sorry I ain't been posting but I was suspended for 2 days) "Yeah I'm still here" Night takes the healing powder. "I don't think I'm the right condition to fight. Snowflake if you want you can travel the roads with me. I trust me life with you." Night Star feels his ribs. "They took a lot of fire out of me." Night grabs his pistol from the mare. "Damn bitch" he says to the mare's body. (Feels good to be back. That was a long 2 days) TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (how the bloody hell did you get suspended? meh I really need to stop with this Australian accent) "I will travel by your side I will ensure no pony hurts you and if they do the last thing they will see is there slit throat" Snowflake takes the splint "now Night this is going to hurt just for a bit but you should feel better after a few days" Snowflake applies splint onto Nights torso "there your looking better already now your probably wondering why I want to be your body guard and why I'm going through all this just to help you well there is a reason I was at that barn not to find a new knife but I was searching for you and I found you..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (I got suspended for insulting a guy on here) "Thanks but I can carry myself you don't have to protect me often. And why the hell were you searching for me?" Night Star looked at Snowflake confused. He looked down and ran a hoof through his mohawk that alot of zebras had. "What did you want me for?" TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 "*sigh* its story time then you see many years ago I was on my own I was but a small colt so I had no choice but to become a mercenary I would take contracts and in return I would get caps to eat mostly were just vandalism or threatening but one day came this stallion came to me giving me a contract to kill a couple of Zebras and capture there son I had never killed anything but a radroach so I took it up he promised a high pay and mentioned another merc will be joining me" Snowflake stairs at Night then sighs "when I arrived we had asked for his son and that he would be spared he pulled a gun on me in fear I shot him first then I shot the mother still in fear I had never seen such a thing or felt such a sickness I never used a gun ever since that moment in my life I told him that others were coming and the mission is a bust we had to get out of there before we got caught as we ran off I heard a faint voice couldn't make out what it said but I had to get out of there" Snowflake sits down and closes his eye "the stallion refused to pay us because we didn't capture the Zebra after that I just left town in fear the other merc would kill me I kept the picture of the Zebra I was to capture and hoped to find him the Zebras name was Night Star and I found you, you see I killed your parents" Snowflake pulls out his knife "the reason I was searching for you was to let your parents rest at ease please do it" Snowflake hands Night his knife "do it for your parents" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) Night Star looked at the knife. Tears started to roll down his face. He looked back up at Snowflake. " were..the son of a bitch that marched straight into my. MY! Tribe's lands walked straight into my fucking hut and killed my father and then shot my mom while your bastard friend and the rest of your squad destroyed and slaughtered all of my god damn home and my tribe. I hope you know that I killed your mercenary friends." Night takes the knife. "I should kill you right now...but I won't." Night throws the knife across the room. "My parents and my tribe have taught me to forgive the ponies that are haunted by the things they do to you." Night picks Snowflake up. "But I'm not letting you off easy." Night spins around on one hoof and kicks Snowflake in the gut with his right hind leg. "Now lets get going." Night smiles at Snowflake. Edited August 2, 2014 by Lighting Bell TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (edited) Snowflake stands up "my friend? he was not a friend of mine as for the organization I don't support anything but money I was unaware they slaughtered your people I was poor and contracts had been coming in very slow I was afraid I would die if I didn't accept it, even though I didn't get paid how I survived is a long story maybe for another time" Snowflake retrieves his knife "the weight of yet another soul that other mercenary died for me and he did nothing" Snowflake takes the picture of Night with the bounty still written on it "if your not going to kill me then I will make sure no mercenary or anything shale harm you" Snowflake puts his knife away "let us depart but I think we should take some others with us less of a chance we get attacked we also should find water we wont survive long with out it" Edited August 2, 2014 by PonygamesFluttershy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concerto Dusk 240 August 2, 2014 Author Share August 2, 2014 "Snowflake, I will go with you,I am just waiting for Steel's answer, and I ask that we return to the barn. If thatis accepted, I will join you." Sky drill, looks at them knowing he is not a desirable ally, as he is fresh from the stable, and without his mark, he doesnt even kniw ehat he can do. So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss. mirrorwing obsidian wing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 "Yeah I think we can stop at the barn." "Hey Steel you comin?" Night Star says. Night Star waited for Steel's reply. Night Star looked down at his ribs. "Swelling went down a bit." He whispers. Night Star picked up his pistol and put it back in the holster. "Sooo you comin' Steel?" TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 "are you sure we can trust Steel he took some of our equipment and made us buy them off of him... well if you guys can trust him that's fine he can come along I guess as long as he isn't auctioning my stuff" Snowflake turns to Saintly "hey you we are forming a party we could use an extra gun care to join us?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concerto Dusk 240 August 2, 2014 Author Share August 2, 2014 I only want the cape. I do not want him with us. Also, wouldn't a smaller group be better so we can stay hidden? And when we get to the barn, I want to check the area, it is right outside my stable so I am extremely curious about what is happening here. Thanks by the way." So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss. mirrorwing obsidian wing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 (almost called you mirror)"Sky think about it put your hooves in the shoes of a thief what would you rather rob a small group of ponies or a large group of ponies staying together in this hell hole would be best as for sneaking no pony can sneak better in Equestria then me so we should be fine in a large group we all have different destinations though my only concern is keeping Night alive we can head to the barn maybe they have good stuff there for us" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 "Yeah if we band together and stick together we might survive. I don't want you all watching my back constantly. Now before we leave does anypony know where to get some more firepower? Cause we ain't gonna last long with pistols and knives." Night Star looks at the group. TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concerto Dusk 240 August 2, 2014 Author Share August 2, 2014 (Fluttershy, you know we are all level 1 right? All the stats are the same for a.level 1, so you can't sneal better than any of ust who chose sneak as a primary skill. I know that this will probably get blocked or removed, this post but it needs to be said because it sounds like people don't realize.) So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss. mirrorwing obsidian wing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 "Well does anyone know a place to get some real guns?" Night Star looks at the group. "The sooner we get guns the longer we live." Night asks everyone. Night Star had a rifle but it broke on the way to the barn. Night was trying to remember where he got the rifle from. Night was better at rifles and revolvers more than any other guns so those are the guns he needed. TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 (edited) (Dammit Mirror hehe alright then sometimes I forget this is just a game Snowflake is a forgotten Legend in my fan fic I wrote so I try to make him awesome at something when I do a RP) "hmm I got an idea we could salvage the Vault 34 armory the entire vault maybe covered in radiation and everypony inside were turned into ghouls but from what I heard about what they keep in there they have some great variety of weapons and ammo we would be set for a long time... or we could check the barn hopefully find some Rad-X and Radaway along with rifles and other supplies what ever we do I'm with you guys tell the bitter end" Edited August 3, 2014 by PonygamesFluttershy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concerto Dusk 240 August 3, 2014 Author Share August 3, 2014 "What the hell is a ghoul? That does not sound good, not good at all. And vaults, ugh I can't fly in those. Whatever, after I get the cape we head out, I dont care, I want that damned cape, it has significance to me. As for rad away, if we are giing irradiated are, good idea." So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss. mirrorwing obsidian wing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 "oh so you don't know about them? well that's a surprise because some ghouls are civil well you know the effects of radiation poisoning right? your vision starts to blur and you feel weak if this continues you will feel weaker and breathing wont be easy and then finally you die but sometimes you don't you become a ghoul cursed to look like a corpse for the rest of your days to make it worse your lifespan is extended but if your turn into one you need to keep a calm mind otherwise you will become unreasonable and turn hostile to anything that moves" Snowflake grins "but I would mind being a ghoul it wouldn't be all bad radiation would be healthy for me and I wouldn't have to take Rad-X anymore that stuff... I don't know how someponies can get addicted to that" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 "Are you sure the barn has Rad away? I mean that barn looks pretty old and raiders seem to have been there." Night says to Snowflake. "I won't be surprised if they got a few rifles but where would we find them he searched the barn the house everywhere you were." Night Star points to Sky Drill. "But if we get 'em I'm on board going into the Vault." TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vae Victis 742 August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 The rest had left him behind. Saintly spat to the side. Great. Looks like this just got complicated. It was night and many slavers were asleep. Good. He wasn't the best sneak, but he wasn't dumb, and knew to be slow and prone, not to alert anyone who was awake. This place would burn, and even if he couldn't kill all of them, he'd cripple their operations. Sneaking around from tent to tent, he finds a footlocker at the end of a bedroll, unoccupied. He tries to open it. Thankfully, it's unlocked. He finds inside the locker: ( sage, care to help me out?) In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concerto Dusk 240 August 3, 2014 Author Share August 3, 2014 (Welllll, since i am so nice, I will do two things for you. First, everyone will be getting a unique weapon. However, it can only be crafted by one, caharcter specifically. None of us are it. Second, I will give everyone one single goodbthing the next time they check a chest. It depends on how you play, and if you can take a hint as to how good it is.) Finally, you find a piece of gold plated scrap metal, three feet long, six inches wide. In the chest you find.... a book, the divine comedy with the name viril on it, you also find razor boomerang. (If anyone has seen mad max, they know what I mean.) So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss. mirrorwing obsidian wing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 August 3, 2014 Share August 3, 2014 (edited) (Sage can you reword what you said) "Does anyone know where to search that orchard for the right supplies?" Night Star asks the group. Night Star didn't think there would be any Rad-X. Rifles maybe but Rad-X no. "What if there is no Rad Away on the farm. Then what do we do?" Night Star asks the group. Edited August 3, 2014 by Lighting Bell TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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