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private Life in Equestria

Lightning Bliss

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(OOC Sign up for this RP here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/105588-life-in-equestria/)


(OOC RP, there is an event going on at Rainbow Falls town, might know of it, the trading festivel)




With her saddle bags strapped to her sides, and her pink steampunk like goggles firmly attatched to protect her eyes, Lightning Bliss fluttered down from the upper atmospher of the clouds, having just spotted the bright rainbowy effect of the falls in the distance. "Phew, Rainbow Falls town..." she panted slightly as she spotted the cute magestic town.


Already she could see locals getting their tents and booths up, anxious to get the trading festivities underway. She smiled that the activity would soon be fully active, and she was only relieved to know that, in curtousy to Princess Cadence, her booth was already setup and waiting, she merely had to stock it with her artwork and collectebles of crystal rocks. She spotted a good open spot to land near the activity and slowly hovered down till she made ground level and landed on both hooves.


Almost immideatly there was a commotion of her arrivel as a few crystal ponies and locals came up to her asking for her autogrph, but she quickly teleported away from the attention, landing right in the front of her booth to a big sigh of relief. "That was close phew!" She wiped the sweat from her brow and pulled her goggles off her eyes and had them set on her forehead. She looked at her booth, it nicely decorated with the rainbow colors of her cutiemark. There was even a little banner at the front of the shelf that stated "Welcome to Princess Lightning Bliss's Artwork Booth!" She blushed a bit, and quickly trotted inside to unpack the flat boxes that held all her finished canvas.


"I just hope the locals would be willing to trade paintings of dragons, gryphons and draconequss..." she sighed, already doubting her art talent as she began hanging the bigger pieces, while moving the smaller ones to esles to the front of the booth.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, Melody flew lesurely to the Rainbow Falls town, for the trading festival. Her saddlebags were packed with various items that she hoped to swap for artwork and fashion items. Melody was a famous singer who was at the moment between tours, and taking a break from her shows in order to rest and recuperate. However, the trading festival was not to be missed at any cost. Melody had picked up some good stuff the previous year and she wasn't going to miss a single festival. She always made sure that her tours were placed around it. Looking about, Melody found a good spot to land and did so.


"I wonder if that brilliant artist is about?" Melody thought. She had bought some brilliant pictures from Lightning Bliss' stall the previous year, handing over some jewels in exchange. She had brought some this year, but had other items as well, as it was never a good idea to just assume that a vendor would accept the same thing two years running. Walking thru the fair, Melody saw Lightning Bliss' stall and her eyes lit up in pleasure. She lost no time in making her way over there.


"Hi," Melody said with a smile to the alicorn mare. "Nice to see you here again."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"The trading featival....I wonder if I should risk going....what guise to use"? He thoight on this for half an hiur before choosing his form. He walked from his home as a tall unicorn with a coat of grey and mane black. He wore a silver cloak out of habit. "I shall call myself...Smoky Sky...that's stupid. Oh well."




Echo was on his way to perform an illusion show in Canterlot when he decided to check out the Trrading Festival for the first time in his life, bringing with him a truck filled with ornate dresses and a dragon skull he had obtained a month earkier.

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Rag Stitch was wondering aimlessly as usual thing for him But this time he was wondering about in the mountains, which was new to him. As he walked he soon came upon an open valley that had a small town with clouds that were pouring rainbows all around it. Rags eyes were wider then dinner plates in amazement. He quickly ran towards the town to get a better look. 


It didn't take him to long to reach the town. He runs towards the lake of rainbow and poked it with a hoof. This was the first time he ever touched a rainbow so he was petty dang giddy. He started laughing as he moved his hoof around in the liquid rainbow.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss had just finished setting up her booth and opened her bags to pull out some much needed sandwiches and chocolate milk (curtousy of her husband), when she looked up upon hearing a familiar voice.


"Oh hello to you!" Bliss spoke in a muffle of a sandwich sticking out of her mouth, "Mmm.. sorry!" She placed the sandwich down on her chair. "Nice to see you again, forgive me if I'm not that familiar with your name?" She pawed the ground shyly, "I was never that good remembering names the first time around. What brings you here to my hummble little booth?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss, Melody smiled at Lightning. "My name is Melody," she replied. "I came to your booth last year to buy some paintings. This year... well, I'm sketching out ideas for my next tour, and I'd like the stage show to be based round a dragon theme. So if I could perhaps trade some items to give my designers some ideas?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


The white alicorn's face went bright pink at the ask of a trade for something that beneficial. "Me-Melody? The traveling singer?!" she coughed in the excitment, "I'm so hummble to meet you again! Wow you're having a concernt here soon? That's just awsome! I do hope I don't miss it if I get the chance to stay as long as possible. But really, your designers need insperation from my work? Oh my...surely they can do so without my silly pieces..."


At that she levitated a medium sized canvas about 12x24incs of a piece that was much inspired by her husband. It deplicted a powerful male draconquus. It look like a menacing creature with the head of a dragon, the horns of a ram, the body of a tiger, the leg of a chicken, a leg of a sheep and dragon...and the wings were of a bat and a pegasus... Yet inspite of the scary looking creature, he was actually soft and gentle in the face and eyes...He was handing out flowers to a group of school fillies playing in a field, like the one her home was settled on.


"I know this piece is a bit...well soft at times, but I got some admiration for the desigon of this specimen." She pointed at the draconequus. "But forgive me, you said you wanted dragons?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss, "I could incorporate the subject of the painting into the designs," Melody replied, with a smile. "I'm flexible. I could also see to trading tickets for the concert, if you would like to attend. Your crystals that I traded last year were the perfect inspiration for my designers for last year's tour, so I figured I could do worse than come to your stall again."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony,


"I think you made my day here already Miss Melody," Bliss smiled back, her eyes shut in a beaming expression of joy. "Well if its dragon pictures you want, feel free to browse, in exchange for a ticket I think is more then fair! Here are some of my latest works too if your interested." She then proceeded to levitate out a few more various paintings of different sizes. The largest of them, was a painting of a red dragon, doing battle against a hive of changlings, and using a blue and red fire to hold her own against a massive attack.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Storm Rush flew to the trader's exchange. "Ugh...not really much to do here..." He said as he landed. He saw many items that ponies were trading, including a white alicorn who was talking to somepony else. Storm thought of Thunder Dash who had gone to this Alicorn's birthday. 

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@@Lightning Bliss, "Oh, wow!" Melody exclaimed. "I love love love this painting!" She looked it over and over again. "I simply must have it! I'm sure too that I could get the most marvellous stage costumes to match the stage show! Yes, I definitely have to have this painting. Here are two tickets to the concert; one for you, and one for anypony you wish to bring with you." Melody used her teeth to delicately open a saddlebag, and a hoof to take out two tickets to the concert.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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When rag was done poking the liquid rainbow, he wiped of his hoof on the grass and pulled out an empty jar from his saddlebags. Then he filled it up with liquid rainbow and sealed it tightly and put it back in his bag. Everywhere he went, Rag liked to collect things. He gets up and looks around a little more. When he did he could see a bunch of tents set up all around with ponies giving each other random things. He tilts his head and heads over to see what was going on.
As he was walking he pulled out his rag doll, Dishcloth, and hold her close to himself as he got near large groups of ponies. Rag looks at all the things ponies were giving each other with curiosity. @@Pripyat Pony,  And cause he was looking about and not where he was going, he bumped into a purple mare. When that happen he quickly got in a small ball and hold his rag doll out in front of him as protection from the backlash. "I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!"
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@@Gloomfury, Melody turned as somepony bumped into her. She could see the pony meant no harm, but obviously he expected her to get mad. "Don't be worried!" she said, kindly. "It was an accident. Are you here for the trading fair? My name is Melody, what's your name?" She thought that the stranger was a little shy.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony,


 Rag slowly looks at the mar over his rag doll when she seemed like she wasn't anger with him. He slowly stand and holds Dishcloth closer to him. "I-I'm Rag Stitch. And what's a trading fair? I was walking around the mountains and I saw this rainbow town. I like rainbows so I wanted to visit." He said with a small smile." I even got to touch one! I never touched a rainbow before!" Then he reached into his bag and pulled out the jar with the liquid rainbow." I even filled up this jar with it for my collection of things." He said with a proud smile.

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@@Pripyat Pony, @@Gloomfury,


"Is everything ok you two?" Bliss poked her head over the counter of her booth to see a small pony with a ragdoll and Melody helping him up. "Aww what a cute doll you have there!" She exclaimed as she admired the handcraft stitching. "Did you make it yourself? It's really adorable! Reminds me of a unicorn sock doll I used to have but...I lost it long ago. Oh my manners," she shook her head and fluttered out of her booth and landed just next to Melody. "Hello Rag Stitch, I'm Lightning Bliss! This is your first time to the rainbow falls? it's a second for me honestly... I really love it here too, it's just so...peaceful."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Pripyat Pony,


Rag looked towards the strange, white short unicorn with wings and a long tail. But smiles when she complemented his doll. He puts his jar down and holds her up. "I did! And thank you. She was the first thing I even made." He gave his doll a light hug and then hold her out to Bliss. "This is Dishcloth, she's my best friend. Say hi Dishcloth." He waves one of her hooves at Bliss.

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Bliss giggled and waved back to the little doll, then a hopeful spark flickered in her eyes.


"Excuse me if I'm so bold Rag Stitch! But um... do you happen to make dolls similar to this?" She asked hopefully, "I was wondering if you have a booth here at the festivel! Or...oh wait...I'm sorry, you said you just got here." She sat down a bit in dissapointment, "Darn...I was really hoping you might actually be willing to make me a doll...if you could, in exchange of a fair equal trade, maybe one of my art pieces. But I understand if it's too much of an inconvience."


She then levitated Melody's art piece, quickly wrapping it up with her magic in brown paper to keep it from getting scratched and handed it to the fine singer.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Rag didn't have to think about it. "Sure! I like sewing things. I'll make a doll for you." Then he look at her paintings. " And you're paintings are really pretty. But you don't have to give me anything. Plus I don't really have anywhere I can hang a painting. I mostly sleep in between buildings and in parks, so it'll just get ruined."

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@@Gloomfury, @@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss raised her head after handing Melody's picture to her, and slowly looked at Rag Stitch when he mentioned living...quite litterally on the streets. "Oh...I'm...I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you're-" she quickly caught herself, coughing lightly, "no no! I insist a fair trade if you really can make me a doll. It is the rules of the Festivel, that's why its known as the Trading Festivel, you give me something, in exchange something from me in return that you want. Um... if a picture isn't exactly the ideal thing you'd want um...Aha!" She quickly pulled out the second ticket Melody gave her.


"How about this? It's a ticket to Melody's concernt here! She's a traveling singer, and I she really is amazing. How about it? I trade you one of my tickets for a doll!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss,


 Rag looks at the ticket. "Thank you. But you really don't have to give it to me. I'm sure you'll want to go with a friend or something. Really, I don't need anything. Other then the fabric to make your doll. Because I don't have any. " He said with a smile. Rag hates to be a bother on others and he would always help others out. Even if he had nothing but a grain of rice he would give it away in a heartbeat if it could help someone out. Or if they asked for it.

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*Personality changed to Deja Vu*

"Excuse me Miss Melody but if you are intrested in dragons...then perhaps this piece might interest you". She pulled out the dragon's skull with her magic. I accuired it not long ago from a mountaineer about a mobth back. "If you'd lke it , it is yours, dear".

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"Please, I insist!" She levitated the ticket to him, taking his hoof gently, extending it out, and placed the ticket on it. "Besides I don't have any friends with me attending the festivel. I really don't have much use for a second ticket. But hey, how about you come with me since I don't have any company to go there?" She smiled to him affectionantly, feeling like she was making another friend already.


"As for fabric well... I'm afraid I don't have any in my saddle bags..." She then looked up and realized where they were. The rainbow town was stocked full of boths and trading. "There has got to be a booth around here that sells the supplies you need... Maybe I can trade some of my pics to get the supplies you need... Hmm..." She quickly then levitated out a few of her paintings and placed them in her saddle bags, then in turn placed her bags on her back. "Come with me, let's go search for some fabric!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


Rag looks at the ticket in his hoof. He smiles and puts it in his saddlebag. When Bliss started talking about looking for fabric he put his jar of liquid rainbow back in his bag. "Okay." He kept holding onto Dishcloth and moves closer to Bliss. "Can I walk close to you? I'm not good in crowds."

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The alarm clock started ringing. "No... J-Just a few more minutes... of sleep.." Oreo mumbled, covering his head with a pillow. However, the clock didn't cease ringing and conqsequently, he accidentally knocked it over. He got up almost immediately after it broke onto the wooden floor. "OHHH NO... I BROKE MY CLOCK..." he said, trying to remember how expensive it was.


Then Oreo looked at the calender., "Today is... THE FESTIVAL?! HOW COULD I FORGET?! Uh, err, umm... Okay FESTIVAL." The colt slipped on his cap, packed his necessary things and stormed his way out the door. He sprinted as fast as his hooves could carry him towards the train station. After grabbing his ticket, he jumped into the train, just before it started moving. "Phew," Oreo sighed in relief and took a seat.

After about a half-hour the train arrived to the station nearest to Rainbow Falls Town. He smiled and trotted his way towards the town.

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(OOC last post for me tonight! We're off to a good start! And...couldn't help but notice everypony is centering on the Rainbow Town where I started at... LOL peeps you can go anywhere you want! Long as its Equestria! Good night!)


"Sure I don't mind!" She smiled, beaming at him.


She wasn't sure why, or what made her feel so high spirited today. It could be the beauty of the rainbow falls, or the friendly company, or the fact Melody was one of her first to trade and gain something just as exciting in return, or all of the above. But she was happy to accept the beaming smile. At this point she felt like she was glowing bright as Celestia's sun.


"So where abouts are you staying lately Mr. Stitch?" She asked switching to a more modern name for him since she barely did know him, and didn't feel comfortable just yet addressing him as Rag.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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