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private Life in Equestria

Lightning Bliss

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@@Lightning Bliss,


 Rag raised an eyebrow when being called mister. "You can call me Rag. And I don't really know yet." He looked around a bit till he saw a place he could sleep for the night. He points to a short bridge. "I might sleep under that bridge. It seems like it can block rain or snow."

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Echo *Personality changed to Echo*


"Miiscalanous supplies, miscalanous supplies", he yelled at the top of his lungs. "Gems, wood, fabric, paint...we got it", he starts singing while juggling various objects on his rear hooves for no appearent reason.




He arrived at the festival to the sound of yelling and singing. "Pherhhaps I should not have come...", he sighs as he stands by a rainbow watchong the festival.

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Her ears dropped as he pointed to the bridge. It may be able to do what he said, but it wouldn't keep him warm or cool should any polteitnal weather come their way.


"I...don't mean to be so bold, um, Rag..." she placed a wing over him then in a comforting way, "but I don't see that working out for you very well...What if a storm or winter spell did come? Sure the bridge would protect you from the first effects, but not from freezing..." She sighed and thought it over then, wondering what her husband would think after what she was about to suggest.


"I know it's none of my business but...Well I have reserved a place at a guest house in Rainbow Falls town, during the festivities. It only has one bed, but I'm sure we could set up a sleeping bag for you. You could stay with me for the few nights. Long as you don't mind a sleeping bag on the floor?" She giggled a bit, "It's not that I would mind sharing the bed, but my husband would!"


-- Meanwhile in Vanhoover Town --


The town of Vanhoover was dark this afternoon, a small thunderstorm had rolled in earlier but downed its rainy effects. Still the atmosphere gave off a heavy sad vibe, as the stallion trudged through the muddy paved road, yanking on a lead, of a chimera following obidently, though terrified, behind him. Many of the ponies that were still out and about spotted as the hooded figure unicorn in armor lead his prisioner down the road, all scared of the creature he had with him, but more so of how the unicorn presented himself. His destination quickly located, he entered the fruit and pastry shop of an earth pony.


The stallion, a more elderly fellow, with a gray coat and yellow mane and tail, had just finished putting his baked goods away, and was starting on the pastries of pies and cupcakes, when he heard the familiar door chime of a customer entering his shop.


"Good afternoon!" He called without looking, "be right with you, I just need to get my old flanks off this stepladder, in my old age I can be a bit slo-" he stopped as he turned, after getting off the ladder. There in front of him...was the Monster Hunter he hired not more then a few days ago..."Ch-Chase Razor? Back so soon and you caught...the-"


"Yes I did...as you requested of me old stud..." Chase threw his hood off, revealing his red eyes and annoyed, firm expression. Still levitating the lead with his magic, he jerked the Chimera creature forward. It was a female, with the head of a lioness, a doe, and her tail was that of a simple gardner snake. The overall color she was, was of light brown, green and fawn pale.


"Please...please don't hurt us!" The doe head cried out, being the only head free to move. Her two other sisters were bonded, with their mouths sealed closed by tight bindings. "We were just hungry...the baker smelled so good...we only stole a little bit for-"


"SILENCE BEAST!" Razor snorted and jerked the doe's lead hard, making her fall forward in a whimper.


"Is that...ahem...necissary...Mr. Razor?" The shop owner asked, feeling a great deal of pity for the creature now that he's seen her and realized the truth. The chimera was horribly skinny and malnurished. "If she was just hungry... I'm sure we can figure this out."


"Old stud you're trying my patience... I caught the beast... Now it's your turn..." Chase snorted, smiling as he proceeded to tie the lead of the chimera to a pole in the store so she couldnt' escape. "I caught your bread stealer. In exchange..."


"Yes yes...Um...remember as I told you, I don't have that much money and-" before the old baker could go to his register, he was blocked by the strong, much younger off white unicorn.


"I don't want your unnoble money... I want information..." Chase snorted, glaring firmly into the earth pony's eyes, "a few days ago...a white mare...an alicorn... a Princess...came by this town...You know of her?"


"The Princess of Peace!" The baker stood up and nodded eagerly, "she was a sweet, shy little thing, hiding behind those big ears of hers. I don't understand why though, she was quite the lovely-AH!" He suddenly felt a sharp kick to his back leg, as Chase silenced his banter.


"STOP!" The doe head cried out, pulling on her lead, "Old pony! Old pony hurt easy! Don't hurt old pony!"


"I want information on the Princess Lightning Bliss's whereabouts old stallion..." Chase demanded, ignoring the chimera. He levitated the old stallion back to his feet and pushed him up against the counter. "She was here...I want to know where she went..."


"Ah...ah..." the old earth pony realized this Chase Razor wouldn't take no for an answer, or any iffy information either...He looked to the female chimera, her compassion for his safety made him realize he had to speak for their own lives. "She was here...yes...She stopped by my store for bread to make her sandwiches for her trip!"


"Her trip...where?" Chase snorted, putting more pressure on the old stallion.


"Her trip...to...to a festivel! She said! if I recall..*coughs* there's a Rainbow Falls Trading Festivel...going on right now!" The earth pony struggled for relief from the pressure of magic was being put on his chest. "If she's going to a festivel...I'd...look there! PLEASE!!! Let me go!"


Chase smiled seeing his blunt force was easily able to get the information he needed. "Very well then, I'll go now...unless you want to pay me an extra bag of bits to dispose of this creature..." He glared at the female Chimera with a lust for blood, making the poor thing cower in fear despite she was twice his size.


"NO!" The baker coughed, "no...I'll take care of her myself...Please...please just go..."


"As you wish...Good health baker... " Chase smiled to the earth pony like nothing happened, then galloped out of the store, heading to Rainbow Falls.


The baker stood up after a few minutes of panic, then stared at the Chimera still cowering in her tied lead. "Here...let me help you..." he approached her and proceeded to untie not only the doe's head, but her two remaining sisters as well. "Look I know...that what you said was true...but you shouldn't steal from others...It's never good for either party."


The chimera heads blinked at the earth pony, then looked to each other in turn. After a few moments of whispering to each other, they all saddly nodded in agreement. "But...what do we do now...?" Asked the lioness head.


"Weza too ssssssscared to go back to the forest..." the snake head replied.


"And we're very hungry still..." the doe's head whimpered, gripping their stomach as it growled.


"I do have an idea..." the baker smiled to the lovely female exotic creature, "how about a partnership? Since I'm struggling in my chores at the store...and you obviously have no place to go... Why don't you help me in running my bakery? In exchange for food and board."


All three heads smiled to the earth pony and nodded eagerly. "We'd be happy to," the doe head answered hasitly.


"Your bread is very delcious...mind if we have some before you assign us to our chores?" The lion head asked.


"Of course...you can have as much as you'd like." The old earth pony smiled, happy to see that inspite of him hiring a ruthless monster hunter like Chase Razor, he managed to gain a helping friend out of it.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Rainbow Eclipse, @@Gloomfury,


Bliss nearly crashed into the eagered pony known as Riley the off red pegasus.


"Woa Riley!" She giggled and gave him a friendly hoofbump, "where you come from? I had no idea you were attending the festivities!"


Abruptly though she realized she was being rude with Rag with her, and she smiled and coughed herself. "So sorry, um Rag, this is Riley, a friend of mine from Ponyville, Riley," she lifted her hoof towards Rag Stitch, "I just met Rag Stitch today, he and I were on a trading hunt to find fabric and sewing supplies, hoping we could make a trade so Rag could make me a custom doll." She kinda flickered her ears and with a look of relation in her eyes at how complex all this became over a doll request.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

(OOC ok this is my last post till others can catch up, posting too fast)


"Who said I wanted a custom doll of you Riley?" She frowned at him and giggled, "No I was hoping Rag could actually replicate an old doll I lost...long ago when I was a filly." She shrugged not wanting to go into the details. "This is a special doll request... And I want it done right, even if we have to run around all the festivities to find the right equipment." She smiled and nodded, one hoof in front of the other in a proud stance.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Oreo felt the sun hit his coat and remarked, "Ahh it's been a while since I had nice weather like this." He then made his way through into the town. Then he pulled out a paper from his bags. I've gotta make this visit worth the while. I should get a bottle of that sparkling strawberry cider, some films to keep me busy, and some clock parts. he said to himself, walking to the center of the town.


And I'll need to book a hotel...

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Rainbow Eclipse,  ((Sorry it took me a while to post. Sometimes life gets in the way. I hate life.))


Rag thought abut what Bliss said. "That's nice of you, but I don't want to be a burden. And I've always slept on the floor, so I'm use to it. I'm also use to cold and hot weathers too. You really don't have to do anything for me." After that two ponies that seemed to be a friend of Lightning Bliss came up to them.  After introductions him to the pony, who's name is Riley. Riley took his hoof and shook it frantically. Rag was still a little shy around the ponies he still smiled. "Uh, Hi And I can make anything really. I just need the material."

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@@Gloomfury, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


Bliss smiled to Rag and placed a wing over his back. "We can talk about your accomadations later then Rag... Forgive me if I don't find it comfortable to sit idoly by knowing one of the citizens of Equestria...sleeps outside facing the elements." She smiled and turned to Riley and his comrade, "well we'll be on our way unless you'd like accompany us? I haven't spotted a vender who sells sewing supplies as of yet. You two didn't happen to see any did you?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Gloomfury,


"Uh, nope, sorry, we didn't see any vendors like that," said Riley. "But sure, we can accompany you and - oooooh, corn dog stand!"


He trotted over to the stand he had gotten distracted by, and came back with a large corn dog with all the toppings, and began chomping it down. Toppings and corn dog bits flew everywhere.

OCs: RileyAnala

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((Sorry for being so late))



Patches sat on the train bound for Ponyville. All he had were some bits, a small assortment of medical items, and a book. He looked out of his window at the beautiful countryside. He was used to the big buildings of Trottingham and Canterlot. The fields of corn and grass amazed him. He snapped himself out of his stupor and went back to the book still levitating in front of him. Fallout: Equestria. He wasn't too far in but knowing him he would be done by the end of the week. The train jolted to a sudden stop. Ponyville. Just a waypoint for him now. He had nowhere to be.


He stepped off the train and began to walk to the one place he knew in town. He came to the house near the edge of town. After a few seconds of digging he found the key under the doormat. It wasn't his house. It was a friends. He turned the knob and flicked on the light. The house was actually clean. Atlas must have been here recently. A quick check of the fridge confirmed he had been home in the last week. All that was in there was milk, hay, and apples. More than what was usually there. He noticed a note on the fridge as he closed it.


To Hunter/Patches/Lighthooves. 

Whichever one of you find this I'm going to be in the Griffon Kingdom for the next month. If you need me, sorry. Anyway since none of you have anything to do I heard the Trading Festival thing is going on up north. Go to that. I'd go but Griffons are a bit pushy. Remember to take out the trash when you're done here. 


Hunter, if you need any of your "stuff" go talk to Zecora. She has it.

​Patches, Zecora has those medical herbs you wanted.

Lighthooves, deposit ALL of the things you "misplaced" in the lockbox upstairs. I will return them to there owners.


Signed, Atlas Lightfeather


PS Remember to check your calendar, Hunter. I don't want to have to break you out of another Royal Guard post


Normal Atlas. He still hadn't meet all of these other friends Atlas had. Maybe he'd run into them someday. At least those he could finally get those herbs. He left the house as fast as he had come and was off into the forest.


Atlas's zebra friend was kind enough to leave her house unlocked with a bag clearly marked "For Patches" in the room of potions. As he trotted back into town he made a quick plan of the next few days. Stay at Atlas's place a day or so then move onto another town. Maybe get some spare bits working with the town doctors at the next town. What about that Trade thing Atlas's note had mentioned? Maybe he should head up there. When did the train going north leave? 


He didn't plan to be back on a train the same day but the next train north left after this one was three days from now. Oh well. He pulled back out his book. Nothing to do now but read.





Canterlot stood in the distance. He had a ways to walk. It didn't help that he had a few more items then he had planned to have. Old habits die hard. He hadn't expected books, metal boots, and lead ball bearings to weigh that much.

"Now what?" He asked himself as he trotted along. his many attempts at hitchhiking carriages had failed. His hooves hurt and his legs ached. The voice from behind him had almost made him jump to the moon.


"Need a ride?" Asked the pegasus with the cart full of random items.


"What?! I didn't take anything!"


"'I didn't say you did... i just asked if you need a lift?"




"You are alone on the second longest road in Equestria. It's a good few hours until the next town"


"Yes, actually. I do" The charcoal pegasus was strapped to wooden cart full of things, mostly clocks. 


"Then throw your gear in the back. If you want a ride you're helping pull" With a sigh Lighthooves hooked himself up to the second hitch and began to pull the skywagon. After a few minutes they were high above the ground.


"Um, where are we going exactly?"


"The Traders Fair of coarse!'


"The what?"


"The Traders Fair! Got something to trade for another item. I've got all these spare clocks from my shop and I need to do something with them"


"Alright then"


"If you ain't heading that way I can drop you off at Canterlot" The clockmaker offered.


"It's fine. I've got nowhere to be" He sighed again. They would be flying for awhile...

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@dusk shade, Melody examined the skull; it was genuine. "Yes, I'd like this very much," she said. "What would you like in return? I have concert tickets, but if you don't want one of them, then I have some jewels. I found a huge amount of them recently. I saved some for the designer who's working on my stage costumes but I still have loads left."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Echo began hopping on circles defying gravity imitating a ferris wheel. "Tickets would be awsome! One question...who are you",he asked in a fit of luaghter. *Personality changed to Deja Vu* "I would absolutely adore a ticket to a show performed by the singing godess Melody herself".

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@@Rainbow Eclipse, @@Gloomfury,


Bliss was forced to cover her face with her wing as crumbs of food shot everywhere from Riley's munching. She merely giggled and rolled her eyes, and continued onward to find a booth that held any sewing fabrics. She tended to lower her gazes down on suspected ponies who may be those type of traders. Usually older or elder mares with glasses she'd expect.


Then out of the corner of her eye she spotted a promising booth that held balls of yarn and what looked to be custom sewing needles. "Oh look there Rag there! I think we're in luck!" She quickly trotted past a group of ponies who were all hastly trying to get to their trading areas, making her way finally after a break in the crowd. She approached the booth and eagerly looked at all what was in stock. Mostly she just saw balls of string as well as yarn and cute custom sewing needles of various sizes. Good that's good, but does this booth have any fabric? She continued to browse.


-- Meanwhile in Vanhoover --


As the sunlight began to peak out of the clouds, Chase realized his galloping was a time wasted knowing Rainbow Falls was several miles away. His money was short on getting a ticket to the train station as well, since he chose information rather then actual payment in that last job. "No time to grip about it now though," he pettalked himself, "I've got a little freak Princess to find..." Then he spotted a cheaper version of travel.


Over yonder just past the town's train station, he could see a stage coach, attatched to the back of a well muscled pegasus of brown color with orange mane and tail, holding a sign up that said "Pegasus for Hire". The deal seemed hopeful enough, and he eagerly trotted up to the stallion easily much taller and stronger then he was.


"You willing to go to Rainbow Falls?" Chase demanded in a firm tone. "I have somepony to meet there..."


"If you got the money, I can handle any destination," the pegasus grunted firmly back. "Rainbow Falls will cost you 10bits."


"10 Bits...that's as much as a train ticket..." Chase snorted and pawed the ground, "why would I pay that much to sit in a disgusting carrige like yours..."


"9 bits then..." the pegasus snorted back, feeling slightly backed up against the wall.


"Pathetic, you're that desperte aren't you... For a taxi pony... Nevermind, i won't waste my time with petty peseants... I'd rather walk..." At that Chase turned away, a flicker of brilliance and ego smirked his eyes and smile, as he counted back from 10 to himself. Ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...


"Alright alright!" The pegasus stretched a hoof out to him, begging him litterally to stop, "*snorts* 5bits...But that's my final offer! I have a family to feed you know..."


Chase grinned cheekily and turned to his new source of transportation, tossing the small bag of bits to the pegasus sarcastically. "I'm so glad we've reached an understanding." He grinned and opened the carriage door open and hopped in. Despite his previous critics on the carriage look, it was actually well furbished, fit for any noble unicorn with its red pillow cusions and purple pillows.


"You comfortable?" The pegasus called out ot his passenger just as he was about to take off.


"Just get going..." Chase snapped and held on as he felt the carrige being lifted up into the air.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


 Rag stayed close to Bliss as he followed her over to the booth and though some groups of ponies. He look though all the things that were up for trade. He checked out the spools of thread and needles. Rag sometimes works in a thrift shops and he learned a few things. As he went deeper he found the fabric. ""Bliss, I found some fabric."

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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Gloomfury,


"I hope you'll excuse him, Princess," said Anala, wiping crumbs, corn dog pieces, and sauce off herself. She had known Riley long enough to know that he wasn't overly concerned with being prim and proper when it came to mealtimes; after all, food was there to be eaten.


Riley followed Rag Stitch, Anala followed Lightning Bliss.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Gloomfury, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


"It's no biggy," Bliss smiled to Anala and Riley as she observed Rag looking at the sewing. Then her large ears perked when he mentioned he found some fabric. She eagerly sidestepped over and saw what he was referring to. It was a perfect cotton white fabric, exactly what she was looking for. "Great!" She smiled enuthstiastically to Rag Stitch, "then all we need is another yellow velvet type fabric, some string and dimbles and you should be set!"


"I do have some of that fabric you requested," the booth owner, a young mare unicorn approached. She was a lovely color of light violet, with black mane and tail. Her eyes sparkled gold. "But the question is," she quickly skipped to her point, "what will you trade it all for?"


"Um yes of course ah..." Bliss quickly fumbled with her levitation abilities and pulled out several art pieces she brought with her, "um...well these are some of my art pieces, hoof made myself!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


Rag rummage through his saddlebags."Well I've been around a few places and met some strange ponies but they were all nice to me and they gave me somethings for my collection. I have a monkey wrench, some boxing gloves, some guitar strings, a fancy pen that you have to fill yourself, a metal stud that was in a club, an old blacksmithing hammer and a straight razor."

Edited by Gloomfury
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@@dusk shade, Melody looked a little confused as the pony she was speaking to appeared to switch personalities in mid breath, then she recovered herself. "Sure, one ticket will be yours in return for the dragon skull," she said with a smile, hoofing over the ticket as she spoke.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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The young unicorn booth owner looked at the belongings Rag got out and gave a look of disgust and annoyance on her face. Bliss couldn't help but glare back at her in a firm stare in return.


"I don't need this junk," the unicorn said, "don't waste my time you... Unless you got something of better value or-"


"Excuse me, what's your name miss?" Bliss cut the young mare off bluntly.


"My name? It's Flower Fabs, I'm well known in Canterlot for my fabric shop and... you are...?" She asked unknowingly that the pony was an alicorn.


"I'm Lightning Bliss...to my annoyance you would know me as Princess Lightning Bliss..." With that Bliss outstretched her wings, that she had orginally kept down, now they were out in full sight, startling the unicorn. "Anyways... Miss Fabs...We didn't come all this way over to be insulted by your trading policies...My friend here was simply showing you what he had... And this is what I have." She levitated the paintings up for Fabs to see. One was an elgant picture of a changling pony with rainbow like highlights in its wings, tail and eyes. The other was a sea serpent, seeming to embracing a cargo ship that was lost at sea. "If your not interested in what we have though... We will respectfully take our loot and search elsewhere. I'm sure there are other booths that have just as nice fabric Rag Stitch." She winked at her comrade and turned to leave.


Flower Fabs hardly believed she was talking to an alicorn let alone a princess, her jaw hung open like a door. Then finally she snapped out of it realizing a poltential rare trade was leaving her booth right now. "Wait wait please Princess Lightning Bliss! I'll trade I'll trade!" She trotted out of her booth and eagerly levitated one of her paintings out of the white alicorn's saddle bags. "This painting right here," she held up of the changling painting, "this is absolutely beautiful! I'll glady trade it for any items you might need!"


"Any items?" Bliss frowned, looking like her influence was used too much, "but its only one painting...and We require two pieces of fabric, needle and thread...One painting surely wouldn't satisfy that?"


"No no princess I insist! Infact if you feel it's not enough um.." Fabs quickly fummbled for a quill and ink at her booth with her levitation and yanked it forward. "Could you please sign the painting please! I'd love to have the Alicorn of Peace's autograph!"


With that Lightning Bliss promptly took her hoof and facedhoof herself, beaming red with embrassment.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Rag Stitch was a little sad the booth owner didn't like the things in his collection. But he was a little happy that he didn't have to part with anything. He puts everything back in his saddlebags and looks around a little more. When he didn't find anything interesting he walked back over to Bliss and stood close to her like a shy child. "I'm glad one of my friends wasn't here. If she said that he would get really angry and threaten to burn her booth down."

Edited by Gloomfury
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Oreo made his way around the vendors, buying all sorts of things ranging from a new cap to a bag of pistachios. He put all of them inside a large brown bag like a goof. He even started walking around on his hind legs with his front hooves holding the bag, which obstructed his vision. Eventually he bumped into a wall and fell on his face, which made him drop his large bag as well.

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"That probably is a good thing Rag," Bliss giggled at the threat, noticing the unicorn Flower Fabs had backed up a bit with the picture and quill still levitating above her head. "Anyways," Bliss turned back to the startled unicorn, "I'll be happy to autograph the piece, if it means my friend here can select whatever he needs for a special doll he's making?"


"Of course your Highness!" Fabs whinnied and handed the picture and quill to the Princess.


Bliss happily jotted down her insginia with her own levitation and gave the quill and painting back to her. "Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy your picture. Go ahead Rag, select whatever you want for your supplies! Just remember I'd like white fabric with yellow fabric. The doll I had in mind well...um... it's a replica of the one I lost, that I mentioned before? My unicorn doll."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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