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planning Anyone wish to Pokemon rp with me? (Skype or kik)

Emerald Bliss

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I love to Pokémon rp but all of the people I used to do Pokemon rp with stopped. Does anyone wanna rp Pokemon with me please?? If you do message me on kik or skype


Skype: southpark002

Kik: DbzDashie

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Well, how would the rp be run? Like the anime? The games? Or ksut a bunch of battles?Exac

Exactly, I'm wondering that myself.


Also, would we be ponies or humans? (Have to ask, considering this is a forum for people who like ponies, don't care either way.)


Anyhow, I don't use kik anymore, so add FCS1264 on Skype c: I have a puppy as my avatar.

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