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private A City Of Nightmare

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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As the demonic threat continues across Equestria, the secretive Inquisition continues its work- protecting the common ponies from corruption, all while searching for the way to end the incursion...



Strange, dark energies. Several nearby towns losing communications with the town in question. Ponies recorded going insane within roughly ten miles of the town. The city of Black Willow, located several dozen miles from its nearest counterpart, Fillydelphia, is a textbook case of a mature demonic infestation- a quite worrisome task that needed to be stopped as soon as possible. Yet the scouts sent forth returned in quite an unorthodox manner- sleepwalking, with a message slung across their back. Such is the fate of all who cross me, written in crude Equestrian. Once the message was removed, the pones fell over dead.


Naturally, this happened to greatly concern the Grand Inquisitor. After a council was summoned and it was discussed further, it would be determined that a strike force would be lead in, lead by Lord Inquisitor Moon Crypt of the Luna Branch. And now it came down to the Lord Inquisitor to decide which ponies from the Inquisition would form this strike team- a group of Inquisitors with a diverse group of skills. With any luck, the mission would be completed, and the group would be left both alive and sane...


As Moon Crypt entered the main part of the large Inquisitorial facility, making his way down to one of the lower briefing rooms. The Grand Inquisitor was going to brief the group himself, which was a rare occurrence- he was rarely involved with the missions personally anymore. Even though he would be going on the mission, him getting this involved was... unsettling.
Making his way down another flight of stairs, Moon Crypt decided to get himself started by checking in on how the robotic pony known as 'Loveless' was doing. It- She?- had given him her specifications before, but he wasn't able to remember them. Good thing that she had a more common name that he could use. The changeling smiled as he rounded the corner, holding up his identification to the guard as he walked into the 'pre-op' room of sorts of the lab.

Meanwhile, in Black Willow...
Deep underground, in an ancient ruins of what appeared to be a court for giants, a rather large demon stepped back smiling as a flash and a small hole opened up, allowing for several lesser demons to crawl their way through the portal.
He had been attempting to draw other demonancers and more powerful demons to him for days now. He was giving off strong enough of a magical signature now, and now he had to be patient. It could take a while for them to show up. Until then, he would continue padding his ranks. The arrival of the Inquisition had spooked him- he usually would not have fallen so low as to attempt to draw a demonancer to him, but, with both this upstart young entity and the Inquisition arriving in a matter of days now- a week at most- he was not so foolish as to realize he needed help. So he was content to stand back and await the arrival of more of his brethren...

((And, with that, the RP is open! If you are a non-demon villian, you make your way to the sanctuary by a path that has almost been presciently revealed to you. If you are a demonic villan, you will spawn out of the small portal to Tartarus that this demon has been stoking. The Inquisition will be arriving either by train or by airship to Manehattan, except for Loveless, who will be booting up/performing some last-minute equipment/system checks in the lab, and Sadist, who will manifest her physical form somewhere in Manehattan and enter the building. Feel free to make first few posts be merely exposition, these first few days will be to just make sure everyone is on board. Have fun, everybody. ;) ))
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A menacing figure covered in Black and gold ceramic armor plating steps through the portals, his armor covered in many types of blood, two axes made from some of the finest materials in existence rest in his hands, blood also dripping from the blades, He steps forward and snarls at the larger demon.


"Have you need of me? I was in the middle of causing some glorious chaos"

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Moonlight trotted down the path towards the underground ancient ruins with a small smile on her nuzzle finally she gets to do something other than randomly cast dark magic spells and onto unsuspecting ponies the entire day in or prank random ponies though not harmless pranks more like having a knife drop onto their head pranks. She slowly walked into the court room looking at the Large Demon for a second before stepping forward. "So what do you want? i was busy preparing to give some elderly ponies heart attacks and teenagers PTSD " she said coldly giggling a bit.


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Sadist's energies build and she soon was in Manehattan. She sees her self in a alleyway and the dankness will be good cover for her to ready herself. She wasn't exactly happy to be in such a populated area but she can make due. Her illusion magic will surely have a use in a place full of ponies and many unknowns. Maybe she will take the form of another to hid her true identity. This maybe wise as she, on her own, sticks out like a sore thumb.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Bayonet was sharpening her knife to past the time. She was on a train to Manehattan under orders of her captain. She didn't mind the train, it was faster then walking but it was so boring. She felt the need to sleep, but if she did then her other self would have to take over. And this order needed a delicate touch.

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Standing on a rooftop in Manhattan, having been flown there before on an airship. Spreading his massive mirror like wings, Mirrorwing flew from the building, pulling up just before hitting the ground. "My presence is known. Why hide what can do now?"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"Removing junk file... 80%" was one of the conventional messages that was displayed on a really big screen with hard-to-read fonts, courtesy of the Inquisitorial facility. An android was seen in a half cylindrical shaped cell, closed behind a glass with a 'headache' of wires sticking out from behind the cell.


It was yet another regular checkups for the android pony, Heartless, or Loveless as the Lord Inquisitor preferred to call her. The sensation of flowing data in her circuits gave her a spike every 10 seconds due to a latency problem as her software was probably years ahead of the facility's system software. She was still in stasis when a familiar figure stood in front of her, eyeing on every possible errors. It was the Lord Inquisitor, Moon Crypt. A respectable leader in his own rights. He smiled as he walked back into the faint light, closing the door behind him. After a brief moment of refreshing boot up, Heartless was able to turn off the recovery software which opened up the cell. Her internal weapons were still not functional. She felt a mixed feeling of sorrow and angry in which she couldn't describe it. She couldn't find a word for it. Nevertheless, all she wanted was her freedom of being able to move back. She decided to remain in charging mode in the cell until further order from the upper ranks.  

Edited by EveryoneDie
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$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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Runic Sigil regally walked through the manehatten streets she has arrived by train she was quite excited for this but at the same she was a bit nervous but mostly excited.


As she walks down the streets towards The Inquisitor's building some stallions stare at her she sighed "maybe i should have worn a dress or something " she thought to herself as she entered The Inquisitors building.


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The armoured being looks at the new arrival to the room and lightly chuckles at her statement.


"You should spend your time doing something more productive, like gluing someone's furniture to the ceiling, that always freaks them out"


He then hooks his axes to his sides, and folds his arms.

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The large demon smirked lightly, a small chuckle escaping him as he answered this newly manifested demon. "It will be time to spread our master's works here soon enough, my brother. Although, I must inquire; how is the battle for-"


Before he could finish, he noticed the door open and he stopped speaking, glancing towards the door and seeing... her.


She was a demonancer from long ago. Perhaps not as influential as The Prophet or even, perhaps, as the Ascended, but she was still a demonancer of honor and it seemed that their master had blessed her recently as well. The name escaped him, but he recognized her. Her wings, more accurately. Directing a glance towards his newly spawned brethren, he took a breath and sighed. "Oh, dear. Forgive me for daring to disturb thy mere pranks, pale maiden!" he commented, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "A mere greater demon, recently spawned, should not have called for help for merely the demon hunters and a rather rude, fledgling entity of sorts that is destroying our establishment."



@, @,


Sighing as he entered the main lab, he walked over the computer that maintained her and glanced at it. Everything seemed to be in working order that could be fixed, but they were unable to fix several parts, such as her inbuilt weaponry. Nearby, several strewn parts around a somewhat circular base were there- the scientists' so far unsuccessful attempt at building a teleporter. This was only their second attempt, and that wouldn't be done for several months yet.


Taking a breath and standing before the open module, he took out a scroll. "Alright, Lo-" he paused, remembering her proper designation. "Heartless. I have orders for you to meet Grand Inquisitor Karmatic Justice on the lowest floor for briefing and a final tuneup for proper radio frequencies and equipment pickup." Certain that she could find her way down to the Grand Inquisitor with her recently-downloaded map of the facility, he gave a small respectful bow before leaving the lab.


Looking at his list, he took a breath and let it out slowly. He was told that he would have to do this before the briefing while everyone was arriving and, honestly, he was putting off. Well, with the briefing being only hours away and the pony in question needing to prepare himself as well, he didn't really have a choice anymore. Sighing, he made his way down to the cellblocks. The guards there were waiting for them- if what the Grand Inquisitor said was true, they had been waiting for several days. He could sense their sympathy as they walked next to him, guiding him to a guarded room at the end of the hall. After dismissing the guards- he didn't feel like being overheard- he gently opened the door, revealing a particular changeling that he had not seen in such a long time, bound to the chair he was sitting in...


((More here in a bit, hang on and have some patience.))

Edited by Grand Magos Amphrose
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Sadist looks around for somepony to use and found a lavish looking pony. She smiles and she set up a trap to bring this ponies attention to the ally. Once it was successful, she knocked the pony out, but she made sure it wasn't too bloody. She wanted her to stay alive after all. She then cast her illusion spell and she looks at herself. "Mmmmm~ This will do nicely~" Sadist says. She then walks out and heads for the underground entrance. Here's to hoping that she can make it before the illusion wears off. She has had that happen to her in the past. It really put her in a tight spot but that was another story. She was prepared this time.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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@, @,


Sighing as he entered the main lab, he walked over the computer that maintained her and glanced at it. Everything seemed to be in working order that could be fixed, but they were unable to fix several parts, such as her inbuilt weaponry. Nearby, several strewn parts around a somewhat circular base were there- the scientists' so far unsuccessful attempt at building a teleporter. This was only their second attempt, and that wouldn't be done for several months yet.


Taking a breath and standing before the open module, he took out a scroll. "Alright, Lo-" he paused, remembering her proper designation. "Heartless. I have orders for you to meet Grand Inquisitor Karmatic Justice on the lowest floor for briefing and a final tuneup for proper radio frequencies and equipment pickup." Certain that she could find her way down to the Grand Inquisitor with her recently-downloaded map of the facility, he gave a small respectful bow before leaving the lab.


Looking at his list, he took a breath and let it out slowly. He was told that he would have to do this before the briefing while everyone was arriving and, honestly, he was putting off. Well, with the briefing being only hours away and the pony in question needing to prepare himself as well, he didn't really have a choice anymore. Sighing, he made his way down to the cellblocks. The guards there were waiting for them- if what the Grand Inquisitor said was true, they had been waiting for several days. He could sense their sympathy as they walked next to him, guiding him to a guarded room at the end of the hall. After dismissing the guards- he didn't feel like being overheard- he gently opened the door, revealing a particular changeling that he had not seen in such a long time, bound to the chair he was sitting in...


((More here in a bit, hang on and have some patience.))

Lee looked up and at Moon Crypt, his face hardened and statue like, betraying nothing. Beneath, his emotions were restrained. He held them in check, letting nothing out. He knew that anything could be used for him, just as it could be used against him. Finally he decided he should probably say something to break the silence between them. He let out a certain hiss in the customary form of changeling greeting and said "Ava'yorn sssia thurirl. Coi tepohaic coanwor creol tairaisss li yth ocuira kiq lyrik annyo. Re wux tenpissswo ssshafaer drinlekih usssv ui nomeno filki vi thurirlvi tafiafir?"

Darius hadn't been feeling well at all. For days, his senses had been either dulled or sharpened by some amazing sense of power. Finally, he had no choice but to submit to this power,to  merge with it, let it envelop his mind and influence his thoughts. Only then was he able to try to clear his head and straighten himself out. This power, this being...it wanted him to come. "For Lord Aroth...I will come." He mumbles in his deep bass voice. He then takes flight from the cave he'd been hiding in, and heads towards the demon.

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Slowly lifting up her eyelids, Heartless ended her current session. She was certain that the energy supplied was enough for a few months or so. As soon as her hoof could finally step out of the cell, her head beeped 3 times. A familiar voice pattern played through her inbuilt speakers. The Lord Inquisitor must have recently came in while she was charging. Apparently, she had been issued a new order to trot down to the lowest floor. Heartless made sure that the equipment in the lab were turned off as part of the protocol. Closing the door behind her, she made her way to the briefing room.
She could tell that the guards at the cellblocks had been there for several days given their sore legs. This could be an utterly important briefing by the Grand Inquisitor. The guards saluted her and gave way. She didn't even bother to look at them and walked straight ahead. She despised the guards. Not that she really despise them but she didn't like the awful stare they gave since she first join the Inquisitor. One of them even took the chance to let out a sigh. "What incompetent soldier" Heartless commented. She continued down the hallway and saw a room with tight security. "It should be here" Heartless assured to herself.



Just before the room, she detected an unusual energy reading around the perimeter which came from a known ally. She gave herself a quick smirk before entering the room.

Edited by EveryoneDie


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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"Ugh demon hunters always ruining everything i understand why you would need help alright had more than a few close encounters with them back at the manehattan sewers while i was with this charcoal colored pegasus who i think a lesser demon lord who i also don't really like." she then glanced at The armored being before looking back at The Large Demon.




Runic sighed as she looks around the inquisitors building she absalutlely no idea where to go or who to ask she didn't want to make her self look like a lunatic or something by asking anyone about this very important meeting.


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@, @@@Moonbacon,


As the secretary notices the three Inquisitors, she quietly pulls out a keycard and stands up, leading the pair through the hallways and down a flight of stairs, where a pair of guards are just sitting back down. "They're part of Taskforce Omega," mentioned the secretary, and, sighing, the guards got back up and lead them down a series of halls. Before the second to last turn into the room, you were able to catch a glimpse of the Grand Inquisitor, a middle-aged, grey-and-white-maned pony that seemed to be talking about something to a robotic pony of some sort. Before you round the corner, you noticed that his front two legs were metal- from the ticking that happened inside, one could assume this meant that they were clockwork.


From this, the guards lead you around the block of rooms and guide you into an area with a crystal light projector in the center. "Please have some patience- the briefing will start soon," stated the guards before they left. Not long afterwards, an apprentice to one of the older Inquisitors poked his head in the room. "Umm... I was asked to ask you if you wanted some refreshments?" The stallion- almost a foal- inquired, looking somewhat nervous.




As you arrive in the building with your disguise still going strong, the secretary glances at you and looks at you oddly. You can see her absentmindedly backing off, unnerved by your otherworldly presence and reacting so accordingly, despite not physically knowing your true form. "Err... hello, there. Do you have some sort of identification, ma'am? This is a restricted access building."




As you approach the secluded room, you are able to hear voices talking a tongue that sounds an awful lot like a conversation between changelings. A glance inside reveals the Lord Inquisitor talking to another changeling who has been bound, but efore you can investigate, however, you hear a rather deep, rich voice speak out from the hallway around the corner. "Ah, there you are, Heartless! Good to know that the right map was uploaded." As you approach him, your scans from your optical receivers indicate a match between your files and his physical appearance- his eye scan comes back matching, the data scans from his clockwork legs and the magically-powered crystal apparatus that replaced his right eye. After you approached, he smiled slightly. "Well, we still have a bit of time before the briefing, so I was hoping that we could get you the parts that you requested, as well as making sure your radio link matches our frequencies"


While you were saying that, you noticed that the guards near the front were now escorting a trio of ponies down the hallway. A few of them took looks at both you and the Grand Inquisitor. Shortly behind them, however, was a rather large, light blue unicorn. wearing a red cloak and carrying several bags of spare parts from upstairs. "I got the parts that you requested, Grand Inquisitor. Perhaps we should take them into the next room before we inspect them, yes? The radio is already set up." He directed a respectful nod towards you before entering a room a few doors down from where you were standing. After a moment, the Grand Inquisitor followed, motioning for you to follow.

In the room, the stallion was carefully unpacking the second bag of parts as a radio system was connected and whirring on the other side of the room. "Now, I'm not sure which parts you need," said the engineer. "But I got a few interesting ones here, like this X6-09 Energy Projector. A bunch of the miscellanious nuts and bolt, some springs, a couple more prototype pieces... the only thing I'm missing is an energy core that's powerful enough for the cannons. Still, you'll be able to make great strides in repairing your weapon. I'm sure I can figure something out for your core while I'm gone." As he turned to the radio and started to twiddle dials, he guestured towards the table. "Separate what you need from what there is. I'll pack it all carefully during the briefing."




Moon Crypt started to answer, but flinched a bit when the Grand Inquisitor started to speak outside of the hall. Sighing, he turned back towards him. "Coi ui drinlekih. obi ui vi unfortunate shinaltir gethrisjir shafaer, sultair persvek vi cep jedark batobot si zklaen meage. Si ornla hullphir batobot wux ornla demak ve."


Moon Crypt hadn't used this in so long, he had lost the hissing accent that was common with changelings. It made him feel like a foreigner, and quite uncomfortable. He looked into Lee's eyes. "Riluoh, sjek nomeno ui ekess shinalt, si ornla tepoha ekess vixlaw vi gliiwr report shafaer dout opinion di wer Ferrod Pines incident. Jaka, qort ekess creol wordings, vur persvek totafit di tairais, si ornla qe yscik ekess tir nomeno shafaer wer vihaga svern; shar si ornla rigluin dout solemn oath batobot wux geou majak ve vi eluitholel account ifnitot di nomeno cuaili. hak, nomagqe, yth ornla qe yscik ekess start sorting shio di nomeno ekik..."

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"Why yes i would like a drink i haven't drank anything since i got on the train on my way here " she then glanced at Disruptis "well The Grand Inquisitor is going to brief us that's about it but anyways since we still have to wait a bit for the briefing to start i guess i should introduce my self my names Runic Sigil from The Branch of Twilight" 


(hope the text wasn't too bright).

Edited by Moonbacon


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The being listen to the demonancer, then turned to the larger demon.


"My Brother, may I ask, why you have summoned us here, I'm dying to get back to causing some bloodshed and chaos, I just don't feel right, standing here with my weapons, yet without nothing to kill, can we go maim something, I'm getting jumpy"

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Oreo got off the train, bags in hoof, and went straight for the Inquisitorial facility. He nervously shaked a little, having heard that the Grand Inquisitor would be present.


The colt came straight from the academy, being taught everything they knew. Of course, he was selected for this assignment for his promising capability in the field. As well his superb performance during the live training exercises, which led his superiors to commend him for it.But he'd never had actual experience fighting demons and the only visul image he'd seen of one are from the textbooks.


He shuffled his papers as he walked inside the facility, saluting at the mare at the front desk. "Could you point me to the briefing room! Ma'am!"

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Flying towards the building he flares his wings to stop. As he lowers himself, the area below hum is sent into a miniature windstorm. After he had landed, he walks in, looks at the secretary and walks past. "These goals have called me, they Myst realize I am only here on the command if the princess. The stupid Grand Inquisitor, he had better have a good reason for a team. He should know I work alone and why I do." As he mutters this, he reaches the briefing room and reaches for the amulet around his neck. (Think if it as a choker with a gem hanging from it)

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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As you arrive in the building with your disguise still going strong, the secretary glances at you and looks at you oddly. You can see her absentmindedly backing off, unnerved by your otherworldly presence and reacting so accordingly, despite not physically knowing your true form. "Err... hello, there. Do you have some sort of identification, ma'am? This is a restricted access building."


(I would have to guess this but is this for the underground or not. I am a bit confused. Also I just kinda woke up so I'm a little slow to the uptake. So I guess I could assume this as the underworld way.)


"I suppose. Depends on what ID your looking for." Sadist says, still in her illusion. She will know if this is it in a moment.

Edited by Sadist the Wanderer

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Moon Crypt started to answer, but flinched a bit when the Grand Inquisitor started to speak outside of the hall. Sighing, he turned back towards him. "Coi ui drinlekih. obi ui vi unfortunate shinaltir gethrisjir shafaer, sultair persvek vi cep jedark batobot si zklaen meage. Si ornla hullphir batobot wux ornla demak ve."


Moon Crypt hadn't used this in so long, he had lost the hissing accent that was common with changelings. It made him feel like a foreigner, and quite uncomfortable. He looked into Lee's eyes. "Riluoh, sjek nomeno ui ekess shinalt, si ornla tepoha ekess vixlaw vi gliiwr report shafaer dout opinion di wer Ferrod Pines incident. Jaka, qort ekess creol wordings, vur persvek totafit di tairais, si ornla qe yscik ekess tir nomeno shafaer wer vihaga svern; shar si ornla rigluin dout solemn oath batobot wux geou majak ve vi eluitholel account ifnitot di nomeno cuaili. hak, nomagqe, yth ornla qe yscik ekess start sorting shio di nomeno ekik..."

Lee blinks at the proposal and for the first time in months, a small smile appears on his face. "Sssi ornla qe lotoc ekessss demak wux. Sssi geou tir sssvabol rinov coi claxic ekessss jassseve nomeno goawy. Wer emotionsss tenpissswo tassste hefoc vobit." saying this, he closes his eyes and changes into his most regularly used shift as the tan unicorn with a dirty blond mane and tale. 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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