Buck Testa 5,505 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 There have been theories floating about on who Discord could of been prior to being the agent of chaos and hugger of Fluttershy whe know and love. One of the biggest and most debated one I have seen is if he was actually Starswirl the bearded. While those for the theory have made compelling arguements like Starswirl was a powerful and experimental magic user who did not really have any friends and Discord is the same way there are plot holes where this would not add up. I have a feeling though that Starswirl had a major part in Discords creation in the same way he had a big part in Luna and Celestia's rise to power. In fact I have a hunch that Discord became the way he is because of some kind of recklessness on Starswirls side. Here is my theory (keep in mind I have not read the comics): Before Luna and Celestia were in power somepony had to control the sun and moon right? However Unicorns and the like are not powerful enough to do that on their own, even Starswirl. So a team of ponies (probably all unicorn) would have to manage the task. Five ponies, each representing an element of Harmony. Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, and Laughter all working in tandum to move celestial bodies. I dont know what element Starswirl would of embodied but we know he was superb with magic. These five however were not friends. They worked together but there was no real harmony between them. Starswirl wished to use these elements of harmony to perform his greatest spell. however the Disharmony of their little group did something different then what Starswirl wanted. Instead it created Discord. I have a feeling Discord may of been one of the five unicorns, one of the original elements of harmony. Starswirl lost the group that day and tried to continue managing the sun and moon on his own but found it very taxing on his body and magic. He couldnt do it and left it to the two sisters who were originally supposed to only be the peace making figure heads of the three turbulant races of pony. He found out that Alicorn magic was much stronger then his own and saw they were real rulers after all even if they were young. Unable to fix the problem he made he left the fate of Discord in the sisters hands. Thats my theory anyway. http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Billy%20G%20Gruff http://billyggruff.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVpSXbUpDYTcaFHTPiPjYA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[NULL] 906 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 I always assumed Discord was always the way he was. I never really though of his origins before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CheeryFox 23,822 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Come on, that's easy. He was/still is... 6 Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Discord's a primordial being that's been around since the beggining of time, or near to it; certainly been around longer than even Celestia and Luna, who are the other characters known to live a really long time. That's what the show's kind of hinted towards, in the few, very minor things it's mentioned regarding Discord's past and origins. For example, 'You ponies are the most fun I've had in eons.' ~The Return of Harmony, Part 2 Eons are usually measured in millions if not billions of years x) Unfortunately, that one line of his puts a good sized hole in your theory, bud. Starswirl hasn't been around for eons, I doubt even pony culture itself has been around that long. Building off that, my theory is that Discord and the Tree of Harmony are two of the most ancient things in modern Equestria. If not both primordial themselves, then descdants of whatever first created the world and known universe. Discord being the living embodiment of chaos and disorganization, etc, and the Tree being the current single centerpiece for all things harmonious. They're polar oppisites, and are the foci of their respective elements of nature, helping balance the universe's levels of chaos and harmony. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 August 13, 2014 Author Share August 13, 2014 Discord's a primordial being that's been around since the beggining of time, or near to it; certainly been around longer than even Celestia and Luna, who are the other characters known to live a really long time. That's what the show's kind of hinted towards, in the few, very minor things it's mentioned regarding Discord's past and origins. For example, 'You ponies are the most fun I've had in eons.' ~The Return of Harmony, Part 2 Eons are usually measured in millions if not billions of years x) Unfortunately, that one line of his puts a good sized hole in your theory, bud. Starswirl hasn't been around for eons, I doubt even pony culture itself has been around that long. Building off that, my theory is that Discord and the Tree of Harmony are two of the most ancient things in modern Equestria. If not both primordial themselves, then descdants of whatever first created the world and known universe. Discord being the living embodiment of chaos and disorganization, etc, and the Tree being the current single centerpiece for all things harmonious. They're polar oppisites, and are the foci of their respective elements of nature, helping balance the universe's levels of chaos and harmony. There is nothing wrong with shooting holes in my theory. Hell I welcome it I am trying to find the backstory here. Now the question is; Is he exaggerating or is he being flippantly honest? If he is as anchient as all that how did he get so easily tricked and bested by Tirek? Wouldnt he of wized up after BILLIONS of years? now thousands maybe you have some leway but BILLIONS? http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Billy%20G%20Gruff http://billyggruff.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVpSXbUpDYTcaFHTPiPjYA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 There is nothing wrong with shooting holes in my theory. Hell I welcome it I am trying to find the backstory here. Now the question is; Is he exaggerating or is he being flippantly honest? If he is as anchient as all that how did he get so easily tricked and bested by Tirek? Wouldnt he of wized up after BILLIONS of years? now thousands maybe you have some leway but BILLIONS? Wouldn't someone have tried being his friend, or Discord would have at some point over the millenia begun to feel alone, between that time, before Fluttershy happened? Another inconsistancy. IMO, the two plotlines for Discord that followed the Return of Harmony weren't as consistant as they could have been. I support Discord being reformed in general, so his excellent character could be used more, but because he had almost zero backstory to begin with, the writers didn't consider any of the early-on implications they gave about him being apparently completely immortal, when they went on their Discord Reformation spree in Keep Calm and Flutter On and later on Princess Twilight Sparkle. Discord's sudden realization that firendship might, possibly, maybe be something he'd enjoy, and his complete shock that a douche from Tartarus could ever betray him, were both plot devices by the writers to get what they wanted done, done. I love overanalyzing, but when you deal in the world of theoretical, especially a theoretical world about a kid's show where you know the writers aren't giving actual thought about detailed backstories when they don't have to, you have to know when to look at something the writers did, and call bullshit, and continue with your established, very fact-based headcanon anyway, because the fact is the writers don't give thought to those minor background details, when they have a deadline to make, in where Discord has to befriend ponies after being betrayed by the new bad guy. TL;DR, Discord's sudden realization about friendship and his shock at being betrayed are inconsitanices on the writers' part, from the character he was written as in The Return of Harmony, and I personally disregard them in my headcanon about the pony universe fanon x) Inserting reasons X, Y and Z into his backstory, to help explain how things still ended up working out, given what the writers put into the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conred 274 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 He surely cant be Starswirl. That theory is long time dead. 1) In Twilights Kingdom, Starswirl befriended Scorpan, Discord never had a friend beside Fluttershy. Other than that Starswirl and other ponies just didnt understand Friendship as Twilight did, thats why she was turned into princess of friendship. Discord didnt understand friendship at all and was just a plain villain like Tirek.. 2) In comics Starswirl was around Celestia when Luna started to slowly change into Nightmare Moon, which mean that Discord was already imprisoned. Hasbro check for such details to make sure they dont interfere with tv series canon. Beside Meghan approved Reflections arc too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Everleaf 541 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Well Discord has always been....Discord.... alright I agree with most and all people here Discord has been around even longer than the Princesses likely over a billion years as sometimes the show hints itself I have not had this much fun in Eons which means many many years putting it simple (as also http://mlpforums.com/user/4006-chaotic-discord/ said also as http://mlpforums.com/user/22941-conred/ said yes in cannon Discord was already banished and Starswirl was with Celestia at the time Luna was going (dark) as he says (which he/she is also right with the first) As far as we have saw Discord has been around pretty much more than a billion years being before the two sisters. The deepest of the Everfree! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 August 13, 2014 Author Share August 13, 2014 Wouldn't someone have tried being his friend, or Discord would have at some point over the millenia begun to feel alone, between that time, before Fluttershy happened? Another inconsistancy. IMO, the two plotlines for Discord that followed the Return of Harmony weren't as consistant as they could have been. I support Discord being reformed in general, so his excellent character could be used more, but because he had almost zero backstory to begin with, the writers didn't consider any of the early-on implications they gave about him being apparently completely immortal, when they went on their Discord Reformation spree in Keep Calm and Flutter On and later on Princess Twilight Sparkle. Discord's sudden realization that firendship might, possibly, maybe be something he'd enjoy, and his complete shock that a douche from Tartarus could ever betray him, were both plot devices by the writers to get what they wanted done, done. I love overanalyzing, but when you deal in the world of theoretical, especially a theoretical world about a kid's show where you know the writers aren't giving actual thought about detailed backstories when they don't have to, you have to know when to look at something the writers did, and call bullshit, and continue with your established, very fact-based headcanon anyway, because the fact is the writers don't give thought to those minor background details, when they have a deadline to make, in where Discord has to befriend ponies after being betrayed by the new bad guy. TL;DR, Discord's sudden realization about friendship and his shock at being betrayed are inconsitanices on the writers' part, from the character he was written as in The Return of Harmony, and I personally disregard them in my headcanon about the pony universe fanon x) Inserting reasons X, Y and Z into his backstory, to help explain how things still ended up working out, given what the writers put into the show. Ugh I hate it when I have to chalk it up to bad writing. I am the kind of guy that digs immersion in a story (also known as super detailed headcanon) and though I usually can work around inconsistancies I come on points like this that snap me out of the story. @Conred of course he isnt Starswirl, if you had read my post you would see I said he wasnt and that I have not read the comics http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Billy%20G%20Gruff http://billyggruff.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVpSXbUpDYTcaFHTPiPjYA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Ugh I hate it when I have to chalk it up to bad writing. I am the kind of guy that digs immersion in a story (also known as super detailed headcanon) and though I usually can work around inconsistancies I come on points like this that snap me out of the story. @Conred of course he isnt Starswirl, if you had read my post you would see I said he wasnt and that I have not read the comics I've had to deal with chalking up to bad writing quite a bit, sadly x) Is what happens when you're a fan of side-characters like Discord and Spitfire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yeet 2,027 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 (edited) I think maybe he was a bi product when the world (the one equestria is one) was made, that would make him very old, which is pretty canon, and then he was the ruler before celestia and luna, but then that leaves a hole as to where their parents rulers, as Tia and Luna put discord into stone with the tree of harmony. What if discord made all the pony races so he could rule over them, but then also made the alicorns who are almost immortal (age wise), but he didn't realise how powerful he made them (EG raise the moon and sun). So then he ruled over the ponies for a long time, making their lives hell kinda I guess. All the time Tia and Luna get more powerful, and then put their spells they learn down onto books, then also starswirl before becoming starswirl helped them. Then they discovered the tree (another bi product) and used it on discord (the strength from the other spells makes them strong enough to use the trees power) then turned him into stone. Then after that comes the discovering equestria (that episode with the play) as nothing about discord is mentioned during that. So then once it's discovered and then all ponies are kind, they put Tia and Luna into power for turning discord into stone and therefore making the chaos end. They firstly have that castle that is explored by the mane six, where they put all their spells onto books and stuff. Then some other stuff happens. Starswirl the bearded is put into some form of power, of stuff. This is going off the topic of discord so I'm gonna stop now. Also sorry for just having a giant block of text. Edited August 13, 2014 by Brechard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 August 13, 2014 Author Share August 13, 2014 (edited) I've had to deal with chalking up to bad writing quite a bit, sadly x) Is what happens when you're a fan of side-characters like Discord and Spitfire It is hard not to love Discord, even with glaring issues in his conception. Now that leaves me with what the buck Starswirl was doing and who was working the sun before the sisters came along but that is fodder for another topic. Its going to be difficult to give Discord a backstory if he is going to be billions of years old. What can you really do with that? fluttershy: "so can you tell me about your past?" Discord "well I was watching this primordial ooze one day when the funniest thing happened..." Edited August 13, 2014 by Buck Testa 1 http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Billy%20G%20Gruff http://billyggruff.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVpSXbUpDYTcaFHTPiPjYA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Old Fluttershy 349 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 I agree with the canon that Discord was made the same time as the elements of harmony were made. After all we have seen dark magic being used along with good magic. So if both of these exist then where did dark magic come from in the first place? Discord was most likely the first dark magic created when the Tree of Harmony was created. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jammo 986 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 (edited) Discord is eternal... and if did have a beginning it was at creation. Though my theory is he predates the universe because creation is making order, and Discord is the opposite of order... so he doesn't need tangible existence to live in some form. /My theory Edited August 13, 2014 by Jammo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bird Mom 900 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 I always had a cRaZy assumption Starswirl the Bearded was Discord. But what do I know? I'm a Rarity-obsessed freak show. It is hard not to love Discord, even with glaring issues in his conception. Now that leaves me with what the buck Starswirl was doing and who was working the sun before the sisters came along but that is fodder for another topic.Its going to be difficult to give Discord a backstory if he is going to be billions of years old. What can you really do with that?fluttershy: "so can you tell me about your past?"Discord "well I was watching this primordial ooze one day when the funniest thing happened..." I think the unicorns of the land were raising the sun, correct? "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!" What do you think of me?: http://kevan.org/johari?name=bird+mom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banul 3,831 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Before he was Discord, he was little baby Discord inside Mama Discord's belly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,861 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 ΔS = Creator of Discord's race ... at the beginning of all space/time. Of course I'm biased ... order to chaos sounds like a cool way to explain him. You know what, this is like the 4th time that I've discussed one of the concepts of thermodynamics on this board ... this week. I need a new hobby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotoriousSMALL 1,984 August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 I thought Discord was Discord, he ruled Equestria before Luna and Celestia and that's all we know. I don't know why people think he's Star Swirl the Bearded considering Star Swirl is considered good and he is renowned where as up til recently Discord was regarded as a villain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ggg-2 3,553 August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 In my headcanon, Discord came into being at the beginning to act as both a governor of chaos but also as a sort of vessel to contain that chaos, but at some point all that chaos corrupted him, driving him to spread chaos rather than contain it. Don't be a nerd. Join the herd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darker 1,351 August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 The answer is simple. Discord. Overlord of Darkness Signature made by: Astral Blitzen http://mlpforums.com/user/24786-astral-blitzen/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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