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open The Bleak Equestrian Future.


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HI everyone! this is my first RP. it takes place in a future in which  Equestria is foursed to become a military country to defend its people and borders. with tha bit of info out of the way, its time t0 go over some rules.


  • you must describe your character. a picture will do fine, as long as your character isn't over the top.
  •   NO ALICORNS. i know this is an obvious thing, but i just wanted to make sure.
  • if you want to join, feel free to at any time you feel comfortable :D
  • if you have any questions, ask em here http://mlpforums.com/topic/108449-ooc-the-bleak-equestrian-future/
  • YOU MUST USE PROPER GRAMMAR. use spellchecker, or Google to make sure your haven't spelled anything wrong.
  • make sure to use periods. i know this is a strange rule, but run on sentences are really annoying.
  • be fair to other users.

ill really only be posting the intro, and then sitting there silently watching what happens. although, i may jump in from time to time.

anyway, lets get on with the story!


    A cold rainy wind blew over the ponyville military base, chilling the few ponies out on patrol. it spoke of rain yet to come, foreshadowing the inevitable downpour. in a blue, crystal like castle that resided in the middle of the base, general twilight sparkle stirred from the blackness of sleep. she sat up, rubbing her eyes of sleep. sighing, she levitated her uniform from her night stand and trotted across her large bedroom to her personal bathroom. hanging her uniform on the back of the bathroom door, she flicked on the hot water and stepped into the shower. she quickly showered, dried her self off, an slipped on her uniform, which consisted of a dark blue uniform cap, a white button up shirt, and a dark blue ankle coat . she turned to the mirror and brushed her mane and teeth then applied some deodorant. leaving the bathroom, she trotted out of her room toward the meeting hall.

Edited by uptill5am
  • Brohoof 2

457798.jpg?1411077077  ~Gravity Falls~

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(OOC: Sorry, but  800 character minimum RP annoy me :/ )


Soprano (who was hiding in his house, studying his Japanese) heard a strange sound coming from his door. "Hello?" Soprano asked, not knowing what to expect come from the door. He was a royal guard for Celestia, but he was off duty due to injury. He slowly walked down to the door, scared. He wasn't the bravest pony; he was probably one of the most cowardly. He wasn't very strong, but was very smart, knowing Japanese and English. "Who's there?" Soprano said, getting ready to run away. He heard the knocking sound again, but no voice accompanying it. He had his armour on, and his weapon ready. He was in Canterlot, where he has lived his whole life. Eventually, the knocking stopped. He ignored it, and went to his radio control. He typed out: "KNOCKING HEARD AT DOOR, KNOCKING IGNORED. CQ CQ, THIS IS V6H35." in morse code. He was on the frequency used to communicate to other military bases. He was very interested in HAM radio, owning multiple antique ones, and multiple hoof-helf ones.

Edited by SopranoAurora
  • Brohoof 3


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Aqua Abyss was walking down the dark and wet main street in Canterlot thinking about his 'reforming' in the Asylum "Urrghh, best not think about that I was not sane at the time I guess. They were just helping me after all... Huh rain? I need to get back home and calm down, I am not involved in this war so I need not worry" Abyss was going in the direction of his home and had a couple flash backs from his dark past."Maybe my 'skills' could be handy as a guard or soldier, I could be useful"


He arrived home wet and cold but felt relieved to be in the warmth and privacy of his home, avoiding all that chaos outside just made him feel calmer. *Smirks* Well I guess I should go find out from other ponies how and where I train to be a soldier" He heard loud banging outside and grabbed his small combat knife from his desk as silently approached his door to look through but saw some guards running by which for him is a normal sight to see.

He always thought a little protection was good especially now Equestria is at war and a knife is good protection. The banging once again started which agitated Abyss strongly so this time he galloped towards the door and threw it open. "What, what is it"  He snarled loudly but this time a large white pony with armour was stood there looking at him in quite menacing way.

  • Brohoof 3

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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  • 1 month later...

My OC I'm using-->http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/aphrodite-r7301

"Dad, you can't make me do this!" said a young mare, her eyes shining with tears. Aphrodite never wanted to be a guard, and didn't like the fact that Equestria had become a military country. "Aphrodite it's for the good of Equestria. Haven't you wanted to meet and be by the side of Celestia?" Her father questioned, pulling his polished gold helmet over his head. "Yes but..." Aphrodite stammered, shuffling her hooves. "I just didn't want it to be like this." she turned tail and galloped until she couldn't feel her hooves. Brushing her mane out of her face, she trotted over to the door of the recruitment center. *Sigh* I guess I don't have a choice, she thought, as she pushed open the doors.


Walking over to the desks in the front room, she spotted a sign up sheet for being a messenger for Celestia. Well I always liked to run. Might as well try it out. Trotting over to the sheet, she noticed something strange. Everypony seemed to be unnaturally skinny. "Excuse me, ma'am." she heard, and turned to the colt sitting at the desk. Suddenly, there was a spear at her forehead, and everything went black. 

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 1 month later...

Leaf Shadow looked through the bars. All she saw was black. Nothing. She had a bleak Equestrian Future ahead of her. Her blue eyes narrowed. And her bleak Equestrian Future was because of Ocean Lily and Fiery Rose. When they stole all the weaponry in the East Wing Military Base, they put it under her bed, and she was blamed. She knew it was Ocean Lily and Fiery Rose, because they had been after her since Leaf Shadow had simply corrected incorrect grammar in a poem. But then the twins became depressed from the jeering in English, and soon ran away. When Princess Celestia found them, they were shamed and sent back. All because of incorrect grammar. In court Princess Celestia didn't believe Leaf Shadow was framed. Leaf Shadow was sentenced to 20 years in prison. So there she was. In prison. Alone. With a bleak Equestrian Future ahead of her. "Shadow!" A quiet whisper could be heard from the cell next to Shadow.

"What?" Shadow snapped miserably. "Can't you see I am busy being depressed here, Melody?"

"Well, yes, but I thought you might like to hear about Midnight Stars newest plan!" Melody whispered excitedly

"Fine..." Shadow sighed, "Go ahead."

"Well, we were going to get the most idiotic numbskull on the north side of the prison, Slade, to pretend he is going insane and is going to fake attempted escape-" Melody began.

"And how may I ask, will we get him to do THAT?" Shadow said.

"Oh," Melody flicked her blue hair, "you know how he adores me!"

"You know what?" Shadow sighed, "Save it for later."



post-30729-0-54181300-1416755631.jpg. (My OC)

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Neutral was just a normal colt who didn't really care much about the world of war he lived in, as long as he didn't have to be involved he was fine to keep on with his life. On one sunny morning neutral had a day off work so he thought of going to the beach. When he got all his stuff together he left for the beach, when he turned the corner he heard a very loud stallion yell OI grey one! Neutral was shocked and jumped in fear dropping his stuff and slowly but shaking like the cold, sees a bigger stallion looking down at him. He was wearing a standard issue helmet and armour with a piece of paper in his pocket, he was also smoking a cigar. The stallion approached neutral and gave him the piece of paper and asked "are you interested?". Neutral replied in shock "no". The stallion replied "come on kid do it for Celestia and your country". Neutral realising that he was fighting for Celestia and the country he lives in knew that there was trouble and the need of young stallions and colts were in dire need by the military. Neutral saw down the trail that loads of stallions and older colts are in line marching towards the military base. So neutral looked at the paper, and saw that the paper had all sorts of branches with signature required by those branches. There was a variety of branches (artillery,navy,infantry,pilot,bomber pilot,gunner, signals) and many more. neutrals father was a hero in the infantry and was killed for his actions but he heard a promise from one his fathers friends who told him not to join. Remembering that memory neutral said no and galloped off with all his things and ran into the house and locked everything up and shut the blinds on the window.


Neutrals mum looked in concern about the quick shutting and locking of the house and windows, and in a calm voice asked "what's wrong honey?". Neutral in a panicked replied back "it's nothing mum just continue with what you are doing". After ten or so minutes he finally went into his room, locked the door and went onto his and started crying. His mum with haste but also with concern, knocks on his door "honey what's wrong please tell me". Neutral crying "no", "come on neutral, please tell me you are scaring me now". "Fine!" Screamed neutral " they are after me". "Who" replied neutrals mum. "You know who!" Replied neutral in anger. Neutrals mum was in shock and said "no not them" as she starts to get teary "yes,mum they are".



Btw my OC is a all grey stallion with grey eyes and is a earth pony

Edited by NeutralNoob
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Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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  • 1 year later...

The tardis landed the doctor and derpy stepped out. Doc? derpy asked confused what's going on? We're at the end of time right now derpy this war has a dark side to it a bomb will go off and destroy equestria the entire horse world! WHAT! derpy exclaimed! were going to save time derpy. But why? Because if the bomb goes off the pony's will not come back. Oh derpy said silently. Don't worry derpy its going to be fine we just need to blow up this bomb. BUT WHERE IS IT! in the crystal empire. oh. so they started on their quest to find the bomb of doom. MANY MILES OF TROTTING LATER! doctor grunts were here derpy. right doc but now we got to get the bomb.Then they heard trumpets blare and they looked only to fine the bomb being carried by two enemy warriors.Well derpy today is going to be easier than we fought. But how do we get rid of them? i have an idea. derpy get out your gun and aim carefully. right doc....So she aimed her gun at the enemy troop. Wait derpy said but then the other one will attack.Good point derpy shoot two bullets. right doc. She charged her gun  and...POW/ POW. and hit them both and blood was on the crystal floor. fine job derpy now i'm gonna go deactivate it so he got up and trotted to the bomb and got out his sonic screw driver he pressed his teeth down and it made it's weird humming sound and Smoke came from the bomb. then a robotic voice said bomb activated. WHAT!? the doctor and derpy exclaimed five minutes till boom boom. Derpy get your laser. RIGHT so she put her hoof into the pocket of her brown bomber jacket got it out and cut off the top to the bomb. o,k derpy this is how you deactivate a bomb so he got out his sonic screw driver in his mouth again and looked for the source where the bomb would turn off. o.k derpy this is how you deactivate a bomb so he got derpy's laser pen and cut through the the thick blue wire. then a voice said bomb deactivated. Wait doc cant they build another? good point derpy... we need to destroy their supplies. O.k doc i can blow it up. Good idea derpy. Why do you sound surprised? derpy asked. not right now derpy here. he gave derpy then he activated the missle with his sonic screw driver then a small missle went out her jacket pocket. Oh by the way derpy good job. now RUN FOR YOUR LIFE DERPY HOOVES! Then the tardis started appearing and they blasted off the ground now watch this. Then A HUGE EXPLOSION happened in the former crystal empire. WOW! derpy said surprised fireworks! Now. the doctor said. where shall we go next? to good ol equestria. Great idea derpy and the tardis started to dissapear.

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