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private Fallout: End of the Road

Stone Cold Applejack

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"No I'm not cold. My tattoo." I turned my head to show Quick Strike my tattoo of a Zuluian tribe symbol meaning hope. "Zenith knows all of my tribes symbols. She kills zuluian tribesmen on sight." Looked up at the horizon. "Almost there. Also a high ranking stallion by the name of Silver Tail told me to give them this." I opened my saddle bags to show they were full of drugs and chems. "I was forced to do it. They took all my weapons, caps, and equipment." I closed my saddle bags. "Lets go"

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Quick Strike followed Star Gaze, and smiled after looking into the bag.  "So, they pulled a fast one on ya, eh?"  He laughed, "somepony tried that on me once."  Suddenly, his revolver was up, spinning around his front-right hoof.  "I disagreed with 'em."  He holstered the revolver.  "So, this zebra gal.  She gonna cause us some trouble, or what?"





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"Hopefully not. But her being a drug dealer you never know. Just don't let her see this tattoo and we should be in the clear. Also me pulling a fast one on those mobsters would end up with them pulling my head off." We reached a ridge and I looked up at it. "This is it. Maneford point. Lets head up." We walked up the ridge and arrived at the top. Zenith was waiting for us. I pulled Quick Strike to me. "Don't do anything to piss her off. She's very unpredictable."

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"You got it," Quick Strike replied, "You do the talking, I'll just stand here looking tough!"  He chuckled to himself, and followed Star Gaze up the ridge.  This could be some fun, thought to himself.  Hope this here Gaze fella knows what kinda thing he's getting into.  Reaching up to tilt his hat forward, where it nearly covered his right eye, he moved into position just behind Star Gaze, ready to back him up if needed...





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Walking towards Zenith a pit of ice grew in my stomach. Damn even I'm scared of her. I thought in my head. "Hello. Are you Star Gaze." Zenith said in her native tribes language. A test I thought. "Yes" I said. Luckily I knew there language. She smiled. "OK then do you have the stuff?" she said normally. "Here it is" I opened the saddle bag to show her. "Good." she said looking into the bag. "Wait what is this?" she said lifting a thick red metal stick out of the bag. "Its a new drug called Ice blow. Its this" I opened the container to show her a light teal substance. "Now how much do we get?" I asked. "Here you each get 200 caps." I took the caps. "That's it?" I said looking at her. A guard lifted his gun. "You take it or die." he said. "Fine" I said eyeing him. "Well lets get going Quick Strike." I said.

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Following his new companion, Quick Strike cast a skeptical eye back towards Zenith and her guard.  "That's it?" he asked, once they were out or earshot.  "I mean, I know it was a simple drop-off, but it seamed a little to simple."  He frowned.  "I reckon they just ain't gonna let us walk away like this."  He paused, then looked at Star Gaze, "unless there's something ya ain't tellin me..."





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Turning around to face Quick Strike. "Your right. That wasn't it. That capsule wasn't a drug it was a bomb." After I said that a explosion rocked the ridge. "Holy hell. Damn powder is strong. That bomb was a model 13 powder bomb. Highly explosive and very deadly when it blows." I looked back at Quick Strike and smiled. "Now lets go get our actual share."

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"Yee-haw!" Quick Strike yelled, watching the explosion, "now THAT's my kind of fun!"  He turned to Star Gaze, "guess you knew what you were doing all along, huh?"  He picked up his hat, as the air from the blast had blown it off.  "So now what?" he asked, putting it back on, "anypony gonna be gunnin for us now?  I mean, was't that there Zebra important or sometin?"





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Laughing I said "Important ha. That might have been her whole gang. The rest might just be junkies with knives. We aren't in trouble." Walking back up the ridge we passed the body of a zebra. I took his bolt action rifle. And searched him and found:

13 rifle ammo

2 caps

Revolver ammo

And an adult magazine (dam. tv.)


I took all the possessions. I slid the magazine into my saddle bag so Quick Strike wouldn't see.


(That magazine I got from this show on the tv. Sorry but my brain got the idea and so put it in here. And it makes sense to. The zebra was a drug dealer and sooo)

Edited by Pvt. Applejack
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"No trouble, huh?  Too bad," replied Quick Strike, as he followed Star Gaze back to the bomb scene.  "I coulda used some fun today!"  He watched as Star Gaze searched a body, and looked around the charred area.  He spotted another Zebra lying nearby, head twisted un-naturally to one side.  Walking over, he began his own scavenging.


Search:  Dead Zebra

Edited by nx9100





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nx9100's loot:

14 rifle ammo

Varmit rifle (same as mine)

Pre war money

3 caps

Tribial beaded necklace

Steel pipe


I got up smiling. "Guess I found some good stuff." I walked over to a zebra blown in half. I found nothing. I walked over to another zebra and found...


My loot:

Red marker

2 rifle ammo

21 empty rifle cartridges

Ka-Bar knife

Knife sheath

A book called Winter Flight

Empty bottle


I took the ammo, the sheath, the knife, and the book. I got up and looked around. "Damn a lot of them either got blown up or disintegrated. But some of these buildings are still standing maybe we make camp once we get done searching. What'd you think Strike?"

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"Sounds good ta me," replied Quick Strike, as he popped a round in the dead zebra's rifle.  He pushed the bolt forward, and gave a wicked grin to Star Gaze.  "He-he!" he laughed, "I think this here will come in handy!"  Slinging the rifle over his shoulder, he pocketed the caps, and held up the necklace.  "Now, this here's interesting," he said, while examining it.  "Wonder if its worth sumthin to somepony."  He held it out towards Star Gaze.  "Whadya think?"





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Looking at the necklace I said "Someone will but it. Looks expensive. Just don't tell em where you got it." I looked into the sky. The sun was setting night would be upon soon. I remembered back in my tribe's village where a handful of zebras would have a heart attack if they stepped outside in the night. I started to laugh at the thought.

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"Heck," Quick Strike shrugged, "I found this here trinket in a bush.  Ha-ha!"  he stuck it in a pocket, along with the steel pipe.  "That might come in handy."  Looking around the area, he noticed the sun starting to set in the distance.  "So, what now pardner?" he asked Star Gaze.





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"Make camp here...I guess." I answered. "Either that or we walk all night." I walked into a stone building that was mostly intact. I looked around the room and found a ladder. I climbed up the ladder. I could see the town I met Quick Strike at in the distance. "Seems good up here Strike" I called to him.

Edited by Pvt. Applejack
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"Yeah, I ain't up for an overniter," Quick Strike replied, and followed Star Gaze into the building.  He looked around, just to see if there was anything worth grabbing.

"Seems good up here Strike!" Gaze called from above.  Strike looked up, and spotted the ladder across the room.  "Well now," he said, "up high and outta sight.  Should be a good place to tucker down."  He climbed up the ladder, and moved to the opposite wall from Gaze, removed his rifle, and leaned it against the crumbling wall.  "So," he said, while laying down next to the rifle, "we gonna take watches, or what?"





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"Yeah I guess we might." I replied. I removed my saddle bags, took off my rifle, and sat down. "Alright we each watch for an hour." I said. "Get some sleep Strike. I'll take first shift." I picked my rifle back up and set it up against the wall. I looked over the area. We are really high up. Higher than I thought. For something this high didn't take long to get up here on the ridge. I thought to myself.

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"No argument here," Strike replied, yawning.  "Time for sum shut-eye."  Laying back on the floor, with his head propped up against the wall, he reached up and pulled his hat down to cover his eyes.  "Just remember," he said, "my piece is always where I can get adit if sumthin cumes up."  And with that, he closed his eyes.  A few minutes later, he was passed out...





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Watching the area I couldn't help but admire it. The ridge reminded me of my time as a Zuluian tribe guardian. Those were good times. Watching over the villagers at night and delivering food for them. I suddenly remembered the magazine from earlier. I opened my saddle bag and looked through it. After about 23 minutes I closed it and began my watch. It was getting colder. "Fuckin cold out here." I said to myself. I looked up into the sky. And I hummed a song from the Zuluian tribe gospel.

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Re took another swig of another bottle and took a recovering breath. Before the other ponies could speak or even answer, Mister Re left with the slightest wave goodbye.


"Good bye. Thank you for the water. I need to get going. I have map marker to get to. I owe some pony a bullet to the face."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Soprano saw Re walk off, and decided to start cleaning his house up. Luckily, his safe was safe and secure. "Good, that wasn't touched." Soprano thought, looking for any more damage. His radio was working, and so was his antenna. But, there was still no ponies on it. He wasn't surprised; radios were useless now.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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I stopped humming. I looked up into the sky. 30 minutes had gone by. I sighed. I was tired. "Hope to Celestia some mutant comes around so I can kill something and knock the sleep out of me." I whispered. I turned and looked at Quick Strike. He was still fast asleep. "I wonder what he's dreamin about."

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Soprano, after looking through the radio bands for any signals (to no avail), decided that he needed to go to scavenge for food. He went to his map to look for a place to scavenge. "Maneford Point, huh?" Soprano thought, packing supplies.






-Japanese book


-2-way radio


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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I turned back around. I almost fell asleep. I jerked my head back to avoid falling asleep. I began to think about things. I thought back to my 2 bestest friends in my guardian days. Carvin and Fire Torch. I smirked thinking about the things we did together when we were kids in the village. I began to hope I'd see them again.

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Soprano, who was getting close to his destination, suddenly heard something. It sounded like snoring. Soprano looked around, then saw Quick Strike. Soprano got scared, then ducked down out of sight of Quick Strike (Soprano didn't know he was sleeping).


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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