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private Fallout: End of the Road

Stone Cold Applejack

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Re took a look into the map of pip-buck. The only unmarked locations he had was a place called "Maneford Point."  He sighed, he was going the complete opposite direction. 


"Dammit. I've been going the wrong direction." Re had put away his pip-buck and oriented his position to the right direction. Before that, however, he spotted a dead raider beside a hunting rifle. "Looks like its in pretty bad shape. I'll take everything I can get."




Pain spike armor 

(10) .32 caliber ammo

Hunting rifle


There was a piercing monstrous scream. Re ran as fast as he could. "I need to find that mare. And run!"

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"What the hell!" I said hearing a sound coming from behind us. I looked at the spot I heard it. Then walked over to Quick Strike. I squinted to see better in the dark. I lowered my rifle and turned to Quick Strike. "Hey Strike. Wake up buddy." I said shaking him. "Some son of a bitch is trying to sneak up on us."

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"Quick Strike, terrorize!" he yelled, while opening his eyes and sitting up.  "Wait," he shook his head to wake up, "what's going on?"  Getting to his feet, he reached down to grab his hat, which had fallen beside him.  "Who's trying what now?" he asked, while fixing his hat on his head...





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Mister Re spent a tiresome night outrunning a death claw, who was running at a moderate speed, he zigzaged through a random mine field to lose the thing after a couple of hours. He was tired but he thought he saw a familiar yellow pony. It was still dark


"Hey, you. What's your name. Who are you hiding from?" Re positioned himself next to the pony coming from the rear end.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Someones tryin to sneak one up on us. Probably a raider. Lets kill the bastard." I said remaining eye contact on the spot before moving up.All of the sudden a pony started walking towards us. I aimed my rifle at him. "STAY RIGHT THERE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed at him.

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"Worst time to for new attire." Re look down as his recently obtained armor. "Soprano, stay under cover... I'll try to talk to them."


There was no time to take off his raider blast master armor so Mister Re prepared his P.A.T.S once again. The markers on his HUD indicated one blue marker and two purple markers. The pip-buck analyzed the heart beats of all the living creatures in a given radius and orange was the threshold between hostillity and friendly. Re peered over the bush 


"I'm friendly, just awkwardly dressed." Re looked at his Pip-buck, 45 percent hit chance on the limbs and three shots. Re's pip-buck had a percentage probability range unique to his series, which made his shots even more erratic. "...Must be the recoil...-" He whispered. " Cease aim and I'l put down my weapon."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Soprano, who was scared shit-less, was hiding underneath the window. He had no idea what to do, but he knew that he shouldn't move, or he would get a hole put through him. When Soprano was stressed, he sometimes forgets some of his English. "くそ、私はばかんですね!” ("S**t, i'm an idiot!") he yelled.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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"Hey now," Quick Strike said, while spinning his revolver around his front hoof, "Everypony just cool off!  While I do enjoy a good fight, I's not in the mood to waste my rounds if I don't need too."  He walked up to stand next to Star Gaze, and pointed towards the others.  "If'n they ain't here to fight, I say we let'm live.  Reckon they might come in handy if we run into more of your 'ol friends'!"  He chuckled to himself, still pinning his revolver...

Edited by nx9100





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"We blow up a gang of drug dealers and all the sudden a pony wearing raider clothes shows up." I looked at the pony. "But since you say you're friendly I won't kill ya." I lowered my rifle. And walked to the pony. I stared him in the eyes. "But if I catch you doing the slightest thing that doesn't add up about you. I'll put a round inside of ya" I turned back around and walked off towards the house. "Now 1 of you is on point with me while the others sleep. You's it gonna be?"

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"Agreed, Soprano will take watch because I'm... too... tired..." While Re holstered his weapon, he proceed to fall to the ground unconscious, since it was safe there was no reason to fight his exhaustion anymore. The dirt covered the uncovered parts of his armor. It left Soprano the clear choice.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Well, since we're all friends now," Quick Strike said, while sliding back to the floor, "I'm gonna get some more shut-eye."  He reached up, and pulled his hat down to cover his eyes, then folded his front legs across his chest.  "Try not ta holler too loud next time, ya hear?"  





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I looked at Sorpano. I propped my rifle on my shoulder and said "Sorpano I guess. Me and you are on point. That means we watch over those 2." I pointed to Re and Quick Strike. "You got a gun I see so if you see anything that seems like a threat. You kill it. Don't try to barter with it or talk to it. If you see a threat you kill it. Got it?"

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Soprano was starting to warm up to the mysterious ponies. When asked a question of vertification, he agreed. He just wanted time to be alone and study for a bit. "As long as I can get time to study, fine." Soprano said, not trusting them. He knew that you shouldn't trust anyone out here.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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I laughed. "Study? What the hell is studying gonna do in the wasteland?" I asked. "Never mind don't answer that." I got back to my spot and continued my watch. I took out a cigarette and lite it and waited for morning.



I awoke with a stir. Quick Strike and Mister Re were on point by this time. "So I guess we move out now huh?"

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"Sure thing," Quick Strike replied, slinging his rifle over his shoulder.  "We gonna wrestle-up some grub on the way?"  Then, he paused, a confused look coming over his face, and turned to Star Gaze.  "Speakin of," he said, "where the heck we all goin, anyway?"  He took out his pistol, and started spinning it around (this was a simple habit of his). 





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"What do you mean? Japanese and radio operation are both very vital to survival out here!" Soprano said in disagreement. 




Soprano woke up feeling sick and tired. He forgot that he was in a group, and proceeded to start his Japanese study early.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Picking my rifle up I said. "New Pegasus. The city of loss and gain." I holstered my revolver and grabbed my dog taggs and looked at them.

Name: Star Gaze

Blood: B-

GOS: 0300

SS#: SQ 1376 0927


I rubbed the dirt off them then put them on. I walked over to the side of the building and spit. I looked into the sky. "I owe someone something."

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"Well, as long as there's sometin in it for me, I'll tag along wit ya!" Quick Strike proclaimed, still playing with his pistol.  "I reckon you might need the fastest draw out here.  HA!"  He turned to the other two ponies.  "How 'bout it pardners?  Y'all up for a little hike today?"





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Re woke up with a sore back, it was quickly straightened out with a few strecthes but it was going to be some minutes before he could fully commit to anything strenuous. The reason being, he slept atop his bumpy rifle.


"Fug, my baack. Ah well, that what I get for being a dramatic pony and knocking out like it was unpurposeful." Re shook his head and body to rid himself of the dust. "Morning everypony."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Soprano just finished his Genki lesson when he heard the others talking. It startled him. "くそ!(I think you can guess what that means -_-)" he yelled, before realising that it was his so called 'allies.' "Oh, sorry. You scared me. おはようございます! (Good morning)." He said, trying to sound friendly.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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"Morning Re." I turned to Quick Strike. "We'll be goin up there for business annnnnd pleasure. We gotta make some stops however. The first we need to group with a Zuluian zebra tribe caravan at Neighton." I said. "We need to move now." On my way out the building I saw a dead zebra with a ammo bandolier. I took the bandolier off and checked the zebra. I found...

12 rifle rounds

3 healing powders

4 cans of food



I took all the possessions and walked back in the building. "Found some canned food. Eat up." I put the cans on the floor.

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"I'll follow you guys. For the time being, Man... the few days I've been out here has been hell. Finally I have some sort of group to keep me remotely safe. Soprano, come and eat." Re gave a sigh of relief as he took his own food out and ate a canned meat he had from the other night.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Holstering his revolver, Quick Strike moved over to pick up one of the cans.  "Ah, chow time!" he exclaimed, while pulling open the lid.  "Old canned veggies, my person favorite" he joked.  Reaching into a pocket of his jacket, he pulled out one of the rifle bullets, then stabbed in into the can.  When he pulled it out, a dried carrot slice was stuck on the end.  He turned to the others, "What?  Ain't got no fork!"  Using the round, he began to eat...





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Soprano went and got food before cowering away from the group, eating by himself, trying to hear other survivors on his old portable HAM radio. "This is VK3F2B, I repeat, VK3F2B, requesting contact. CQ CQ." Soprano said into the radio, broadcasting, hoping someone would reply.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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I took out my Ka-Bar knife and stabbed the top of the can. "Please be something good." I prayed. I cut a hole on the side of the can and saw it was canned noodle soup. "Hell yes" I said. I took out a lighter and picked up a few sticks and made a fire to warm it up. When it was warm and drank the soup done. I looked back to see Soprano on an old HAM radio talking into it. I turned to Re "Is that pony messed up in the head?"


(Soprano you can make your character hear that if you want.)

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