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open To justify the means ( IC RP)

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@samurai equine


Kazas smiled, and and let out a light hearted chuckle.


" heheh.... I like your spirit. let me tell you something. After this is all said and done, the divine retribution order will offer it's help to you. We will accompany you back to your homeland after preparations have been made. The first order of business will be to hunt down your dragon. We will weaken it, but it has to be you that slays it. After that, we will look into what is happening in japon. If things are extremely bad, we will send word for the rest of the divine retribution to mobilize to japon. We keepers lead 2000 trained volunteer fighters, with 400 fighters under each keeper. Then, we will both teach you to wield the power, and help solve the crisis. But for now, it's time to teach you the burning blade technique. And if alrahm is here, he must be in the locker room..... I doubt he came to compete."



Kazas said as he walked into the locker room. He yelled for alrahm, and motioned his claw in a way that samurai equine would know to follow him.



"Alrahm! Are you down here?"



Alrahm heard kazas, and spoke back as he walked in the door.



" confound it all, boy! Do you need to be so loud? I am old, not deaf! What is it you require?"



" I need your help. I'm going to teach samurai equine the holy blazing blade technique."



" surely you jest! He isn't a pheonix knight like you! Unless he is skilled with both fire and holy magics, I highly doubt he could do such a thing!"



" that's why we are going to help him. You have basic divine spells memorized, and he does have an affinity for fire. Now help me teach him. I promise he's a more eager learner than those snobby unicorn colts that you tutor."



" oh for the love of Celestia.... Okay, but if he injures himself playing with fire.... It shan't be on my head."



" okay. Samurai equine, sit next to me. Have your blade at the ready, and unsheathed. Sit next to me when you are ready."


Kazas sat near alrahm. Lorec was too focused on doing push-ups, but did answer to agririon's announcement.



@The Phantom Lancer



" I don't think any of my lot mind... A visitor isn't a big deal anyways."



Syuren had gone into the locker room also, and had taken a seat on the backside of Lorec. He decided to stay his curiosity of shelevan for now. The way she snapped that look at agririon..... Yeesh. She might try to bite his head off as soon as he tried to talk. Lorec smiled as he did his push-ups. This was something he asked syuren to do often, to add a little weight.




" come on, ya big lug! I wanna see some sweat! How are we supposed to be the heaven-n-earth combo if you ain't up to par with my epicness?!?"


He said in a loud but joking tone.



" last time I checked, losing in the first round of the tournement isn't epic...."



Syuren blushed.

"S-shut up and do your push-ups. Jerk."


Kazas laughed at what he just heard and put his own bits in.



" maybe Lorec should've been the pheonix knight.... Because that's a burn that even I can't inflict."



They all laughed and went on with their business.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas laughed at what he just heard and put his own bits in.



" maybe Lorec should've been the pheonix knight.... Because that's a burn that even I can't inflict."



They all laughed and went on with their business.


A booming sound shot through the locker room. At first it sounded like the sound of a cannon firing, but it turned out to be Havoc standing alone at the door. He had slammed one of his fists into the wall, leaving a massive crater in the dry wall, bent to the shape of his arm guards.


Although this seemed like an obvious sign of aggression, he had only done it to gain the attention of the ponies in the room. Even through the veiled cover of his helmet. It was clear that his eyes were peering at Alrahm in particular.


Havoc had heard him and Kazas shouting. He knew that Alrahm had agreed to teach the holy flame. The reason this mattered to him was unclear.


Aside from his body language, the only thing he did to communicate with the others in the room was a strong exhale of breath through his nose.

Edited by Literally Snails
  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Helping me out with my homeland... We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, one thing at a time." Samurai says to Kazas. He is about to go on talking when Havoc puts on a little show for them!


Well... That was something that left the room quiet and a little confused. "Umm... Excuse us. This a private matter. Kazas, I hope you don't mind, but I think THIS is in order." With a snap of of his... hoof; Samurai, Kazas, Alrahm, and anyone else who needs to be privy to the lessons are suddenly boxed in. They are surrounded by large shoji room dividers. A few lit candles are scattered around the inner corners. Naturally, this means Havoc is left outside of the newly formed yet very spacious "cubical". He cannot hear what is being said in there, nor can he clearly see anything. All he can see through the paper windows are the shadows of the group inside as they move around and talk to each other.


"That's better. Now, about that sword... Is my horn okay?" Samurai asks nervously, anime sweat drop and everything. "My horn has always been the only sword I've ever needed. Let's just say, I'm VERY talented with it. Although, if a weapon is absolutely necessary, I suppose I could have something arranged. I'm always prepared for whatever may come my way..."

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@samurai equine


Kazas and alrahm looked at each other with a confused look. What was this?


Kazas spoke up.


" well.... This is new. I've never seen anything like this before.... But maybe we should let that Minotaur in... He seems like he's different from the rest of his group... Maybe we could trust him? We should at least entertain him... Perhaps he is mute and unable to speak?"


Alrahm remained silent. It was obvious what kazas was doing. He was taking an interest in the yokai seven... Such curiosity and comfortableness with such lot would get him killed. Or worse.


@literally snails



The sound made syuren jump, but made no impact on Lorec's routine. Whatever this fellow Minotaur wanted, it was obvious that kazas would oblige.... Lorec sometimes wondered if his leader was an idiot, or too enthusiastic about the positive aspects of personality in every being met.




" woah... Lorec. Dude. He throws slugs like you. Ya think that he might be the fight you want, man? I know you've been eying samurai equine.... But this guy... He seems like he could take a hit and and send one back twice as hard. I think he fits your style better. What do ya think?



Lorec stopped, and looked at havoc. He looked into his eyes... They looked angry, and yet saddened. As if he didn't want anything to do with the yokai seven. He stood up, and walked over to the hole that havoc had made. He spoke.




" strong........ Yet.... A fist lingering of regret......"


He too, threw a punch at the wall. The impact was overall the same, but the wall bent to the shape of his fist, not armor. The bandages on his left arm came slightly undone, and scars could be seen through the loosened bandages. He retracted his arm, and retightened the bandages."


"........same as mine....."


He turned to the little space that samurai equine had created.


" alrahm! Kazas! You are wanted."


He turned to havoc.


" my word has weight with them... Go on."



Kazas spoke to samurai equine.



" we should probably see what he wants... Lorec likes him, too, apparently.... If Lorec trusts him somewhat, then we shouldn't turn him away."

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" we should probably see what he wants... Lorec likes him, too, apparently.... If Lorec trusts him somewhat, then we shouldn't turn him away."


Havoc stood upright, he was nearly tall enough for his horns to scrape against the ceiling, about eight inches taller than Lorec. This massive size was perfectly natural, but very rare.


As he waited for Alrahm to respond, he spoke for the first time since he entered the tournament. His voice was understandably deep and meaty, and his veiled helmet caused it to sensually vibrate, making it sound unnatural. Surprisingly as well, he spoke with perfect grammar. "I am not mute. You all talk more than is needed."

  • Brohoof 2


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails @samurai equine


Alrahm, still in the space that samurai equine created, summoned his notebook from within his robes with his magic. He opened the book to a page about midway into the book. He turned it around so samurai equine could see it, and laid it in front of him. On the page, it was titled...



BASIC DIVINITY SPELL #1; Blessing of the seraphim.


USES: uses positive aspects of caster's personality to invoke their inner light. This inner light becomes manifest within the user, and a generally white/gold aura appears around them. Good for warding off darkness, evil, or demons of lesser variety. If user has great control, the divine protection can be extended to weapons as well.




' I call upon the brightest of lights

To shield me from evil and fright

This light exists within my soul

And now I summon it to protect me whole!'


Alrahm spoke.

" that is all I can do to help you. It is a basic spell. Even a newborn can pull that off. Kazas will teach you how to channel this along with the flame into your catalyst. I expect that you will have minor troubles at best. Now if you'll excuse me... It appears as though I'm needed."


And with that, alrahm got up, leaned on his staff, and walked out. He saw two holes in the wall near havoc, and Lorec was walking back to syuren to continue push-ups. He spoke in a rather annoyed manner.




" you all do realize that your neanderthalic approach to gain my attention is going to come out of precious tax money, do you not? Now, who seeks me and for what purpose?"

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" you all do realize that your neanderthalic approach to gain my attention is going to come out of precious tax money, do you not? Now, who seeks me and for what purpose?"

Havoc unlatched the metal plate that covered his nose and mouth and removed it. The majority of his face was still covered by his helmet, but now he could speak clearly. When he dropped the metal plate, it sunk it crashed into the ground and sunk into the tile floor under the force of its own weight. The plate of metal covering his mouth must have weighed nearly 100 pounds! There was no telling how heavy the rest of his armor was.


"You are a teacher," Havoc stated, "Be as you are."



Snowstorm and Mason stood together outside of the stadium's entrance. Normally, being in public would cause Snowstorm to be partially surrounded by at least half a dozen of the young mares that followed him to every tournament, but this wasn't the case when Mason was also near him. No one in their right mind would risk annoying that unsettling creature.


A lone earth pony approached them. He had a pale brown coat, almost white, and a long black mane and tail that nearly touched the ground. His form was slender and tall but with very little muscle structure. He was dressed in a black coat with a red inlining and upturned collar that almost looked like a vampire's cape with sleeves. His most predominant feature was a metal mask that covered his mouth and nose, but not any other part of his face, like a metallic surgeon's mask. He walked within speaking distance of Snow and Mason, then stopped.


"Of course you would be too busy to show up for the fighting, but not too busy to watch!" Snowstorm scolded.


"I don't like it when they don't let me kill," He said. His voice was smooth and soft, yet somehow still unsettling. "There isn't any enjoyment in it."


"Then why even show up at all, Ke? It's going to be a long time until we take up a different assignment."


"I heard there were fighters here that might be worth my time."

Edited by Literally Snails
  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails


Alrahm smiled a big grin. This one was like Lorec, in a way. Strong. Reserved. Eager to learn. His size was truly remarkable. Lorec stood a full head over his own kind. This one stood a head over Lorec. A remarkable physical specimen in which alrahm would love to study, if given the chance to do so. He trotted slowly over toward havoc, staff holding him up of course. He almost forgot the kind of company that this one kept, as it was obvious that he wasn't the others.


" May I ask what knowledge you are in pursuit of?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@literally snails


Alrahm smiled a big grin. This one was like Lorec, in a way. Strong. Reserved. Eager to learn. His size was truly remarkable. Lorec stood a full head over his own kind. This one stood a head over Lorec. A remarkable physical specimen in which alrahm would love to study, if given the chance to do so. He trotted slowly over toward havoc, staff holding him up of course. He almost forgot the kind of company that this one kept, as it was obvious that he wasn't the others.


" May I ask what knowledge you are in pursuit of?"


Havoc answered Alrahm's question with a question of his own. "What can kill something that cannot die by blade or strength?"




The black robed newcomer began to strut through the halls away from Mason and Snowstorm. He was unaware that all of the fighters were in the locker room, but desperately wanted to meet one of them.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails


Alrahm pondered. And then, after a while, answered.


" if you have a being that is immune to the sword and immune to strength, then your options are severely limited. Magic is obviously an answer... But for you, even that might not be an option. Even still... You could always try trickery and deception, such as poison. But.... That would be detrimental to your own name. Still... Tis an option, if you have no shame at all. But then again, there is always channeling. You see, every being has a soul. That soul is like a rechargeable battery. If power is used, then it will restore itself eventually. However, like all batteries, it shall give out and die. I have heard of warriors... Far, far to the east, who know how to channel their own soul energy into power. The concept works for us all the same, except we of the retribution have auxiliary souls in which to help us with the channeling.... If you were to channel the power of your soul into.... Lets say your fists and you strike this kind of being, then not only will you inflict external damage such as breaking bones or heavy lacerations, you will inflict internal damage as well. To internally damage something is to interrupt the flow of the other's life force.. Your energy is foreign to their body, so their body rejects it quite painfully. If you master channeling, you can send your own energy where you want to go when you strike an opponent. You can disrupt blood flow... Destroy muscles from the inside out.... You could even learn to drain or take life force if you wanted...."


He paused.


" or, you can just best them so badly and then try a decapitation... But that's an overused gimmick."

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"You are a teacher," Havoc stated, "Be as you are."



@@@Samurai Equine,@@Literally Snails,


((Congratulations. You win best single line in part one so far. A bonus cookie for you!))


((Also, I'm going to start colorcoding these voices.))




Agririon flipped over the back end of the bench he was sitting on  as the oriental walls suddenly appeared to pop out of existence around the growing fight. That was something he wasn't expecting. This Samurai figure was quite the interesting character.


As he was picking himself up, a flash appeared for a moment behind a shelf of lockers and out stepped a rather small mare. She was almost entirely white- except for a green-tinted mane- and, despite being made of spirit energy, her head was not at all translucent. She wore no mask, thus revealing her red-tinted eyes quite plainly, and did not wear a hood, unlike Agririon. She seemed rather at ease, but was rather surprised when she found Agririon on the ground.


"Agririon...? I didn't expect you to be on the ground. Did I cause that somehow?"


Her soft voice caused Agririon to sigh. "No, Rosalia, you didn't do that. A rather... interesting and sudden event happen just before you walked out. I'm alright." He stood up and brushed himself off some. "So, you said you had a message for me? I swear, if it's another redirected message-"


"No, it shouldn't be that," consoled Rosalia quickly. "Father gave it to me specifically, and-"


"Wait. You have a message from Mr. D himself?"


"Err... I think so, if we're talking about the same thing."


"You've been around me long enough to know. Give it here!"


With a small flinch from the force of his last words, she handed over a rather large, ornamental scroll. "Here it is..." She absentmindedly took out a swab doused in a strange chemical and started nervously cleaning a small spot on one of her forearms. Agririon paid no heed to her and read the scroll quickly.


"Strange... an unknown energy signal in Equestria two hours ago. it went north before disappearing off the map, but it reappears... right on the north Equestrian border. Current location unknown, keep an eye out. Well," he said, putting the scroll away, "it appears that something's here that shouldn't- Rosalia, don't do that. A single drop is all it takes..."


She started before putting the swab away. "I'm sorry... it's something I'm going to have to work on. I don't even realize I'm doing it." With a cheap smile, she bowed. "Anything else, sir?"


"There's no need to call me sir..." He sighed. "No, that should be it, Rosalia. But must you leave so soon? I mean, we're in the middle of the tournament. You could stay and watch. Maybe you could learn something."


"I don't know... I'm just here to deliver a message..."


"Come on. I'm getting lonely here. There's no other wraiths in this entire area. Don't know why..."


Rosalia thought about it for a moment. "Well... I guess I could..."


"Excellent! As soon as this ridiculousness is over, I'll introduce you to everyone. They are all quite unique."


"Alright..." She looked somewhat nervous, but sat down next to Agririon and watched the shadows inside the enclosure move about, both attempting to divine what might be going on inside.

Edited by The Phantom Lancer
  • Brohoof 1
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(Wow! So much development, all while I was either asleep or away at work. I'll try to keep up. I'm glad I have the weekends off)


Once again, Samurai was being unintentionally rude. Seeing that Havoc is clearly that strong, he probably could have destroyed the shoji walls without even trying. After all, they are just paper and slots of woods. Still, with a silent nod, the dividers come down upon the first request. Still, this was quite the interesting development. As soon as the dividers were gone, more individuals started showing up. Havoc alone was all ready intimidating enough...


"Thank you, Alrahm-san. And my apologies for my rudeness, both for either and just now." Samurai says with a bow. Sitting off by himself, Samurai decided to meditate and focus on this new magical gift he has acquired. Might as well let them do as they please if Samurai isn't needed right now.

  • Brohoof 1


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@literally snails


Alrahm pondered. And then, after a while, answered.


" if you have a being that is immune to the sword and immune to strength, then your options are severely limited. Magic is obviously an answer... But for you, even that might not be an option. Even still... You could always try trickery and deception, such as poison. But.... That would be detrimental to your own name. Still... Tis an option, if you have no shame at all. But then again, there is always channeling. You see, every being has a soul. That soul is like a rechargeable battery. If power is used, then it will restore itself eventually. However, like all batteries, it shall give out and die. I have heard of warriors... Far, far to the east, who know how to channel their own soul energy into power. The concept works for us all the same, except we of the retribution have auxiliary souls in which to help us with the channeling.... If you were to channel the power of your soul into.... Lets say your fists and you strike this kind of being, then not only will you inflict external damage such as breaking bones or heavy lacerations, you will inflict internal damage as well. To internally damage something is to interrupt the flow of the other's life force.. Your energy is foreign to their body, so their body rejects it quite painfully. If you master channeling, you can send your own energy where you want to go when you strike an opponent. You can disrupt blood flow... Destroy muscles from the inside out.... You could even learn to drain or take life force if you wanted...."


He paused.


"or, you can just best them so badly and then try a decapitation... But that's an overused gimmick."


"You misunderstand," Havoc said, "It moves and talks like a living thing, but it is not. It doesn't need blood or its head. Everything removed grows back. I have control over my Reiki, but nothing can kill it. What can smite it?"




After a very unthorough search of the building, the slender earth pony became disappointed. There wasn't any of the fighters in sight. They must all be in the locker room, a place restricted to him.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@literally snails


Alrahm's smile turned into a serious demeanor, with a glint of foreboding gloom.


" I.... See.... There are very few options... It's not safe to discuss here. I'll have to take you to meet a greater teacher than myself. He will tell you exactly what you wish to learn. We will have to travel elsewhere so that you may have a chance to engage in conversing with him. If you follow me, then you will have every conceivable answer to this predicament. I leave the choice to you. Come with me, if you wish to know what can destroy what you need to."


And with that, alrahm started trotting off. However, it wasn't to the stands. It was the fighter's exit to the streets. It seemed that he wanted to lead havoc to the greater teacher fast, by his pace.



@samurai equine


Kazas spoke out to samurai equine.


" hey, do you at least want to practice this first? I am ready when you are. It'd be bad if you were to try this in battle and it not even work...."


Kazas drew his sword, and held it out in front of himself. He turned to samurai equine, and spoke once more.


" I assume you already know how to channel fire into your horn and keep the energy there, right?"




@The phantom Lancer @samurai equine


Lorec was about to continue doing push-ups, but before giving a warning.




" nobody tell or even give the slightest hint as to where alrahm is going to the other yokai seven. It's for the best."


Just then, Lorec felt something, and looked in the direction of agririon. " agririon..... I feel like someone is there beside you....."



Syuren, of course, spoke out too.


" yeah, it's like I'm gettin a chill down my spine. There a ghost in here? i love spook stuff."

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai breaks his meditation. "Really? Well, this is an interesting conundrum... Normally, I'd NEVER say no to a good fight, especially a friendly sparring session. But I'm in a tournament now, so~ Do I fight you now and give the onlookers a sample of my abilities, or do I return to my mental training and see how far I can push my spiritual control? Might be bad if my future opponents know what to expect..." Samurai smirks. There is a brief, intense pause between them.


Then, Samurai rises and does some stretches, happily eager. "Eh, what the Tartarus? Sure! Let's do it. I don't mind a trial by fire; I actually learn faster that way. Besides, I think I'll be fine, as long as I'm only focusing on this new Divinity Spell thing. I'm sure I'll figure it out naturally."


Hopefully, Samurai is right. The only thing that could get in their way is the announcement of the next match...


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@literally snails


Alrahm's smile turned into a serious demeanor, with a glint of foreboding gloom.


" I.... See.... There are very few options... It's not safe to discuss here. I'll have to take you to meet a greater teacher than myself. He will tell you exactly what you wish to learn. We will have to travel elsewhere so that you may have a chance to engage in conversing with him. If you follow me, then you will have every conceivable answer to this predicament. I leave the choice to you. Come with me, if you wish to know what can destroy what you need to."


Havoc stood in place. He did not have the option to leave. Instead, he reached down and picked up the metal plate he had dropped earlier and reattached it to his helmet. He didn't tell Alrahm that he wasn't coming. He simply didn't move. He didn't feel awkward doing this, but he certainly appeared awkward.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@samurai equine


Kazas looked confused. Maybe it was the drawing of his sword that gave the signal of wanting to clash? Either way, it was in the locker room. A tight space. But this could be a useful learning experience.


" alright samurai.... Lets see how well you can learn the holy burning blade. First, what I need you to do is concentrate the power of fire into your horn. Without any divinity, it should be as a normal flame. Orange."


Sparks started to snake up his sword. And then, in a sudden burst of light, the sword and part of his sword claw burst into flame, and burned continuously. The fire was of course, orange like kazas said it would be without any divine power. It looked like it should have burned him. But the flames obeyed kazas.



@literally snails @samurai equine


The announcer had come down once more. Near the entrance were two holes, and kazas was flaring up his sword.




" okay, I'm not going to question it, but the next round is to be between samurai equine and snowstorm, with snowstorm appearing first. You all have 20 minutes.... Please don't wreck the room anymore!!!!!!"



With that, the announcer scampered out of the room, misinterpreting what was happening as a brawl.




Alrahm had almost made out of the building when.....





And he was back in the locker room again. Near the entrance, moaning in pain. He got up using his staff, and limped toward havoc once more he had a very angry scowl on his face. He turned around before reaching havoc, and yelled into the exit.





he turned around. He had flared up his anger again at stairs. Stairs were evil to him, considering he could almost never get up them.




" I'm.... Sorry. Falling down the stairs is embarrassing for me. Everyone continue about your business, and act like this event never occurred. That would be preferable..."


@literally snails


Alrahm then looked to the Minotaur, eyes on his mouthpiece. Perhaps he was done talking. Mason was his leader. Perhaps mason had ordered havoc not to leave the same area that he is in?


" I see that you... Didn't move from this spot. I believe that I'm starting to figure out what... Or who it It is you want to destroy.... And I already have a theory why. At a later date, if conditions are right, I hope I can take you to meet the greater teacher. After all, these things are not safe to talk about around them. If one of them had this information other than you... It would not bold well for many."



And the last thing that could be heard was the uncontrollable laughter of syuren when he figured out that alrahm had fallen down the steps.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@literally snails @samurai equine


The announcer had come down once more. Near the entrance were two holes, and kazas was flaring up his sword.




" okay, I'm not going to question it, but the next round is to be between samurai equine and snowstorm, with snowstorm appearing first. You all have 20 minutes.... Please don't wreck the room anymore!!!!!!"



With that, the announcer scampered out of the room, misinterpreting what was happening as a brawl.

@@Samurai Equine


Snowstorm heard his fight being called and walked into the locker room to make his way to the ring. When he passed Samurai Equine, he stopped without making any eye contact and said, "I hope you can put up a decent fight. I will become famous, but I can't get the exposure I need if my fights are only a few seconds long!"


He left the locker room and entered the stadium from the sky, gliding down to his side of the ring and delicately landing on all four hooves at the same time. He had changed into a light blue uwagi tied off with a black obi, with his sheathed sword tucked inside.


When he came into view, one particular section of the crowd became very excited. There was a cheering section that of several dozen young mares who came to the tournament specifically for a chance to see him. While most of the crowd waited for the fight to start before cheering, they were already getting what they wanted.


When he heard the cheering, Snowstorm slowly turned to the mares with a charming smile and pulled a rose out of his sleeve. He tossed the rose into the crowd, causing nearly half of the girls to fight amongst themselves over it.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@samurai equine


Kazas looked confused. Maybe it was the drawing of his sword that gave the signal of wanting to clash? Either way, it was in the locker room. A tight space. But this could be a useful learning experience.


" alright samurai.... Lets see how well you can learn the holy burning blade. First, what I need you to do is concentrate the power of fire into your horn. Without any divinity, it should be as a normal flame. Orange."


Sparks started to snake up his sword. And then, in a sudden burst of light, the sword and part of his sword claw burst into flame, and burned continuously. The fire was of course, orange like kazas said it would be without any divine power. It looked like it should have burned him. But the flames obeyed kazas.



@literally snails @samurai equine


The announcer had come down once more. Near the entrance were two holes, and kazas was flaring up his sword.




" okay, I'm not going to question it, but the next round is to be between samurai equine and snowstorm, with snowstorm appearing first. You all have 20 minutes.... Please don't wreck the room anymore!!!!!!"



With that, the announcer scampered out of the room, misinterpreting what was happening as a brawl.



@@Samurai Equine


Snowstorm heard his fight being called and walked into the locker room to make his way to the ring. When he passed Samurai Equine, he stopped without making any eye contact and said, "I hope you can put up a decent fight. I will become famous, but I can't get the exposure I need if my fights are only a few seconds long!"


He left the locker room and entered the stadium from the sky, gliding down to his side of the ring and delicately landing on all four hooves at the same time.


Samurai gives a light chuckle. "Orange? Well, maybe WITH the Divinity Spell, but my natural fire magic has always been the color..." Samurai doesn't get to finish. The announcer comes in and reveals the next match.


"Same to you, Snowstorm. Would be a shame if the fight was over before I could fully savor it." Samurai says. Clearly, Snowstorm has not earned Samurai's respect just yet, thus no honorific at the end of his name.


Samurai lightens up on his stance. "Sorry, Kazas. It seems I have found a more worthy opponent to test my abilities against. But we do have 20 minutes. If you have any pointers before the announcer calls us to stadium, I'm all ears."


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@samurai equine


Kazas nodded. Just a few things. Remember that you will have to channel both divine and flame equally. One cannot let one overpower the other. Next, keep in mind the nature of your opponent, and yourself. You now have access to holy flame. You're fighting an unholy enemy. You will kill him if you're not careful, which would be a violation of the no killing rule. Third, think only of your positive attributes of personality when chanting the spell of divine aura, or it won't work. Something.... Darker might happen if there is even an ounce of negativity when you use it."




Alrahm spoke up, overhearing kazas and samurai equine.



" furthermore, you are being pitted against a pretty boy. If you cause damage to his face or his terribly fashioned hair.... He might fly off the handle, and will leave himself open in a rage. I hope you consider this information to your advantage.



Finally, Lorec spoke up as he did push-ups.


" samurai equine! Don't you dare lose! I will have my fight with you soon enough."


He said, without looking up.



Suddenly, a royal guard member came down the steps. He was a unicorn who had a messege floating near him.



Royal guard:


" ahem. To the one known as samurai equine: your princess Celestia knows you are here, and wishes to announce your name in honor of your service and loyalty. When you hear your name called by her voice, proceed to enter the arena. The rising sun shall greet you. Until then, stay at the base of the steps to the arena entrance and be ready."



Kazas nodded at samurai equine.


" you heard him. Looks like you've been noticed! Good luck, and use what alrahm has given you well."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai listens to them as they speak. First, he listens to Kazas and Alrahm. "Thanks for the advice, but you're not telling me anything I don't all ready know, so there's no need to be worried about me. As for knowing my opponent, I intend to fight fair regardless. But I'll keep that in my back pocket, just in case..." Samurai then pulls them in close and whispers something to them. "Pay close attention to this battle, you two. Just to let you in on a little secret, I don't need spell incantations. I have enough spiritual control that I can shorten each incantation into 1 short trigger phase. You're about to see how a real Japonies warrior fights."


He then turns to Lorec and and smirks, nodding. "Of course I won't! There's too much riding on this for me to lose now. And I look forward to our match up as well. Heck, I'd like to have a sparing match with Syuren some day as well. Never count me out." Samurai says, pointing his hoof. You can't tell, but it's suppose to be a thumbs up.


Samurai is about to walk off when a Royal Guard catches his attention. At this announcement, Samurai goes wide-eyed with a 100-mile wide smile. "The Princess knows I'm here? And she's allowing it?!" Samurai huddles into himself, then leaps into the air with joy. "YATTA (ALL RIGHT)!!! Oh Kami-sama, this truly is a blessed day! The Princess has given me her blessing, I am about to face an opponent, and I've got friends wishing my luck. Now it's definitive; I cannot lose! Matte (Wait for me), Snowstorm. I'm coming to battle you... Ganbarimasu (I'll do my best)!!" And with that, Samurai leaves. No, not the stadium ring, but to make his final preparations for the match.


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Snowstorm was disappointed to see that Samurai still hadn't arrived in the ring in the time it took for him to change into his new outfit and enter the ring. The time was quickly approaching 20 minutes.


"Perhaps he didn't want to be humiliated." He mocked, knowing that it wasn't true.


In the meantime, he would enjoy his time in the spotlight. He turned again to his personal cheering section with a soft smile. This caused the mares to cheer again, some of them arguing who he was looking at specifically, each of them assuming he was looking at her specifically.

Edited by Literally Snails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@samurai equine


Princess Celestia stood, and approached the edge of the terrace from where the princesses were viewing the battles. Her eyes started to glow, and a powerful aura eminated from her horn. The sun was at mid-day's height, but she was bringing it down somewhat to make it appear is if it were rising over the colleseum. The clouds were perfect in the back drop, and even gave off a mystical japonese feel.



"Greetings, subjects, visitors, and warriors alike! I hope you all have enjoyed the splendid performance that all of these brave souls have given us! All of the valiant fighters here are worthy of praise! now, It has come to my attention that a very loyal pony has come to participate in the tournement! He is a splendid unicorn who has earned a great name for himself in name and spirit! Please, let your blessings be upon both him and snowstorm! This will most certainly be entertaining and historic! Now without further ado, I give you Samurai Equine!"


That was samurai equine's signal. Now all he had to do was make an entrance.



@The Phantom Lancer



Kazas felt something strange, and so did alrahm. Even syuren and Lorec had mentioned it earlier. Kazas turned his eye to meet agririon's, and spoke.




" hey agririon... I... Feel something coming from your general space..... Is there someone with you that I can't exactly see? I mean, if it's private business, I'll leave you alone, but I can't shake the feeling that someone is there.... Anyway, who do you think will win? My money is on samurai equine."

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai Equine finally emerges in the ring to face Snowstorm. He stands upright and brushes his mane just a bit. Next to him is the cart he has carried with him to this tournament. Kicking it open, he reveals... his armor inside, perfectly displayed! But Snowstorm only gets a glance, for immediately after, a team of Kuroko take the stage and hold up a long white curtain in front of Samurai Equine. It is marked with a black diamond with a white X in the middle, making the 1 diamond look like a group of four diamonds.


When the curtain comes down and the Kuroko leave the stage, Samurai is now wearing his suit of armor, complete with horse shoes and everything.

His introduction music plays...



Usually, Kuroko are very silent, like ninjas. However, this one time, they raise their black veils to reveal their pony muzzles. And then, they begin to chant...


Eh! Eh! OH!!

Eh! Eh! OH!!
Eh! Eh! OH!!


As they chant the Japonies version of 'Hip, Hip, Hoorah!', they begin to do a ceremonial kabuki-style dance.


At first, audience seems confused. "Is that another armored fighter? How many will there be?", "Hey! They are chanting! So cool!", "Is this real?"

But it isn't long before the audience also begins to chant along


Hay! Hay! HO!!
Hay! Hay! HO!!

Hay! Hay! HO!!

And in that moment, Samurai strikes a mighty pose, spinning an outstretched arm around, making a circle like the sun. "Snowstorm! You face Samurai Echidna, the next heir to the Koumamaru Clan! In the name of Japon and the Solar Empire, I WILL DEFEAT YOU!"


Ei! Ei! OH!!
Ei! Ei! OH!!

Chanbara bara... Shinken! HA!!!


And with the chanting and the into music complete, the Kuroko fire off a bunch of poppers that release shiny, multicolored streamers and glitter.


But that was just the show. Samurai instantly knuckles down on all fours, getting ready to stampede like a wild animal; his eyes focused sharply on Snowstorm like a predator hunting it's prey. "Stay focused. Don't lose a second. The minute he says go, give him all you've got!" Samurai thinks to himself, waiting for the announcer to tell them to begin fighting.


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"Wait, you don't see her?" He scratched his head for a second before turning to Rosalia. "You know, you could at least make yourself able to be seen in the visible spectrum... it's the polite thing to do. I've already told then that you are there..."


"Oh..." Rosalia chimed ever so slightly. "A-alright." She sighed before she suddenly turned a shade of light orange as she made herself visible. "Err... hello, there..."


Agririon picked up on her higher tones and shook his head. "Lower your octave by one, my dear, I don't think that they were able to hear that."


"Oh, sorry..." She said, lowering her voice. "Hello... My name is Rosalia..."


Agririon smirked lightly. "Yes. One of my... acquaintances. Feel free to converse, I'm going to go ahead and head up towards the arena early." He bowed deeply before standing up and stalking off through the doors and up into the seats above."


Rosalia seemed to be quite unnerved at the departure of Agririon, but did her best to hide it. "So... well... hello, again..."

Edited by The Phantom Lancer
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