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What seemed to be a calm day turned out to be the strangest day that might ever be. You wake up, feeling a soft breeze. You sit up quickly, looking around. It seemed like your home as been torn apart. You looked around in the silent roads of Ponyvile. "Hello? Anybody!" You call out to the other torn houses. There seemed to be nopony, and no animal anywhere. There were no bodys, only nothing, but yourself. Little do you know there was other Survivors out there. You decide to find out only one thing, What happened to the peaceful world. Loot, search, explore, team up, fight for survival.



From the creator of X-Pony, the owner of Ponyvile Roleplay, and the proud author of If Sombra had a filly, brings you, Nothing the roleplay of survival. No sign up is needed, join the search for truth, and survival.


1. No killing useless you have permission

2. A little bit of swearing is allowed.

3. No god mobbing or Power Play

4. Alicorns are allowed, if you want to be a princess or a prince, message me for approval

5. No drugs

6. No Sexeal content

7. You can't find out what really happened until the finale comes (which won't be happening soon)

-Hail :wub:

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As this post contains no in-character content and instead details information and rules, it has been moved from the Roleplay Section into the OOC Section. 


When you have accumulated interested people to join this roleplay, you may post a new thread in the Roleplay Section. Also, please ensure this thread and the RP thread link to each other as explained in the Roleplay World rules, which can be found here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/105753-roleplay-rules-start-here/


You seem reasonably new to the Roleplay World, so please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have about the way this section works.




The Crystal Minstrel Pony Tumblr

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Funnily enough It's irritating that I don't know what happened. It wan't be something cliché, like zombies or something will it?

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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