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Blitz Boom

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@@Harmony Cube,


"Considered just going for it and ask somepony? Seen there's a lot of mares in town, sure somepony's gonna like reading."


Last wasn't one for playing matchmaker, but considering how Book had started to blush even before he had started speaking, she got he feeling that his thoughts hadn't stayed away from at least one mare in his time, and she didn't think much of tip-toeing around something like this. Better to confront, ask, then get a rejection or approval in her mind, as it cleared the head of that annoying uncertainty, or in worse cases, near-obsessive longing from a distance, which she didn't see lead many ways beyond downwards or to a state of limbo.


Granted, she wasn't a good advisor in the field of love, but she had spent her life learning to pick up on small things and assume it was something. If she was wrong, then it was just to man up and live with it, and if it was something... Well, she had been practised to be ready for combat so seeing small things certainly helped that extra few seconds of being prepared, but it covered a hooffull of fields if you wanted to, and right now she thought she saw something with Book Quill when the mention of mares came up that she reacted to. Might be wrong, but eh, better to seek forgiveness than ask permission if this went south.


Speaking of picking up on things...


"Not saying that you have to think of somepony like Pinkie is now right off, but you know, if anypony's in your fancy have you thought about just ask and see how it'd go?"







"A foxtail? Cool! I bet it's a genetic mutation that's the source of it. It Happens once in a while are not a cause for alarm, normally not something that brings any harm, beyond how you appear, but who wouldn't cheer to have a cool tail pop out from back there?"


She had seen some cases of tail and mane mutations before, and normally it was just something cool. A foxtail was new, but she had seen a few picture of someponies that had been born with multiple tails, no tails or even a dragons tail, though the last one was still puzzling a lot of doctors. And that was just the tails, there were manes, limbs, eyes, internal differences, you name it. It was rare it was anything harmful or even Really stood out like a full fox tail instead of just some colouring differences, so more ponies had it that didn't know than had it and went to the doctor with it. Just made somepony unique and cool to look at.


"I wish I could've switched for a fox tail too when I grew up instead of being tangled with excessive growth genes, but eh, we're given what we get when we're born, and just because you don't have a fox tail, I bet that you have something that your brother is jealous of as well. Always something between siblings, hehe."


Ziggy giggled a little and pushed her framed up again before getting back to the conversation at hoof.


"Oh and that Zecora you spoke of? You say she's in the Everfree Forest? Where's that? She sounds like she'd be fun to meet."







Brittle moved a few steps back when Mez began to cast her spell or what it was that she was doing with the sphere around her. What was she doing? Teleporting? Cocooning herself? Transforming? There was so many things that could be going on right now, and she didn't even had half an idea as to what.


Briar felt something too in the nearby air as the ball was being made around Mez, but it didn't assault his senses or made an impact in anything but the winds patterns around them, which is why he knew there was a ball around her in the first place. Beyond that though, he was flying blindly, no pun intended.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Storm smiled, "Well my brother tells me that he's a little envious of my eyes...." He said, "But I myself never appreciated them much... Well, until after I met my marefriend." Storm told her, "It's why I've almost never taken these goggles off after receiving them from a few friends." He shook his head, "Yeah, sorry off track... Didn't mean to start talking about my weird eyes. The Everfree forest is over there..." Storm pointed towards said forest. "Not very many ponies go in by themselves, since it's very dangerous. I'm one of the few ponies in Ponyville who aren't afraid to go inside.... Though I've actually got a couple friends living in there, in fact. Zecora who I visit for tea sometimes, and Blitz Boom who is a young unicorn filly with a penchant for explosives that I check in on every once in a while... And believe me, the only danger to her is herself and her own recklessness...."

Storm grumbled under his breath for a minute before continuing. "She's made everything in the forest scared of her hut and the area around it due to her explosives, so she doesn't have to worry about the normal dangers.... But I really wish she'd listen to me (And the doctors) and take some more safety precautions than just 'Light and run'... That's how she broke her horn last time, the explosion was too fast and too big..." He shook his head, "Anyways, if you'd like I can introduce you to Zecora. I was going to head over for tea again soon anyways.." Storm offered Ziggy with a friendly smile.

Edited by Huggle Prince Storm

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Ziggy nodded when Storm mentioned the filly and the explosives, getting a small flicker of worry in her eyes as her internal doctor was screaming alarm bells until Storm said it was just her horn that had broken a little. Unicorn horns grew as time went by, especially when the Unicorn in question were young, so it shouldn't be too bad unless it had broken off at the skull, which would be very bad. It was rare that anypony got their horn back then - As in like, one in a million chance on a good day - but hopefully it would teach her some caution to when it grew back. If it hadn't already it was. Not like there was a timeline on this story far as she could hear.


"I'd like to meet Zecora, and perhaps later take a look at your filly friend? I don't got the things they have in hospitals, but I can do some good field-work doctoring in a pinch if it looks bad."


She considered mentioning his eyes since she couldn't see them behind his glasses, but she decided to wait with that a little longer. Didn't seem like that was his top thing to think off right now, and was always good to have something to talk about later just in case.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"Alright, cool!" Storm exclaimed happily, "Let's go!" He said, grabbing Ziggy by the hoof and, in a move that seems oddly illogical based on their size difference, pulling her along as he flew towards Zecora's hut. "I wonder what kind of tea she's made..." He commented, landing in front of the door and knocking.

"Zecora! It's Storm, and I brought a friend who wanted to meet you!" Storm called. "Hello again Storm Shine, I hope the world has been treating you fine." Zecora greeted with a smile and a nod as she opened the door. "My, my, is that a fellow zebra I spy?" She asked curiously, seeing the unknown pony near Storm. "Sort of... this is my new friend Ziggy, she's a half-zebra and wanted to meet you!" He replied happily.


(OOC: Do you want to do Zecora now, or should I continue for that? Or both of us? I leave it up to your call Blitz. :) )

Edited by Huggle Prince Storm

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom

"No... I actually don't have my eye on anyone at the moment..." Book said and blushed softly. He felt kinda bad that her idea couldn't work on him. And he thought too much and got too worried for it to work. "Sorry that it doesn't work with me at the current moment..." Book said to her and shrugged a little.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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@@Blitz Boom,


 The magic ball around Mezra stayed there for about a minute before disappearing. Mezra was still leaning against the dumpster sleeping. After a few seconds she woke up with a loud yawn while stretching. When she did that she looked towards Brittle and Briar. She had her normal smile back on her face and it just got bigger when she saw them. "Oh hey, sorry about that. I must have worried you guys for a second. That was just a time laps spell I learned a while back. It puts you in a ball while out side time goes by normally while inside it goes very slowly. So to me I was in there for about... three days. I cast it sometimes so I can have time to think about things without wasting time or get over things that would normally bather me all day."


She walked over to Brier and gave him a hug , then she went over to Brittle, picked up her hoof and pat it gently. "I know it must have been about a minute for ya'll but I missed you guys."

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@@Harmony Cube,

"Ain't a reason to be sorry. You don't have an eye on anypony, so not much to do about things until you do."

Last took a bite more out of her muffin, not looking fazed at all by what she had heard. She knew there was the chance that nopony had caught the guy's fancy and that she had worked with a stretch here to begin with, but still, better to know than to wonder. Sides, when somepony Did start to wriggle into his life a little, perhaps he'd remember what she had said and just go for it instead of wandering around the subject, so was a chance this wasn't totally in vain.



Ziggy looked at the hut she had been dragged to by Storm with big eyes, though not as big as the smile was she sent the Zebra that opened the door with a rhyme.

"Nice to meet you Zecora."

She bent her neck down so that she could see her fellow Zebra in the eyes without looking down on her.

"I'm Doc Zinger, or Ziggy to my friends, like Stormy here."

She took a hold in Storm and pulled him in, ruffling his mane with her right hoof while holding his with the left.

"I really hope we don't intrude, since I try to not be rude, but heard of a Zebra living alone, wanted to meet her at her home. Gotta say I love the place, but a little far from others face, but hey, not for all to stay, around everypony, every day, so not for me to say, that that's not okay."

Ziggy was barely done when hoofsteps was heard from inside the hut and a familiar face showed soon thereafter, or at least, familiar to Storm, Ziggy didn't know the green and purple... Pony? Looked a little odd, but who was she to judge.

"It does sound like another Zebra, that is certain. It seems I will have to cut my visit short Zecora, so I can give the three of you some privacy."

Briar wandered out of the hut, turned around and gave a bow to the three ponies there. He noticed how large the Zebra with Storm Shine was now that he was outside, but otherwise nothing stood out too much, and the Pegasus had likely brought his new companion here, so that was assurance enough of no ill will in his mind.

"I will gather the herbs you mentioned and meet you another time my dear. I bid you all, farewell."

Ziggy didn't have a chance to rush over and hug him since she was holding Storm Shine in her grip, but it went down on her mental list. Sooner or later, she would get him, even if he vanished rather fast into the forest.

"Whoops, seems like we interrupted something after all... Sorry Zecora."

She lowered her ears a little and let go of Storm Shine with an apologetic look over her face. Seems like the timing here had been rotten.

((You just keep voicing Zecora mate, you're doing a good job off it. ^^ Regarding Briar, Mez, him and Brittle are at the Evening of the prior night, so will not ruin the timeline to have a small cameo here for him. It helps argument the part he spoke to Storm about where he found interest in Zecora in the long run. :) ))



"Seems lke one you need to use with care to not prematurely age too much, but I can see how it might prove useful to have near. Mind if I ask, what did you spend the time thinking about?"


Briar corrected his mane again after the hug had bended a few straws out of place and he liked to stay somewhat presentable. He considered thinking at lengths about what Mez had said about this *timeout* as one might call it, but at this point it seemed easier and far more productive to simply just accept things as they would happen and then hope that nothing would go wrong. He didn't expect it could go right in the long run with the spectrum of magic they had been witness too so far, but for now it seemed fine.


Brittle didn't say anything, just patted the hoof when Mez stretched it out towards her, but wondering like Briar did about what had needed three days of thinking. Seemed like an awful long time.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


"Don't worry, I tweaked it a bit where it doesn't age you. And to answer your question, I was thinking of a few things. Like how I can make sure I wont upset Brittle, about some experiments I'm doing and things we could do that might make us stronger friends. I also thought of a way I can give you sight. But not in the normal sense. If you had eyes I could give life to them where you can see, but it'll only last a year till I cast it again. But seeing as you don't have eyes I can just project what I see into your mind, Kinda like letting you barrow my eyes.."

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@@Blitz Boom


Zecora shook her head with a small smile, "It is alright child, He simply wishes to fetch something from the wild. He would have left soon today, you have simply nudged events on their way." She told Ziggy, "Come in and have some tea, it will be nice to talk to another zebra young Ziggy." Zecora offered. Storm chuckled as he walked in.

"I'll get the tea." He announced, "You two can chat and stuff, plus I kinda owe it to you to make the tea for once Zecora..." Storm told the two zebras. "You don't owe me anything, you've helped plenty with hoof and wing. But if you insist on making tea, that is fine by me." Zecora replied, walking over to sit at her table.


(OOC: Glad to hear I'm not mucking it up.. :P Alrighty, I'll continue as Zecora. Good thinking with the Briar bit BTW. :) )

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"Hehe, like my father used to say "Bad tea in any way, is not a way start to a day. I rather cancel a sold out show, and give back ponies all their dough, than with foul mood have a try, to light their aching spirits high." Usually mother threw stuff at him after that and reminded him they had a mortgage to pay. Ehehehe."


Ziggy giggled a little after that as she followed Zecora into her house, bending her head down so she didn't hammer her head into the doorframe when going inside. It was terribly embarrassing to hit yourself like that, and it happened more often than she would like to really think about.


When near the table she stopped up and looked around at the place, at the filled shelves housing all sorts of things she had never even seen before, She bet that if she tried to play around with some of these things all sort of weird things would happen, but she wouldn't. It was neither smart nor nice to play with a Zebra's potion stuff, and Ziggy wasn't That much of an idiot. Curious, sure, but not an idiot.


"Again, sorry for interupting your time with your other friend, just wanted to come around and see how things looked here since I don't run in to that many other Zebras around. And I have to say, your place? It looks pretty sweet, even from the outside. Must have taken a while to set up and gather all of this stuff. You must've been living here for ages."









"Seems like a productive usage of your added time then."


Briar was finally satisfied with how his mane was looking again and put his hoof gently down on the ground again.


"As to your offer, I appreciate it, but I would prefer if you did not do a projection such as the one you mentioned. I already have an option ready in the somewhat near future to be able to have a more permanent solution to my... Visual problems, and I will prefer to go that route out. It is not because I don't trust your magic, but I prefer to see this through to the end first,and... Well..."


Remembering how she could conjure fire at will, Briar took a second to think of his next words with some care.


"I think it would only serve to confuse me, to see through another's eyes.


Besides, I have lasted for two and a half decades without the shimmer of your world breaking through. I am sure I can muster the patience to get to a more permanent solution than to use you as a figurative pair of glasses."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"Do not worry young one, he had already decided that his visiting time was done. He has plans for this day, and could not hope to stay. The blame is not with you, he would've left no matter what you chose to do." Zecora assured the half-zebra. "Besides it is quite nice to be able to see, a fellow zebra here for tea." She finished with a smile. "Speaking of tea..." Storm commented cheerfully, walking up with a small tray balanced on his wings. He swiftly, but carefully, placed the tea onto the table. "It's served!"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"Okay, guess that's- There's tea? Yum yum."


Ziggy carefully took a cup when Storm brought over the tea. This was one of the few things she would not speed up trying to take, mainly because it might mean she would spill some of it and you Never wasted a good cup of tea. That was pried into her mind even more than the general equine bone structure she had memorized in case she had to help with anything medical, and she wasn't gonna ignore it.


She wondered if Zecora was the same with that. Her father had been strict about his tea and his potions, but she never was sure if that was a Zebra thing or if it was just one of his weird quirks, like wearing a cape or use glasses without needing them. Sure, she had taken that last part along with her, but that was more because she liked how the frames looked on her. Her dad had full on glasses just with window glass instead of anything with strength in it because... Well, never sure really. He kept changing the story why. Sometimes it was because he had a sister that had used them, sometimes it was because he found them in a magical box, and other times he said it was to tease her mother and he just never got around to take them off again after that.


But everypony had their quirks, was part of what made a pony special after all. Frankly it was the ones who didn't seem to have any weird thing about them that struck Ziggy as odd. How boring must their life be without anything out of the ordinary? Not even a little uncontrollable urge to dance now and again? Very weird to her.


Oh well, time to have a taste of the tea. Ziggy took the cup up, closed her eyes and had a sip. Then another. And then a third just for good measure before setting it down again.


"Mmm, good tea. What kind may it be? Herb? Spice? Something that's nice?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"Herbs and Spice, indeed makes the brew quite nice.." Zecora responded with a smile, sipping from her own cup. Storm chuckled, "I really wish you'd tell me what herbs you use for this stuff Zecora..." He commented, also sipping his tea. "I've told you before Storm Shine, this recipe must stay mine. my family made it one day, and in the family it must stay." Zecora admonished the blue pegasus. "Doesn't mean a stallion can't wish for it.." Storm replied with a mock pout before laughing. "Alright Zecora but if you ever change your mind, let me know."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"Hehe, you should try to just find local things and go from there Storm. Sometimes it ends bad. Sometimes it ends Really bad. But eventually something tasty will come from it. It's just like making potions, or well, so my siblings say, I never really got the nack for that sort of thing."


Ziggy took another few sips of her tea before going on.


"Last time I tried I ended up making something that tasted very badly, looked like liquid moss and made you sneeze for three days. Oh, and when you sneezed, smoke circles would come out of your nose. I never did understand what I put in there that did that, but I sort of stopped trying after that."


She got a sheepish look on her face for a little and gave off a half-nervous chuckle.


"Especially after dad caught me giving it away as herbal tea in the park. Turns out he didn't find it as funny as I did."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


 Mezra shrugged." Okay. It easy just a thought. I like to come up with lots of random ideas when I see something that gets me thinking. I like to help ponies with things that no one else can help with. Wanna talk to a deceased love one? I can help with that. Wanna raise someone from the dead, I can do that. Want live restored to a dead limb or body part, I can do that to. I can even make potions that can help with lots of things. But I can't make anyone invincible, ageless or live forever. 


To be able to do those things require things that are not worth doing. And the conditions for them are even worse."

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@@Blitz Boom


Storm chuckled, "Hehe... Smoke-ring Sneezers...." He commented, allowing a few more chuckles to escape him, "I wonder how that felt, when the smoke flew out..." Storm paused before adding, "And where the smoke came from in the first place...." He thought about it for a few seconds before shrugging, "Another mystery of magic, I guess..." Storm said, shaking his head with a smile.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Harmony Cube,


Last Stand looked at Book after another bite of the muffin, figuring that the topic had started to go stale it was perhaps the time to change it and see what would come from that instead.


"Mind if I asl, how was it you got that cutie mark of yours? You said that books is your talent, and that's grand, but what was it that planted that mark on you? Found a rare one? Wrote one yourself? Started to read to the little ones or something else?"









Ziggy nodded at Storm.


"Uhuh, magic is Really complicated to understand sometimes, especially when it's from potions and stuff instead of Unicorn magic. But that's for somepony more into theory-crafting and stuff than me to figure out entirely, I do better with the medical side of things and that's plenty enough for me."


Ziggy emptied the last of her cup and put it down on the table, then looked over at Zecora with a curious look over her face.


"Sorry up front, if I ask a little blunt, but why live out here, with nopony near? Isn't it lonely to be, alone at your tree, with no Zebra or others to see?"







"Everything haves it's price in life. Sometimes easy to see, sometimes hard, but in the end we all pay for things that we want, be it by money, time or things best left unsaid."


Briar chuckled a little under the toothy grin on his face. Being bored on the roads he had plenty of times to think over things, and realised that looking back on things, there had been a price to everything in his life, from the servitude he paid to be free of the pit and the banishment that cost him a home, to the bits paid for cider and baked goods in towns and the time he traded for the lengthy visit he would now have in this area in exchange for potentially reaching his goal.


Mez was likely the same. Her death magic had costs too, that he was certain off. Be it isolation, lack of friends or other, there had been a price that was likely quite steep in it, yet she had met the price and moved onwards because of it. A trade that, hopefully, had turned out to be favourable to her in the grand scheme of things.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


 Zecora laughed lightly, "That is a small tale itself my dear, back when Ponyville had a silly fear..." Storm laughed too, "I remember that! It was really very silly of everypony, and I mean pretty much everypony! Even Pinkie was scared, which was something that I found really surprising..." He said, shaking his head. "Yes that is quite true, but anyways my reasons are two... One is that this forest biome, reminds me quite well of my home..." Zecora agreed with Storm before turning to explain her reasoning to Ziggy, "And two is that very silly fear, that grabbed hold of the ponyfolk around here..." Storm nodded, "Yeah, everypony was being really silly! They thought Zecora was some kind of evil enchantress because she looked different from them..." He shook his head sadly, "Nopony would believe otherwise, even after I talked to Zecora and then tried to tell them it was okay..." Then Storm perked up, "But everypony knows better now, thank Celestia!" He exclaimed happily, doing a backflip. Zecora chuckled at Storm's antics, "Yes, yes this is true, and for the attempted help I do thank you... Ponyville used to shut down, whenever I walked into town. But now things are fine, I can walk through town without hearing so much as a whine." Zecora paused, then shuddered slightly, "Except for the Young miss Diamond that is, her whining could make water fizz..." Storm fell over laughing at that, pounding his hooves against the floor.


(OOC: Whew, yays! Took me a minute of thought for a couple of the Zecora sentences... :) )

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Ziggy weren't sure what it was Storm was laughing about, but the sight of him falling down and getting a laughing attack over the inside joke made a small giggle escape from her throat. Not that she was laughing At him, he just looked Really funny hammering away at the floor like that.




She put up her hoof in front of her mouth and cleared her throat before looking over at Zecora.


"Sorry, he just... Uhm... Well, you know. Anyway, makes a lot more sense as to why you're out here when you put it like that, but still, not fun to hear that anypony would be Afraid of you just because of how you look, even if it's mostly over now."


She mumbled *except for that Diamond one* under her breath before going on. It looked like the name gave Storm laughing attacks so perhaps not the Best one to utter out for her.


"If we all looked alike, I think that would cause me fright. For what fun would there be, if all I would see, were everypony looking exactly like me? Everypony in sight, being alike, would make me prone, to think of a drone, all the same and alive, in a giant beehive. No, too be unique, should be cause for intrigue, and if that they can't see... Well, they can all bite me."


Being near Zecora was making the rhyming reflex that sometimes got over her speech flare up it would seem, but the mixed talking between normal and rhyme was something that set her out, and she liked that, just like anything out of the ordinary. Just like she'd said, if they were all alike, what would separate them from being a bunch of drones in a hive? Or just another brick in the wall? No, variation was the way forth, that much she was sure of.


"But it sounds like most of them have gotten over the silly ideas, so that's good. Never fun to be isolated because of a weird, mob mentality. Really is an odd thing when that happens to be honest, since most of the times it isn't even That many that shares a thought, but uncertainty can just cause the general pony to go with the stream. It's like when somepony starts singing and random strangers join in, but in a bad way."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Storm stood up, wiping a tear away with a hoof and smiling wide, "Hehe.... Makes the water fizz.." He chuckled. "Sorry about that...." Storm apologized, "I just found the idea of somepony making water fizz with just their voice really funny.... Plus... I'm pretty sure that the filly Zecora referenced could actually do just that.."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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@@Blitz Boom

Book perked up a bit at the topic switching and going to his cutie mark. He glanced at it. "I started writing books and I got really into it. And quickly I realized that when I was at home and I was writing, that my cutie mark was there!" He said happily, smiling widely.


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"Have to be one really weird filly to be like that. Or a stuck up one, usually one of those types, but hard to tell. Still... Have you considered putting tape on her mouth? It's not harmful, and it can really get the point across."


Ziggy started to snicker behind her hooves a little again. She had done the tape thing to a few ponies before, and it had done the task of getting them to be silent, as well as leave her alone in general. Might work on this little filly if her voice was really that bad. Or just be a spot of fun, whichever would work.







@@Harmony Cube,



Last gave a short-lived, little smirk at the story, as well as to how Book had perked up a few notches while he told it.


"Sounds like a proper, quiet way to get it. The ones gotten under turbulent situations can go unnoticed for days. Mine was for three days, though to be fair, there were other things to look at before that."


She gave a quick glance towards the iron gate with the quick blood spatter across it that made up her cutie mark.


"I figure that story is best saved for last. Pinkie, you wanna share on how you got yours or should I just go ahead with this?"


She hadn't talked directly to Pinkie the last few times she had spoken, but that didn't mean she didn't aknowledge that she was there. just had more reason to speak with Book before now was all it was.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom



Storm chuckled, "Yeah, but I don't think her dad would take too kindly to that... Besides, Grey's already done it." He commented with an amused smile, looking at the ceiling as he remembered the day that he was called to the school for that incident. Cheerilee looked about ten seconds from laughing herself, though she was really good at staying professional about it all. He decided that he would invite her to play poker-fish with Pinkie, Grey, and himself sometime...



Pinkie looked up from the pile of cupcakes that she had been devouring, "My cutie mark story? Oh, okay!  Once upon a time, I lived on a rock farm with my sisters. But there wasn't ever any smiles or color or joy or parties! It was gloomy and so so soo~ sad.... And then one day, I saw a big rainbow wave blasting acrossed the sky! It was like BWOOOSSHH~!" Pinkie threw her arms out, nearly falling from her seat.

"And then the gloomy-woomy cloud flew away, and it was all shiny and bright and that rainbow made me more happy than I had ever thought possible! I just wanted to keep feeling that, and help others feel it too! So I went and threw my family a big surprise party, though they didn't seem to like it at first... I think they just took a bit to remember how to smile.." She giggled, "But then they smiled the widiest-widely-wide smiles I'd ever seen and we all partied happily! I was so happy that my party had made them happy, and I wanted to continue giving that happiness to more and more ponies! My cutie mark appeared while I was dancing and thinking about spreading more parties and joy." Pinkie finished, standing up to display the three balloons on her flank. She then paused, "I wonder how Stormy found his Cutie Mark... He keeps saying he found it just a bit before he moved here, but I don't think anypony has ever asked him just HOW he got it..." Pinkie said thoughtfully.



((Wooh! That was a Doozy of a pink text block. :P ))

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Harmony Cube,


Last weren't really surprised when Pinkie told her story. Not because she had known anything in advance, but more because the theme on this story seemed to fit Pinkie with it's random occurrences, turns and the happy twist at the end. It would honestly have been a shock if it included something calm, like buying balloons for a party for example, as that just didn't seem to fit her. Not that it was something Last could be sure about, but she got the notion from the time she'd spent so far that things in Pinkie's life happened on a scale going from chaotic and upward


"Sounds like something worth asking your coltfriend about Pinkie. Might be something interesting, eh?"


She took another bite of the muffin she had picked up. She didn't eat fast, so it lasted quite a bit.


"Considering the ponies here I think I'll tone down how I got mine, but I can say that I was on a practise patrol near one of the gates one day when I was... 8 I think, time starts melting together when most days are the same. Anyway, I was on this training patrol with a hooffull of others when the squad of Griffons we usually did our training with came around and tried to get past us.


I'll skip past the next part, but let it be enough to say that we won that round, everypony, and Griffon, got away from the whole ordeal more or less in one piece. I was in the infirmary for two days while they were stitching me up afterwards though, and when I was picked up by my big sis, she noticed it on my flank. Can't say I've ever seen her proud before that day, but it stick in the mind."


She took another bite, then scratched her face a little.


"And no, Griffins didn't take out my eye. Nothing wrong with it really, just after two months of having bandages on my head covering it up, I started to get used to it. And battle scars, especially after your first training, meant a lot where I grew up, so having this one on display gave some recognition."


Sure, her closed eye were paler than the other, and at this point ridiculously light sensitive, but it still technically worked, and she was getting tired of the question about if a Griffon poked it out. Reason she had twitched with them were more because of the pranks some of those flying beasts could sometimes play on them if given half the chance.










Ziggy couldn't hold back the laughter this time and had a good, minute long or so giggling going before she cleared her throat and got it back together, although the smirk were still ever present on her face.


"Hehe, sounds like Grey is a fun one. Who is he? Or she? One of your friends?"

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


Pinkie nodded, "Cool! So you just got used to that eye being closed and covered? Interesting.... Say, um... Hey Last, are both of your eyes the same color?" She asked curiously.




Storm laughed, "Grey's my adoptive son." He told Ziggy with a grin. "He's a good kid, and doesn't deserve what happened to him or what was about to happen to him... But I'm doing my best to be a good dad now that I've adopted him, even as sudden as it all happened... Pinkie's helping out where she can too, which is nice. We haven't married yet, but she's already taking her place as his mom.." Storm said happily. "I plan to ask her to marry me soon though... I just finished making the rings recently."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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