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open Darkness to Light (RP)

Drago Ryder

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The distraction was good, but not the best of ideas. Everyone was on alert now and he had no way of getting out. Well, he did have one way. 'This is going to be risky, I pray that the smoke becomes thick enough fast.' Wade picked a Capsule out of his pocket, a creation of his that would create a large cloud of thick smoke in the air.



"Hear goes nothing." Wade smashed the Capsule onto the ground, creating a large bang on contact and within two seconds, Wade was completely blocked from everyone’s line of sight. As the smoke became thick, Wade created a Small Void-Rip for him to use to get home. Wade fired two sleep darts through the smoke, to try and stop ponies from coming near him, and seeing the Rip. He went through the Void-Rip and closed it behind him as the smoke started to thin.



"*Sigh*... Home sweet Home."


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Alpha nodded. Everfree Forest it is. Just a moment...and there. The image in the portal changed from Canterlot to a large dark forest. As you watch, a pack of timber-wolves run past the portal. One stops and sniffs the entrance, but it becomes apparent that he can't see it when he blinks then turns around and follows his pack. This is your stop. Remember, I helped you, you'll help me. I'll contact you when the time is right. With that, Alpha disappears leaving Missingno standing in the wormhole with an opening to the Everfree in front of him.


Care to explain yourself? Not particularly. To bad. Talk. Fine, if you're going to be like that. I merely sped up the inevitable...and gained an ally in doing so. Really? Is that all? You know there was a chance that he might not have made it to Equestria. Really? After all this time you're going to play the chance card? Well...I...uh...What were the odds that he wouldn't reach Equestria? A couple million to one I recon. Fine. It was inevitable that he would reach Equestria. The time though....I merely took advantage of the situation. Why prolong the inevitable. Now, sit back and watch the fireworks. I was afraid you were going to say that.  

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Missingno laughed as he walked through and felt the cold wind of the forest. "It's good to be back." He thought, as he walked forward, leaving dead patches of grass where his feet fell. "Soon, the alicorns shall fall and so will this pathetic country."


Tempest sighed as he looked at the princesses. "Now what?" He asked. "I'm assuming we're still going to see if this thing is still in whatever dimension you put it in?"


Luna nodded and could tell that Tempest was still worried. "Don't worry. We'll make sure that no harm comes to the dragoness." She said.

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Chivalry Turned to see a cloud of smoke form in the throne room. 'is that where they are?' He thought to himself, though before he could act at all, a sleeping dart crept onto his neck. "Ouch! what is... Woah... I feel... -yawn- Nighty night" Chivalry said as he collapsed on the ground making a large thumping sound and a clang from his blade. 

Edited by Prince Blackquill


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Caras' mind was overcome by the sudden burst of power that come from the forest, but he also felt pain coming from the forest. Part of it was dying and the two senses are linked together.


Caras grabbed his sword, equipped his armour and Teleported a few feet in front of the source of the power.


"Halt, Creature of Darkness. Thy presence hath aggravated this forest. Thou presence is killing it, driving it mad. Thou should not be here, leave at once or thy shalt be removed by the force of my blade."


Caras knew this creature was Missingno, the one he felt before. But he could not let his home be tormented any longer than it already had.

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Celestia noticed that Chivalry was also knocked out by a second dart and sighed. "It appears that you'll be going in alone, Tempest." She said. "It's best if we do this as soon as possible." The alicorn of the sun knew that they wouldn't be able to wait for the effects of the sleep drug to wear off, and her horn began to glow. A black portal then opened on the floor.


The bat pony glanced at the two princesses and sighed. "If I'm not out in an hour, close it." He said, before flying into the darkness.


Missingno glanced at Caras and simply glared. "Who are you to order me? Do you know who I am?" He asked.

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"I know who you are, Missingno. I know more about you than you would think. I also know why you have come to this land, a destiny I too try to bring. I have no quarrel with you, we are both creatures of extraordinary power and abilities and a duel between us will last an age. I only want you to leave my forest alone, it does not want you here. Do so, and I shall swear my allegiance to fight by your side when the time comes, and that time will come soon. I dare say that my offer is more than generous. So what shall it be, Allies for a common goal, or foes until the gates of Hell itself are re-opened?"


Caras stood and waited, half a relaxed stance and half a battle stance, waiting for Missingno's final answer.

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The beast simply nodded. "Very well. You are not one who I wish to fight, though. I seek someone who has grown weak over the course of the eons." He said, looking in the direction of Canterlot. Missingno then flew into the air and headed towards his intended targets.


Tempest floated through the void and felt a bit uneasy. Something wasn't right. He should've seen Missingno by now, but was unable to locate him.

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Caras was both disappointed and relieved at Missinnos' response. A foe of this magnitude would be a thing to behold, but at the same time, he had more pressing matters. ‘This I must see.' Caras put on an old set of clothing that covered up his face, mane, body, wings and magical signature before teleporting rather close to Canterlot castle, but far enough away so that he would not draw attention to himself. He arrived just ahead of Missingno, so he had some time to magically scan the city for ponies he may know. "This is going to be a fun re-union, could not of happened on better terms either."

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(Sorry I took so long, also, I've slightly modified Gear, can you ok his sword?)


Gear was dosing off in the corner when he saw tempest get shot with a dart, "Oh, I thought that our foe would be more up close and personal." Gear said as he saw somepony flying towards the castle, "Umm, guys... I think someone else wants to join the party."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Celestia glanced at Gear, breaking her concentration and closing the portal. "No. It can't be." She said. "He shouldn't be free. "


Missingno came through a large window and simply laughed. "Well, if it isn't the false deities." He said, as he felt his power surge within him. "This is going to be fun."


Tempest noticed the portal close behind him, but was unable to get there in time to escape. "That can't be good." He thought, worried as to how he would get out. He knew Xena could open a second portal, but there was no guarantee that he would end up in Canterlot.

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"Ah, so you're the infamous Missingno, huh? You're not very much in this-worldly-huh?" Gear was attempting to make small talk before the actual fight, which he assumed wouldn't go very well considering how much Missingno towered over him. 'This is going to get messy,' He thought to himself.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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'I'm too far away for a good view. Need to get inside.'


Caras stood from the location he was sitting and turned into a smoke form. Spreading out the smoke to make it thin and invisable, Caras moved inside the Room with all the ponies and Missingno. He found a dark corner and reverted back to a solid form to watch the show unfold. "Best seat in the house."

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Gear looked over at Caras and signaled for her to get over here. He obviously couldn't fight Missingno alone, 'maybe I could bargain with this creature.' "Hey Missingno, what do you want with this world and it's inhabitants? And what did you try to do before?"

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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(Gear, Caras is a guy)


Since he was spotted, he might as well play along. No one here knew of his identity, not even Celestia could see through his clothing, and its possible even Missingno might be fooled. Caras took one step forward and then turned into smoke and becoming solid again next to Gear. "You, signalled for my aid, pony? You are indeed a strange one." Caras placed one hoof on the hilt of his blade in a non threatening manner, staring into Gears eyes.

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Missingno glanced at Gear and Caras, and simply laughed. "You are fools to think that any of you could possibly have a chance to defeat me. I am Death. I am the darkness that hides within the corner of your puny little minds." The being's eyes then glowed purple as crystals sprouted from the ground.

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Crystals surrounded Chivalry as he started to wake up. "Ow, darn my head. Who is the hoof shot a poison dart at-" Chivalry stopped talking as he realised what as happening around him. Chivalry quickly stood up and drew his blade using his magic. He then took out the dart that was still in his neck. Chivalry tried his hardest to dodge and crystals that formed underneath him. "Whats going on! Where's Tempest!" He yelled out, hoping somepony would reply.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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(I need to ask, are these crystals real, or are they magic? I'm thinking of taking a bit if they're real.)


Gear had attempted to block one of the crystals but it went almost cleanly through. Gear had heard Chivalry waking up and asking where Tempest went, "Little bit busy, maybe we can chat later." Gear hastily replied.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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A quick shock wave shattered the Crystals around Caras, but left most of them untouched. His eyes widened as Chivalry's voice caught his eyes, he had not noticed him before so this may be a game changer. He just had to hope that Chivalry did not scan his magic. Caras lowered the tone of his voice so he could speak without fear of recognition.


"Being of the eternal darkness. Your presence is something that is unwanted in this land. Be gone for this world." Just to be one the safe side he sent Missingno one Telepathic message. 'This is not betrayal, mearly an attempt to gain their trust and learn. I would appreciate it if you not announce my name to them.' With Missingno tipped of about his identity, he drew his blade and assumed a battle stance.

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(They're real.)


Gale groaned as she woke up and noticed that Tempest was gone and Missingno was free. She then stood up and shot a fireball at the monster.


Missingno would've smirked as he could and dodged the blast. "That won't work on me, little dragoness." He said. "Either way, I have things to tend to before I truely take over. I bid thee adieu ." With that, the beast flew through the roof of Canterlot palace and eventually reached the darkness of space.

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Gear hat sliced one of the crystals out of the ground long enough to see Missingno fly out the roof. Gear stuck the crystal on the back with some straps, "I would suggest going to someplace else to work out our game plan, how about my blacksmith, I can sharpen your weapons while we're there as well."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Caras gave a short sigh as Missingno left, it gave him time to try and build up the trust of the ponies, mainly Gear.


"You, pony, it seems you and your companions are quite out of your league right now. The chances of you killing this Creature of Black is next to non. Pray, allow me to assist you. I know about everything about all the creatures that spawn from Hells Fire. I can help you more than any other being in the lands. So, will you allow me to assist you bring down this create, forever?"


Caras put his Hoof out to Gear for a hoof shake, in hopes that he would be accepted into going with them.

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"Who ever said I didn't trust you?" Gear said, "If Celestia was trusting of you, so am I," Fear said shaking his hoof. "So what exactly can you tell us about this 'Creature of darkness'" Gear said, putting a more stern tone in his voice. He had no idea how he knew about this, but he'd be glad to find out.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"I see you are wanting to know, tis a shame that I cannot say right now. The information I know is very dangerous, and best not spoken in any place public. Another time, another place. But not here not now. I hope you understand. Also, I do not believe that we have been introduced. I go by the name of Zy. Will you be willing to tell me your name?"

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"Gear, Gearhart," He said easing up, "I think my blacksmith would be a good place for us to go. barely any pony goes there anymore, It's just me and my sister there." Gear pointed at the smithy that was a couple of blocks away, "It should be only us there, along with my sister though."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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