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Quintara HiveHagfish

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King just looked at Mariah with a serious but confused look as he responded.

"Now can I ask what is bothering you? That was quite the... Sight then... I can't tell what your going through but I would like to ask what is wrong?"

King was hissing through his fangs as he spoke but breathed in and out and calmed.

"I think Jane wants to speak to you now..."

He stood way out of there way and bowed at Mariah as a sign of respect and not anger.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


(OOC: is you again Void)


Mariah looked at King, were all worried about her.

"Leave me alone, Jane can learn it without a teacher, it's better this way, she can do it without me, after Kelly has to do it for me, you do not need my help, I thought it would be fun but I'm not able to teach. "

Mariah teleports and goes his way, but for the King again.

"You will do this as many times?"

Jane was looking sadly at the ground.

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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King looked Mariah in the eyes and responded.

"You think I would just walk away? How long have we known each other, you know I am not like that anymore"

 He didn't want to poke around others and there business but he knew something was wrong.

"Now then do you want to tell me what the hay happened back there? Something is up and I want to know what"

He was still looking directly at Mariah and was still confused.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Mariah teleports behind him and responds.

"Nothing happened, you have to leave me alone for a while, to think."

Jane turned a Phoenix and climbed in the mane of Mariah, Mariah created a magical shield and threw Jane(Phoenix) for King.

"Leave me alone I just want some rest, you know me, I need time to think."

Edited by RaritySparkleArtist
  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Void turned in awe to face Kelly to see her reaction to what they just saw Mariah do.

As King was near exploding from what just happened as he caught Jane with his clear pink wings.

"That was needed for what reason exactly? You could have just asked her to not climb in your mane not throw her..."

He was not going to argue since Mariah seemed very angry so he breathed slow and responded.

"Doesn't matter anyway if you want privacy then I will give you it, Mariah okay"

He just looked at Mariah for a moment before turning around.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Kelly was confused by everything that was happening, they approached King who was with Jane (Phoenix) on his paws. 
"What happened to her ?, Jane you are right, Mariah exaggerated, Jane just wanted to learn from her." 
Kelly was following Mariah then held void pear tail quickly. 
"Void what you're doing, we have to talk to her."
  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@@Mrbrunoh1, @,


Jane returned to normal in the arms of King, she stood confused.

"What I did ?, I just wanted to help there and she threw me away as if I were an enemy."

Jane sat staring at the ground.

"I just wanted to learn from her I knew she was angry with me."

Jane with her eyes watering turned into Unicorn.

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Void was still holding Kelly's tail with a serious look.

"If she is in a bad mood do you really think following her will help? King just said he would give her some privacy and so should we"

Void let go of her tail after saying this as he looked her in the eyes.

"She may just be in a bad mood so some time for her to think is good"

He was still looking her in the eyes as he waited for an answer when he noticed King was just looking at Jane with a smile but he still looked really annoyed.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Kelly smiles at King and Jane. 
"Mariah has a strange temperament, it is difficult to deal with, we'd better go to school to surely find there, we find out what bothers her so much." 

Kelly offers his paw to King and Jane.


"We have to go flying this time. You known"

  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Jane looked at with some tears King.

"She is my best friend I would never do anything to bother her. I just wanted to learn my part Unicorn with her, she is the best for it is much more than a friend."

Jane was as unicorn at the time.


"I'm so confused, what i make for her?"

Edited by RaritySparkleArtist
  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Void nodded at Kelly as he trotted off behind his house to get the carriage again.

"We know you wouldn't do anything to bother her, I couldn't get her to tell me what's wrong so I don't know what happened between you two but I am sure it will work out" King rubbed his muzzle on her cheek to cheer her up a little.

Void came back round the corner with himself strapped into the carriage as he pointed at King.

"Come on King we can get there faster if we both fly this thing"

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


(At school a little before training with King and Kelly)


Mariah ignored the whole class to Jane, Jane was sad about something. Jane was alone in the beginning of the queue and Mariah at the end of the queue with some other ponies. Mariah then saw King at his side, and Kelly just in front of Row, she knew that King loved Jane and what she did with Jane was wrong, but she kept ignoring Jane who looked sad.

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Kelly saw Mariah on another group of ponies that was not too expensive to Mariah, then she looked at King with some kind of statement, the training would be out of school, it would be a real training. It would be a challenge for the group, Jane was without double to do then saw Kelly Jane sad and waited King. 

  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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King was also noticing Mariah with another group and that Jane was alone so he dropped his formal teacher voice and act as he trotted over to her.

"Jane... You feeling any better? If you need I shall be your training partner and Kelly can aid you with your Unicorn magic for now. So then you coming with me and Kelly?"

He held out his hoof towards Jane with a warm smile.

Since Void was here too he was sat out and just was relaxing as he watched what was happening since he wasn't a Teacher or a student. 

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


(OOC is you Void)


Jane looked a little sad for King.

"She ignored me all morning, I tried talking to her but she did not answer me, what I did King, I mean coach."

Jane looked at Mariah talking to many ponies around her. She felt alone even with Kelly and King along with it. She broke down and cried in the paws of the King.

"I do not want to lose there she is my best friend."

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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King lifted her head and looked her in the eyes.

"No need to call me coach just King will do.  You won't lose your best friend we will find out what is wrong with Mariah promise, but for now we need to get ready for the training soon"

He promised her they would find out what is wrong soon but they had to sort out class soon.

"You think you can handle a little training? If not I could sit out with you and Void could help Kelly train these ponies but it's your choice"

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Jane looked up with tears in her eyes.

"I want to but I'm not someone to be my partner, I can not go alone, excuse King."

Jane saw Kelly that she was smiling at Kelly then pointed to Mariah, she was confused.

"Me and Jane ?, why not leave me alone is better"

Jane bent down crying.

"If you want you can go."

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Kelly turned when he heard the ponies mocking Jane, Kelly's aura was scary as ever. 
"Stop laughing, it'll be both yes Mariah no matter what you think of it, you two are as a team from day one." 

Kelly waited King to help her with Jane. 


"Jane don't cry, you have one team now."

  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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King grinned at Kelly for showing her angry side at the perfect time.

"Yes there you go it's fine now Jane and if THOSE students remember when they last laughed at another pony I warned them they would have to 'train' with me in target practise"

He had his formal voice on again as he looked at Jane then at the laughing ponies and remembered when he said this to the ponies that were laughing at Mariah awhile back.

"By the way ponies I am not joking about the target practise, that is not a threat if you keep laughing then that's a PROMISE!"

He then breathed calmly and looked back at Jane, again King was getting angry too but he then smiled at Kelly and Jane

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Mariah saw that Jane was smiling at her with a few tears, but she was still ignoring Jane, for no apparent reason.

"Mariah because you are well, I just, I just wanted you to help me, I promise I will not give up"

Mariah ignored and went straight to the middle of the field and answered.

"After this fight, I do not wanna see no creature of darkness like you Jane."

Mariah looked serious for Jane.

"But I, I why?"

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Shiny Kelly was looking at Jane and Mariah when she heard that, she was confused by that. 
"Mariah what you mean by that." 

Kelly spoke to herself, something happened with Mariah that she did not want to see dark magic, something did not look good. Shiny Kelly look to King.

  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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King and Void both grinded there teeth when they heard that and both said at the exact same time.

"What does that mean?" 

They didn't take to kindly to that comment as King stood tall and looked at Mariah with his teeth still together.

"Why the sudden hate for Creatures like Changelings Mariah?

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Mariah King ignored the question.

"We have finished with the training, others have ponies wanting to train."

Jane was sad, no one knew she was a changeling, but she knew that Mariah knew, but because of it.

"Mariah I do not hurt anypony with my magic."


Jane look sad to King


(OOC: Is you Void)

Edited by RaritySparkleArtist
  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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King looked at Jane with a reassuring smile as he then looked back at Mariah.

"Sssss, That is not a good enough answer Mariah and you know that better than I do"

King was still thinking what the sudden hate for dark creatures came from as he had an idea to help find out.

"You hate dark creatures yes? Well then how would you react to seeing my mother?"

He said this as Void already knew what he was going to do and he looked away for the moment.

King then turned into Chrysalis with a laugh and stared at Mariah.

"How about one of the greatest dark creatures alive?!"

King was seeing how she would react or think when she saw the one thing that both Void and King feared themselves. 

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Mariah looked at Chrysalis, she was not impressed, she got scared after freeze Chrysalis on a stone.

"I'll freeze you all in stone, you will see King."

Mariah looked at Jane with a strange face.

"Does it have Chrysalis mercy on Jane ?, i will make s beatiful Jane stone."

Jane replied confused.

"What you have in mind because Mariah is smiling so ?, her horn is glowing strangely."


(Void is you)

Edited by RaritySparkleArtist
  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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