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private 1x1 romance RP with Rising Dashie


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LOL lame title is lame. This roleplay is between myself and . OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/111443-another-1x1-romance-rp/


Ali-Mei landed in the Ponyville town square, a little tired after her long flight. Feeling hungry, she trotted to the nearest restaurant and sat down at the table. Picking up the menu, she disinterestedly browsed its contents. A breeze toyed with her mane, wicking away the few drops of sweat on her forehead.

Edited by yayayayayala
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Rising was walking around, thinking about the next idea for his book. He feel suddenly his belly growling.


"I should eat something ..."


He looks around, looking for a place with food, seeing a restaurant. Why not?, he tought, walking inside and sitting down on a free table, looking trough, what he want to eat.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei sighed, seeing nothing she wanted to eat on the first few glances. Looking up boredly, she caught sight of a stallion just sitting down at a table nearby, who began to look through his menu. She blinked, then looked away. Then she glanced at him again. He's cute, she thought, looking quickly back down at her menu before he could see she'd been watching him.

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Rising continues, fnds what he was looking for.


"Vegetable plate. My favourite."


He smiles, thinking of the tasteful taste of the plate, licking his lips. He tell, what he want, then leaning back, waiting for the food to arrive. He looking around, seeing a mare, who looks fast away.



Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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No one had ever read a menu as intently as Ali-Mei did. Her eyes bored into the page as she somehow mustered the willpower not to look over at the stallion again. When the waiter came around asking her if she was ready to order, she blurted out the first thing she saw: "Daisy and daffodil sandwich!"


Once the waiter had gone, she sneaked a furtive glance at the stallion, hoping he wouldn't notice.

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Rising looks to her for a moment, before he shrugs and continue looking bored around.Well, she looks cute.Rising looks surprised about his tough. Did he really just said, that mare looks cute? Before he could think more, the plate arrives.


"Thank you."


He smiles, before starting eating.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei was relieved as the stallion began eating; it meant he wouldn't be focused on her. The waiter brought her the sandwich and she took a bite. Huh...better than I thought it would be, she thought. I wonder who that stallion is. How could I ask him without it being awkward?

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Rising continues to eat, drinking from the apple juice. Better then I remember. Awesome! Something is better here then that. Huh? The mare? Rising looks up again to the mare. Why do I even have so much interest? It's just a mare ... or? He stares to her for a bit without noticing.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei felt someone's gaze and slowly, furtively glanced over - to the stallion. He was watching her, staring even. Her face turned a little pink as she quickly looked back down at her half-eaten sandwich. Oh no, what if he noticed me staring and thinks I'm a creep...but what if he's staring at me because he thinks I'm cute too?? She turned a little pinker.

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Rising stares to her for longer, before shaking head and starting again. There is only one mare you love. Rainbow Dash. But look, she looks cute. No, I ... but look! He stops, looking again to her. He feels his cheeks getting warm, before shaking head. Nonononono ...

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei watched out of the corner of her eye as apparently, the stallion went through some sort of crisis period in a matter of a few seconds. Wow, what's going on with him? she wondered. Ohh, I hope he doesn't already have a marefriend...and think me cute, that would be a disaster.


(She's spot on :P)

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Rising thinks more and more. He find her cute, but at the same time, he always have only an eye for Rainbow Dash. He don't even know, if she hassomepony. What to do, what to do, what to do ... He feels him more blushing, trying to use the menue card to hide it. Why do I feel so strange ...

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei pointedly directed her gaze away from the stallion, figuring that if he did have something going on in his head, she probably shouldn't stare at him. But it was hard to not look at him. He's really amazingly cute, she thought, using almost all of her willpower to keep her eyes on her now empty plate.

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Just eat already! Rising looks back to his plate, start to eating the rest. If he really start to feel something, then he not want it. He finish his plate few minutes later, leaving the right bits with some extra on the table and stands up. When he passed her, he tries to avoid looking at her, before reaching the door.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei watched the stallion leave with some disappointment. Oh well...he probably already has a marefriend anyway. I have to stop thinking about him, she told herself firmly as she put her bits on the table. She waited a few minutes after he'd left before leaving, just so they wouldn't meet up.

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Rising walks out, looking around.


"I should relax, thinking about my next book."


Rising looks up to a cloud and start flying on it. Then he lies down, start to relax. He start to think. Something about monsters? Or an adventure? Yes an adventure, with me and the mare-what?. Rising opens his eyes.


"Aww come on! Not again!"

  • Brohoof 1

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"Aww come on! Not again!"

((OOC: Perfect reaction XD!))


Ali-Mei flew blindly, not concentrating on where she was going. She focused singly on whatever popped into her head, trying to keep her mind away from thoughts of that stallion. Suddenly she slowed down, realizing she didn't know where she was. She looked around - and there, on a cloud a few yards away, was the stallion, his back to her. Oh crap! she thought, flying quickly down and landing, hoping he wouldn't turn around.

  • Brohoof 1
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Rising rubs his head.


"Why do I don't get her out of my mind?! Am I really that lonely, that every cute mare is enough or what?"


He sighs, looking up to the sky.


"Why the interest? Why? I just don't understand myself anymore ..."


Rising groans frustrated and flying down ... directly in front of her, without noticing before ...

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei watched as the stallion started to fly down. Ohnonononononono! She gulped, feeling her face turning pink without her consent. This is not good, not good! She watched as he landed right in front of her, before she could inch far enough away. What am I going to say?!

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Rising opens his eyes, to start walking, when he suddenly realized, who stands in front of him. He feels his cheeks getting warm again, slowly sweating.


"Uh, I, ah uh ...."


Rising just stares, unknown, what to do right now. He tries to talk, but at the same time, only his muzzle opens, no loud come out.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei saw him blushing just as much as she was. He tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth. She was just as tongue tied; she struggled with something to say until she finally said, quite lamely, "Uh...hi." She wished immediately that she'd said something more creative, but it was too late to take it back.

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Rising blushes harder, when he heard her voice. So beautiful .... Rising shakes his head.


"I, uhh ... hey there."


His cheeks probably melting, so hot it feels there alrady. So much he would follow his instinct and get his flank fast home, he just stands there, looking to here.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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His voice. Oh man, I could just listen to him talk for hours...Ali-Mei felt herself melting inside. He's so cute, oh Celestia this is so awkward! She knew she should probably be hightailing it somewhere else at that exact moment, but she just stood there, staring at him. She felt that her face was so red, it was giving off heat waves.



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"I uhh ..."


Rising stands, seeing the mare blushing. What she thinks about me? Probably, that I'm some crazy pony, that stares her to paralyze ... or did she like me? Love me? No, yes, no, yes, no? Before Rising says more, his instict went over and he runs to his house nearby fast, before running in and closing the door.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Ali-Mei's heart sank as the stallion ran away. I must have made him think I was some creep or something, she thought miserably. But....but what if he does like me? What if he ran off because he was afraid of making me feel even more awkward? Or already has a marefriend but thinks me cute or something? She sighed, her eyes downcast before turning and slowly trudging away. Thing is, there's no way to know except to ask him. And that'd be way too weird to just bring up out of the blue...

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