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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

Wind Chaser

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Night smiled. Even with the sun over head, he worked hard and fast to make this spell. "That little pony...grrr. Strong minded." He was still mad, but soon that angry turned to a wicked smile. "It works."


A shadowbolt arose from the ground and bowed at the alicorn. "What is your bidding master?"


"Easy...we will kill everypony. MAHAHAH!"

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Snowflake stands quietly and listens with his hood still covering his eyes so he doesn't get mistaken for a monster he then thinks about Night and the other villains they were the only things he had called friends and he betrayed them for new friends then he thought to himself "its for the good of Equestria"


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Night smiled as he ran around equestria. He hopped to find most if not all of the Shadowbolts. He came to ponyville, ready to start causing chaos in his father's name. He flew to the highest point and stood on the point as he laughed. "Ponyville...bow to my darkness and you might live!!!"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Riley had been hovering above, surveying the drama that was unfolding. He thought about getting in on it, but he didn't want to risk making a wrong move somehow.


He flew down to Nightwind, who he now respected as his master. "Orders, master?" he said in a voice which sounded like a deranged version of his normally happy-sounding voice.

OCs: RileyAnala

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, @Snowflake Frostflame, @The Shadow Stallion,


"This is better than just a punch," said Shining Armor to Alamo. "Did you say this light blue friend of yours is old, and dead?"


Meanwhile, the Guard continued to swarm Ponyville as the sun began to set lower in the sky. There was one pony around that caught the attention of a particular guard unit, he fit the description of a "Sunmane".


As the guards felt the disturbances of Night Wolfe rumbling across Equestria, their pace and tone became more brisk and urgent. They approached him briskly and told him,


"We need you at the castle right now! It's an emergency!"


Just outside the castle, another guard Pegasus noticed yet another pony that matched the list, this one matching a "Steelhide". His unicorn partner in the guard had noticed a magical disturbance, and gave him a glance motioning towards Steelhide. They approached the pony and promptly rushed him inside.


@Rainbow Eclipse, ,


Nightwind was impatient, but he had hope as the sun began setting lower in the sky. Soon, his plans could be put into action.


He questioned Storm Shine, "How busy is it down there? You make the call. If we've got a clear path through town without getting noticed, then we can go. Otherwise, we wait for nightfall, and that's still a couple of hours away. Then, there's that castle. I'm sure they're plugging up every entrance there is."


He turned to Riley, "I'd rather not be considered anypony's 'master'. The promotion of a few above others is what got me into this in the first place! We're all equal here, we're all on the same side. Everypony contributes something worthwhile to the group.


"Guess I just happened to be a good leader, maybe it was natural,"


Then Nightwind Boreas' wrath was aroused, his eyes flashed a brighter green, and he became angrier and more motivated to go ahead with his plan as he recalled his past life again.


"Too bad they didn't care to see it! They put me down, they had others use me, they only saw me as just another one in the system!"


He began frothing at the mouth, directing his rage at Equestria.


"They will know what they've put me through, this country will realize that it has made a terrible mistake! They forced me to be dependent on them. They gave me scraps and forced me to fend for myself! There's no such thing as self-made! I gave you friendship but you didn't want it! I tried to help you but you rejected it! Now, you will BURN! You will PAY for what you have done to me! You will come begging me for forgiveness and mercy, and I will tell you that you must learn a valuable lesson first! You will prove yourselves worthy before I offer you any gratitude, and before Equestria ever gets its heroes back or ever sees another day of light and friendship!"


"What services could you offer, Riley? How will you be able to help this effort? Do what you can, and I'll offer you whatever you want that I could give to you."

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Riley sighed and stared at the ground. "No. No you couldn't."


"There's a mare who I've loved for years now... just yesterday, when I confessed my feelings, she rejected me. Something about her past..."


"My lifelong dream shattered. I just can't move on no matter how hard I try..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Yes he is dead if not had been dead for years, surely you heard of Snowflake died fighting the clouds dale army, he was brought back how, I do not know but It appears what ever brought him back brought these evil ponies with it, I want to know this plan of yours, im sure we all do." 

Edited by Castle
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@Rainbow Eclipse,


"I understand, and that's tough, I don't think I could do anything to her directly that would force her into love with you. Many mares are like that, they have very high opinions of themselves, they distance themselves and don't love or care for any stallion, thinking they're too good for them. They try to fend for themselves, they use this illusion of 'independence', when deep down we all need somepony to love and care for, mare or stallion. It's biological, it runs deep within us."


"My mother always told me this; the best revenge is living well. We're going to live well, Riley. We're going to live like every other pony we ever aspired to be like in our entire lives, and we're going to punish those who kept us from living to our fullest potential. That's the greatest love of all."

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"You're correct, Nightwind," said Riley. "You know what? I think you can help me out."


"All my life, I've been her mindless lackey. I've obsessed over her, I've had her in my thoughts every waking moment... one of my most defining characteristics is 'I love Anala'."


"I think you can help me become my own person. Someone who pursues dreams that are fully in their control."


~~~On the train from Manehattan to Ponyville~~~


Anala sighed as the train came to a halt. 'Maybe if I just talk to him...'


She gasped as she noticed the commotion. "What... the..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Castle and Nightwind Boreas


Nerd-Letter nods. "And also, we especially want to know if this plan is foolproof. We can't just do a bunch of stuff all for nothing, we need assurance that this plan is 0% flawed," said Nerd-Letter. "By the way, why do you think that we could help you with this? There's got to be a reason better than the fact that we've encountered these ponies. Why us?" Nerd-Letter asked.

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"Well, from what I've seen they do have plenty of guards running around... Unfortunately they are also likely to tighten security after the disturbance that Alicorn made..." Shade started. "Last I saw, he fled after being tackled by a guard possessed by Snowflake, who-" Storm abruptly cut off, entering a full-body shiver. "Whom has apparently betrayed us..." He said, frowning.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Night laughed more and more as dark clouds rolled over ponyville, thanks to his Shadowbolt army. Chocolate rain started to come down. He looked at all the ponies scream and run, his mind loving it, but his heart hating it. "BOW TO ME! DARKNESS WILL TAKE OVER!"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith, Castle, and Nightwind Boreas


"Does anybody else see chocolate rain outside?" Nerd-Letter asked. "Wait a minute...chocolate rain...rain that tastes like chocolate...YEEEEESSSSSS!" said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter ran outside, and saw Night and the Shadowbolts. "...Great. This guy again," Nerd-Letter complained.

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*Alamo followed Nerd outside to see this so called chocolate rain and sees the alicorn* "Hey, it that alicorn that bit me get down here so I can stick you in a tree you cactus prick, hey guards gather up, try to protect whoever castle this is no one gets in unless they are known through the area." *turning toward Nerd* "Alright kid your up, you get first call, but if he try to hypnosis you look down follow his feet, I might have to fight off these friends of his and we are not bowing last thing I want is your crazed brain messing with mine."

Edited by Castle
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@Castle and Wolf Smith


"I'm way ahead of you," says Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter is using a levitation spell on a chainsaw, and there's fury in his eyes. He then uses the levitation magic to try and cut the alicorn. Nerd-Letter than laughs a bit, slightly insanely.

Edited by Nerd-Letter
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@Wolf Smith


Nerd-Letter keeps trying to slice Night in half with the chainsaw, his eyes filled with fury. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?!" Nerd-Letter yelled. Nerd-Letter kept getting angrier and angrier. Dang it, I've let my anger unleash one of my most deadly insanities...I hate this curse... ​Nerd-Letter thought to himself.

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@Wolf Smith


Snowflake looks at the chocolate rain "ah this is not good" Snowflake then notices Night "Night what in Pony Hell do you think your doing can't you go a few hours with out causing a shit storm, no pund intended, your actions so far is more then enough to get you banished" 


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"Shade's right. That Alicorn is going to make this more difficult than it should. If we are going to do this, we're going to have to do it fast." Hazardpoint said. "But getting angry is not the answer. We have to do something, and something fast." Hazardpoint watched as the alicorn was killing everything.



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Sunmane was arranging some herbs on a nearby shelf when some guards burst into his shop. They got straight down to the point. "We need you at the castle right now, its an emergency!" they said. Immediately Sunmane wondered if it had something to do with his brother and then thought it might be more an issue of somepony's health. "Let me grab my Herb satchel first." He told the guards as he quickly grabbed a nearby bag with some various herbs and poultices packed inside. "Let us go!" He said as he followed the guards to the castle.


Steelhide was surprised to be rushed into the castle. He at least expected some questioning before being allowed inside the castle. It had been years since he had visited ponyville. He immediately suspected something bad was happening. "What is going on good guardsponies?" He asked as he was escorted through the castle.


Meanwhile in the forest Shadowknight sensed a gathering darkness other than his own. He wasn't afraid of it or even thought of challenging it. This darkness was familiar, a kindred spirit. Shadowknight leapt into the air, shadows trailing off his wings. His anger still burned deep inside, but he was drawn to this darkness and corruption enough to sort of put a cap on the volcano of rage within his heart. He saw a pony in the distance and made his way to the pony, the center focus of the dark presence.

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"Well, unfortunately we are rather limited in our available choices of action. Especially if we wish to refrain from alerting the Princess's of us and our plans...." Shade said. "That being said, we do have several options available to us. Most of these, however, will dispel any chance of anonymity that we may wish to keep." He warned. "I can think of only a few ways in which we can act without a revelation.... So the question is, are we going to act at all? Also, if you do act, should I refrain from following? So as to have a way to find whatever our enemies may plan?" Shade asked his fellow conspirators.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Night grabbed Alamo and brought him up to him. "Silly pony. Think you can beat me? You can't beat me! I'm am the sins of my parents! I am what they need!."


Night laughed at the ponies as he saw Shadowbolts fight back. "My army is strong! I will win!!!" Night looked at the unicorn. "YOU!"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


"Me? How about I ask you something! DIE!" said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter continued to try and cut Night in half with the chainsaw. "STOP MOVING!" Nerd-Letter yelled. Something is off with Nerd-Letter...something is very off. His eyes changed from blue-ish green to a bright red and bright orange...and there is fury in his eyes.

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