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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

Wind Chaser

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@Wolf Smith, , @Nerd-Letter, @The Shadow Stallion, @Snowflake Frostflame,


The guards standing at the castle had seen the unthinkable; that alicorn was back for more! They stood their ground around the castle, firing spells and every kind of weather they could use to fight back. Shining Armor rose from his table and came outside to observe the chaos. Once he saw that the Shadowbolts had returned, there was only one thing to do.


He called to one of his lieutenants, "Cloudsdale, at once! Send for the Wonderbolts!"


The Pegasus lieutenant had rushed off to the north.


Meanwhile, another lieutenant attended to Vested Interest, Sunmane, and Steelhide. He rushed them all the way up to the top of the castle, into a room with seven grand thrones, one for each of the six ponies that had Rainbow Power, plus Twilight Sparkle's assistant.


"It's in here," he said. He motioned to the other guards who formed a circle around the room. "In the absence of the six ponies who normally bear this power, we need other ponies who demonstrated the strength of character and a knowledge of the situation that gave rise to this new threat against Equestria. It was what Shining Armor was about to tell you before that thing came back!"


The remaining guards opened up the center of the round table. Out came a glowing, six-sided box. They set it on the table.


There were two more orders of business left; getting Nerd-Letter and Alamo back, and finding out how to open it in the absence of the power's main bearers.


, @Rainbow Eclipse, ,


"So Snowflake is not on our side anymore..." said Boreas.


"I fully understand it...he wants what's best for Equestria. I too wanted what was best for Equestria, but they never gave me the chance to do my part. So I'm going to force them to appreciate my vision for what's best for Equestria. I want this country to be great. I have a gift, and I will stop at nothing to keep from wasting that gift, even if it means succumbing to the darkness within my life and taking Equestria by force."


"I don't want to take over the world the way others did. I really want to better it. I want to help, but they refuse it. I want a place in it, but my duty has changed. I'm going to show this society the ills it has created, and they will be punished before they are corrected."


"I never really got to tell him what I was actually about. He probably thinks I'm this cold-blooded monster, but he doesn't know I still have a heart. It has just been rotted out and blackened by how this world has been treating me. When we triumph, maybe we will get him to reconsider."


He then turned to the commotion in Ponyville as the rogue black alicorn came back for more and blackened Ponyville under the combined powers of chaos and darkness.


"Buck a duck! What the buck are we supposed to do now?!"


He was livid at Night Wolfe for making such an outward attack rather than going with his calculated approach, but this didn't stop him. He looked to Storm Shade.


"You know what, Storm? Buck it! What in Hades have we got to lose or live for anyway?! It's a gamble! I never took such a risk in my life, I didn't even hit the slots in Las Pegasus! The place is in chaos right now, and they're aiming everything they've got at that black nutjob!"


Boreas looked to Shade, Riley, and Hazard.


"We're going to make a rush on that castle! It's now or never, all or nothing! We're waltzing in behind their backs! I'm sure each of us is fast enough to dodge those guards!"


This is living. Everything else was just an existence.


"Do you approve of this?! Are you ready for it?!"

Edited by Nightwind Boreas
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"Yes!!! I am ready for it!" Hazardpoint said to Nightwind. "Though to be honest, I am not all that evil too. I still have a heart like every other pony. It's just that, like you, it was taken over by hatred and darkness. I wanted to change Equestria too, wanted to improve it. But they never have me a chance........"



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


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"Oh...." Sunmane had said as he had been updated on the situation. "What power are you speaking of? How would we know if we are qualified?" Sunmane asked. He knew that time was against them, he saw the fighting outside and knew he would be spending quite a bit of time tending to injuries afterward.


Steelhide nodded, immediately grasping the situation. "What are we waiting for, we must take the fight to this foul foe who would blight this land." He said. He did wonder however if he was qualified for this position. He knew though that he would do whatever it took to aid in the defense of equestria. He sensed the darkness and probably arrived just in time to do glorious battle.


Shadowknight witnessed the battle from afar in ponyville. A part of him winced and wondered what happened to the ponies there, but it was quickly squashed by the dark anger inside. "They deserve it......The ingrateful wretches......" He muttered angrily to himself as he hovered above the everfree forest. He was content to watch for now but the urge to act was growing inside him.

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@Wolf Smith


Nerd-Letter continues to combat Night, blinded by rage. All that Nerd-Letter can think is "kill kill kill". He's just floating in an empty dark space in his mind as his body goes berserk as he fights Night...he's lucky that he can just barely decide which pony he wants to fight.

Edited by Nerd-Letter
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Night spawned his swords as he flew up. "Forgot I have wings."


Night looked down and grabbed his sword. He flew straight down as a hug speed and swung at the pony. "I'll see you in hell."


He looked around, hoping he hit the pony in question. He hopped he died...heh

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


There's obviously a cut, so he did land a hit, but Nerd-Letter is still standing! "Just because I'm only a teenager doesn't mean that I can't withstand pain," says Nerd-Letter as he wipes off the blood and grins. Nerd-Letter picks up his chainsaw and looks at Night with an insane look. "Bye~" he said before running at Night, ready to slice him to bits!

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Night flies up and makes the chainsaw vanish. "Play fair!"


He laughed at that, play fair...who was he Celestia? No he was the fucking son of Discord, fair wasn't a word he lived by. He dashed back down and held the unicorn in a chocking spell. "Give in?"


He gripped tighter. 

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


"No, I don't! And I won't ever give in! Ever!" Nerd-Letter shouted. He struggled against the spell. "I trust my friends, do you trust yours? Do you even HAVE friends? Seems like you wouldn't, because you're acting like a big jerk right now," Nerd-Letter shouted into Night's face. "AND YOUR ONE TO SAY 'PLAY FAIR!' YOU CHEATED BY GETTING RID OF MY WEAPON!" Nerd-Letter shouted, getting more and more angry. "GO DIE IN HOLE YOU CHEATING, BUCKING BASTARD! OR YOU CAN THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW AND REALIZE THAT WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS WRONG!" Nerd-Letter screamed at Night. Nerd-Letter was really pissed off now.

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Night grabbed Alamo. He healed the small bite mark and started to chock him. "I've never had friends!! I was always bullied! Ponies ran from me! I'ma monster!!" Night screamed. "Sins of the parents pass to the kids. Ever heard of that? No? Well I'm an explain and I love it!."

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


"...Night, bullying isn't something rare. You know how many times I've been bullied in my life? Well, let's just say...I lost track after the 3000th time someone made fun of me for not having a cutie mark yet. And I used to not have friends to. I searched desperately for friends...in fact, that's why I ran towards you when I first saw you. I was desperate for friends...because I had no one to turn to when I was in a bad situation before I met Alamo here. I've never had a friend until today...so, I sort of know how you feel..." says Nerd-Letter.

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Night stopped for a minute. Somepony ran to him...for help? He stopped checking both of the ponies as something clicked in his mind. "You wanted...to be...friends...with a monster?"


Night looked around...he looked at his sword, holding it to his neck. "I...I am a monster."

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


"I don't think of anyone as a monster. Tartarus, if anything, I'm a monster. I have an insane side to me. And even ponies that have seen my insane side unleashed are still willing to be my friend. It doesn't matter if you're a lawful pony or a chaotic monster, I think that anyone can be friends with anyone," said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter then gave a cheery smile.

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Night started to shake. The once powerful alicorn started to shiver and shake. A tear fell as all the Shadowbolts surround the small group, to look at their commander. He looked around as the rain vanished, but the clouds stayed. "I...I...f-friend...H-help me."

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


"Will...will you help us? We can still be friends if you don't want to help us..." said Nerd-Letter. Wow, 2 villains turned into good guys, just by me being able to relate to them. It seems that they started this because they were outcasted...I guess they never realized how common being outcasted actually is. Nerd-Letter thought to himself.

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"READY!" proclaimed Riley, with years of unexpressed rage packed into his voice.


He spread his wings and flew up into the air, and then over the guards.


"Hey, you!" yelled a Pegasus guard, and flew up to Riley, who promptly bucked the guard in the face, causing it to become bloody and with one tooth missing.




Anala decided to go into the Everfree Forest to get a view of what was happening.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,@, @,  


"Well, An interesting idea. No time like the present, hm?" Shade mused aloud. "Oh, nice kick. Well, I'd better get going too I guess." He said jovially. "I'll meet you gents at the castle." Shade informed his allies before disappearing, leaving a sonic boom in his wake. "Hmm... Interesting..." He thought, appearing in the castle. "So they keep the Rainbow Powers inside of that box...." Shade continued keeping watch from his spot hovering in some shadows near the roof.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Wolf Smith


Nerd-Letter looked at Night in confusion. "Help you? With what? And uh, can you drop Alamo?" Nerd-Letter asked. He looked at Alamo, worried. Are all of the villains we're up against like this? Outcasted and ridiculed, like me? It seems like I would be in their hooves if I didn't look on the bright side of things and learned to laugh at myself. Nerd-Letter thought to himself.

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Night dropped him and started to cry in his hooves. His cutie mark could be seen: Lambda: symbol for half-life. "W-why do you care? I'm a monster born of chaos and dark magic."


He cried more, maybe he would cry himself to death. He didn't want to live anymore. He looked up.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


"Because I've created a bit of chaos myself sometimes...I can sometimes lose control of myself to insanity, and not only that, I know what it's like to be ridiculed because I still don't have a cutie mark, so I was made fun of a lot. Look, I don't know anything about you, but I'm starting to see a pattern here. It seems like these ponies that are trying to attack Ponyville have something in common with me: they've been outcasted and ridiculed. I guess I would've become like you and Alamo's friend, Snowflake, if I never learned to accept that I had flaws and learned to laugh at myself whenever somepony ridiculed or criticized me. That's why I try to help even the ponies that some think I should be hating, because I know that there's always a reason behind somepony doing something, and the pony doing that action thinks his or her reason is a good one. My reason for helping you is because I don't think there's just good and evil, I think that there's just good intentions," said Nerd-Letter.

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*Alamos falls to the ground and starts crawling towards the castle* "Medic, someone get me inside I need help" Alamo yell at the guards as he slowly makes his way towards the castle with a broken leg "Don't give up got to be help inside that castle somewhere, hopefully the kid can get the alicorn to change his image" alamo thinks to himself 

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@Nerd-Letter, @Wolf Smith, ,


The unicorn guards who had just been standing their ground couldn't believe that this orange unicorn had talked down this powerful and dangerous enemy, and turned him to their side.


"Come on, we need to get you all to the castle!" The squad's leader turned them back toward the castle, looking to pick up the injured Alamo on the way.


@Rainbow Eclipse, , , @The Shadow Stallion,


Nightwind Boreas could think no more, and there was no more turning back. He ran as fast as he could with his spiked boots on, only flying close to the ground to avoid all of the remaining guards. He jumped and dodged them as they tried to plug up all the streets, and swiped and slashed at them with his boots, ensuring that he would not be stopped.


He then circled the castle to its north face, and burst in with a gust of freezing wind that blew the guards off their hooves.


"We might need to split! We must search everywhere!" he told Hazard and Riley.


The guards in the highest room stood nearer to the box, awaiting the arrival of the remaining ponies who would rightfully take up use of the power. They weren't far off now...

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"I wonder when the others will get here?" Shade thought, lounging on a cloud high above the box. "It may be a little boring, but it's nice to relax." He mused, sipping at his strawberry lemonade. "Maybe I should close my eyes and take a rest?" He pondered. "A nap might do me some good." Shade decided, leaning back on his cloud and closing his eyes.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Snowflake had finished concentrating and has regained all of his powers back he then notices Alamo "ah look at you Alamo always getting yourself into these situations don't worry we will find you a doctor" Snowflake levitates Alamo and heads towards the Castle




OOC: (can you guys not post when everyone isn't here I had to read two pages of stuff and come up with a reason why I wasn't fighting)

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