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open Resurgence RP (Sci-fi, Post-apocalyptic, AU, Anthro, Adventure)


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Morning. The flying city known only as the Citadel, home to almost every sentient race in existence, still sleeps as the sun rises. The streets were dark and quiet, aside from the occasional body moving and Security drones passing by. It wasn’t always this way. A long time ago, there was no rich or poor. There were no homeless in the streets. There was no racism. There was harmony. No one remembers when things changed, but it’s been this way for a long time.


As light began to pour into the streets, the city slowly came to life. Fillies and colts complained to their parents that they didn’t want to go to school, people of all sorts began moving around and going to work while Citadel Security patrols joined the drones on the streets. Before long the streets were bustling with activity. However, one particular building is busier than most. A building home to one of the most dangerous professions on the Citadel. Ranger HQ.


Today, new squads will be formed and assigned missions. 6 - 8 individuals per squad with their own skills to offer in the trials to come. A Unicorn stood in front of a podium, switching on a microphone to give a speech to these Rangers. His cobalt blue mane was tied back in a ponytail, with some bangs draping down to frame his face, which was set in a grim expression. His dull green uniform had a badge on the right shoulder, indicating that he was a high-ranking officer.


“Rangers! Today, you will be formed into squads and given your missions. You have been trained to fight and to survive out there in the untamed lands our ancestors once called home. You possess skills that others do not, and by the grace of our Queen and the High Council, you are the sword and shield of the Citadel. Good luck to you, Rangers. You may yet need it. Dismissed!”


The Unicorn descended from the podium and the crowd began to form into lines as senior Rangers started to organize the squads and hand out missions. And it is here our story begins as 8 individuals of varying walks of life come together to form a team.


"Faithful Belief, Stronghammer, Atheia, Terra Lionmane, Merdyn Kael-Zur, Verdant Veil, Chains, and Agnus Dei? Please report in to Bay 17 for squad and mission assignment."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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(Do We already Have Our Armor and Weapons?)


Chains looked around, trying to figure out who might be in his Squad, but sadly, names Couldn't Give Him enough info on his Future Allies, so he gave up looking and started to walk Towards Bay 17, Hoping to meet the Rest of his New Squad There.

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Atheia yawned.


Sure, this was what she had lived for - to spearhead the charge that would reclaim her rightful home and take her place among the 'real' world: to get away from all of this synthetic crap and finally see for herself what half-forgotten stories had always promised... It was her dream - in theory - and she was living it.


Right now though, she was more concerned with the dull, rhythmic thumping of her heartbeat that echoed painfully through her skull. It made everything seem grey to her: nothing was going to brighten her mood until it stopped, and that might take a while.


Seriously, this long and they still hadn't developed a cure for a hangover?


Thankfully, it tended to be hard to tell when the Hyppogriff was recovering from her bouts of self-induced alcohol poisoning. There weren't many of her kind, and she wasn't exactly a good example of tidiness or conformity. Her exo-suit was hardly fit to be called as such any more after being subject to her wanton urge to make her mark on it, and white feathers stuck out at odd angles every so often wherever they were visible... all in all, it was hardly a surprise that certain classy establishments had firmly refused her custom in the past. The bones and feathers that decorated her outfits might have had something to do with that though - herbivores were so squeamish...


"Vengeful Ce... Somebody get me a freakin' painkiller..." She muttered under her breath as she made her way in the vague direction of bay seventeen. "Or a bullet - that'd do..."


She paused, blinked and shook her head. Would it hurt if she just went and caught another hour sleep in the med bay?


Better not... She concluded silently, with a smirk despite her foul mood. Cant afford to be caught again: they're wising up lately. Bleedin' straightshooters and their bleedin' rules...


Why was she here? Well, it was a means to an end. If she was going to see the old world, the Rangers had the resources to make it happen. Not so much guns - those were easy to get hold of with the right contacts. No, it was ships - transport and information she needed most of all. As proud as she was, Atheia was quite willing to acknowledge that she didn't have a hope of piloting anything more complex than her own body - and nobody other than the Rangers seemed to have any interest in the old world: not in the same way that she did, anyway.


So she had signed up: put on her serious face and been on her best behaviour... mostly. It was degrading to her way if thinking, but it was a means to an end. An end that was soon approaching...


Each step was emphasised with the soft clink of metal on metal as the claws that hung by her side swung and struck against each other. It had taken arguing until she was (figuratively) blue in the face to convince the uptight straight shirts to let her carry them around, but she supposed that they simply got tired of arguing with her after a while when it became evident that she was going to, no matter what kind of trouble it got her into. They were cool - they showed that she didn't need to be like everyone else: that being a half-breed wasn't something to be ashamed of. They were pretty good at tearing things up when she got into a temper tantrum as well: her furniture being the sad victims of such events.


"Ugh, seventeen, wasn't it?" The hangover-struck Hyppogriff muttered as she shielded her eyes from a particularly bright light to try and quint at the signs marking her current location. "Bah, this better be worth it..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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It had been a long time..... so long.  Agnus Dei. That was it's name. The machine that looked like a pony. No one really knew were he came from, not even Agnus. His memories before the citadel were nonexistent. 


It's eyes snapped open from it's current thought process. The sea of rangers it was surrounded by was bustling with noise and commotion as everyone eagerly awaited their assignment. The glow of it's soft green eyes reflected of of the steel of the many new and senior rangers as he scanned the crowd. There were many different species here, griffons, ponies, even a few dragons. It was amazing to see so many brought together by a common cause. Suddenly, Agnus then heard its name called. The machine pony was to report to bay 17. A whirring sound played from its head for a second as he brought up the schematics of the building and traced his way to the bay. 


Without delay, he marched over to the bay. On the way, he noticed some people were giving him odd looks. This was usual. As a mechanical life form, it had many pieces of exposed machinery on himself from years of inability to repair the organic suit that lined him. It didn't help that  the robotic parts appeared almost like a skeleton in some areas.Soon it entered the Bay. It smiled as excitement, or what was as closely simulated as it, built up within him. It hoped it's new team mates would be accepting of it, unlike the many residents of the  city who simply wanted it melted down....

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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The lumbering Minotaur certainly felt out of place. Being bigger than mist if the other rangers certainly had it's advantages. But not today. There were rangers staring at him in fear, the massive hammer strapped to his back didn't help at all. "Seventeen, huh? Well, I guess my teammates can't be that bad, I hope. Maybe they won't be rude and assume I am as smart as a brick." Walking towards the bay where he was expected, he studies the architecture of the building. "Sturdy, good, but I wish it were elsewhere. Like the outside world."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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((OOC:Anyone who wants to interact gimme a mention please)) Trials and Tribulations. That's what life is about and the life of Terra was no different. The world was a living hell he knew this first hand, but instead of cracking him the world hardened Terra. Flourishing like a wildflower in the face of adversity the life of the male earthen had successfully managed to earn his place among those that would set things right. 

The hand of justice is here! Hear that evil! WOE IS YOU!

After being done with his inner monologue Terra heard himself the alarm ticking signalling his time to wake up and report. The future calls... with no time to lose he quickly jumped off the bed.

"FENIIIIX!" he placed two fingers on his mouth and let out a loud whistle. There was silence for a bit but then all of a sudden a loud set of chirps and squeaks was heard as Fenix descended from his nest and landed on his shoulder pad specifically designed by Terra for him to be able to land there without his talons harming him. There was also said spots in his hands but right now they had to be serious and report to central command.

He was standing among the lines of other soldiers like he was a common being... he had humility in heart even though he might have been better than most. He was directed as others to Bay 17. Not wasting time Terra proceeded to join the others. It wasn't long before he arrived... maybe he had time to spent socializing a bit?

"Anyone here know what mission we're up to? Maybe a hint or something?"

Edited by IridscentNionios
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Her day started the same way it always did. Alone in a two bedroom apartment. Faith was used to being alone, but that didn't mean that she liked it. She wasn't always alone, though. Once, she shared this apartment with her brother, a Ranger himself. But one day, he just disappeared. He just disappeared one day, and Faith's hope was shattered for weeks. She thought about it as she went about her morning routines. Shower, putting on her Exo, making toast for breakfast, then heading in to Ranger HQ for today's announcement.


On her way, she saw a sad sight. A pizza place that she and her brother visited often when she was younger was closing down. And another thing that helped her remember her family became just another memory. Regardless, she couldn't dwell on it when today was a big day. All the time spent training and preparing to finally venture out into the world was about to pay off. The closer she got to Ranger HQ, the more her eyes lit up with hope. When called to Bay 17, she arrived to see others there as well. All of them seeming to be more confident and capable than she was. She cleared her throat nervously as she tried to maintain some confidence. Too nervous and they might not let her join the squad, and how could she search for her brother then? "Um, hi. I'm Faith... I-is this Bay 17?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker, Before Terra had the chance to receive an answer he heard a female voice and turned around. She saw a beautiful young white unicorn with cyan-black mane. Terra smiled kindly as she approached a bit.

"Eeeyup! This is the place! I am guessing you're one of the others that got called here? Name's Terra Lionmane." He received a small bite in his ear by Fenix not strong enough to cause something serious. His companion was a bit angry he had forgotten about him.

"Aaw! Sorry... and this is Fenix my phoenix a pleasure to meet you from both of us." the phoenix placed one wing before him and slightly bent his head as if bowing a bit.

He extended his hand offering it for a handshake. Something told him that this one would need all the welcomes she could get. Plus getting comfortable with your squad mates only meant that you could work better with them.

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Weaving uneasily between the thinning crowds of staff, Atheia paused to check behind her. Sure enough, she had walked past the bay in a daze. Snorting indignantly (as it it were the layout of the building that was at fault, rather than herself) she doubled back and threw open the door - slinking inside with a bad-tempered scowl.


The sight... wasn't particularly inspiring.


Some straight shirt boy scout with a bird on his shoulder, a bull that looked about as bright as your average boulder and a freaking robot... Not to mention the girl who looked ready to burst into tears. She had said something as Atheia entered, but the avian hadn't quite caught what she had said - was she supposed to be serving drinks or something? No way was she supposed to be a soldier.


It's going to be a long day...


The Hyppogriff rolled her eyes - blanking the others as she slipped inside, metal still clinking by her side with every step.


Seriously? They lump me in with this freak show - try and get all the weirdo's in one place?


"This it?" She grunted dismissively towards nobody in particular as she leaned against one of the bays supporting columns. She wasn't really in the mood for talking, but if you didn't ask, you didn't get. "Ugh, anyone got a smoke?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Agnus watched the two interact. It had always been trying to adapt to organic social characteristics. They always intrigued it, and now was a better time than ever to show what it knew so far. With a few steps, Agnus reached them and gave both of them a warm smile, or as warm of one as you could get from a machine.  The two of them were very new looking, one had a small avian friend on their shoulder as well. He waited for them to finish up before continuing.


"My designation......... name is Agnus Day. Glad to make your acquaintance " The machine said, his eyes becoming yellow. His eyes tended to show his current emotions towards a subject.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Verdant Veil


Brightly the rays of the morning sun shone down on Stingers' squinted eyes. He wasn't paying very much attention to the speech, since he had a massive headache and was still half asleep. Hanging out with the sharp shooting squadron last night had turned into quite the happening after some hotshot challenged all of them to a drinking contest. Four of the men accepted, one of them being him. And when four true stallions, four truly experienced drinkers decide to go down on a challenge like that, you could count on it that ponies were going to be passing out.


"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" Stinger could still hear the voices around him, chanting when he took on the next bottle. He wasn't truly an alcoholic, though maybe he used to be once. He just appreciated strong drinks from time to time. And after years of drinking liquor, chugging a few beers was a walk in the park to him. However, the volume of it had eventually forced him to vomit, and to his shame that made the challenger the winner as well. With two of his pals passed out and the other too drunk to walk straight, it had been quite the embarassing situation.


And since he had been piss-drunk last night, he now had a massive hangover. And he knew he wasn't the only one. He couldn't remember much of last night, but there had been many more there enjoying a good drink. In the crowds there were many more who were dealing with the repercussions of last night.


Then he heard his name. Quickly he looked up. He had been mentioned. Was he going to be sent on a mission? Finally? After all his training he'd finally get to show off his skills on a real battlefield? Immediately he actively paid attention to what was being said. "Bay seventeen. Alright then..." He thought to himself. On his way there he found himself walking alongside a hyppogriff. Those were fairly rare, and almost immediately he was fascinated by it. He snorted when he heard her mumble to herself, but he didn't say a word. "Tell me about it..."


To his surprise the hyppogriff was heading towards the same bay as he was. "This might turn out to be interesting..." Walking in her wake, he entered the bay right after her. Standing there for a second, he observed the people gathered there. Almost immediately drawing the conclusion that he'd be doing most of the shooting, he reckoned that this couldn't be a normal kind of mission. With a glance to the Hyppogriff, her expression said it all. This was another gang of misfits. He had to struggle to keep in his laughter.



"This it?" "Ugh, anyone got a smoke?"


Stinger fumbled in his pockets for a second and took out a pack of cheap sigarettes and a lighter. Without saying a word he lighted one up for himself, put it between his lips and handed both the lighter and a sigarette to the Hyppogriff, and proceeded to stand next of her against the column. He was quite a bit shorter than the Hyppogriff, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all standing next to her. He wasn't really afraid of anything.


Inhaling the smoke and breathing it out slowly he closed his eyes for a moment and stretched his neck. Then he smiled. "Dissapointed?" Was all he said, looking around the room with a crooked glance, not really taking anything in. The smell of alcohol wafted around both him and the Hyppogriff, but the smoke thankfully masked that a little. Looking down he saw the metal talons that had been making so much noise a moment ago. Those looked awfully dangerous, but again complemented his conclusion that he was going to be doing most of the shooting in this squad. Somehow that was exciting and terrifying at the same time.


Merdyn Kael-Zúr


Slowly and softly, Merdyn chanted lines to himself, reading them from the tome that he held with one hand while making strange gestures with the other. His horn was glowing dimly, and if one paid close attention he would see that his eyes were bloodshot and shaking vividly. He found it far more important to continue his studies than to listen to this obviously unnescesary speech. It was a futile charade, and probably only boosted the confidence and ego of the moron giving it.


But even though he was completely captivated with his sorceries, he was paying attention. Not entirely, since most of his conscience was required to perform the magics, but still he could vaguely pick up his name being mentioned, and shortly afted that bay seventeen. Quickly finishing his routine, he closed the tome and hung it to the belt of his strange robes. He had been made fun of for wearing them, but he'd be the one laughing when he would join the higher ranks of the cirlce of magi. His bronze robes would be upgraded to ones made of silver, and then he'd be the one looking down upon these brawny barbarians with their senseless instincts and inneficient ways of thinking.


Looking up at last, he immediately spotted bay seventeen, and headed towards it. Maneuvering through the crowd deftly, he arrived at the bay fairly quickly and entered it. To his dissapointment the group gathered there didn't seem very promising, although it was not up to him to judge on their proficiency in battle. "Any simpleminded baffoon can do the job of that of a soldier. Under my guidance it should be easy, as long as they are competent enough to actually hit their targets..." He sighed, and sat down on something that looked like a broken piece of machinery. Immediately he was gone again, looking into a distance miles and miles away, and making strange gestures with his hands, his horn softly glowing and emitting a barely audible hum. No matter how many times he'd be interrupted, he'd seize any moment he had to extend his knowledge, practice his skills and study the arts of the arcane. 

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Chains Had Arrived about the Same Time as Every one else Had, but he wasn't going to start Getting Too Friendly, not just Yet, whoever is Left After the first Mission, it'd be them he'd get to know.


Chains Started to look back on the Choices he had made that had led him to this moment, After Many years of Crime and felony, he was finally Caught, And they had planned to Have him Killed publicly, keeping him would be a waste of Resources, But The Rangers offered him a deal, he could Fight Alongside them, and Earn His Freedom, and the rest is Pretty Much History.


Chains lost his Train of thought once The Hyppogriff had Placed herself against the Columns Next to him and Asked For Smokes.


Chains Knowing he had some, got a back out along with some matches, he Wasn't sure how long this Mission could be and Nicotine Helped Keep him awake so he Grabbed a Couple Packs and had then in his Pouches on his Uniform.


But it looked like another pony beat him too it, he didn't mind, more smokes for him anyway.

Edited by Mr Suit And Tie
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Atheia made a noncommittal half-shrug as she flicked open the lighter: bringing the small flame up in front of her face and inhaling deeply - feeling the thick smog fill her lungs. Coarse and heady, It didn't take the headache or the nausea away, but it helped to mask them a little. Sure she had gotten chewed out just a couple of days ago for smoking on duty... but what were they going to do about it?


Breathing a sigh of relief, the avian eyed the group with a little more interest. Straight-Shirt was chatting up Drinks-Girl, and Scrap-Metal was blocking him. She snorted under her breath at the motley crew. She wasn't exactly the model of a perfect soldier, but this was ridiculous.


"Either the rangers are settin' up the worst freaking dating agency on the Citadel." She smirked - holding the packet of cigarettes and lighter out towards their owner. "Or they decided to lump all the freaks in together to get rid of them. Looks like you drew the short straw."




She glanced around at yet another newcomer - lifting the smoking cigarette from her moth to show that she was already good to go. At least she wasn't going to without some creature comforts with these two around. Still, this was her life - it hardly seemed fair to chance her dreams on some sub-standard squad...

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Faithful Belief


Faith reached out to shake Terra's hand. She had been expecting a harsher reception than this and considering she was now smiling shyly at him and Agnus, her spirits were steadily rising. "A pleasure, sirs. I hope I won't let you down." She spoke in a soft voice, not really fitting for a soldier, though she hadn't let it stop her yet.




"So, you guys are the squad I've got to deal with, huh? Well, I suppose they gotta send the rejects somewhere, don't they?" A rough female voice sounded from behind the ones standing at the door and before long, a gryphon started to push past them. She was carrying a rather large chest with 'Weapons' marked on it. She had the look of a veteran Ranger, but seemed about as wild as the Hippogriff with the modified armour and War Talons.


“Now listen up, ya bozos. The name’s Gilda and I’m gonna be your handler, ‘cause they pulled me off of doing real work out there to babysit you lot. So we’re all gonna get along and maybe we’ll make half-decent Rangers outta you. That means pay attention!” She said, raising her voice to a low roar directed at the Unicorn waving his arms around like some kind of lunatic, at which Faith ducked behind Terra. She kicked open the chest, which was indeed full of equipment that was packaged into sections marked with the names of everyone present. “You’ll need these if you want to survive down there. Pacifists don’t last long these days. So, let’s see…”


She sat on a nearby table, sizing up each of the Rangers in front of her for something. After a while she pointed to the Robot pony. “Congratulations. You’re the leader of this bunch of bozos. Enjoy.”


((OOC: You now have access to your loadouts and Agnus Dei is now Squad Leader.))

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Seriously? Scrap-Metal?" Atheia began to roll her eyes, before catching herself and pausing. It could be worse she supposed: she wasn't responsible for them getting themselves killed and the pile of junk wouldn't complain about her habits... probably. She shrugged. "Huh, fuck it - I'm fine with that."


Much more interesting to the Hyppogriff, were two things. Firstly that they were being briefed by an actual predator as opposed to a two-bit straight shirt, and secondly...




Well this was all freaking great! Things might not be so bad after all. She had guns, and she was going to the Old World.


Atheia's gear wasn't difficult to find - she had made her preferences perfectly clear, and despite 'tactically superior advice' had stubbornly refused to acknowledge that the old fashioned weapons might be outdated. The rifle and pistol weren't her old ones from the streets, but they were a similar make: rugged, clunky and... well, loud. If there was one thing she really loved about them though, it was that the things simply refused to break down, even if the bullets did never seem to fly particularly straight.


Surely that was why they held more than one shot?









As she fixed her weapons into place with a satisfied sense of finality, she glanced sideways at the others, and what they were carrying.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"Well, at least they got something right." Lifting his gear out of the box, he wraps the. chains stop nd his left shoulder. "I see this is quite the motley crew here? But I am curious. What are evryones skills? And why did we get grouped together? Anyways, the name is Stronghammer."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Agnus' eyes flashed  blue in conformation of the new designation. It had led machines before, but never other organics. This would be an interesting exercise for it. With the nod of it's head, it responded.


"Affirmative Ma'am" It said before turning to the other recruits in the line. He gauged their reactions carefully, and prepared  response for each of the organics in his squad. He knew some of them wouldn't be too happy with the designation of him as a squad leader, but  it would but his processing power, along with its sentience, to lead these souls through whatever they might do as effectively as possible. With one motion it  directed the rangers to the gear.


"Rangers, collect your gear" It said, approaching the chest along with the others. Inside, it found something very interesting. An Magic powered cannon.  IT looked like a sphere with several  pillars spinning around it.The rounded weapon  was old, but  looked modified in some way. Agnus came to realize how. It was made to attach to his arm servo, probably within his tool slot. It attached it to the top of his  wrist, and to its delight, the cannon connected to his circuitry, and was registered. With one small motion, it tucked away inside of his arm, and he looked down at the chest.Inside was also a beam rifle, basically a up-powered laser pointer that could be fired for a split second. He picked it up, and scanned over it. With a flick, he slung it around his back. Along with two basic grenades, there wasn't much else in there. Agnus was satisfied though, it had good weapons, and a good squad. This, with good planning, could be a very efficient tool for their missions.



What appeared to be a genuine smile came across the machines tattered face.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Verdant Veil


Grabbing his pack of sigarettes and lighter back from the hyppogriff, Stinger smirked. This seemed like one of those 'tough as rock with a sense of humor' characters. Getting up from the column he was leaning against, he stepped to the middle of the room to stretch his limbs a little. Hopefully the flow of blood would get going a bit faster so he didn't feel like a piece of shit anymore. Stretching his wings, anypony in the room could see their strange, impractical size. Bearing it now mind however, he yawned as the gryffon entered the bay, claiming to be their 'handler'.


For a moment he felt a little betrayed that the robot was declared leader, but then again he wouldn't exactly be in a position to lead anyway. Why would he want to have to look out for all the others if he just wanted to shoot a few bad guys from a considerable distance? Feeling content with this new development, his smile turned into a grin when the weapons were revealed. Not waiting for an order to come from anything or anypony, he stepped up to the chest to retrieve his beloved rifle. It was his baby, the meaning of his life. Unlike anypony else here the only thing he had ever been good at was shooting things, and killing them from a very long distance. This gun had become an extention of himself, a part of his life.


Lifting it up from the chest, the gun looked almost elegant. It's metal coated with a nice mat black colour, it looked simple, but the amount of seperate parts, bolts and pieces of machinery revealed that it was a very complex piece of technology. As if it were a young foal in his hands, he carefully stepped away from the chest where he had some more space. Turning a button and then pushing it down, he activated the weapon and it fizzled to life. He brought it to his shoulder and aimed down the scope. His arms and shoulders were musclar and well trained for only one reason... Being able to raise and aim this weapon.


Lowering the weapon again and clicking the button again, the strange sniper rifle turned off again. Proceeding to gather the rest of his equipment, he looked at what the others had gathered. Immediately he burst out in laughter. "You call these tin cans guns!?" He exclaimed when he saw the hyppogriffs pieces of scrap. "I'm sorry. Don't mind me." He excused himself immediately, still grinning and softly giggling. Looking around he still had to do trouble to keep in his laughter. "Yes, I will be doing most of the shooting..."


Merdyn Kael-Zúr


Without paying even the slightest bit of attention, Merdyn looked up from practicing his incantations and looked straight at the gryffon who had just screamed at him. Finishing the final part of his routine again, he lowered his arms, but didn't say a word. He hadn't been shocked by the sudden roar, more so offended and annoyed. Clearly the grunt had the preposterous idea that her rank was higher than his. With a contemptuous look he proceeded to gather his equipment.


He had expected not to become the chosen leader. Knowing that he didn't exactly look like the most capable soldier, he had anticipated on it. He would lead this squadron from the back seat, suggesting to the robot what the most intelligent plan would be in any situation. Surely it would understand and follow his advices. Stepping up to the chest he picked his tiny gun, and the measily four grenades. That was all that he had to retrieve from the chest. Attaching it to his belt, he moved back to where he had sat a moment ago and leaned back, waiting for something interesting to happen. Up until now he hadn't been very impressed.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"So, the robot leads us? Ironic. I build things like that and now I take orders from one. Very well." Spinning the massive hammer, he checks it to make sure it functions properly. "Perfectly balanced. Absolutely beautiful. Screw hiding, I have my baby, and I am ready. Now let's see, what have they stocked me with."


Checking his repair kit, he found all his basic tools and attachments. The small amount of metal would be useful if the robot was damaged. "I won't be building a fortress but this will do nicely. Good quality too, did a Minotaur make these? Best craftsmen around. Too bad most of us are idiots. Gives me a bad reputation."


"Grenades, eh, messy but effective. Might be useful to me, wish I had a better explosive for tearing things apart, but Oh well. At least I have my hammer." Looming at three rest of the group, he studies them, checking thier gear and analyzing thirty strengths based on it. "Guess I'm not the only one who doesn't like guns here.!

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Chains Listened to the Griffin's Every Word, not Because he cared, but just so he could figure her out, tone of voice and all round Behaviour Suggested that she was by Nature a very violent Bird, but Orders where orders and if this was their handler, then so be it.


Chains was a bit surprised by The Fact that the Clockwork Pony would be Squad Leader, Surely Someone else would be better suited, sure Robots are all logic based which meant that they operated with only the best outcome in mind, but sometimes Conventional Means wouldn't be enough, and the best outcome might not be Possible, but again he wouldn't Question Orders.


Chains Stepped up to the crate and Found a Rifle that would suit him well, A XM8 Assault Model, this gun, with the right parts, can be converted into any kind of Weapon, LMG, Sniper Rifle, Marksman Rifle, even a Submachine gun, but this model was outfitted with the Basic Parts, Giving it the Assault Rifle Look and Feel, overall it was a Balanced Weapon, he grabbed It and Strapped it to his back, locking against the Armor Using the Magnetic Locks installed within the Armor.


He then Reached in and Grabbed his next Weapon, A FMG9, A Machine Pistol, Anyone gets to close and this gun will rip em to shreds, he magnetic locked his Pistol to his thigh plate, within reach of his hand.


He then grabbed to small Metal Plates with Spikes on them, these were made to replace the Knuckle Plates he had on now, but give him Extra Offensive Capabilities, he stuck em on and flexed his hand, adjusting to the little Extra weight.


He then grabbed four Grenades from the box, two Flash Bangs, and Two Smoke Grenades, perfect for covering his Retreat if necessary, or even an Advance.

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Faith quietly claimed her equipment, slinging her marksman rifle over her shoulder and holstering her pistol under her arm. 2 standard fragmentation grenades hung from her belt, as well as a medical kit. She could've sworn she felt their handler's fierce eyes burning into her.


As it turned out, Gilda wasn't staring at anyone in particular. Rather she was as unimpressed with the squad in front of her as some of them seemed about her. But standing around wasn't going to get anywhere and they had a mission to complete. "Got everything? 'Cause once we get going, I ain't turning around so you can pick up your lunchbox. Our ride's waiting for us in the hangar and I'll brief you guys on the way. Let's move it out."


With that, Gilda just stood up and started walking in the direction of the hangars. They'd catch up. New recruits always do.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker,@@Commander Tangent, Terra smiled with confidence "I am sure you won't let us down! Now come on! The future calls people!" Terra winked at both of them, though he was sure the machine wouldn't be so... well "warm". He wasn't judging... after all only time would tell what he would be their futures and what they would do together.

Gilda... who apparently was in a bad mood gave them the army adaptation of "We're not in Ponyville anymore..." to which Terra proceeded to respond with a silent nod of acknowledgement. He didn't want to tell her to shove it since she was his superior but then again attitude like this was a little bit classic for the army. He had developed deadened nerves for stuff like that.

The robot pony Agnus Dei was appointed leader of the squad.

"Well i'll be damned if that's not an interesting choice!" well it was interesting. Or random... or maybe there was some crazy brilliant cold calculated plan. But mostly maybe random, he simply shrugged and nodded.

He proceeded to collect his equipment. Shield attached in the pack, magnum holster in the left leg, shotgun on the right, armor already in place. He proceeded to carefully place the grenades on his utility belt four of them total two sticky ones and... 

"Fenix?" a loud squeak was heard before Terra put in his visor and got ready. It was time...

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"You'll be the one cowering behind a rock while I do all the fightin' then?" Sneered Atheia in response to the jibe. "Careful you don't break that thing by breathin' too heavily."


She flexed her claws around the handle of the less-than-modern firearm - it's trigger guard extended far further forward than was necessary and its body notched and scarred in several places. It had seen a beating in its time: quite an achievement since it hadn't actually ever left the ranger base.


The pistol fell neatly down into its holster beside her leg, rather than at her hip as was standard for species with shorter arms. The rifle was thrown haphazardly over her shoulder with its strap, where it hung loosely.




"Hold on..." She stopped smirking, instead a look of concerned bemusement appearing on her face. "What's little miss prissy doing with a gun? She's not coming with us, is she? She won't last two minutes - look at her!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Agnus began to follow the organic named Gilda, when it heard a sudden exchange between two of the squad mates. Atheia and Faith. It walked towards the two, and formulated a response.


It turned towards Atheia, " She has satisfactorily completed basic Ranger training, and more than likely has a form of specialized training so she may assist the team. She will probably play a role we need outside of combat in the wasteland. More than likely it is the same for you, your predatory nature gives you an advantage in raw combat capabilities, thus, your skills apply to our combat scenarios.Any other skills you may have will be used in their appropriate scenarios." Agnus explained.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Commander Tangent, @, @@Windbreaker, Terra smiled towards Faith raising his hand in a motion as if to say "Don't respond to that." "Don't worry Faith. What our dear hippogryph right here doesn't understand is that you should fear the quiet ones. It's the quiet ones that get dismissed as weak that do the most damage. Underestimating anyone leads to arrogance, and we all know how it goes after that." he sighed after this trying to let of the steam. "Look we're in the same boat. WE are going to be killing stuff and covering each other's back. I'm pretty sure that since we're stuck together... we're gonna have to find a way to compromise. It's part of the theory of the survival of the fittest. You either adapt or you die... cold i know! But it's still true."

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