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private All Alicorns Must Die! {Advanced} {Evil}

Gatekeeper Giggle

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"A Celestia crown on sky? Obsidian Wing is coming here. Good. Now time to get my business. Sorry pegasus I'll meet you up later."


Assassin enters the house once again, activating her hidden blade.


"Alright all of you here. Listen up. You don't follow my instructions, all of you, will suffer. If I were you, I'd listen."


Assassin throws a rope dart to Twilight, wrapping her up, hanging (not neck).


"I bet YOU are that. Student of Celestia and Luna. Before you ask, Celestia and Luna are DEAD. They won't be coming back. Well.. at least I didn't kill your beloved teacher. My buddy did, and Luna somehow, gone. Well that doesn't matter now."


Assassin turns back, looking at the other remaining ponies


"You'd better be quiet and don't move. Or it will force me to cut your leg. Thats how Luna got injured you ponies know that? Don't worry I won't kill your best friend. I just have some favour to ask."


Assassin looks at Twilight again, speaking her, asking a question. She hopes that Twilight answers truthfully and fast. 


"Alright answer me. Where are the elements of harmony?"


Midnight Shadow heard a commotion frown downstairs and frowned before wondering downstairs, she waits at the third bottom step just out of view and began to drain the color's from the room again draining her own stamina, then she stepped out into the semi transformed room and narrowed her eyes at the brown unicorn mare "why you want to know where those elements of harmony are?, you realize the castle is my castle and to trespass into my territory is a bad idea, also you do realize that harming the only pony that can use them is a even worse idea then killing Celestia hmmm?" she asked before sitting down on a nice patch of shadow.


"now i don't think we've met before however i'm Midnight Shadow princess of the Twilight Realm and you are?" she asked before letting out a small yawn "well you're probably nothing important but i will still want to know who you are, and the other ponies over their even the one in that rope, i do hope you release her, i would hate to harm anypony due to current circumstances"


Midnight Shadow then closed her eyes and focused on the shadows shield around her castle, which was slowly being attacked by the mist, she snorted and opened her eyes again "so which one of you is the leader?" she asked

Edited by MidnaShadows
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@@Midnight Shadow,



The pegasus face hoofed when he watched the assassin barge right back into Twilight’s library.


“It seems they’re dead set on making utter fools of themselves. Is the art of subtly truly dead? No matter. Midnight Dancer, stay behind and fix this mess. I have other, more important matters to attend to.”


The Pegasus headed deeper into the town, trotting towards town hall. Midnight Dancer cast an invisibility spell over herself and headed into the tree house.




The Elements of Harmony jumped into action. Faster than the assassin could blink, she was under the effects of Fluttershy’s stare, rendering her utterly powerless. Flutershy ordered the Assassin to cut the rope, and she meekly complied, freeing Twilight.


“You big meanie! I know you’re worried about your family in Canterlot, but this is no way to act!”


“Fluttershy darling, I think it’s safe to say that pegasus lied to us. Again.” Rarity said.


“Never mind that! What about that!” Pinkie pie shouted, pointing toward Midnight Shadow.


Everypony turned to look at Midnight Shadow. 


“Alright, who are you and what do you want!” yelled Twilight.

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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@@Midnight Shadow,



The pegasus face hoofed when he watched the assassin barge right back into Twilight’s library.


“It seems they’re dead set on making utter fools of themselves. Is the art of subtly truly dead? No matter. Midnight Dancer, stay behind and fix this mess. I have other, more important matters to attend to.”


The Pegasus headed deeper into the town, trotting towards town hall. Midnight Dancer cast an invisibility spell over herself and headed into the tree house.




The Elements of Harmony jumped into action. Faster than the assassin could blink, she was under the effects of Fluttershy’s stare, rendering her utterly powerless. Flutershy ordered the Assassin to cut the rope, and she meekly complied, freeing Twilight.


“You big meanie! I know you’re worried about your family in Canterlot, but this is no way to act!”


“Fluttershy darling, I think it’s safe to say that pegasus lied to us. Again.” Rarity said.


“Never mind that! What about that!” Pinkie pie shouted, pointing toward Midnight Shadow.


Everypony turned to look at Midnight Shadow. 


“Alright, who are you and what do you want!” yelled Twilight.



"what am i?, well im a princess of shadows, i thought i just said that silly pony" she laughed before flicking her mane.


"what do i want?, oh two things really, well three but the third is a secret" she giggled causing the room to be influenced by her shadow.


"first, i want this world as my own, second i want to keep anypony that can stop that under my control and third, i want a certain pony released from a certain jail" she finished before standing up.


"Now you can either allow these three little things, or you can be trapped here, like you trapped my friend. Thats not a bad offer i doubt that mist outside will give you anything other then death" she finished before yawning and narrowing her eyes at the mane 6 "well you can at least argue or try to barter with me, however the third demand will never be negotiated since i'm rather bored in my own little realm i was trapped in, also i do hate how you keep my friend locked up in his little crystal, don't you think so twilight sparkle?, or do you want to fight me?" she questioned.


"After what happened to Celestia, that wouldn't be wise, not since you're realms no longer under her protection, which is a bonus however those silly ponies making Princess Luna turn into Nightmare Moon, that really ruined my plans of conquering you all. I do hate my plans getting ruined" she finished before frowning at the pink earth pony


"eugh balloons, that butt-mark is the worst" she added rolling her eyes 

Edited by MidnaShadows
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@@Midnight Shadow,




“We will never give in to your ridiculous demands!” Twilight shouted. Her horn began to glow, giving off a powerful purple light. The shadows in the room dissipated, banished by the light. Midnight Shadow fell to the floor, the shadow she had been sitting on now gone. Twilight concentrated, and the light got brighter, rendering Midnight’s shadow powers virtually useless.  


“Twilight, ah think we should skedaddle before more evil ponies show up.” Applejack commented.


“I couldn’t agree more. Get in close, everypony. I’m going to teleport us out of here.” One massive flash of light later, Twilight and friends were gone.


Midnight Dancer chose that moment to reveal herself. She helped Midnight Shadow off the floor and onto her hooves. She began to speak in a soft, melodious voice.


“I know those girls look unassuming, but I once watched them take out an entire battalion of changelings all by themselves. Don’t underestimate them. Anyway, the boss wanted to talk to you two. Follow me.”




“Remain calm, everypony!” Mare Mayor shouted over the noise of the crowd. Almost everypony had jammed themselves into town hall, demanding answers.


“AHEM!” The pegasus projected his voice across the crowd, getting everypony’s attention. “If I may interject, Mayor, I believe I may have some answers about everything that has been going on.” The pegasus walked around the crowd and onto the stage.

“I have terrible news. Nightmare Moon has returned. She was the one who created the storm around Canterlot, and is currently causing eternal night throughout Equestria. Furthermore, many ponies around Equestria have openly declared their allegiance to Nightmare Moon.”


Everyone gasped.


“But do not fear! The bearers of Elements of Harmony are working to ensure her defeat as we speak! No doubt everything will be back to normal within a few days! However, we must fortify Ponyville, or those who have sold their soul to the Nightmare will try to attack us! We must act quickly!”


The pegasus then gave everypony detailed instructions on exactly how to fortify the town. Caught up in the moment, nopony thought to question him. Soon town hall was entirely empty except for the pegasus, everypony else having left to go do their assigned tasks. Quietly laughing to himself, he headed back to Twilight’s library.

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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@@Midnight Shadow,




“We will never give in to your ridiculous demands!” Twilight shouted. Her horn began to glow, giving off a powerful purple light. The shadows in the room dissipated, banished by the light. Midnight Shadow fell to the floor, the shadow she had been sitting on now gone. Twilight concentrated, and the light got brighter, rendering Midnight’s shadow powers virtually useless.  


“Twilight, ah think we should skedaddle before more evil ponies show up.” Applejack commented.


“I couldn’t agree more. Get in close, everypony. I’m going to teleport us out of here.” One massive flash of light later, Twilight and friends were gone.


Midnight Dancer chose that moment to reveal herself. She helped Midnight Shadow off the floor and onto her hooves. She began to speak in a soft, melodious voice.


“I know those girls look unassuming, but I once watched them take out an entire battalion of changelings all by themselves. Don’t underestimate them. Anyway, the boss wanted to talk to you two. Follow me.”




“Remain calm, everypony!” Mare Mayor shouted over the noise of the crowd. Almost everypony had jammed themselves into town hall, demanding answers.


“AHEM!” The pegasus projected his voice across the crowd, getting everypony’s attention. “If I may interject, Mayor, I believe I may have some answers about everything that has been going on.” The pegasus walked around the crowd and onto the stage.

“I have terrible news. Nightmare Moon has returned. She was the one who created the storm around Canterlot, and is currently causing eternal night throughout Equestria. Furthermore, many ponies around Equestria have openly declared their allegiance to Nightmare Moon.”


Everyone gasped.


“But do not fear! The bearers of Elements of Harmony are working to ensure her defeat as we speak! No doubt everything will be back to normal within a few days! However, we must fortify Ponyville, or those who have sold their soul to the Nightmare will try to attack us! We must act quickly!”


The pegasus then gave everypony detailed instructions on exactly how to fortify the town. Caught up in the moment, nopony thought to question him. Soon town hall was entirely empty except for the pegasus, everypony else having left to go do their assigned tasks. Quietly laughing to himself, he headed back to Twilight’s library.


Midnight Shadow blinked at the mare and smiled "where are we going?" she asked blinking as she followed the mare, she twitched her ear and snorted "how dare she attack me then disappear, when i catch up with her i will make sure she will feel the full power of the shadows" she growled to this strange mare as she followed her, however after awhile she wondered why she was following the mare in the first place, she realized she wasn't thinking clearly, she pushed the mare against a nearby wall "where are you taking me, and why on earth am i following you?" she hissed before trying to use some of her dark magic, however the light magic still stopped her from using her magic causing her to become more angry. "who is you're boss anyway, i'm not some filly you can simply lead, i want some answers now" she added flicking her tail, however before long she was still followed the mare until she entered a type of building, she frowned still angry that she had no more use of her powers, "who is you're boss and why did i come here" she finished

Edited by MidnaShadows
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@@Midnight Shadow,




“Why, I’m her boss, of course!” The pegasus trotted into view, stopping to stand next to assassin.


“And I told her to take you to me, as we all need to have a nice little chat. But before we can began, we need to wait for our friend Obsidian Wing to join the party.”




Twilight and her friends reappeared in a flash of light. Twilight collapsed to the floor, exhausted.


“Are you okay, Twi!?” Rainbow Dash rushed to her friend’s side, and helped her off the floor.


“Yes Rainbow, I should be fine. That teleport spell took a lot out of me though.”


“Twilight, do you think that crazy unicorn with the knives was really working for the pony that killed Celestia?” Asked Pinkie Pie.


“She must have been. Nopony else would have known about Celestia’s death.”


“Didn’t she say something about Luna getting away? Luna might still be alive!” Said Rainbow Dash


“I am indeed quite well.” Nightmare Moon, magically disguised to look like Luna, strode into the room.


“Luna!” Twilight and her friend’s overjoyed shouts of relief mingled together. But their happiness didn’t last for long. “Is it true? Is Celestia really dead?”


Nightmare Moon’s head hung low. “I am afraid so. I tried my best to save her from the assassins, but they were too strong and too many.”


Everypony was silent for a moment, before Twilight spoke again.


“Since you are okay, can you raise the sun?”


Nightmare Moon laughed bitterly. “Oh that I could, Twilight. But alas, I do not possess the power. I can control the moon, but I haven’t the strength to command the sun.” Nightmare Moon lied. “But we have more immediate concerns. Those who assassinated Celestia must be brought to justice before they can do any more damage to Equestria. Twilight, you must retrieve the Elements of Harmony from Canterlot. Only they can stop the assassins for sure.”


“But Celestia told us in a letter that Canterlot was too dangerous to enter!”


“A letter? May I see it? I would like to know the last words of my departed sister.”


Of course, princess Luna!” Twilight fished around in her saddle bags until she found the letter. She then gave it to Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon quickly read the contents of the letter, and then handed it back to Twilight.


“Ah I see now what has occurred. I do know of a way around this mist, but we will need Cadence. Twilight, you must find Cadence! I will do my best to prevent the assassins from stopping you from reaching her, but you must hurry!”


“Right! Come on girls! We have no time to lose!” They rushed out the door of Applejack’s barn, and into the night.


Nightmare Moon watched them go with an evil smile.

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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@@Midnight Shadow,




“Why, I’m her boss, of course!” The pegasus trotted into view, stopping to stand next to assassin.


“And I told her to take you to me, as we all need to have a nice little chat. But before we can began, we need to wait for our friend Obsidian Wing to join the party.”




Twilight and her friends reappeared in a flash of light. Twilight collapsed to the floor, exhausted.


“Are you okay, Twi!?” Rainbow Dash rushed to her friend’s side, and helped her off the floor.


“Yes Rainbow, I should be fine. That teleport spell took a lot out of me though.”


“Twilight, do you think that crazy unicorn with the knives was really working for the pony that killed Celestia?” Asked Pinkie Pie.


“She must have been. Nopony else would have known about Celestia’s death.”


“Didn’t she say something about Luna getting away? Luna might still be alive!” Said Rainbow Dash


“I am indeed quite well.” Nightmare Moon, magically disguised to look like Luna, strode into the room.


“Luna!” Twilight and her friend’s overjoyed shouts of relief mingled together. But their happiness didn’t last for long. “Is it true? Is Celestia really dead?”


Nightmare Moon’s head hung low. “I am afraid so. I tried my best to save her from the assassins, but they were too strong and too many.”


Everypony was silent for a moment, before Twilight spoke again.


“Since you are okay, can you raise the sun?”


Nightmare Moon laughed bitterly. “Oh that I could, Twilight. But alas, I do not possess the power. I can control the moon, but I haven’t the strength to command the sun.” Nightmare Moon lied. “But we have more immediate concerns. Those who assassinated Celestia must be brought to justice before they can do any more damage to Equestria. Twilight, you must retrieve the Elements of Harmony from Canterlot. Only they can stop the assassins for sure.”


“But Celestia told us in a letter that Canterlot was too dangerous to enter!”


“A letter? May I see it? I would like to know the last words of my departed sister.”


Of course, princess Luna!” Twilight fished around in her saddle bags until she found the letter. She then gave it to Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon quickly read the contents of the letter, and then handed it back to Twilight.


“Ah I see now what has occurred. I do know of a way around this mist, but we will need Cadence. Twilight, you must find Cadence! I will do my best to prevent the assassins from stopping you from reaching her, but you must hurry!”


“Right! Come on girls! We have no time to lose!” They rushed out the door of Applejack’s barn, and into the night.


Nightmare Moon watched them go with an evil smile.


Midnight Shadows frowned at the pegasus then back at the unicorn, "well then who are you, why do you want me here and no i'm not waiting for this 'Obsidian Wing' to show up" she growled flicking out her wings, "I have questions you will answer, NOW" she added narrowing her eyes, "firstly what is that mist that even my magic cannot stop, secondary why did you bring me here and finally why did i follow you" she said before sitting down unaware of why she did.


She saw the unicorn watching her intently then fired a bolt of shadow at her smashing her against the wall "stop that now, or i wil really lose it" she growled not liking whatever the unicorn was doing to her, then she walked over to the pegasus and grabbed his mane pushing him onto the floor "you think you can control me?, I know what you're doing and i don't like it, stop it or stop existing, you're choice" she offered.


Then she sat back down again and waited patiently for the other pony to arrive not realizing why she was doing that. She then started to hum to herself

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Assassin shouted, angry.




Assassin used her hidden blade to destroy everything in the library, stomping, groaning.


"Alright.. calm down Assassin. Twilight and that little kiddos teleported.... they must've gone to Cadence. That nerd...where is Cadence? I must find Obsidian Wing. But first... I'll go that ponies' leader. I'll destroy their property...."


Assassin then gasped, laughing


"AHAHAHAHAHA, why I'm so stupid. When I meet that purple pony, I'll slash off that horn... that way, she can't use her magic.. alright. Now I have to find Cadence."


Assassin climbs to the top of the library, searching for Obsidian Wing.


"Where the devil is Nightmare moon? If she can't nor won't join us, I will take her life away. Now PRINCESS Cadence that annoying little pony where is she.."


Assassin finds a pegasus looking pony, flying. Similar to Obsidian Wing. 


"Is that.. Obsidian Wing? He doesn't recognise me."


Assassin uses her rope dart to throw at Obsidian Wing, and pull him down, crashing to the ground.


"THERE YOU ARE. Now, where is Cadence?"


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Looking at Assassin, he laughs. "Does she think a shadow can stop Celestia magic? I have her horn on my armor, I don't have to fear her. Neither do you. Before Cadence dies, we need to talk, away from the others." Grabbing Assassin, he flies off, easily shattering most ponies Max speeds, to his cloud house, the storm he kicked up this tome being powerful enough that it became near impenetrable, even by a shadow. "Look, I want that pony dead. I have seen her power, I can counter it, but if even a small shadow remains she will be strong enough to survive my attack I think. I can use the Solar Flare and wipe out her power source, nut pulling it off will drain me because I have to fight Nightmare Moon's magic. Leaving enough strength to pull of the attack, I camp make the such shiw just enough for a few rays to be visible, t has is all I will meed, then you assassinate her. She will die easily after my hit, just make sure you are grounded by something, I can control part of the attack, but the lightning will be everywhere at once. Do this, and we will have no competition, Nightmare Moon can have Canterlot, but when wrong have taken down three alicorns, the elements of harmony, and everything else they can throw at us, the ponies will follow us. Do this, and I will grant you one favor, deal?"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"If that purple and the others meet Cadence, something bad will happen."


"But that Shadow pony.. I think that pony will disturb us. Fine. Lets kill shadow."


"Remember, I'm stealthy. I mustn't get detected by shadow. Without being seen, I can take her down very easily. Or you can distract her while I air assassinate shadow, so she won't expect ME. But let us do so quick, I want Cadence's death. I want to take her life away fast."


Assassin runs to find Shadow, then stops. Turns around, speaking to Obsidian Wing again.


"Nightmare moon, so Luna turned into Nightmare moon eh. Do you think that pony will join us to help us?..... I guess not. I hope you can take down Nightmare moon pretty easily, I'll take care of shadow. Even though I get detected, my combat skills is extremely high. Don't underestimate me. Don't think I'm useless when I'm not stealthy. Are we cool now? Seriously though after shadow, you MUST help me find Cadence. You promised, and you will do it. Or else I'm taking YOUR life away."


Assassin turns around.


"Do you even know where shadow has gone?"

  • Brohoof 1


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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The pegasus frowned.


“Well, it seems the others won’t be making it today. Pity. We’ll just have to start without them. I’m sure they’ll be along shortly.”


The pegasus smiled at Midnight Shadow, looking directly into her eyes.


“Tell me, what do you know about Lord Discord?”




Cadence gave Brave Blaze a sad look. “Are you quite sure they are both dead? Did you check to make sure of the fact?”


“I am afraid there was no time for a thorough examination, your highness, but the sun failing to rise confirms the fact.” Brave Blaze confirmed.


Tears slowly started to make their way down Cadence’s face. Nevertheless, she spoke in a determined voice.


“No doubt they’ll come after me next. But when they do, we will be ready for them. Prepare the guard ponies, I have a plan.”


As Cadence told Brave Blaze her plan, he began to smile.


“Very good, your highness! I will inform my guards and Shining Armor about our new strategy forthwith! I’m sure we can get them prepared to spring the trap in only a few hours.”


Cadence wiped the tears out of her face. “Thank you, commander. You are free to leave.”


Brave Blaze smiled as he left. Vindicated at last. Everything he had done was not in vain after all. Cadence was indeed everything he had heard her to be and more. He couldn’t wait until those assassins showed up. He had a trap all his own to spring when they foolishly bumbled their way into Cadence’s trap. Truly history would remember him as the hero. 

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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The pegasus frowned.


“Well, it seems the others won’t be making it today. Pity. We’ll just have to start without them. I’m sure they’ll be along shortly.”


The pegasus smiled at Midnight Shadow, looking directly into her eyes.


“Tell me, what do you know about Lord Discord?”




Cadence gave Brave Blaze a sad look. “Are you quite sure they are both dead? Did you check to make sure of the fact?”


“I am afraid there was no time for a thorough examination, your highness, but the sun failing to rise confirms the fact.” Brave Blaze confirmed.


Tears slowly started to make their way down Cadence’s face. Nevertheless, she spoke in a determined voice.


“No doubt they’ll come after me next. But when they do, we will be ready for them. Prepare the guard ponies, I have a plan.”


As Cadence told Brave Blaze her plan, he began to smile.


“Very good, your highness! I will inform my guards and Shining Armor about our new strategy forthwith! I’m sure we can get them prepared to spring the trap in only a few hours.”


Cadence wiped the tears out of her face. “Thank you, commander. You are free to leave.”


Brave Blaze smiled as he left. Vindicated at last. Everything he had done was not in vain after all. Cadence was indeed everything he had heard her to be and more. He couldn’t wait until those assassins showed up. He had a trap all his own to spring when they foolishly bumbled their way into Cadence’s trap. Truly history would remember him as the hero. 


Midnight Shadow frowmed at the pegasus, "I have no idea what you're on about, Lord Discord?, that's well after my time here, if you're going to be asking questions you first need to get me up to date with current events. For stater who are these 'others', why is the mist attacking my shield around my castle and finally who are you to demand anything from me?, you have no idea who you are dealing with" she growled at the pegasus.


"I wonder where 'Lord Discord' is, i bet hes hiding under a rock from me since i released myself from Celestia's own prison. No other pony can claim as such, not even princess Luna could unbanish herself from the moon and yet here i am, I'm more powerful then anypony here apart from Celestia herself and shes dead on the floor. So why do you think that i care about a name?" she asked flicking her tail and sitting down.


She then waited for either the mare or pegasus to explain what was going on and why she shouldn't just kill them now, she didn't realize why she even came here in the first place.  

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@@Midnight Shadow


“Lord Discord is the true ruler of these lands. Under his leadership, everyone was free to do as they pleased. It was a time where the strong flourished and the weak perished, a true paradise for those who were faithful to Lord Discord. But 1000 years ago, Celestia and Luna usurped his throne so they could begin their reign of tyranny. They used the Elements of Harmony to seal him away in a stone statue. Only the Elements of Harmony can free Lord Discord from his prison.”


The pegasus frowned, his hoof coming to his head in a look of disappointment.


“Originally I wanted to trick the bearers of the Elements into releasing Lord Discord of their own free will. I was going to blame Celestia’s murder on Nightmare Moon, and then have the ones who actually killed Celestia make friends with the Elements, slowly convincing them that letting Lord Discord free was in their best interest. Delightfully ironic, don’t you think? Alas, they brutally attacked the Element bearers, ensuring that the Element bearers now think of them as enemies. A pity, really. But now the plan must evolve. You, Midnight Shadow, are that evolution.”

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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@@Midnight Shadow


“Lord Discord is the true ruler of these lands. Under his leadership, everyone was free to do as they pleased. It was a time where the strong flourished and the weak perished, a true paradise for those who were faithful to Lord Discord. But 1000 years ago, Celestia and Luna usurped his throne so they could begin their reign of tyranny. They used the Elements of Harmony to seal him away in a stone statue. Only the Elements of Harmony can free Lord Discord from his prison.”


The pegasus frowned, his hoof coming to his head in a look of disappointment.


“Originally I wanted to trick the bearers of the Elements into releasing Lord Discord of their own free will. I was going to blame Celestia’s murder on Nightmare Moon, and then have the ones who actually killed Celestia make friends with the Elements, slowly convincing them that letting Lord Discord free was in their best interest. Delightfully ironic, don’t you think? Alas, they brutally attacked the Element bearers, ensuring that the Element bearers now think of them as enemies. A pity, really. But now the plan must evolve. You, Midnight Shadow, are that evolution.”


Midnight Shadow twisted her head "i'm interested however whats in it for me, whats to stop Lord Discord taking this world and my own?" she asked frowning, "i need assurances, otherwise i might as well give Nightmare Moon access to the twilight realm, if that occurred you're plans would be rather ruined wouldn't you think?" she asked sitting down. "I came from my own world to conquer a new one and what do i find?, I find a badly planned attack causing the death of Celestia, you caused Nightmare Moon to hate you and all you have achieved is nothing" she summarized.


"it seems you're plan is flawed, only Twilight can use her magic to release him which she won't do, you have no leverage against them, you shouldn't have killed Celestia because you have no idea what you have done by doing so, you've stopped the only control against Nightmare Moon, Twilight Sparkle and now you want me to fix it" she snorted, "whats to stop me joining with the other side or whats to stop me going into my own realm, seal it up and not come back for another hundred years or so?" she asked him.


"you've also not answered my question on who the 'others', and what is that mist surrounding Canterlot" she added 

Edited by MidnaShadows
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@@Midnight Shadow,


 The pegasus laughed.


“Lord Discord will break free from his prison eventually, no matter what we do. All we want to do is free him sooner rather than later. Help us, and you will be richly rewarded. Impede our progress, and when Lord Discord breaks free under his own power, I wouldn’t want to be you.”


“As for my plans, Twilight will indeed willingly free Lord Discord. You see, with Celestia dead and Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon, the only one left who has both the power and the will to raise the sun is Lord Discord. Without him, everyone in Equestria will die. Without sunlight, no food can be grown. The plants will perish without sunshine, and with them all the ponies of Equestria. The Element bearers only need to be reminded of this fact.”


“All we need you to do is get close to the Element bearers, and guide them in the right direction. How you do this is up to you. Lord Discord has no interest in your shadow realm, and will allow you to retain full management of it. You will also receive a large portion of Equestria to rule as you see fit. I highly doubt you will receive a better offer from Nightmare Moon.”


“As for your other concerns, the others I spoke of are of course the brave souls who defeated Celestia. Even as we speak, they plot to end your life. I can convince them to stay their hooves, for a brief time, but I will only do so if you agree to help us in our endeavor. As for the mist that you speak of, I know nothing of it besides the fact that it is an obstacle in our path and must therefore be destroyed.”

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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"We must hurry then. I have a plan for Nightmare Moon as well. After all, her and that shadow pony are similar, let them fight each other, then we kill the survivor. Less work for us, and some entertainment for us. I am not sure who we can trust anymore though. If that Pegasus sees her as a better venture, we lose our stakes. Now let us see, if I can convince an old friend to join us, if only temporarily, we can win for sure. He is the most powerful unicorn to exist, but we cannot count on him. He is worse than me when it message to killing ponies. Anyways, I will try to get my friend here, but make sure that shadow one doesn't do anything stupid. Unlike you, I camp Saginaw myself now. Mirror Wing has offered his help on her. He doesn't appreciate anypony who does what she did. Killing Celestia is one thing, suddenly showing up and taking over, that isn't OK. Wow, he is really being corrupted isn't he? Good, but the bearers do not know Mirror Wing, nor will that shadow pony. I can easily convince them to go after her, once I tell them that she killed Celestia and turned Canterlot into a shadow realm. Now I must go, time is of the essence, and the bearers will join us. I will meet you at the everfree forest in a few hours." Flying off, his appearance changes to wings of mirrors, and a aura of good seems to appear, only two beings would know it isn't really Mirror Wing, Discord and Nightmare Moon. His two former enemies turned allies.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"Everfree forest eh? Then I must not get detected by Nightmare moon OR Shadow."


Assassin leaves the area, entering everfree forest.


"Alright so Obsidian Wing said he'll meet me here in a few hours. Pffft more boring time for me."


Assassin wonders around, flickering her blades, climbing, falling and sleeping.


"GAH I'm tired of all this. I might just search something fun."


Assassin wonders around more, until she found a house looking figure. With creepy statue face looking, inside with a bowl, with all different sorts of materials.


"What in the world is this place. Meh since I'm bored as turtle, I might cause some trouble, just for fun."


Assassin smashes the door, entering.


"ALRIGHT what kind of pony lives here? With all these creepy face looking stuff and different kinds of stuffs, I guess you're evil? That doesn't matter, I just want t have some fun. I'm dangerous and aggressive you hear me? Don't make me feel bad or else I'm going to make you scream like a little fellow."


Assassin activates her hidden blade, showing off



(Yeah Zecora's house)


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Nightmare Moon listened to the two assassins chatter away in their cloud house. In her incorporeal form, she was impossible to detect and nigh-invulnerable to attack, which made spying on these buffoons pathetically easy. They would never reach Twilight and her friends in time. In fact, they would never leave the Everfree Forest alive. Giggling madly, Nightmare Moon divided herself into several clouds of mist, spreading thought the Everfree Forest, transforming it into a death trap.





“I’m so glad you could make it! Won’t you come sit down and have dinner with us?” Assassin's father warmly greeted. 


Assassin’s whole family sat around a dinner table, eating homemade food and having a wonderful time. The small hut was filled with the delectable smell that the food gave off, and the gentle glow of the candles on the table. Only one chair was empty, the chair directly in front of Assassin.


“We made your favorite dish, [insert Assassin’s real name here], just for you! Come on, sit down already!” Assassin’s younger brother happily squealed.






“Cadet! What have I told you about flying alone in the Everfree Forest?”


Mirror Wing’s former drill instructor, from his days as a cadet in the royal guard, shouted at him from a clearing in the forest. Also in the clearing were all the other cadets who were in Mirror Wing’s former squadron. Obsidian Wing found himself compelled to land in the clearing, and when he did, his old drill instructor yelled at him some more.


“Cadets! Can you enlighten Mirror Wing on what he has done wrong!?”


“When entering the Everfree Forest, you must have at least one other Guard with you at all times.” The Cadets responded in unison.


“That is exactly right!” The drill instructor shouted. “Now drop and give me twenty, you miserable maggot!”

Edited by Stormgiggle

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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"Wait what? Dad? Brother? Wha? Why are you all here?"


Assassin rubbed her eyes, slapped herself, and smashed her head.


"Am I hallucinating? Dad is that really you? Why are you in this, old wooden looking house? Well I guess I have to.."


Assassin sits down, still confused what was going on. She thinks.


"I enter a random house, smashing everything, and there is my family? This.. this doesn't make any sense? I thought my father was lost in everfree forest and died, and my brother? My mom? I mean, this can't be happening. I want to believe this is real, but I still don't understand."


"Maybe... Nightmare moon is tricking me? Then I have to resist, end this fake figure's life. But what if they are my real family? I don't want to kill them, upset them. Guess I should accept this fact for now."


Assassin looked at the food. Assassin tried to eat her most favourite food, but then, she turned and looked at her father's hoof. With strange looking eyes, Assassin asks a question.


"Ummm dad? Where are your hidden blades? I thought you always carried it?"



Suspicious, Assassin secretly activates HER hidden blade. 

Edited by BronyAssassin


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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“Ah, these old things?” Assassin’s father extended his hidden blades. “I see you still have yours as well, [insert Assassin’s real name here].” Her father said with a wink. His blades were well kept and wickedly sharp.


“Honey! Not at the dinner table!” Assassin’s mother scolded.


“Sorry, dear.” He said with a smile. He retracted his hidden blades. “I hardly ever get to use the darn things anymore, well, besides chopping up vegetables for dinner!” He said with a laugh. But then his expression turned serious. “I used to be just like you, you know. I used to be able to kill a stallion in cold blood, and sleep like a baby the next night. But when I met your mother, and had a family with her, things changed. I slowly came to realize that every pony I killed had a family just like mine, had someone who loved them just as much as I love you. I simply couldn’t kill couldn’t kill anypony anymore.”


“When I see you making the same mistakes I did, it tears me up inside. Please, won’t you stop this senseless killing? Your mother and I miss you so. Won’t you come back to us? It’ll be just like it was in the old days.”


Assassin’s little brother looked up at her with sad eyes. “Please big sis, come home? I miss you so much!”

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Assassin slowly deactivated her hidden blade. her mind stopped. She couldn't make her choice. She really wanted to kill Cadence so badly. Assassin made up her choice.


"Alright I will. I will have a normal family life. AFTER I kill my target. Deal?"


"Look, I love you dad, but I MUST kill my target. This is our Assassin order right? We don't want to break our brotherhood and lose everything we gained right? There is a pony I must kill. Its for Justice and for you, dad, mom. Also there is a friend of mine who really thinks about me, and we work together to kill our target. And we're doing it right now. I'm sorry but I guess we have to move this dinner table time next time. I have some killing to do."


Assassin stood up and tried to walk out. Suddenly Assassin mentions something.




I slowly came to realize that every pony I killed had a family just like mine, had someone who loved them just as much as I love you. I simply couldn’t kill couldn’t kill anypony anymore.”


Assassin knows that her dad was an assassin and continued to kill ponies for good, even though he had an family, but with that phrase being said, Assassin's mind came clear. 


"Dad... you swore to our Assassin order to never betray the brotherhood. But you said that.. its really, a mystery."


Assassin took one of her throwing knives, jumped and threw at her dad's front leg. 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Assassin’s father slowly pulled the throwing dagger out of his leg. Once he pulled it out, there was absolutely no indication that there ever had been a dagger in his leg, no blood, no wound, nothing. He spoke as if nothing had happened.


“You see, this is where a life of killing will lead you, [insert Assassin’s real name here]. Eventually, you’ll start to hurt the ones you love, and you won’t even care about the pain you cause them. About the pain you just caused me.”


He extended his hidden blades once more, only this time they were sharper, and longer than before.


“Is this what you really want? Are you really going to kill me in front of your mother? Your little brother? Are you truly going to kill me right on the table where we sat together each night and ate supper? I know I taught you better than that. I always tried to teach you that violence was never the answer, but you never understood. Come on, let’s sit back down, and we can talk about what’s troubling you.”


Assassin's mother and little brother looked on with wide, scared eyes, waiting to see what happened. 

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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"I knew it. I knew you were like this. And this proves what? This proves that you're fake, useless, and traitor. I don't know if Nightmare moon created you like this, but since you accepted my aggressive action, then this ends now. For justice."


Assassin putted on her hood, activating her hidden blade.


"Mom, my little brother, they've done nothing. But you, you're different. I never knew you changed like this. I will kill you dad. You betrayed our order. And I will betray YOU."


Assassin charges at her dad, tackling. Table has been rolled over, Assassin stomps and slashes her dad's legs.


"I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. Also, violence is never the answer? Then what is the purpose of the assassins. It will be fun if your grave is here. Table where we ate."


"My skills are much better than yours. Sharper and longer hidden blade won't do any good for you. Sit down and lets talk? It looks like your mouth tasted sour grapes. I will end this, I will kill CADENCE."


Assassin shouts. Raging, more than ever. 


"Mom, take your son out. You don't want to see this.."

Edited by BronyAssassin


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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 For every slash and stomp inflicted on Assassin’s dad, his blades got sharper and cruel, jagged edges spiked out from the blades. His muscles started to expand, and he became bigger and stronger. He seemed to suffer no injuries from the violence preformed on him.


“You see, [insert Assassin’s real name here], this is exactly what I mean. For every innocent you slaughter, for every wound you give your enemy, their hatred of you grows. The violence only makes them all the more determined to stop you, more determined to protect themselves and their families. By attacking your enemy, you only give them strength, the power to keep on fighting. Violence only ever causes more violence, more senseless bloodshed. Where will it end? When everypony around you is dead? When you yourself are slain? I tried so hard to teach you these things, but they never sunk in. Well, now we’ll try it your way. If you only understand violence, then violence you shall have.”


Assassin’s father let loose a powerful kick, and assassin was sent sailing across the room.

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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"Well well.. I don't have time for this. I must go find my buddy. See you later, traitor."


Assassin goes through the window, started to climb on the trees, to search Obsidian Wing.


Assassin feels pain from that kick.


"I will now believe that Nightmare moon created that. I will believe that was just an hallucination. If he ever gets me, I will need Obsidian Wing's help."


Assassin never went down on the ground, due to her fear of her dad. She jumps to another tree, making it safe for herself.


"Where is Obsidian Wing.. Don't tell me Nightmare moon did a same thing to Obsidian Wing, I must stop him from it. He might become like me."


Assassin loads her pistol on her hoof (yes there is a pistol attached to hidden blade :#), aimed at the sky, shooting. Firing sound went across the ponyville, even the sky. Sound was so loud that Assassin needed to feel pain of her ear.


"With that being done, I hope Obsidian Wing pays more attention.. ugh that hurts. I will kill that traitor."


Assassin remained at top, hoping to find her dad, to air assassinate him.


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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