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hello again.... and yeah, another Luna-Celestia topic


ok, so when i first saw all this "Lunar Republic" and "Solar Empire" i was like....... what kind of crap is this? sorry, i usually don't say bad words (yes, i'm not a typical 15 yr old.... sort of....) but, anyway, i was shocked, because it makes no sense AT ALL. was this started by a whole fanfic or something? if it was, then sure that's cool, i understand how this whole thing must have been triggered, but just think about it:


1. Celestia has NEVER oppressed anypony... A-N-Y-P-O-N-Y. She is actually a really good ruler. Her sense of responsibility and her personality as being "motherly" is a good thing in a ruler. In the Canterlot wedding episode, she is also shone as protective of her subjects.


2. She is respected by all Ponies in Equestria.


3. She is fair and Forgiving (Season 1 episode 1+2)


4. Lets take a look at Episode 1+2 of Season 4, during the flash back. Celestia clearly was trying to avoid using the elements against her sister, because she loved Luna so much. Tia was literally crying. before she was forced to fight Luna, Tia tried reasoning with her. 


5. Celestia is a better ruler than Luna could be. Luna is more of the behind the scenes ruler.... Technically Luna is a Ruler of Equestria..... the sisters co-rule, just Celestia takes the lead because she has more leadership qualities than Luna.


6. Luna is prone to emotion, which is sort of the cause of her changing into nightmare moon.


7. Luna does care about her subjects, and has more of a one-on-one relationship with the other ponies (sweetie belle (i spelled her name wrong didn't i... slaps face) and alot of the citizens of Ponyville)


so, yeah.... i don't really know what the point of those facts were..... i was biased because celestia doesn't get as much credit... so yeah, what was the question again? 

  • Brohoof 3
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I feel it may be for many reasons: distrust of government, especially one were is a leader as absolute power and authority as well as a leader not voted for by the people (though technically Celestia and Luna was 'voted' in, by the request three tribes and tribe leaders). Also for 'fun', finding Celestia boring and flawless, wanting to make her more interesting and feeling turning her into a villain or tyrant does the trick.


Fans created the idea of the Solar Empire and Lunar Republic for many reasons. One being in support of Princess Luna, who many saw/see as the victim and that Celestia was far too harsh in banishing her sister to the moon. Leaving her alone and scared on the moon, though in truth it was not Luna on the moon but Nightmare Moon and it was inside of the moon not on it, and thus some fan sought to make her the hero against the tyrant and a terrible sister.


More, again, there is the fact Celestia ruled for a 1000 years and everypony loving her. Many are distrustful of government and leaders with unchecked power, they feel it is more reasonable to suspect foul play and other wrongful acts for Celestia to have kept her position for so long.


Second, by having Celestia ruling an empire and Luna a republic it creating a very popular trope dynamic find in such shows as Star Wars and Stargate SG-1: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodRepublicEvilEmpire


I find it stupid myself, as the only way to make it work is by turning Celestia into a Ron the Deatheater style ruler that is completely out of character as well as altering the structure of Equestria itself.


Oh, also fanonful* excuses to why Luna becoming Nightmare Moon was because of how much of a terrible or mean a pony Celestia was and more establishes that the Lunar Republic first started when she made her transformation, hence why it is called the 'New' Lunar Republic.


*Yes I understand it is not a real word, I made it up, but it gets what I want across mixing fanon with fanciful

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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It's more of a "pony vs pony" kind of thing.  People argue about which princess is better and stuff.  In my opinion, both princesses are pretty cool, it's just that Luna has a much more interesting personality.  Unlike Celestia's "rock solid" personality, Luna has a fuzzier and more unclear personality (abstract?).

  • Brohoof 3

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato


"Night.  Fear and Darkness in one sense.  Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony

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Its not really that big of a thing. It sorta like a little in-fandom thing. Harmless. Sort of like a meme I suppose. But its an old one. Like before season 2 old. No one these days goes "Are you for the New Lunar Republic or the Solar Empire?" anymore lol. Like I said it's old so I don't know if anyone here would truly know how it started. I think it probably started as a fan fic probably and then people made art of it and it became a thing for a sort time but died off. You shouldn't worry about, no one ever took it seriously, no one thinks Ceestia is actually a tyrant ect ect. We know they are kind and loving rulers. :P

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Like I said it's old so I don't know if anyone here would truly know how it started.

I would say it started partly because of fans having sympathy for Luna and there not being much detail involving the banishment. That and a 'who is best pony/princess' battle between Luna fans and Celestia fans.


As for the "Are you for the New Lunar Republic or the Solar Empire?" question, I refused to pick a side and instead created a third option. The Guardians of Harmony, defenders of peace chosen to protect Equestrian from sources of conflict, chaos, and unbalance... even if this meant opposing both of the above factions and contend whether or not they were actually lead by one of the two celestial sisters in their right mind. (The Guardians would suspect that the princesses were either impostors, manipulated, mind controlled, or otherwise effected by another.

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Its not really that big of a thing. It sorta like a little in-fandom thing. Harmless. Sort of like a meme I suppose. But its an old one. Like before season 2 old. No one these days goes "Are you for the New Lunar Republic or the Solar Empire?" anymore lol. Like I said it's old so I don't know if anyone here would truly know how it started. I think it probably started as a fan fic probably and then people made art of it and it became a thing for a sort time but died off. You shouldn't worry about, no one ever took it seriously, no one thinks Ceestia is actually a tyrant ect ect. We know they are kind and loving rulers. :P


I think it started because some people where like "Luna is best princess" and others "no celestia" and then suddenly, "Bow to best princesses Lunar republic". It kind of came out of the love for the 2 characters.


Then we got more princesses and everything just got a bit crazy/forgotten :P

  • Brohoof 1


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It's another one of those "Who is the best pony?" or at least better princess things. If I'm ever asked I just say Lunar Empire buuuuuuuuuut I don't really take it seriously at least not until we finally defeat the Tyrant Celestia


  • Brohoof 4


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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((I play Princess Celestia in the Equestrian Empire section of the site))



"Dear subjects, please remember always," Celestia says with her warm smile yet with a determined tone, "My sister and I were meant to rule together, as there is day and night, light and dark, warmth and coolness. Together, Equestria is kept in harmony as all the three races are united so are we... never forget. This is why these factions calling themselves the Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic are so worrisome, it creates division and separation."


Sadness would then appear on her face as she finishes, "I will not lose my dear sister again nor be divided against her, a thousand years apart was a thousand years too long a separation... not again."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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No one these days goes "Are you for the New Lunar Republic or the Solar Empire?" anymore lol.


Some people do. I actually got asked about it by an AI (cleverbot) when I asked it whether it liked ponies, which was pretty weird.

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hello again.... and yeah, another Luna-Celestia topic


ok, so when i first saw all this "Lunar Republic" and "Solar Empire" i was like....... what kind of crap is this? sorry, i usually don't say bad words (yes, i'm not a typical 15 yr old.... sort of....) but, anyway, i was shocked, because it makes no sense AT ALL. was this started by a whole fanfic or something? if it was, then sure that's cool, i understand how this whole thing must have been triggered, but just think about it:


1. Celestia has NEVER oppressed anypony... A-N-Y-P-O-N-Y. She is actually a really good ruler. Her sense of responsibility and her personality as being "motherly" is a good thing in a ruler. In the Canterlot wedding episode, she is also shone as protective of her subjects.


2. She is respected by all Ponies in Equestria.


3. She is fair and Forgiving (Season 1 episode 1+2)


4. Lets take a look at Episode 1+2 of Season 4, during the flash back. Celestia clearly was trying to avoid using the elements against her sister, because she loved Luna so much. Tia was literally crying. before she was forced to fight Luna, Tia tried reasoning with her. 


5. Celestia is a better ruler than Luna could be. Luna is more of the behind the scenes ruler.... Technically Luna is a Ruler of Equestria..... the sisters co-rule, just Celestia takes the lead because she has more leadership qualities than Luna.


6. Luna is prone to emotion, which is sort of the cause of her changing into nightmare moon.


7. Luna does care about her subjects, and has more of a one-on-one relationship with the other ponies (sweetie belle (i spelled her name wrong didn't i... slaps face) and alot of the citizens of Ponyville)


so, yeah.... i don't really know what the point of those facts were..... i was biased because celestia doesn't get as much credit... so yeah, what was the question again?


her nightmare transformation was not her own accord.

she has been feeling unappreciated for everything she's been doing.

during thier fight with sombra she might have been hit by dark magic, pay close attention to her transformation.

Nightmare rarity, need I say more?

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