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  Pounding.  His head wouldn't stop pounding.  With a groan, he slowly sat up in his bed, one hoof holding his head up.  "Great, another hangover," he muttered to himself, while straining to stand up.  With effort, he managed it, only swaying a small amount.  Another groan, and he started making his way over to the window.  "Wonder how late it is," he said, while pulling the shades open.  A gasp, and hoof over his eyes, followed the bright rays of morning sunlight that pierced through the glass.  After a moment to adjust to the intrusion, he took in the site from the high-rise window, watching as the streets of Manehattan bustled with activity stories below.  Suddenly feeling dizzy, he moved away from the window, only to collapse into a leather chair just behind him.  Maybe, just a quick nap, he thought, and leaned to one side...

  A knock on the door jolted him back up.  "Hey Ennex!" called a young, female voice, "you awake yet?"

 "I am now!" he shouted back, while leaning into the chair.  "What's going on?"

  The door to his room opened, and a tan unicorn mare with a brown-orange mane entered.  "I thought you wanted to discus-" she broke off, noticing his condition "-guess not."  A frown appeared on her face.  "You stayed out drinking again last night, didn't you?"

  "Good morning to you to Sakuya," he snapped, getting off the chair and back on his feet.  "A moment please."  As she waited, he struggled to walk over to the nightstand next to his bed, and found his glasses.  "Alright," he said, slowly putting them on, "what did you want to discuss?"

  She gave him a puzzled look.  "Why don't we get you something to eat, and down to the office first, alright?''  She wrapped a leg over his shoulders, and led him towards the door...

Edited by nx9100





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Riley Blythe


A young red Pegasus stallion stretched his arms as he yawned. He had had a peaceful night's sleep, from the looks of it.


Now, what would he do today? Spend some time with his beloved dog Cookie? Play video games?


Hmm... that's how he'd spent yesterday. Time for a change of routine.


He tossed the cover off him and trotted downstairs before exiting the house.


Once outside, he flew up into the sky. He lived on the ground despite being a Pegasus, but he still made plenty of visits to the world up above.


Perching his fuzzy rear on a fluffy cloud, he gazed over Manehattan whilst munching on the potato chips he had brought up here with him.



Anala Elderberry


Meanwhile in that very city, a white Earth mare was settling into a coffee shop. After ordering a cup of coffee, she looked through the window aimlessly.


She had no real plans for the day. Perhaps later she'd shoot some arrows, or go for a swim in the sea that surrounded the city.


Only time would tell.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sakuya entered the coffee shop, an annoyed look on her face.  After dumping Ennex into a carriage to get him to the office, she took it upon herself to get him something to wake him back up.  He's lucky I don't let the others see him like this, she thought, while approaching the counter.  Showing weakness in the 'Organization' was something the boss should never do.  Hence why she was out getting coffee, instead of sending some lacky.  


While waiting in line, she noticed a few stares, and rolled her eyes.  You'd think they'd seen a broken horn before.  It didn't bother her though.  She allowed it to show through her mane.  Not like she used unicorn magic anyway...





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Anala Elderberry




As Anala took a slight sip from her coffee, she noticed a mare enter with an annoyed look on her face.


Dear Celestia... her horn was... broken off! Anala was concerned about this mare. She resisted the urge to go over and ask her about it. That would be at least a little rude.


She let out a yawn. 'Maybe I shouldn't have gotten up this early.'


She instinctively took a bigger-than-she-usually-did sip from her coffee...


She slammed the cup down. "Hot!"

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Startled by the noise, Sakuya quickly turned her head, to see a white mare trying to recover.  Guess she forgot how hot coffee can be! she thought, as a smile crept onto her face.  Turning back to the counter and placing her order, she planned on ignoring the incident and moving on.  But, not yet wanting to confront Ennex about the problems his late-night drinking had caused them, she decided to stretch out her coffee visit a bit longer.  Picking up a napkin, she approached the mare.


"Hey," she said, holding out the cloth, "that stuff is hot.  You alright?"





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Anala Elderberry




Anala looked up at the mare who had come to her aid. The same mare with the severed horn.


"...Sure, I'm fine," said Anala with a smile, taking the napkin and wiping the coffee off the table.


She looked down at herself. 'It's gonna take ages to get this coffee outta my coat...'


Seeing as the mare had shown curiosity for her, Anala decided to be curious in return. "What happened to your horn?" she asked, before wondering if it had been such a good idea to ask.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sakuya frowned.  "Oh, nothing much," she replied, taking a seat at the table.  "A group of unicorn bullies attached me and my mother when I was still a filly."  She turned to look out the window, as if thinking.  "She was a Zebra who took me in off the streets, and taught me Zebra Magic.  The bullies said it was 'impure' for us to use such magic, and attacked us.  That's when one big stallion used his hoof to break off my horn, claiming I didn't need it to use Zebra magic."  A wicked grin slowly appeared on her face.  "Turns out he was right..."




Ennex sighed as he stepped into his office.  The trip across town wasn't long, but with his hangover still in force, it was anything but pleasant.  Taking a moment to slide into his green, leather chair, he leaned back his head, and took a deep breath.  


"Sir?" came a timid voice from the doorway.  Looking up, he noticed his secretary peeking in.  "Yes, what is it?" he asked.


"There is a Pegasus here to see you," she replied, "a Mr. Clearsky, from CWC."


"Give me a minute, then send him in," he said, and waiting till the door closed once again.  Ok, get it together, he thought, taking a moment to compose himself.  This deal is important!  A minute later, the door opened once again, and a pale-blue Pegasus entered.  "Ah, Clearsky," Ennex greeted him, standing from his chair and moving around the desk.  "Welcome.  What can I do for you today?".....





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Anala Elderberry



Anala listened intently to the mare's story, and then couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved when said mare adorned a wicked grin and said, "Turns out he was right...".
"Uhm... that last sentence... did it have some sort of hidden meaning under it?" asked Anala.
Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sakuya laughed.  "Let's just say that those unicorns won't be bothering anypony else anymore.  As for the magic," she shrugged," Mother taught me all about Zebra magic, so that's what I grew up using.  Even after this," she reached up to tap her horn, "I could still use the Zebra skills."  She paused as the server dropped off a small basket, with two coffee's and a pair of apple danishes.  Once the server left, she continued.  "Actually, about that time is when I met my new employer.  He was impressed with my... skills."  She broke off to take a drink from one of the coffees....





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Anala Elderberry




Anala had a rather good idea of what this mare was talking about.


'Well, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.'


"What employer wouldn't want to hire you?" she asked rhetorically. "Zebra magic seems pretty darn amazing!"


Anala decided that before the conversation proceeded, they should get acquainted. "Anala Elderberry," she introduced herself, gesturing to herself. "And you are?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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She smiled.  "Sakuya.  And yes, it's a Zebra name.  My mother gave it to me after she took me in."  Another long drink from her coffee.  Now THAT's the way to wake up, she thought, taking a moment to savor the warmth and flavor, she smiled again at Anala.  Looks like I've got a new friend.  "So," she said out loud, "enough about me.  What's got you up this early?"





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Sakuya heard it too, but just waved a hoof.  "It's nothing," she replied.  "Just some nutcase rambling on."   She looked at the two danishes in the basket.  I'll just tell him I forgot, she thought, and pulled both of them out.  "Here", she offered Anala one of them, "have a bite.  Ennex won't care."  She smiled, "probably doesn't even remember asking for them!  He had a pretty bad hangover this morning."  She laughed.  





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Anala Elderberry




Anala took the pastry and eyed it. "Thanks," she said before she broke off a piece and popped that into her mouth. She chewed on it.


'Hmm. Blueberry.'


"So, this Ennex guy," she said, placing the remainder of the danish back into the basket. "Is he this boss of yours?"



Riley Blythe


Riley had quickly started to snooze. He opened his eyes. There was an intense wind blowing.


He looked down to see Manehattan becoming bigger.


"Huh? Am I shrinking?" he murmured, only half-awake.


'Nope. I'm falling.'


As soon as he had realised that, he found himself crashing through a roof.


He looked up to see a blue stallion with a brown and black mane.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Taking a bit of her own danish, Sakuya nodded.  "Yup.  He's a big businesspony here in town.  I'm his..." she paused for a moment, thinking, "Executive Assistant."  A chuckle.  "It pays the bills, and has it's benefits."  Another bite of the danish.  "How 'bout yourself?"




As the dust cleared, Ennex simply stood there in shock, his only thought was Thank Nightmare Moon that Clearsky already left!  After a few moments, he recovered, and approached the Pegasus that gave him a new skylight.  "Greetings," he said, a sarcastic twitch to his voice, "who are you?"





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Anala Elderberry




"I'm an archer. Had a bow and arrows since I was a filly," said Anala. "I teach others the sport of archery over in the field on the outskirts of the city."


"Sorry for the self-promotion, but..." She placed a business card in front of Sakura.


"You know, since I'm an Earth Pony, I had to practice for a while before I could stand on my hind legs to hold the equipment," she commented.



Riley Blythe


Riley got up. "Riley Blythe," he introduced himself as he shook the pony's hoof.


He looked up to inspect the damage. "Sorry about your roof slash ceiling," he said. "I can raise some money to pay for it..."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Archer, huh?" Sakuya asked, picking up her card, "Never met one before. Sounds interesting."  She noticed the clock on the wall.  "Hmm, I better head out," she said, packing the coffee's into the basket.  "But it's a decent walk across town."  She stood up, "Feel free to join me, if you'd like..."





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Anala Elderberry




"Sure, it's not like I had anything to do today," replied Anala, getting up from her stool. She was plenty interested in this new friend of hers, and the same was apparently true in reverse. How convenient. "Lead the way."


'A decent walk across town, huh? I wonder where we're off to?'

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Ennex chuckled.  "Don't worry about it.  I could use a new skylight."  He smiled.  "Or maybe I'll make a roof-top door out of it.  Be nice to have a quick getaway in an emergency.  After all, it does take a while to get down a few dozen flights of stairs from the top of a skyscraper."  He moved over to his desk.  "My name is Ennex, and I own this building."  Taking a seat back in his leather chair, he leaned back.  "Good timing on that... landing.  My previous client had just left," a slow smile crossed his face, "and THAT would have been awkward, trust me..."




After exchanging the basket for a bag for the danishes, and tossing out the (now cold) coffees, Sakuya led Anala out of the shop onto the street.  "So," she began while they walked, "archery teacher, huh?  You just teach regular ponies, or ever have more... interesting clients?"  





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Riley Blythe


"Yes it would," agreed Riley. "Nice to meet you, Mister Ennex." He shuffled his hooves around. "So... what do you do here?"



Anala Elderberry


"It's usually just your run-of-the-mill, everyday ponies who show up, but I do occasionally get some more well-known faces," explained Anala. "If the client mentions that they're from Canterlot, I get hesitant about tutoring them. See, in my opinion, Canterlot is filled to the brim with snooty ponies who think that they're better than everypony else simply because they're wealthier."


"I did go to Canterlot once. At a restaurant, a waiter asked me to take my hat off. I told him he could kiss my flank. The next thing I knew, I was being thrown straight out of those doors like I was the lightest thing in the world."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Ennex smiled.  I know I keep a low profile, but really?  He's never heard of me... he thought.   "Well," he said out loud, "I own this company.  Mostly a shipping and resource provider business, but we have some manufacturing concerns as well."  He pressed his two front hoofs together in front of his chest, and rested his chin on them.  "You'd be surprised the kind of... 'resources' some ponies require.  And how much they're willing to pay for them..."




Sakuya frowned.  "Sounds like everything else I've heard about Canterlot ponies.  Ennex goes there from time to time, mostly for business deals and the like.  But I've never gone with him on those trips."  She paused, while moving to the side to allow a stallion to pass from the other direction.  "If somepony tried pulling that on me, well..." she eyed Anala's cutie mark, "I'd give him a 'private archery lesson', if you get my drift..."  she laughed.





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Riley Blythe




"Ooh, is it like Manehattan Department Store? With lots of different merchandise?" asked Riley. "What sort of stuff do you sell, exactly?" he asked, being the curious fellow that he was.



Anala Elderberry


"...I do catch your drift," replied Anala. "And it seems waaay over the top."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Well," Ennex began, "We're not a store, per say.  More of a... contractor.  Other businessponies come to me with a need for some service, and I arrange it for them."    He reached for a file that was sitting on the desk.  "For example: the client that you just-" and glance at the ceiling "-missed.  He is a manager for the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation.  We just signed a contract to provide them with-" he smiled "-resources, for the Rainbow Factory.  Should earn a nice profit for me."  He sat back in his chair.  "But enough of that.  Tell me, what brought you to my rooftop this morning?"




Sakuya laughed.  "So it is."  She looked up, as they were just now coming up to a large, square tower, it's walls covered in ocean-clue glass.  She pointed a hoof at the entrance, where two security ponies in black outfits were standing to each side of the glass doors.  "Well, here we are," she said.  "Why don't you come up?  We've got a great view of the waterfront, and you can tell me more about your archery."  She moved towards the door.  I might just take her up on a lesson, she thought.  That should give me a chance to one-up that obnoxious Ravage!





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Riley Blythe




"Well, I was napping on a cloud, and I must have fallen off while I was asleep, because I opened my eyes and couldn't feel any ground until I went *CRASH!* through the roof," explained Riley.



Anala Elderberry


"Sounds like a plan!" replied Anala.


'Wow. Just wow. This is going so fast.'

OCs: RileyAnala

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The mare on the street was turning heads, and for good reason; her head held high, the slight smirk awash on her face, the glint of a great danger in her eyes all added to the fact that she was already an exceptionally well-kept and beautiful creature. Her mane, neatly coiffed into a loose braided bun near the nape of her neck, was tied with gold thread, and her tail shone with the same luster. The fact that she was wearing an exceptionally elaborate and tight-in-the-right-places dress, also gold, only added to her regal appearance, and the circlet with a single ruby incrusted into it could have tricked any into believing she was high royalty. However, some of the others on the street had heard of this mare, and stared in perhaps more amazement, whispering her professional name...the Mare, the one who held the hearts of almost all stallions and mares alike.


The truth was that Loveless was not royalty in the sense that most assumed. In some regards, she held more power than the princesses over the cities she frequented, and her personal fortune was certainly nothing to laugh at. When one had clients as high up as she did, it was expected that she was tipped heavily. Like the circlet. A griffin delegate had given that one to her, after she had left behind...her own marks.


Despite the power, though, Loveless only wanted more. She knew she was beautiful, and that she was intelligent, and she found it incredibly irritating that she was not yet a Princess. However, she had heard of a stallion who may be of help to her, and after a little research by one of her assistants, she stood before the doorway.


Knocking, Loveless sat primly and awaited an answer. She had not made an appointment - she went and left as she pleased, and honestly, she wasn't entirely sure how else she was supposed to when she had so many clients to attend to.


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