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open A Hoof in Two Worlds

Midnight Starfall

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"Yes, I did." he replied, glad that he still had his satchel. They can't exactly hold anything for long periods of time, especially not while walking.


"... You looking for something mate?" he said. He spotted Eps looking around for something. "It's not the watch, is it?"


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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@@@10InTheTardis, @


Eps looked at the small device in the hoof of Soprano.

"Alright, I'll keep it save."

Eps touched the mp3 and it got transported into the key chain that Eps always keeps with him.

"Alright, let's all get away fr...."


Eps didn't finish his scentence. Just as he wanted to take the lead and walk through a small alley to get away unnoticed with the other ponies, he realized that there was a pony in the alley.

A unicorn, with soundwaves as cutiemark.

Eps turned to the others nervously.

"Wait... did she see everything? That is a joke right? what are we going to do now? Who is she? Why is this happening right now?"

Edited by eps-3-freak



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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He started paying attention when Eps stopped. "What? How is that a problem?" he asked, looking at the person that was watching.


'Does anything go my way today?' he thought. 'So much... gimme a break!'


(What was that long interval between the posts? I thought the RP died .-.)


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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@@@Midnight Starfall, @


Eps started to blush a little while he was talking while scratching the back of his head.

"Well, you see, I am pretty nervous around girls. When there is only one nearby, I am fine but if there are 2 or more girls around I get nervous. There is already one that is still at the small pond but..."


Eps turns to the unicorn that was still watching and then turned back.

"You see, I used to be raised up by multiple man because most warriors are male like me and all. There was only one female warrior, I became friends with her, we worked together sometimes so I got used to be close to one girl but... I still get nervous when I am with multiple...

I only don't get nervous when I am around them after I transform into an animal but I can't do that now..."


Eps just realise that the mare behind him could have heared what he talked about.

"... Did she hear that... Did she hear me say that I can turn into an animal...? She does understand I mean things like a sheep or bird right?"

Edited by eps-3-freak



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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'Aren't we animals now though...' he thought. ".... Ugh... I don't think this is time for romance... You're injured." he said, rather coldly. Soprano was an asexual; he didn't really understand romance. He just saw of it as a waste of time and efficiency.


(I need to go to school again, sorry :/)


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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@eps-3-freaks @SopranoAurora

(Sorry for not responding but school got in the way)

Sound Wave sat there thinking of options of what to do so instead of speaking she just cut all the sound from the area and did a spell so she, Eps, and Soprano so they could talk to each other but to anypony else it would seem like they were talking gibberish.


"Sorry for not responding but you shouldn't have been able to find me in fact I had an invisible spell on but I've put it down now but how did you find me" Sound Wave asked.

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Eps started to yel at Soprano.

"WHAT ROMANCE!? Do you think I want to take every mare I see on a date or something!? Are you trying to say that I want a date with her or something!? What romance? I am not that kind of type! What do you think I am!?"

Eps looks at the mare who started talking with a calm voice.


"Gomen'nasai, I didn't mean to interfere with what you are doing. I am just using a spell that allows me to se through other spells and objects. I use this mostly to spot hidden traps or invicible...... people. I was actually looking for traps but I accidentally found you."

Edited by eps-3-freak



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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He stepped back slightly. "Jeez... calm down. I never said you... nevermind." He rolled his eyes.




He looked to 'Sound Wave' "So... who are you exactly?" he asked with a curious tone. "Your voice seems familiar. Were you at the school?" he asked again, speaking faster now. (filler)


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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(Wow we are almost at 1,000 posts)

@SopranoAurora @eps-3-freak


"No however I am often referred by the voice in your head that only speaks sometimes, the lord of all sound, or a sound bender. And as all of these are correct I'm the only sound bender and I am connected to every multiverse that needs sound" Sound Wave stated "However for now I kind of need a guide around this place."

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(Wow we are almost at 1,000 posts)

@SopranoAurora @eps-3-freak


"No however I am often referred by the voice in your head that only speaks sometimes, the lord of all sound, or a sound bender. And as all of these are correct I'm the only sound bender and I am connected to every multiverse that needs sound" Sound Wave stated "However for now I kind of need a guide around this place."

"You need a guide?" He stepped back. "I don't know anything about this place. I only got here about twenty minutes ago." He said, nervously, after hearing about this guy's auditory abilities.


"But... Sound waves are vibrations of molecules. How do you control that..."


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Eps was suprised by Soprano his question.

"Haha! Isn't it obvious? Magic off course. I am not a expert on sound magic, but I have been studying to understand it, at lass I wasn't capable of using it but I did understand how it works. It's true that sounds are vibrations of molecules and it is hard to control. But a unicorn is capable off using magic unlike a pegasus like you and me." The black pegasus with red hair explained.


"All an unicorn has to do is use its magic to manipulate the vi..."

Eps stopped because he felt ignorant for explaining how sound magic works, while he only read about it without being capable off usingit, compared to the unicorn in front of him.


Eps decided to let the unicorn explain.

"Oh my... how could I be so rude to explain how it works while a true user who compared to me can control this kind of magic is in front of me? I apologize, I allow you to explain."

Edited by eps-3-freak



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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(Sorry for not responding quickly)

"While if we are going to discuss sound magic I suggest I put up another spell that if we are talking all sound waves around us just go dead silent, shall I do that" Sound Wave asked "anyways while waiting for your response after thinking I'll make sure there's no pony in sight."

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Eps looked like the mare didn't really understand him.
"I asked you or you could explain how it works... you know what? I will explain it to him, then I will pull a move and you make sure it doesn't make any sound."

Eps tried to summon some power but it hurt when he only made a few electric sparks to prepare for his attack. Yet, he still tried to push himself to complete the attack.

Edited by eps-3-freak



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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@@eps-3-freak, @


"No no I'll explain how Sound Magic works but to know how Sound Magic works you'll have to listen to the history of it" Sound Wave said "which I will explain now."


"So I'm expecting one of you knows the discordian era and the time before that the pre-discordian era. While there was a time before that when this planet was born and new. Everything was in perfect harmony and there had been no chaos beings even born, not Discord, Tirek, or heck even the Smooze but there was also no sound. Want to know why? Because this planet put too much magic and cosmetic energy that it drained the universe of its resources. One day I was born and like any filly I didn't have a cutiemark but I had an interest in magic. Now this was sometime like -9,048,174 B.D or Before Discord and the actual age of this planet to then was -10,000,847 B.D and to most ponies B.D means Discord wasn't born yet however he was actually a baby draconequus so yea. Well anyways I was born and I had a special interest in magic and wanted to communicate but the only way to communicate was by using something called Morse Code which would be where you'd do a certain number of hoof clamps and it would translate. But unicorns would have a secret version of it called Morse Signals where we would do the same thing but with our horns. But eventually after awhile my friends where growing old and I was still a filly and awhile later two beings where born and where unusual they had the horn of a Unicorn, wings of a Pegasus, and the strength of an Earth Pony. So I started raising them despite being a filly. So one day I was communicating with some fellow unicorns through Morse Signals and they said 'Why is there not an easier way to communicate' and I decided to look into it and discovered these things called Sound Waves. So I experimented with them and created talking so that about brings us up to today."


"So now that you know about the history shall I tell the Sound Magic."

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Eps stops gathering energy and tried to listen to the years correctly.

"You are thousands of years old? Don't you ever get bored after thousands of years... you know, you pretty much must have done almost everything you can do in this world."


Eps is used to people who are thousands of years old. There are a lot of things you see when you live a life like has.

"That demon king in hell I once met alsosayd he was immortal and thousand years and more of that kind of stuff."


Eps realised when talking about it that maybe this thousands of years old mare might know the weak spot of the king of the underworld.

"If she really is thousands of years old like him, she might have known him and knows a weak spot. Maybe this is my chance to beat him for once and for all."


"Do you know something about the demon king?"



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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@@eps-3-freak, @

"Millions of years old to be exact" Sound Wave said "Maybe. Why he trap himself inside your body, can use your powers, and take over your body like he always does?"


"But yes I know him and I also know a few spells to get rid of him however these spells are dangerous and I have one back up spell that makes it so you won't encounter these risks but you'll have to fight him yourself."


And suddenly a floating box appeared above Sound Waves head saying 'For me to state this risks say Risk' and 'For the backup spell say Spell.'

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@, @@eps-3-freak,


"Yeah, I know what morse code is." he said, a bit curious as to how they have it, since it was a human invention. "We use it for long-range communications, around the world."


"Wait... is a year still 365 days here, or is it something else?" (Sorry, I was at school / stuck outside house while bleeding :P)


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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@, @,  


"Well... I am not sure how you are able to do such a thing but weren't a sound profesional instead of a spirit remover?"


(Why do you think the demon king is in me and still is? Didn't I make him dramatically crawl away? That was not the demon king but my evil side I split from myself.

There was something totally different going on. He ain't in my body anymore and he is supose to exist to make things dramatic but that was not the king. The demon king has nothing to do with the take over the body scenario. Fine, I just play allong. I'll make something up about a encounter with the demon king.) 


"Yeah, last encounter wasn't too great."


Eps remebered what happened, last time he went to hell to try and defeat the demon king.


(You can skip until the last scentence if you want.)


Eps Stood in front of a giant monster. Eps had blood rolling over his forehead, a numb shoulder and a look for revenge in his eyes.

The great demon king was enourmous. At least as big as the castle of the princesses in canterlot.

The demon king had nothing more than a few scratches. Eps held his sword in his mouth  as he looked in the glowing eyes of the monster.

Eps ran straight for him. The demon king was trying to counter him by making a wall of fire appear in front of himself.

Without hesitation, Eps didn't stop charging a the giant creature.

Eps rushed through the flames and striked the lord of the underwolrd.


Quickly Eps jumped back from where he jumped at him. 

His friend, waiting for him in the normal world, using magic to keep contact as the fight was going on got worried and requested Eps to end it quickly now the great monster was distracted.

"Now! Hit him with everything you got."

Eps gathered an great amount of energy and created a boll of pure power in fron of him. Using force, Eps split the energie core to unleash a great amount of energy and redirect it.

Eps made the energy regather inside the demon king... for a second nothing happened but then a giant shot out of the back of the monster.

The gathered energy became a whole again and created a laser from the inside out of the monster.

"Oh my Celestia! The new move you have been working on actually worked! I was thinking that you could never beat that guy. Hurry back through one of the portals the servants made to come and aid their 'former king'."

"I am on my way."

Eps started to rush towards the portal as the area around him was collapsing. Just as he jumped to enter the portal, something held him back in mid air. The demon king appeared behind Eps and hold him in his magical grasp.

"How is he still standing?!"

Said Eps with a pained voice as the king held him in his grasp.

"Let.... GO!"

Eps summoned an elemental attack to strike the lord of the underworld with and beam of thunder, ice and fire from out of the sky to hit its face.

The king let go but wasn't defeated, he just startled.

Eps fell through the portal, out of the demon king's reach.


(Back to present day.)


Ever since some of my powers are blocked, mainly the ones I used in battle against him.

Edited by eps-3-freak



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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@@eps-3-freak, @

(Hey I didn't know)

"While even though I'm the sound bender I do have experience in other fields. I mean its not like I haven't had to study every other branch of magic because you have to do that to even crack a dent in sound magic" Sound Wave said "Never mind about the whole demon king body thing sometimes I just get confused. I can make it so these powers that you had blocked will be unblocked maybe releasing some more powers that you didn't know about yet. Such as the ability to teleport at supersonic speeds which is something I sense in your magical powers."

(Please tell me if I'm over powering my character so I can try to turn it down.)

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Eps started to imagine how it would be to get his powers back and gain even more strength.

"We can give it a try but..." 


Eps still was pretty injured, from the fight a few seconds ago. 

"I don't really have the energy left to try so and my body is in a pretty bag shape. "




"My friend was just about to look for help actually."


(Soprano, you also got injured? did you end up in the hospital like me?)

Edited by eps-3-freak



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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@@eps-3-freak, @

"Actually unlike a normal magical spell to heal this requires you to do nothing except relax and it has all the needed medical stuff shoved into one spell MRIs, Brain scans, Blood type checking, and the other stuff. So really all you just need to do is sit back and relax and the spell should be done in about 30 seconds."


"So do you still want me to cast the spell?"

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(What do you mean? In the RP?)


Soprano wasn't really paying attention after this point, not really interpreting most of whatever they were going on about. "Uh... yes! Yes I did." he lied, trying to sound like he was actually paying attention. "I got a... eh... laceration!"


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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(no, for real.)


Eps looked Soprano's face to see he was focused.

"And...? Did you find someone who can help?Or else I will have to sleep on the ground out here. I did itbefore but I prefer a bed. Is there also something to drink? When I am out of energy I feel so... thirsty."



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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(no, for real.)


Eps looked Soprano's face to see he was focused.

"And...? Did you find someone who can help?Or else I will have to sleep on the ground out here. I did itbefore but I prefer a bed. Is there also something to drink? When I am out of energy I feel so... thirsty."

(Well, I did have to get an operation for testicular contortion, if that's what you mean xD)


"I tried. But, as I said, there was no one. I walked for about 2 k's (Australian slang for kilometres), but nothing." He said, feeling kind of guilty / lazy. "Maybe Sound... Whatever his name is can help? There don't seem to be cabbo's (taxi) anywhere around here..."


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Eps was suprised that there was no one around who could help him.

"I think I'll just sleep on the ground then."

Eps walked towards the small pond  and stratedto sleep besides off it.

"All right, I see you tomorow."

Eps was a bit serious but was mostly joking, yet he still pretends that he is sleeping.


@@Midnight Starfall@@10InTheTardis


"I see you all later, okay? In case you want to know, I like fruit salads" 

Eps close his eyes and pretends to sleep.



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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