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open Rise of the dragon king v. 2.0

Drago Ryder

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Tempest gave Clayton a weary look before shaking his hand and exiting the arena. He knew that training was most likely over and wanted to see if Gale was safe.


Luna nodded slightly and began to head back to the arena. She passed Tempest, but didn't deliver Indictus's message, figuring that he already knew where to go.


Gale lowered her wing and shrugged. "Yeah. It happens." She said, before going to sit under a overhang of tree roots. The dragoness couldn't wait for Tempest to get to the cove.

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About fifteen minutes later I was close to the grove when I heard some noise coming from the cove, I stayed back and once I got near the end of the path I went into the trees to see what was going on and to my surprise there was another dragon seemingly speaking to the dragoness named Gale in a language I could not understand.


I crouched down and just watched in amazement. I knew dragons were intelligent but I did not know much about how they communicated but a few theories involving some sort of empathetic link and the abilities to send images over said link. But I never thought about the simple idea that they had their own language. 

Edited by Shadow Dancer

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Orion watched Gale lay on the ground before doing the se next to the stream. He then curled into a ball and slept.


Clayton watched Tempest leave and smirked slightly. "I'll follow him later." He thought to himself as he sharpened his scythe. "I have other matters to tend to."

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Tempest smirked as he entered the forest and headed for the cove. It wasn't long before he saw Indictus looking into the cove. "Sorry if I'm late. I had a few things to take care of." He said. The teen wanted to get done with training for the day and still had other plans.

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"It is okay Tempest you did good in the arena, spend some time with your friend you earned it. We can train tomorrow morning when you're at your best" I replied while walking back a short way to the trail.


I thought about Luna's comment and my response. We were reaching a breaking point between the dragons and humans, one side will be wiped out if nothing is done about it.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
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Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Tempest smiled slightly as he watched Indictus leave. He then walked into the cove and laid against Gale's surprisingly smooth scales. The teen then grabbed a stick and began to draw Gale within a patch of dirt. "There's no doubt about it. You're the best thing that's happened to me in years." He whispered. A tear then slid down his cheek as memories surfaced that he had locked up for years. "I won't let anything happen to you."


Gale woke up and noticed that Tempest was drawing her. She tilted her head in curiosity and have a small purr as she watched. The dragoness then walked towards a tree, ripped off a branch, and began to draw lines in the dirt. Eventually, the lines began to take the shape of a face, albeit a bit deformed.


The teen noticed Gale and was stunned at what he was witnessing. "This is amazing." He said, as he accidentaly walked on one of the lines. This caused Gale to growl at the teen and made him lift his foot, after which causing the Night Fury go back to a calm demeanor. He repeated this a few times before stepping onto the grass. When Gale didn't growl at him, he made his way out of the drawing, seeming dancing among the lines. He then stopped under Gale and the two looked at each other, before Tempest stuck out the pal of his hand and closed his eyes.


Gale purred before closing her eyes and pushing lightly against her human's hand with her nose. She could feel his pulse against her scales and the blood flowing within his veins. Something else happened,though. Memories of what she assumed was Tempest's life flashed in her mind. His entire being was open to her and vice versa. They now had a connection that ran deeper than blood or species, but rather through their soul. Eventually, she pulled away and looked at Tempest, before licking his face and nuzzling him.


Tempest was stunned to say the least. He had never expected to see Gale's memories, but figured that this was beyond normal in every way. The teen then scratched Gale behind the ear and felt his chest getting tighter. He then hugged Gale and the two fell asleep as the sun disappeared behind dark clouds.


Within Tempest's mind, something was stirring. "The dragoness is helping more than I could've hoped." It thought, smiling slightly. "I can't wit to see where this goes."

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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I headed to my cabin at the edge of the woods, "The die has been cast and I can only wait for the result. Tempest you and Gale have any gods above watching with a baited breath. The fate of many hangs in the balance, I can only hope you two chose carefully." I finally focused on the path exiting my thoughts and letting myself be absorbed into my surroundings

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

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Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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The next day, Tempest woke underneath Gale's wings and carefully stood do as to not wake the dragoness. He then felt a cold breeze against his face and closed his eyes, imagining himself and Gsle flying above the clouds. "Winter is coming." He thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I woke up and walked out of my cabin, breathing in the cool morning air and then putting on my sword belt, quiver and picking up my bow. Now ready to venture out, I grabbed a small bag of various dried fruits and nuts native to the forest and walked to the clearing.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Clayton stretched as he looked over his room. It wasn't large but it was enough for him. His scythe laid on a post on his wall and his dresser was under the window next to that. It had taken some time to convince his parents to let him use a farming tool as a weapon, but he knew it was better than a sword and a hel of a lot sharper. The teen then grabbed his weapon, ate a quick breakfast of eggs and ham, and made his way to the great hall. He wanted to meet up with the others before training if he could.

Edited by Dire Miralis
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Tempest sighed as he woke up and remembered the events of last night. "I have no regrets." He said, rubbing Gale's head and making the dragoness purr in her sleep. The teen then began to meditate to clear his mind. He normally did it within the confines of his home, but things were changing. "The vllage may not take a liking to dragons, even after this war. I f that happens, then I'll have no choice but to leave. It would be for the best."

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  • 1 month later...

 @@Drago Ryder


I arrived in the clearing half an hour after leaving my cabin and saw the dragon and Tempest next to each other, the sight brought a smile to my face that I banished when I came into their sight. "Morning Tempest, Gale. Hope you both slept well last night." I said as I dropped a few rabbits in front of Gale for her to eat and tide her over until her next hunt.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Tempest glanced at Indictus and nodded slightly. "Yes." He said. The teen then stood as he stretched slightly. "So, what will I be learning today?" He asked.


The smell of the rabbit wafted into Gale's nostrils and she opened her eyes to see the food. She then stood and devoured the meal. It wasn't exactly fish, but it would have to work until she could regain her flight.

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"Hmmm, how about you tell me one thing you want to learn and if I know it I will teach it. Sound good?" I replied curious on what the boy would pick, and wanting to change the training up a little, so what better way then to have the student tell the teacher what they wan to learn or study.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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To be quite honest, Clayton was surprised that the others hadn't come over to him yet. "I guess they're either training or in bed. I already have an idea where two of them are if they aren't here." He thought to himself. The teen then looked at his scythe and stared at his reflection from the metal. Something was bothering him, but he wouldn't admit it to anyone, even himself. "What is Tempest up to?"

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Tempest thought for a moment, before his gaze hardened slightly. "Well, I don't want to be trained as a Viking for several reasons that I'll keep to myself for now. I've heard from a few traders about weapons and fighting styles of different countries, but I was most interested in dual wielding and knife throwing. I aim to be silent and extremely deadly, when necessary." The teen knew that he could work on armor later when everyone was asleep, but that would take longer to make than a sword or knife.

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I thought for a moment, "Knife throwing I can do, I even have some throwing knifes at my place as for duel weilding, to be honest I don't know that one and I really see it as ineffective with two long blades seeing as you can't properly block and you could end up cutting your arm strait off if you mess up. But I will keep it in mind if I find some one that could train you with a parrying knife and short sword."


(Those are 2 legit things with duel weilding in real life.)


"Anyways back to throwing knives..." I started the lesson.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

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Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Tempest nodded slightly and stood. He had expected Indictus to say what he had about dual wielding, but that wouldn't stop him. "I'm not going to be your run of the mill Viking." He thought to himself. A plan then began to form in the teen's head as a smirk spread across his face.


Snotlout and the others noticed Clayton and knew was up with him. "Hey. We could investigate what he's doing tonight. I heard he stays in the forest, so there could be something there. " Astrid said, as the group sat around him.


Gale purred as she stood with Tempest. She was curious as to what he would do and knew she could trust him.

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Clayton looked at the others and nodded. "That would be a good time. I doubt he'll be there, even that late at night." He said. Multiple plans were already forming in the boy's head and he wanted to see if any of them would work. "Meet me here tonight."


Orion sighed as he walked through the forest. He had seen proof that dragons and humans could co exist, but he still wasn't sure. "Those two are going to do some great things." He thought.

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I chuckled at Tempest's response, "I would hope not, seeing as most run of the mill vikings would not even train under me." I got out a few knifes that I had that were balanced for throwing and handed them to Tempest. "Here take these pick a tree and throw them at it while about (Going with measurement in feet for simplicity) five or six feet away for every five hits on the tree take two steps back and repeat." I instructed seeing how well he listened to the lesson.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
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Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Tempest nodded slightly and looked at the tree as he took the knives. He imagined a human standing in front of him and threw a knife with all of strength. The blade sunk into the bark and the teen smirked and repeated this process, eventually stopping at twenty feet before the before the blade stopped going into the tree.


Snotlout smirked slightly. "I can't want to find out what his big secret is." He said. "Maybe we could use it to our advantage."

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I clapped, seeing as the kid did quite a good job and was able to throw the knife at a effective range of twenty feet or less quite impressive for his first time, i myself could manage a throw at thirty feet but preferred the bow to throwing knives seeing as they have a much better range and can do much more damage. "Good job Tempest, good job. We can end the day in a short sparring match and you may spend the rest of the day with your friend." 

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Tempest nodded and picked up the practice stick he used yesterday and took a defensive stance. He was interested to see how things would go if he used a different tactic.


Astrid nodded slightly. "He took down a Gronkle with one hit. Yeah, we could definitly use whatever he has." A thought then crosses Astrid's mind. "Do you think he shot down a dragon during the last raid?"

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I took my own stick and got into stance with Tempest I let him limber up a little before I shouted, "Go" and with my student on the defensive I checked his guard, beginning tonight's sparring match. The matches actually for me were welcome seeing as I seldom sparred with most of my practice being fights with targets or a guard or two, and to be honest most were not hard to defeat so the practice was minimal. 

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Clayton glanced at the shield maiden and shrugged. "If he did, he would've killed it. He must be getting training from someone." He said. "I mean seriously, what could he possibly learn from a dragon. They're just mindless beasts that have killed hundreds of us." The teen then focused on eating his meal as he planned on what to do.

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