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open Holiday at Home

Queen Sparkle

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(OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/114671-a-holiday-at-home/)


The official roles are here.


Twilight - Me

Spike - Samurai Equine

Apple Jack - GoldenOaks

Rarity - Lightning Code

Rainbow Dash - Tyranosuarus in F18s

Fluttershy - Yoshi89


Anyways once you people playing the roles get on post for now there's an exception so ready go. (Also I'm gonna put this on fimfic you know the rp or maybe I might just put it in a story)


"Thank you for coming here, friends" said Twilight walking.


"Umm Sugarcube why did you bring ah' here along with the rest of us" asked a curious AJ.


"Well you see I normally shelf the books with Spike and tidy up the library with Spike but now it's a castle and we'll I needed help but I am also sorry for pulling you away from time with your family."


"Oh Darling whatever do you mean we'd be more then grateful to help" said Rarity kicking a spaced out Rainbow Dash.


"Oh umm what Rarity said" replied Rainbow Dash as she went back to daydreaming.


"Oh I'd be happy too I'm just worried about the animals" said a worried Fluttershy.


"No worries Fluttershy caculating how much books there is and how much ponies it should only take up 7.6664755466669 of the normal pony day."


"Twilight exactly how much hours is that, dear?"


"I would say around 14-16 hours possibly more."


(Okay hopefully you should be able to post yourself now also if any admins or mods see this IDK how the system of adding people to a private rp works so could you add them for me)

Edited by EB Creations
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(Oh! Awesome. It's been moved. Glad we can finally begin. :) )


"Heh, yeah! I could TOTALLY do it all myself, but Twilight said it might take a few days if I did it alone. And Twilight really loves her books, so I wouldn't be able to tidy the castle fast enough..." Spike rubs the back of his head a little bit. "But it'll only be this once! After everypony helps out today, I'm sure me and Twilight can keep it tidy ourselves. Right, Twilight?" Spike asks.


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"Right Spike" said Twilight agreeing and continuing "we will talk about this soon" she said whispering to Spike "Anyways let's start shelving" Twilight started carrying the books down with her magic. "RD I can think of none other then you to be the one doing the adventure section, AJ you can have the life/food section, Fluttershy animals, Rarity fashion then once we get all though done possibly another section as for me and Spike we'll take the history section.

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"Adventure? Like Daring Do? Awesome! But of course you choose me for that, I mean come on. I am three most amazing adventuresome pony ever, after Daring Do of course. This job got so much cooler." She squeals with joy at thinking of Daring Do, Flying in a blur in a circle.


(Sorry if I made her too boastful )

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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applejack stops when she hears how long twilight wants her. "Wait just one minute, what do you mean 14-16 hours? I can't just leave my family behind in the snow for that long! They're gonna need me!" she said, looking to twilight for some sort of sign that what she just said isn't true.

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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Fluttershy had already started sorting the animal books according to type but paused to think of the consequences as Applejack spoke "Um," she said once the farmpony was finished, looking with unsure eyes to the rest of the group "I'm fine with staying here and helping you all organize the books but Applejack does bring up a good point. I hope we won't be tidying up here for too long if it's okay with all of you. You know how Angel gets when I'm not around the house."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Well Fluttershy then I hope you wouldn't mind that I had Spike gather up the animals and put them in a big room in the castle" said Twilight "As for the rest of you we have plenty of guest rooms here so yea you can get your family.


(By the way if you bring in a family member then you have to play their part)

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Spike snaps his claw-fingers when he gets paired off with Twilight. "So much for helping Rarity..." Spike says under his breath.


He then hears their troubles and nods. "That's right! And it wasn't easy, either. Angel put up the biggest fight of them all. But I managed!" Spike says before he hears some random animal noises not far off. He runs off to make sure they don't escape.


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"Oh and I change my mind Rarity you get Spike" said Twilight "Go to her" she whispered to Spike as Spike ran over to Rarity "Okay everypony go now" said Twilight going to her genre of the books. "Hmm The Elements of Harmony refreshed guide goes to the artifacts" said Twilight slicing threw her books.

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Applejack then quickly rushed out of the castle to get some of her family. When she returned, she brought with her a small yellow and red filly. "Why do I have to stay with you?" asked apple bloom.


"You know how dangerous it can get on the farm during the winter. I don't want you to get hurt."


"Sis, I can take care of myself. Plus, I've got granny and big mac to take care of me."


"I just... don't want you to get hurt. Now, go up into one of twilight's guest rooms." Pouting, apple bloom walked up the steps to one of the rooms. Applejack then went to sorting her section of the library.

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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"Well, thank you, Spike," Fluttershy smiled as she pet the dragon. "I'm so sorry Angel gave you so much trouble but I am grateful that you brought my animals to the castle." As she finished categorizing the books, she thought about the state the animals were in. They had never been in such a huge castle before and the thought of just the tiniest mouse roaming about in such an unfamiliar place sent shivers down her spine.

"Hey, girls?" Fluttershy said. "Since Twilight called Spike over, I'll just go see where my animals are if all of you don't mind. All I have to do is put my books on the shelf. I don't think it will take long."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Well Fluttershy go to your animals and try to get them acquainted with the castle I'll take care of your books for you but hmm maybe next year I should just open this up as a holiday shelter" said Twilight getting worried it might just turn into that and she just started doing her number of books now since she had to do Fluttershy's.

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"I appreciate it, Twilight," Fluttershy smiled as she walked toward the exit of the library. "I won't be long, I promise." She continued along the halls of the castle, each view taking her breath away. Oh my, she thought to herself, it looks like it would be so easy to get lost in a place like this.

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Spike gets back in time to hear Twilight change her mind. He fights hard to contain himself, but he does do a small jump or two for joy. "Thanks Twilight!" Spike whispers to her. He then runs over to Rarity. "Hey, Rarity! If you like, I can help you with your half of the work." Spike says, grabbing a few tall stacks of her books.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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"Well then, I don't have any complaints, do you scoots?" Rainbow says as she looks over to her "adopted" sister.


"No rainbow dash, this is gonna be so much fun!" Scootaloo says excitedly, happy she is going to be able to spend some quality time with rainbow dash.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Applebloom walks down the steps after quickly getting bored of just sitting in her room. once she gets down, she notices her orange Pegasus friend. "Hey there scootaloo!" she said, running up to the other crusader. "I didn't expect to see you here. How's it goin'?"

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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(OOC: sorry everyone but if anyone needs Rarity wait a bit because the person that needs to play Rarity isn't responding to people also if he doesn't respond within a day I'll just play Rarity myself)


Twilight was still looking through her books when the hot chocolate was ready so she went and got it.


"Come get some hot chocolate if you want it get it well it's hot" Twilight said when she returned.

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"Oh hey apple bloom. I am just hanging with Rainbow Dash. This sooooo awesome. Hey, I wonder if we can get our cutie marks in being librarians or something?" Scootaloo says as she strikes a pose trying to make her self seem cooler. "What are you up to bloom?"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"Mah sister wants me to be here for somethin' or other. but that actually sounds like a great idea! we could be..." she sucks in a breath as she prepares the now familiar chant. both she and scootaloo both yell at the same time, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER LIBRARIANS, YAY!!!!" and run off into the library to earn their cutie mark.

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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"Wait girls" Twilight yelled as they ran off "The library is in here not all the way down there.


Twilight caught the girls in her magical aura and teleported them to the library "Maybe you could be cutiemark crusaders book adventures I think I know a spell that can let you go into the books possibly adventure books."

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Twilight casted the spell to send them into the books after they asked then handed out the rest of the hot chocolate


"Oh Spikey Wikie what ever made Twilight thing of you to help" Rarity said looking through the book section she was given with Spike.

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Fluttershy returned from checking on the animals and poked her head into the library. She looked all around, catching sight of the other five mares along with Spike. "Um," she said, "I could have sworn I heard the Cutie Mark Crusaders somewhere in the castle while I came back from watching the animals. Are they here too?"

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Oh Spikey Wikie what ever made Twilight thing of you to help" Rarity said looking through the book section she was given with Spike.


(Sorry for my short absence. I explained in the sign-up section. :) )


"Oh, it's nothing, really! Anything for you, Rarity." Spike says dreamily, but keeps working. He puts books away by the claw-fulls so she won't have to lift any books at all. In fact, Spike gets so eager about, he slips on a random book on the floor. "WAAA!!!" Spike falls over on the floor, like tripping on a banana peel. But he sits up and rubs his head. "I'm okay! No damage done. Heh..." He picks up the book he tripped on and reads the title. "'Fashion & Coordination: The Basics'. That seems important..."


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