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@@Red Cedar

"Hehe thanks I guess, but it wasn't me. It was the plants. I have this strange connection with nature and it's hard to explain." Upon hearing Applejack's question, the mare became intrigued and thought a bit before responding. "Um to answer your question, I can ask them to do that but if you're talking about growing them out there in the cold, but I don't think they would want to risk their lives in such weather. I could grow pine trees though."

Florafilla was absolutely amazed as they entered the crystal castle. The architecture looked stunning and it was incredibly hard for her to believe that everything was made out of a variety of minerals and gemstones. She looked forward to staying the night here and she was quite excited and a bit nervous for the next day.


As Fluttershy suddenly came up to her with her little query, Flora turned and greeted her with a smile. "Oh um, sure! What is it?"

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With Florafilla's response, Fluttershy shows some more confidence and smiles back.

 "Well, I've lived in the forest for a really long time and made plenty of animal friends. But I've never gotten a plant to respond to me. I was just wondering how you did that."

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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Fluttershy jumps in surprise as Riley speaks. 

 "Ah! Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there... Um, thank you for helping me earlier. I'm really thankful." She says in a quiet voice.


"Do you know some of us already? Sorry, that's a silly question, but I've never seen you before."

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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"Oh, uh, apologies for startling you," he said to the Pegasus mare.


"Do I know some of you?" he restated. "Well, Pinkie and I meet whenever I show up in Ponyville!"


He turned to Twilight. "And as for you, Twilight, I've gone to you to borrow some books, haven't I?" he went on. "And my friend Anala, who is currently here in the Crystal Empire somewhere, went to you for help when she and some other ponies were shrunk down to the size of Bit coins."


(OOC: What Riley just said is referring to another RP)

OCs: RileyAnala

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"It's alright, I just don't like ponies sneaking up on me." She steps aside to make room for Riley in the hallway.


 "Shrunken Ponies? How horrible, when did this happen?" Fluttershy says in surprise, having been out of town during the incident. "Didn't Zecora have something to help? She usually has a big tasty stew or something that cures my animals when their sick."


(OOC: No idea if Fluttershy was in town. lol)

Edited by WindyParadise

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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"They went to Twilight," said Riley. "Giant snakes, giant trains going over you, and giant colts carrying giant tarantulas all sound pretty dangerous, but it's still safer than going through the Everfree when you're normal size, let alone a fraction of it!"


"I have my fair share of adventures too, but I kinda get jealous of what Anala told me about," said Riley. "Especially since she got to meet a crystal unicorn."

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Umm, well ... although that is a really interesting question, it's also very difficult to answer. Plants just understand me. I have grown and taken care of all sorts of plants since I was a little filly. I-I guess they now want to return the favor and look after me." Flora attempted to explain. An interesting and funny thought then crossed her mind. "It's kind of similar to how animals naturally gravitate towards you. I mean who else can tame a dragon or give a bear a back massage without trouble haha." Flora laughed and smiled. Fluttershy and Florafilla met have gotten along perfectly since the first time they met due to their common love of nature.


She then turned to Riley who briefly caught her by surprise.


@@Rainbow Eclipse

"Oh! Well thanks ... I guess. Though I wouldn't call it magic, at least I don't think so. Plants just seem to love me hehe. So umm ... you personally know some of the mane six? That's mighty impressive!"

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Rarity took the oppurinity while in the empire to enjoy the spa for a few hours. After that she had headed back to the palace for some personal R&R.  "Now where did the others wonder off too?" She wonders as she looks about soon hearing the chatting down the hall.  Soon after she see Twilight and the rest all standing around.


"Oh there you girls are. Sorry I ran off earlier I just wanted to enjoy the wonderfull spa before we went into such dreadful envivments." She said having a smple saddle bag on with her cutie mark.  "Did I miss much?"

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


"Oh yes, of course. I thought I recognized you.


"So few ponies used to come and borrow books from the library when I lived there. I suppose having a pony living upstairs, other ponies didn't realise it was supposed to be a public library. Maybe when they've finished rebuilding it, and now I've got somewhere else to live, it will be more obvious. I wonder what pony will be the new librarian..."


Twilight yawned.


"Rarity, you weren't really thinking of taking all that stuff through the mountains, were you? I'm sure Cadence wouldn't mind you leaving some of the non-essentials here to pick up again on the way home."

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Rarity smiled a bit a Riley "Oh yes there is a spa just down the street, its quite relaxing with the crystal goo bath."  She turned to Twilight "What since when is a make up kit non essential, hate to look ugly if we met somepony now."  She flips her mane a bit "if i'm caught in the cold i might a well look pretty while having a runny nose."

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Pinkie Pie took the opportunity to buy a cinnamon bun at the train station before hopping alongside her friends to the castle. Looking at everything excitedly as if it were her first time there, she smiled at all the crystal ponies that passed by while munching on her snack.


I don't know about you guys but everything just seems prettier and shinier everytime we come! 




She giggled excitedly and approached Florafilla again. Hey Flora! You like it here so far? Isn't everything pretty?! If you want I can give you a tour of the castle if we have some time. I think I know this place a little better since the last time I gave a tour. She giggled at the memory of the awkward tour.

Edited by Pink Mist


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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Applejack smiled as Rarity came back from the spa. She wasn't entirely surprised that after a trip that would be the first place she went. As it was, she was actually contemplating going there to get a massage to relax with before heading out on a treacherous trek across tundra. Hay, after they came back, she might just be so glad to be here that she'd let Rarity talk her into getting anything she suggested done.


"I think Twilight has a point, though Rarity. Not like we'd be expected to see a lot of other ponies out here, and I don't think the folks we're trying to see will be that interested in your groomin'." she said. She avoided using the word 'changeling' just yet, as Riley would probably have been scared off if that were the case and she didn't know how much Twilight was willing to tell.


"Y'all do have your winter clothing and gear, right? Snowsuit? Thermal undies? Snow goggles. Stuff like that, right?"

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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"Thanks for the info!" said Riley. "Later, guys!" And with that, he went out to make his way to the spa.




"What would you like, sir?" asked the mare behind the desk.


Riley thought about it. "A rump massage, please." He placed some Bits on the counter.


The mare forwarded the request onto the worker, and Riley was ushered into the room.


He lay belly-down on the mat, and the mare began massaging his rump.


And this is when Riley's mind slipped out of innocent mode.


~~~In Riley's fantasy~~~


"You likin' this, handsome?" asked Anala as she massaged Riley's rear end.


"You bet..." replied Riley. "Man, that feels so good..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Rarity giggled "well of curse i packed winter coats and boots, they are fabuilous and functional, and a lot thinner for the materal they are made of, dont worry they are ment for blizzards.  " She tapped her hoof "Though I guess I could leave the make up behind...can I at least bring the brush?" She asked not wanting her mane to be out of hoof.

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"Umm, well ... although that is a really interesting question, it's also very difficult to answer. Plants just understand me. I have grown and taken care of all sorts of plants since I was a little filly. I-I guess they now want to return the favor and look after me." Flora attempted to explain. An interesting and funny thought then crossed her mind. "It's kind of similar to how animals naturally gravitate towards you. I mean who else can tame a dragon or give a bear a back massage without trouble haha." Flora laughed and smiled. Fluttershy and Florafilla must have gotten along perfectly since the first time they met due to their common love of nature.


"Oh, it wasn't really 'taming' that dragon. He was just a bit misguided at where to sleep; that's all." Fluttershy smiles as Flora laughs. "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to help me take care of the animals back in ponyville when we return, I can help you out with the plants too." She offers Flora.

Applejack smiled as Rarity came back from the spa. She wasn't entirely surprised that after a trip that would be the first place she went. As it was, she was actually contemplating going there to get a massage to relax with before heading out on a treacherous trek across tundra. Hay, after they came back, she might just be so glad to be here that she'd let Rarity talk her into getting anything she suggested done.


"I think Twilight has a point, though Rarity. Not like we'd be expected to see a lot of other ponies out here, and I don't think the folks we're trying to see will be that interested in your groomin'." she said. She avoided using the word 'changeling' just yet, as Riley would probably have been scared off if that were the case and she didn't know how much Twilight was willing to tell.


"Y'all do have your winter clothing and gear, right? Snowsuit? Thermal undies? Snow goggles. Stuff like that, right?"

Rarity giggled "well of curse i packed winter coats and boots, they are fabuilous and functional, and a lot thinner for the materal they are made of, dont worry they are ment for blizzards.  " She tapped her hoof "Though I guess I could leave the make up behind...can I at least bring the brush?" She asked not wanting her mane to be out of hoof.


Fluttershy gives a chuckle at Rarity's obsession over her fashion despite the fact that nobody will be able to see very well in a Blizzard. 


 Turning to Applejack she nods. 

"I brought everything I thought I might need, I hope it wasn't too much or too little. I brought a snow-coat, a scarf, snow boots, all those things for the Crystal Empire and our journey" She goes quiet for a moment before piping up and remembering something else. 


"Oh, I also brought some extra hoof-warmers in case anypony wanted one." She reaches behind her and pulls out a hoof-warmer from her saddlebags to show everypony.

Edited by WindyParadise

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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~~~Meanwhile in Riley's fantasy~~~


"You likin' this?" asked Anala as she continued to use her hooves to massage Riley's bottom.


"Yeah..." whispered Riley.


"Are you satisfied?"


"You bet..."


"One more thing," said Anala.


"Yes?" asked Riley.


Anala smiled and leaned in to whisper into Riley's ear. "Session's over."


"Wait, what?"




He snapped out of his fantasy and back into the real world.


"I said, session's over," said the mare.


"I see," said Riley. "Later!"


With that, he flew back to the castle. After getting clearance from the guards (and inviting them to his party next month), he rejoined the others.


"So, what have I missed?" he asked, hoping not to startle Fluttershy this time.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Alright everypony," said Twilight, "I need to go to bed before I fall asleep right here in the corridor."


Twilight returned to her bedroom and got out her maps. North of the Crystal Empire there were the Crystal Mountains which marked the edge of Equestria, and the limits of the area most Equestrian cartographers covered.




Twilight turned to the Star Swirl map. He had noted the entrance to a tunnel system running underneath the mountains, built by the earth pony tribe, hundreds of years before Equestria was founded.


North of the mountains was a large expanse of land that was not labelled. Was it forest? Desert? Tundra? Farmland? The map was not drawn to any exact scale, but Twilight suspected there would be about two days walking through this area.


The map then showed a river. A bridge was shown, but this map was well over a thousand years old, so it seemed unlikely that it would still exist.


The river was apparently the southern border of the changeling kingdom, a large area consisting of dozens of hive-like settlements.


They had a long and difficult journey ahead.


Twilight got out a quill and scroll and made a checklist for the following morning. They'd need supplies for making torches for the tunnels. Twilight and Rarity as unicorns could cast light using magic, but it is always good to be prepared. Ropes and bridge-building materials would take up a lot of space, but seemed necessary to pack.


Twilight put down the quill, yawned, and tried to get to sleep.

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Florafilla's smile grew upon hearing Fluttershy's kind offer. "Oh Flutters, you're too kind! Now that you mention it, my flowers could use some more pollination. I know for sure that you can help me out there." Flora winked.



Flora continued to walk around the castle and turned to answer Pinkie who suddenly appeared out if nowhere.


"Oh! ... I would definitely love a tour around here Pinkie Pie. You did a great job in Canterlot after all. By the way, I don't really know as much about you as the rest of your friends. You definitely stand out, in a good way though. What's your element? I'm guessing ... uhh ... happiness? Flora smiled and gave a cute squee.


@@Rainbow Eclipse

After a few minutes of walking around, Florafilla turned to see Riley coming from the spa just around the corner. He appeared really relaxed and relieved. Flora giggled.


"Hehe you seemed to have had a good time. Oh and it was really nice of you to help retrieve Fluttershy's stuff at the train station. Forgot to tell you that earlier hehe. My name's Florafilla."



"Oh and you guys know the time? It appears to be getting really late."

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Applejack nodded in agreement with Rarity's somewhat pared down list of cosmetic accessories. "Well, a hairbrush doesn't take up much room." she agreed. "I just didn't want y'all struggling under stuff ya didn't truly need to live out there." Turning to Flora, she said, "Late enough that I think we all ought ta get some sleep. Could be the start of a long trip tomorrow. Good night, y'all." she said, waving a hoof and then smothering a yawn as she headed down the corridor to her room to sleep.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Rarity yawns stretching "Mhmmm I think I need to catch my rest as well. Do try to at least take a nice massage before we leave Applejack loosen up those muscles of yours." she said before trotting off towards her bedchamber. As she walked she thought abut spike when he was with them the first time they had been to the empire

  • Brohoof 1
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Fluttershy smiles at Florafilla. 

 "I'm sure the Bee Family would be willing to help you out there." After says things she yawns. "Well, I think I'll go get some sleep now. Is that alright with you Flora?" 


After saying this she begins to walk lazily to her assigned room.

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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  • 2 weeks later...

((OOC: Back from the dead))




Pinkie hopped alongside Florafilla happily as she grinned widely. So you think I stand out? Aw thanks! I'm glad I can! And oh, you're very close. My element isn't happiness but laughter!  They're kinda related. 


She then quit hopping and stretched her hooves while letting out a loud yawn. Well Flora, it was super awesome meeting you, and I'll be sure to throw you a Super Duper New Friend party when we're back in Ponyville. But for now I gotta get some shuteye. See ya later alligator! She slowly walked to the room she had slept in last time the group had spent the night there and quickly got into bed.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((OOC: I'll put Rainbow Dash to bed as narrator as Moonbacon has disappeared.))


Rainbow Dash also returned to her room. A day without much flying always seemed to tire her out much more than doing a dozen Sonic Rainbooms. She fell asleep as soon as her mane hit the pillow.


Morning dawned on the Crystal Empire, and Twilight woke up to see the sun rising, light beams refracting over the crystalline landscape. She headed down to the breakfast room to grab a bowl of oats. On her way down, she knocked on everypony's door to get them up. They had a long walk ahead of them, and Twilight was eager to get moving.

Edited by Vital Spark

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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