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How cultured are you?


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Right, so this is just a simple quiz. With some references to pop culture.



1. How old is Shannon in the Offspring song ''Way down the line''?


2. In the Simpsons episode ''Three men and a comic book'', what does Mrs Glick say when she is watching a show on TV?


3. What is in the first paragraph of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?


4. In COD Black Ops, what deadly game are Woods, Bowman and Mason playing in Vietnam?


5. Whose guest star name was ''Sam Etic'' in the Simpsons?


6. In Metal Gear Solid, what does Gray Fox destroy on the Metal Gear?(And please no what does the gray fox say jokes).


7. Complete this Tomb Raider Line, ''Pardon me, if that was-''.


No cheating, and feel free to add more questions.

I'll wait for someone to come. being patient.

Edited by 41Hornet

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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I gotz no idea. All I know is that I'm so cultured, I'm a block of Gouda.

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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1. How old is Shannon in the Offspring song ''Way down the line''?

no idea


2. In the Simpsons episode ''Three men and a comic book'', what does Mrs Glick say when she is watching a show on TV?

no idea


3. What is in the first paragraph of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

no idea


4. In COD Black Ops, what deadly game are Woods, Bowman and Mason playing in Vietnam?

Russian Roulette


5. Whose guest star name was ''Sam Etic'' in the Simpsons?

no idea


6. In Metal Gear Solid, what does Gray Fox destroy on the Metal Gear?(And please no what does the gray fox say jokes).

he destroys Metal Gear Rex's Radium


7. Complete this Tomb Raider Line, ''Pardon me, if that was-''.

no idea


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How cultured am I?






On the other hand, I have no idea what Mrs Glick says when she is watching a show on TV in the Simpsons or what game Woods, Bowman and Mason were playing in Call of Duty. So I guess I'm not cultured at all.

this is my signature 

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I don't know anything here but I used to research cultural differences and that kinda stuff so I am cultured but IDK most of the songs and how the hay R U expecting somepony to remember the firstlne of a book???

I don't have such a great memory

In a world of lies, you make your very own truth.

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OK, I'll give you some hints. ''17 Shannon is pregnant, as young as her mum when she had her''. So then how old is Shannon's mum?



In The Simpsons. Mrs Glick is watching a drama show on tv. And she says filthy but generally-


I'll give you a bit of the first paragraph, ''Not for the first time, an arguement had broken out over breakfast''. Vernon says ''Third time this week!!! If you can't get rid of that bird it'll have to go''.


The character in the Simpsons acted by ''Sam Etic'' is called Mr Bergstrom portrayed by the actor of Raymond Babbitt, Master Shifu and Michael Dorsey and is Jewish.



Gray Fox indeed destroyed the Radome.


And in Tomb Raider, Lara said ''Pardon Me, If that was your way of Trying-''.


1. How old is Shannon in the Offspring song ''Way down the line''?

no idea


2. In the Simpsons episode ''Three men and a comic book'', what does Mrs Glick say when she is watching a show on TV?

no idea


3. What is in the first paragraph of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

no idea


4. In COD Black Ops, what deadly game are Woods, Bowman and Mason playing in Vietnam?

Russian Roulette


5. Whose guest star name was ''Sam Etic'' in the Simpsons?

no idea


6. In Metal Gear Solid, what does Gray Fox destroy on the Metal Gear?(And please no what does the gray fox say jokes).

he destroys Metal Gear Rex's Radium


7. Complete this Tomb Raider Line, ''Pardon me, if that was-''.

no idea




Gray Fox indeed destroyed the Radome. And in Black Ops, the game was indeed Russian Roulette. Spoiler Alert to those who have not played it, Bowman dies.

Edited by 41Hornet

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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