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The craziest moments of our lives!

Tom Snyder

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We all have those moments where we seen some amazingly crazy stuff, be it videos, a crazy story or two and maybe a thing you did that nobody ever expected. I have some of those moments, but never really cared to share them with anyone. So here's one that i wish i could forget:


I'm usually a kind person and like to help out around the house, but everyone knew i wasn't any good at it and messed everything up. But i made it clear i wouldn't mess up again and constantly pestered my mother to let me help. Of course, she gave in and gave me a chore to do; cleaning the gutters outside. So i got the ladder and set it up on the deck, now remember, these ladders weren't very well supported, meaning someone had to hold it steady. But being the idiot that i am, i climb up and start working on the gutters, its going well until i have to leave the deck and onto the grass. 


i climbed up again and started cleaning, but as i reached up to grab the gutter, the ladder falls out from under me and i'm left hanging onto the gutter. Fearing for my life, i called out for my mom to come help get the latter back up. But when nobody comes i start thinking of how i would get down from there, so i start thinking, looking around for anything to break my fall, its then that i see a mound of grass that the lawnmower had made. Not thinking, i let go and land on it, but here's the kicker, there were cinder blocks under neath it and i break my leg and arm as i fell on them.


So i'm feeling how that guy in the video did, it was painful. Finally my mother comes out and sees me in so much pain and calls for the ambulance to come get me and i'm transported to the hospital. This is where things get funny(if you don't think so, i don't blame you), when asked about how this happened, i told them i fell from the gutters and landed on some cinder blocks under a mound of grass. That doc looked at me like i was crazy and asked:


"Who was the idiot who left them there?" 


I pointed to my mother, who admitted it, and was so embarrassed about it, she left the room. Now my mother lives alone and tends to leave things lying around the yard, so it was her fault after all. But we laugh about it every now and then and enjoy ourselves.

Edited by Rosemary
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