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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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(sorry, I was busy conquering the world in M2TW)


Chronos looked at her "if that is what I am going to have to deal with, I am not looking forward to my son growing up..." Chronos said. He then looked at the ground, Chronos wondered how Flair could have fixed the ground so quickly, probably magic, or he had somepony else do it.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Novel gets up at the knock "I'm ready. Did you find steel?" She asks before stepping out. Her face turns a bit pink "o-oh sorry." She says, noticing steel there. "Well I am ready to go. I will need to find some things when we arrive at my home. It may be boring so hopefully you enjoy books" she says to steel

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Seth smiled, kissing her cheek. "Then let's head out,' he said, walking out.


Celestia giggled. "I have no children of my own, but I have seen Luna raising Flair. It's...different to say the least. Is your foal a pegasus or unicorn, Chronos?" she asked. (I'm not sure either hehe ^^; )


Midnight nodded, laying back down. She curled up next to him.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Steel nodded -I don't see why Luna would send me with these ponies I'm not a foal sitter if that's waht she's thinking- steel thought "fine lets just go" steel said as he followed them -maybe she has some books on curses and the super natural that could be useful- steel thought

Grell nuzzled her "try to get some sleep"

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight nodded, closing her eyes again. She began drifting off, still clinging to Grell.


Seth smiled, walking down the hall.


Celestia blinked, seeing a piece of paper on a rose. She picked it up and opened it. It was a note, addressed to...her? She began reading the note.


Lunar hummed, walking into the castle. She blinked, noticing Steel.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Dear Aunt tia, 
Yeah you caught me i kind broke your courtyard, and yeah as usual mom scolded me pretty hard, but! She punished me by making me fix this entire courtyard with no magic, to be honest i thought the courtyard needed a little touch up, i mean seriously it always look the same! But thats besides the point i just wanted to tell you i love you aunt tia, sorry i havent been able to talk much since i have returned. But hey I'm sure we will have plenty of time to catch up later.

Love Flair

Lightning flair blinked as he almost bumped into lunar, then he notices steel, he chuckles. 

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Steel seen luanr and waved her over while simultaneously Glaring at flair he didn't like him he wasn't sure why though he just didn't like him

Grell held her close drifting off to sleep he began to have a nightmare as well it was of midnight getting killed during the battle he woke I. A cold sweat

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Lunar smiled, trotting over to him. She nuzzled him. "I haven't seen you all day. Where have you been?" she asked, pouting adorably.


Celestia smiled, shaking her head. "That plothead..." She folded the note and tucked it in her wing. She then looked at Chronos. "Shall we go see the pond?" she asked, smiling.


Midnight tossed and turned, this time having a dream of Steel and Grell fighting to the death, Steel killing Grell. She awoke with a gasp, her heart pounding. When she realized it was just a dream, she groaned, laying back down.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Grell nuzzled her "you did better that time" grell said his voice a little shaken


Steel smiled at her "I've been napping up on the tower watching you while I wasn't asleep Luna sent me to go with Seth and novel you should join us" steel said he would nuzzled her but there was other ponies around with

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Lunar waved at Flair, then looked at Steel. "I'd love to. I-if it's okay with everypony," she said, smiling sheepishly.


Seth shrugged. "I don't mind." He looked at Novel. "Do you?" he asked, smiling at her.


Midnight nodded, shaking a little. She noticed his shaky voice. "Did you have one, too?" she asked.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Novel shrugs. "The more the merrier I suppose" she turns and looks at them with a light blush "just pardon the massive mess of books everywhere. And feel free to read as you desire." She offers them a smile "I also have snacks and food so my house is your house, make yourself at home" she pauses "just avoid destroying things"

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Luna was out on her balcony. She noticed the ponies, blinking. She opened her wings, flying down.


Lunar smiled, nuzzling him. "Lead the way, Novel," she said with a smile.


Seth smiled at Novel, kissing her cheek. "Let's go, sweetheart," he said as he put his wing around her and walks down the hall.


Midnight frowned, not believing him. "You're not a good liar."


Celestia'a stomach growled. She blushed. "Looks like I'm hungry. Ready for lunch?" she asked with a laugh.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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The ponies saw Luna "hello were from the crystal empire a young stallion helped us escape and told us to come here for refuge" the lead pony said "we also want to know if there is any way you can check on him and make sure he's okay we had run into trouble near the end"

Grell sighed "yeah but I'm fine" grell said

Steel smiled "yeah let's get going"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"I could eat, since I skipped breakfast. I guess once we are back in the castle I am gonna have to call you 'your majesty' again." He said as he walked over to her. He smiled at her then went over and picked up his helmet and put it back on. He then looked back to Celestia.


(Sorry, I was at school)

Edited by Times Hay

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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They arrive at her home. Novel stops in front of her door and sighs, opening it with a loud creak "welcome. Um pardon the uh mess. It's dusty and cluttered. Kitchen is to your right. And um if you hear things falling over ignore it. It's just a pile of books. It's normal" she offers a smile before allowing the others inside

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Lunar blinked, walking in. She looks around. "Wow... That's a lot of books..."


Seth walks in with Novel, used to the mess now.


Celestia shrugged. "Call me whatever you wish. We are close friends. There are no formalities between close friends, Chronos," she says, walking back inside.


Midnight nodded, laying back down. She yawned, obviously tired.


Luna blinked, nodding. "Uh, what is his name?" she asked, puzzled. Why did no one send word of sending refugees to them?

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"Then why did get onto me about being informal earlier when I asked you if their was a place where I could meditate?" Chronos asked. He followed her, he was at least happy to know that she saw him as a friend, and that all his acts of trying to become friends with her were not in vain. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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