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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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Lightning flair was pretty fast he caught up pretty quickly he chuckles, "You know you could lighten up" He says as he contnues to walk with chronos, "Im too relaxed to get the royal treatment" He says as he trots along side chronos, Then his horn glows as a cape appears around his wings, so he would just look like a unicorn.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Aurora continues to face these things of the Void. Her master pushes her harder and harder. However, when he thinks she is about to be beaten, her form changes. She stands double her normal sizes. Black rings around her eyes. Only a white pupal in a sea of black, makes up her eyes. Her cutiemark now is a black new moon with a grey scale bursting aurora around it. The mark is also all scratched up. "You should have known teacher, I wouldn't let my other half fall."


"I did and now you are here, while she rests. Anything new to speak of?" He says to Aurora Midnight. "Aurora is having that dream again." He looks curiously at her. "So the profacy of dream power is within Aurora. What dream?" "Moon's shadow. A Crystal room. A fight for life. A child who knows not the shadows he plays with. A fall of something precious. These are the dream's elements." Midnight takes her stance shifting the dual swords into a lance. "I see. It is a dream of a possible future. The void knows of Sombra. The void king wishes his fall."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Crystal Shade? Please don't tell me your going to send me back to the empire! Please? I never did anything to you!" He was worn out, and his eyes were almost bright red from lack of sleep, he didn't want to head back to the crystal empire only when he just got some freedom.

Edited by Kasane Teto


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Luna blinked. "Oh no, we aren't here to take you back." She smiled, releasing the magic and revealing herself to him. "We're here to rescue you, my dear Crystal," she explained, smiling sweetly at him.


Midnight didn't give up. She flash stepped to him, punching him in the face.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"...Princess Luna?! Thank heavens." Crystal wiped some sweat off his forehead and sighed in relief. "Wait, how do you know my name?" He asked slightly confused after realizing that. Was he framed? Crystal began to worry a little too much. "I haven't done something bad have I?! I swear I didn't do anything!"


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Leif nodded "yeah we can to save you but we need to hurry so we can make it out of the empire in time" Leif said


Ste was working away finishing more books


Grell flash stepped dodging the punch he Baganda flash stepping all around her spring and disappearing so fast if you blinked you'd miss it

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Novel sat, reading page after page. Her excitement was building with every word. This is exactly what they needed. She needs to remember to really thank Star Quill when the empire is saved from harm. She giggles in pure joy, knowing they can now win the war.

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"I agree with your friend, we should get out of the empire, I'll tell you once we get into a safe zone." Crystal replied, looking around "It's only a matter of time until a guard sends out a searching party for me." Crystal looked around, so far he didn't see any guards, however his vision. 'Maybe their wasn't any guards out yet?' He thought to attempt to calm him down.


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Night Flare and Aurora enter into the dinning area for a bit to eat. Night looks perfectly fine but Aurora is covered from head to hoof in scrapes and bruises. "That was a good session for you, Aurora. It seams your time here has pushed you to be your best. Ven also has told me more about your type of being. She has also told me that here in canterlot, there is a book about twin souls. However it is in the restricted section of the archives." Night says to Aurora.


"I hope mother would know of it. Celestia hesitated when I asked her. But not everything can be known by all. Let's eat for now and then get some rest."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Luna nodded. "Let us go then. There is no time to waste," she said, trotting back towards the castle.


Midnight focused, quickly hitting a blow to his jugular with her hoof.


Lunar noticed a book at the very top. She flew up, grabbing it.


Celestia and Seth both walked to Novel's house.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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The door is unlocked, not that she would hear a knock or noise anyway. Novel was too engrossed in her reading to hear anything from the outside world. She munched on her lunch, while turning page after page. This is amazing! Her brother really is something else, she raised him well. Novel swells with pride, little did he know he has a huge role in the downfall on Sombra. His knowledge is so very crucial.

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Steel yawned laying down he had finished his readying and stacked the books and put his scroll up


Grell let the punch happen he didn't try to dodge he had his scythe under the tip at her under belly "match" grell said "you let your guard down had I been trying to kill you you'd be dead"


Leif nodding turning feline again and taking off

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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After their meal, Night whispers to a shadow, "Find and ask Celestia if me and my student could access the restricted section of the archives. There might be a book about dual souls or twin souls there."


The shadow went off and found Celestia by Novel's place. It says to Celestia bowing, "Lady Celestia, my Lord asks your permission to enter the restricted section of the Canterlot archives. He wishes to look for a book about Dual or Twin Souls that may be located there."


Aurora meditates while waiting for her teacher's servant to return.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Crystal walked behind Luna, looking around the landscape. He hardly ever left the empire, only when he was in their army, but yet he never have gotten the chance to look around, everything was so new and amazing to him. Crystal knew that the crystal empire was the only places made out of crystal and the landscape. This may everything look so weird.


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Luna walked up towards the greenhouse, stopping. She looked at Lief. "Would it be easier for us to teleport you two to the empire with us?" she asked.


Midnight sighed, glaring. "Not fair, turd," she said, smirking and kissing his cheek. Even though they've been through hell and back, they're relationship only got stronger. She felt certain that they were going to last.


Lunar trotted back over to Steel, sitting down by him.


Seth opened the door, letting Celestia enter first.


Celestia smiled, walking inside. "Where's she at?"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Grell smiled "keep your guard up and don't Rush recklessly itd dangerous learn your opponents fighting style if you don't think you can get them on the fisrt strike" grell said


Steel looked up at her while laying down


Leif smiled "we need to get the rest of the refugees Theres about 200 ponies" Leif said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Chronos looked at Flair "I question why you don't want to be treated like royalty. Hell I'm one of the highest ranking nobles in Canterlot and one of the most decorated soldiers in the Equestrian military and I still don't come close to how the royal family are treated." He said before looking forward again.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Midnight nodded, her stomach growling. "Is it lunch time yet?" she asked, frowning. She had skipped out on breakfast to get more training in and now she was paying for it.


Lunar smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Time to take a nap?" she asked, giggling.


Luna nodded. "So, where are they at?" she asked, looking around.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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She remembers a book that she took from her home. But where did she put it? Novel gets up and begins to frantically search, knowing that is the last book to complete the set that her brother was trying to send her on the inner workings of the empire. Books are flying everywhere, knowing that finding this one book is more important than her no magic policy when it comes to grabbing books. She had too many. Piles tumble and crash to the flow as she searches wildly for this one old leather bound book with three crystals on the cover.

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((Bah, slow loading I thought my post didn't come through)) "Teleport? But I get motion sick." Crystal Shade began to worry. "What if my bits get mixed up and only have half of me?! Eep! That would be awfully creepy!" Crystal Shade began shaking in fear. "O-Or I wouldn't come back!"

Edited by Kasane Teto


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Luna giggled, ruffling his hair. "You won't get sick, and every part of you will make it there. It's alright, sweetheart," she said, kissing his forehead. She then looked at Lief. "It would be a lot quicker that way, wouldn't it?"


Midnight caught the apple and began eating. -I don't know if it's just the fact that it's all I eat or if Grell is rubbing off on me, but I'm really starting to like these things...- she thought, munching away.


Lunar smiled. "I'm going to read this. Hopefully I don't fall asleep again," she laughed, opening the book.


Celestia blinked, dodging a flying book. "Novel, dear, what is it you wanted to show us?" she asked, walking up to her.


Seth blinked, dodging the same book.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"There are three books in the middle of the study" she calls, trotting to the other room, still searching "Seth knows what they look like! I need to find one more!" Novel is yelling when she is running around searching for this book. She needs to find it no matter what

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