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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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Luna blinked. She shook her head, looking away. "N-no reason..." she said quickly, closing her wing back up.


Celestia nodded. She sat up, yawning. Her mane was a mess from laying in the bed. She looked at Chronos, smiling. "I think I'm gonna try to get up..."


Lunar giggled, standing up.


Midnight blinked. "Alright... Maybe we can have him take on emotions after the war..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Aurora chuckles. She gets up and Stretches herself. She lets out a tiny moan as her wings stretch to full display and then retract. She doesn't even hint embarisment when she does this. It is as if she has done this display publically before. She then asks, "Lunar? Could we try training again? We really liked going all out under the lunar eclipse. We were starting to get use to our eclipsed form. It felt as if with a little more training we could enter it without the eclipse."


She looks to Lunar before realizing why her and her mentor Night was looking for the sisters in the first place. "Ponyfeathers, almost forgot about that book master Night wanted to find. We came looking for you two, Mother and Lady Celestia, to hopefully look for it. Master Night must be waiting for us. Where did he go?"


She looks paitently at Luna and Celestia, As if waiting their permission to go to the archives restricted section.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Chronos look at Celestia "Alright, but take it slow." He said, stepping back to give her some room to get up. He levitated his helmet to him and set it on the floor next to himself. He put his hoof on it. He was actually relieved that he took off his helmet and coif, the metal rings were getting uncomfortable.


(I found out that the correct name for Chain mail, is just mail and the mail hood is called a coif)

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Luna stood up, a little wobbly. She sighed, leaning against the wall. "We will go now," she stated, still leaning against the wall.


Celestia took the covers off her and slowly got out of bed. She swayed a little, but regained her balance. Her legs were a little wobbly, but she managed to stay up.


Lunar blinked, looking at Aurora. "I suppose I could keep training you after you two find that book..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Leif smiled at Luna he was happy she was felling better

Grell looked at chronos "it's name is Hemoe" gre said then he turned and looed at Luna and celestia "let me know when you wish to see a demonstration of hemoe" grell told hen

Steel stood strecthing putting his daggers away

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Crystal sighed as the door to the room where everybody was faded out of view. He had one mission left for him to do, just leave the castle. He was utterly useless, sure some training could do him some good but being the only crystal pony, and realizing all of the crystal ponies were falling into traces made him feel left out. Crystal opened the door into the room where the book was. Of course, it was powerless and the crystal spikes were gone. He quickly grabbed it carefully, and left the room. It would be useless here, he had to track down the rest of the crystal ponies and tell them about the certain books with crystal spikes and spoke in an ancient language. Crystal quickly made a dash for the door, he wanted to leave as soon as possible, "So you're just going to leave, hm? Warn everypony. How much time will it be until I finally get them back to their homelands?" A voice in his head said. "Sombra, what do you want from me you little tyrant, leave me alone." He muttered under his breath. "Because, rather than leaving to go warn people which would surely take too much time and have a boring life, you return back to your homeland?" Crystal shook his head, and continued to walk towards the door. "Why don't you read the book now? After all, Its powerless now." Crystal knew that he shouldn't but he decided it was worth knowing what the book truly said, either way it was best to know. But as soon as he opened the book it burst into flames, turning into a simple ash pile. Now Crystal knew he had no book to show anypony to warn them, nor will never know what the book is about. He threw the ashes away, He would just leave and warn the crystal ponies about books then.


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Lunar blinked, noticing Crystal gone. "Great..." she muttered. She snapped open her wings. "I'll be back." She flew out at lightening speed. -That little weasle... Mother did not go all that way to save him for nothing!- She busted through the front doors, landing right in front of Crystal. She glared at him. "And WHERE do you think you're going? Abandoning us after mother just spent all that time and put herself through all that crap?" she snapped, stomping her hoof.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos watched Celestia stand up, he sighed in relief by the fact that she can stand "You can, stand but try to walk." He said, He knew that Celestia wouldn't be able to do much if she can't walk without falling. He then looked at Grell "Hemoe... at least It is better then It." He said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Eep!" Crystal leaped back, shuttering in fear. "W-W-e-e-e-l-l-l-l.." He shuttered, he couldn't help it to show he was afraid, of course she scared the living day lights out of him. How was he going to get out of this? "I-I-I ju-u-u-st thought I-I..." Crystal could barely say anything with out shuttering. He just looked at Lunar, showing that he was mostly feeling guilty. "I-I-It j-j-just loo-k-k-ked like e-every-t-thing was under c-con-t-trol..."


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Lunar glared at him, snorting in anger. "Mother went through hell and back to keep you away from that tyrant, and you just want to go back?!" She sighed, trying to calm down. "How do you think she would feel if she knew she went through all that trouble for nothing...?" she growled through clenched teeth.


Celestia nodded. She started walking, stummbling a bit. She was swaying and a little wobbly, but managed to walk.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos smiled "Good, but you should still take it easy." He said, being ready to catch her if she fell. He noticed that she was wobbly and said "If you require any assistance, do not be afraid to ask for it" He lifted his hoof off his helmet just so he could quickly catch her if needed

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Aurora offered herselve to help Luna get about until she fully recovers. She knows to make it discreet, so as to not let a panic happen.


If Luna accepts, Aurora positions herself as if to support but vanishes from all sight her shadow being the only thing now see able.


If Luna doesn't accept she stays close so as to be able to react should the need arise.


Either way, she says, "Okay, lead the way. But where did Master Night go?"

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Celestia smiled sheepishly. "I may need some assistance... It's taking most of my energy just to stand..." she admitted, stummbling again. She almost fell, but caught herself. She blushed, embarrassed she was so weak in front of Chronos.


Luna allowed Aurora to help her. She began walking. "I think he went to the royal library..."

Edited by rainbowdashlover19

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos walked over to her and helped her keep her balance. "You're majesty, why are you blushing?" He asked, noticing that her white coat maded the red stick out, similar to what happened with him. His surcoat, being made of cotton and wool, kept his armor from causing any discomfort.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Celestia blinked, blushing more. "I-I uh... I don't like to be perceived as weak..." she said, smiling sheepishly. It wasn't exactly a lie. She hated looking weak in front of a pony. But the main reason she was blushing was because of...him. She'd liked him for quite a while, but knew that his wife would always be his one and only. -A mare can dream, can't she...?- she thought, sighing internally.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He chuckled "Their is a difference between being weak because of exhaustion and being weak in general. You are not weak, you just tired, your strength should return with time." He said, smiling at her. " Also, They say that you should appear weak when you are strong and appear strong when you are weak, basically don't worry about looking weak because you know you're strong." He continued

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Celestia nodded, sighing. She looked at Luna as she walked out. "Since sister is taking care of Night, I suppose we should go test out this um... Hemoe, is it?" She walked over to the "pony". "I guess it's time we train you. I am starting to feel better now," she said, still a bit wary about this whole thing.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"Y-Yes... and I am thankful. B-B-But I'm not war material, I-I-I wanted to go warn th-th-the other escaped crystal ponies about the bo-book. B-B-But as soon as I op-opened it, it turned into a-a-a-ash." Crystal picked up the remains of the book and showed Lunar. Surely, he did really care about his own kind.


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"How would use it, Hemoe isn't a conventional weapon?" Chronos asked. He still didn't trust Hemoe, it just gave him a bad feeling in his stomach since this 'weapon' was a pony. He sighed and looked at Princess Celestia, he hoped that she wasn't just saying she was feeling better.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Crystal jumped at the sound of the doors slamming. "What a pony..." he muttered under his breath, and got up, dusting off the ash from his hooves. Of course, he was left feeling guilty, but was it slight anger Crystal was truly feeling? He didn't know for sure, but it was a weird feeling. Somewhere in his mind he was feeling rage and the need for greed. But Crystal pushed those feelings aside. He would stay positive no matter what, hopefully those feelings would fade away. 


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Hemoe looked at celstia "o need no training master grell will teach you the commands and then you'll be able to utilize me at your leisure " hemoe said

Steel took flight and went back up to the tower

Grell nodded "if you will make your way to the trainjng area I'll give you a demonstration"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Crystal sighed, not wanting to return to the room where the other ponies were. "You know, they only think of you as a weak escaped crystal slave. I'm surprised you haven't noticed it yet, Crystal Shade." Sombra whispered in Crystal's mind. "You should welcome this anger, let it drive you. Show them who's boss." Crystal shook his head more. "Leave me alone Sombra, I don't want your advice." He muttered, begin to walk down the hall. "You could make them cry for mercy if you wanted to, if you trained hard. Isn't becoming stronger a good goal?" Crystal hated to agree with Sombra, however he had to agree with the part of training hard and becoming stronger. Maybe if Crystal did train it would help him in a healthy way, perhaps. "Don't worry about anything Crystal, you see, I'm your friend now. And I'll help you on the path to becoming stronger."


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Celestia nodded. She blinked, looking around. "Where'd Crystal go??'


Lunar came back in the room, a sense of worry in her aura. "Lady Celestia, I think Crystal is trying to go back to empire. I fear Sombra is still inside him..."


Luna walked towards the library.


Midnight blinked, looking at Lunar. "But she banished Sombra out of him, didn't she?"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Crystal fought the urge and the trace Sombra was trying to put on him. Crystal shook his head more, hoping Sombra would finally leave him alone. "Just leave me alone Sombra... For the last time. We will never be friends, you can't be forgiven for what you did to my kind." He muttered, and accidentally overheard the conversion from the room. "W...Wha?" Crystal wondered why they would be talking about him. Crystal wanted to eavesdrop some more, but he accidentally tripped, opening the door and landing facefirst on the floor in front of the ponies.


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