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private Too Old To Be A Blank Flank


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@@Cosmic Star,


"Yeah, he is. I just haven't seen him for 9 years, so even talking about him makes me feel a little sad. However, I can't let that get me down. I have to prove something to him. That even low-class ponies like me can still make it to the top." He said stating his ambitious goals. Neutron wanted to prove that a nopony can become a somepony.


"Oh, i'm terribly sorry. I have a tendency to think out loud at times." The young colt said trying to excuse his inner thoughts.

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"Aw..." Cosmic Star's compassion for Neutron prompted her to share her half. "I am the oldest of my sisters in my family, and I just miss them so much. And my parents as well. We've always been so close to each other, to suddenly find myself all by myself, even if I did want to come to here, I just... It's just so hard..." Then, she added, awkwardly trying to amend for her monologuing. "I think your brother would be proud of you, if he saw how you are right now. I really think so." And smiled.

My OC - Cosmic Star

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"You think so? I try to tell myself that everyday, but part of me thinks that i'll never see him again. Anyways, I know how you feel the work can be overwhelming here. Have you thought about getting a tutor?" He asked Cosmic in a concerned tone trying to find a way to help her out. 

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Stormy took out her old book and a pen and guessed now was as good a time to update her journal as any while she waited for her food and drink to come. She opened the old book to about the middle thinking she was going to pick up another book soon if she wished to continue her daily writings. The pen she had didn't look like anything particularly special she when she pressed the tip to the page it stayed standing by it's self. She really loved this little gift she got threw her travels it helped to free her up she could straighten out she thoughts as she spoke.


As Stormy started to speak it was very soft not many would be able to hear her unless they were sitting right at her table and she knew if anypony got to curious she's just go back to writing with her pen the old fashion way. As she started to speak the pen started to write down everything she was saying and the last couple of days were particularly strange she wanted to make sure she got down every detail of the situation, but about mid way through the Waitress started to head back over so she put her book and open away in her bag.


"Hello Dear here's the special a stuffed Veggie burger with all the fixings and hay firs, a Chocolate malt, and a fresh hot piece of our pecan pie with whipped cream enjoy." she said happily as she laid out the order before turning to go.


"Thank you so much it all looks wonderful." she said thanking the Waitress as she left and started to dig dipping a couple of her firs into her malt before eating them she always loved that combination.

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The pegasus not only found that mare he was tailing, but he'd caught something peculiar about her. Glancing up from his paper, he'd noticed that, somehow, her pen was moving around on its own! But she had no horn that he could see; she couldn't be an alicorn.


Intriguing, he thought, taking a sip of his coffee and returning to his paper, maybe she has some kind of artefact, or mystical power. I'll have to look into it, though after a little more observing.


He didn't want to let her spot him, so he only took occasional, spontaneous glances up in her direction as he continued the article. Nothing wrong with feeling a bit proud of yourself for making the front page, right?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Stormy quitely enjoyed her lunch until she was done and let a good tip for the waitress when she paid before getting up and heading out the door and back off into the city she need to go and get some supplies she needed inorder for her to travel any further. As she headed to wards a rather rushed looking young colt carrying lots of papers and things ran right into her droping and scatering all his papers and books all over making him panic more and even started to cry. Stormy simply just patted his head as it seemed that she was speaking with him and pulled her book out pulled and old beat up book mark out of one of the pages putting the book back in her bag she she swipped the book mark over the papers and and tossed about booked and they all gathered back up into organized piles that she helpped him get back in his bag before she put her book mark away and went along her way the greatfull colt happily running along.


Now that she was back on track away to the market place she went she hoped she wouldn't have any more little mishaps today but really it was little things like this that kept her day going and always gave her something to write about it she always found that even the little things gave her joy when she wrote.

Edited by LoCrois
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The pegasus waited at least a minute for the mare to take her leave, before setting a few bits, plus tip, on the table and gathering his things. He caught up to her in not too long, watching as she helped the young colt gather his books off the ground. Using some kind of...magic bookmark?


How in Equestria is she doing this? He thought incredulously, giving a slow blink as he watched. She definitely has some kind of affinity for books...


Once the colt had dashed by him, he continued on his little mission. He followed the mare into the marketplace, and made good use of his keen eyes to keep her in his sites. At first he was just curious about her lack of a cutie mark, but now this magical ability she apparently possessed also had his attention, and he wanted to see if he'd find the source of it.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Stormy was glad when she made it to the market and just walked along the different stales trying to find the things she wanted. her first stop was at a book vender guessing now was as good a time as any to pick up the book she needed but she seemed rather particular to what she was getting and turned down most of what he was trying to offer her until she found a old hard cover with blank pages it seemed kind of ragged and he couldn't understand why she wanted it but sold it to her any ways.


Her next stop she made was too a bread shop where the two bakers seemed to be getting into an agument about something rather than taking care of the customers it didn't help that they seemed to be yelling in a foreign laungage the customers weren't up to figuring out what they were say to help things along so Stormy walked up and snapped at the two for a moment in the foreign tongue making them stop there fighting and spoke with them for a moment before just sitting at the counter for them and simply saying,"Next~" she called out to the line.

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@@thor9356, "I.... Am looking for one... That's not paid..." She chuckled, and continued. "I don't have much money to spare here..." Cosmic Star had a sudden urge. "What happened to your brother?" She blurted out, regretting right after. "I mean, I know it's none of my business, you don't need to tell me..."

My OC - Cosmic Star

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The pegasus continued to follow the mare around the marketplace, watching from a distance as she purchased the peculiar blank book. Why would the vendor be so interested in selling a stranger such a thing?


Perhaps she can use it for a sketchbook or something, He shrugged.


That incident in the bakery, however, was interesting. Not only had she caused the two arguing ponies to cease right away, but she did it in what sounded like their native tongue. Quite the interesting little pony he had there...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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After the line calmed down Stormy left from behind the counter and spoke with the two Ponies for a moment before coming over and wiping there chalk board sign clean of all the writing and specials to put down a new message that read,'Our Translator is out sick today please only ask for the kind of bread you want and how many! We're sorry for the inconvenience!' she wrote and put the board where the line would start as open of the opens not sat at the counter and the other gave Stormy a large bag of bread and baked sweet which she happily thanked them for as she tucked it into her saddle bag.


After leaving the Bakery Stormy continued to make her way through the different stands and stales seeming to be looking for something in particular but wasn't sure where to go so she decided to take a small break at the little park that was near the park so she could collect her thoughts and figure out what else shy would need to get by.

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@@Cosmic Star,


Neutron sat there and wondered how to explain it, before he ended up running his mouth without thinking about it.


"My brother left us. Our parents would always compare his failures with my successes. I don't think badly or low of my brother. It's just that education wasn't for him. He was more of a work horse than anything else. Yet...I feel like it's my fault. If I hadn't been so successful, he'd still be with me. Still, I remember the words he said to me the night before he left. "Neutron, you're special. You were born to do great things." However, I don't think it's just me. I think anypony can do great things." He explained to cosmic before reaching his hoof out and holding hers.  "Even you Cosmic."

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The pegasus watched in awe as Stormy pretty much took complete control of the situation in the bakery. He stood at the end of the line to look anonymous as the mare walked by him, then waited till she was a good few meters away before following.


First, she has some kind of power over written text, he listed internally, and now she seems fluent in a foreign language, and possesses serious convincing skills. And all without a mark on her flanks.


The mysteries regarding Stormy just continued to stack...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Stormy sat on a bench thinking about different things, she had a lot of bread but would need something else to eat with it cause she didn't want to get all plump again cause bread was easy to store and travel with she knew she'd have to go get some other food as well but it did save her some money since she got it for helpping out so not she'd just need to get some things to have with it and then she should be fine and guessed she could have a bit more fun around the market for now.


As she left the park she went to a stand that seemed to be selling all kinds of different nik nacks and old antiques taking particular interest in a rather old beat up looking necklace she found and was looking over it carfully trying to decided if she should get it out not.

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The pegasus spotted Stormy making her move out of the park, and followed at a distance to the small antique stand. He did have an interest in rare items, particularly old and rare ones, so perhaps this time he could risk getting close.


He slowly sauntered over, cautiously to Stormy's side, inspecting the knick-knacks. Maybe he could pick up a souvenir while he was here.


Hmm, let's see what we have here...perhaps this pendant...?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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While the Pegasus was looking things over Stormy walked up right next to him seeing what he was looking at,"So do you have Nack for just being every where I am or do you just like following me or something....and before you ask I probably wouldn't have noticed you as much if you weren't trying to hide behind the same actical every time." she said and pointed out the news paper her was carrying around,"I saw you reading that back at the Cafe when I was looking around at everyone...Sorry I had a couple of Unicorns Following me around the last time I went to a town it was weird...so if you please have a good reason or just be a passer by." she said as she kept looking at the different Nic Nacks.

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The pegasus didn't look up from the wares, not even wearing a look of surprise. He looked more...impressed?


"Sharp, aren't you?" He smirked, keeping his voice down as he inspected a bracelet, "Apologies if I seem shifty, I harbour nothing but intrigue. I couldn't help but notice you had some...interesting abilities. Especially considering..." He trailed off, obviously meaning her blank flank.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@thor9356 Cosmic lowered her ears when she begind hearing the story, and responded. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to nose into your own personal life... I'm so sorry..." And, when she heard the end of his speech, and blushed. "Oh, thank you very much.. But I don't... Know... I mean... Never mind. Just... Yeah, never mind what I've said."

My OC - Cosmic Star

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Stormy rolled her eyes a bit,"You pick up traits you didn't think you had after being alone for so long....and yes I know that’s what most ponies question me about, but to be honest what I can do shouldn't have anything to do with the lack there of. Not having one doesn't stop me from being good at stuff taking the time to learn how to down things properly is what makes me good at them. Really if you think about it most Ponies are good at a lot of things it's just there Mark seems to be based on what they are the best at....also what can be said about those who excel at more than one thing what makes them choose that that's what they want to do for the rest of their lives that that's their destiny...but isn't that point of us having destinies is that we’re not supposed to know what they are and that part of life is just getting the clues to live them out." she said and gave the older Mare working the stand a few bits and took the old beat up pendant along with a few other obscure objects.


After she was done she looked to the Stallion next to her,"Hope you got what you wanted...but I got more work to do so good day." she said putting her things in her bag as she started to walk away.

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The pegasus hoofed a few bits over to the stall owner and pocketed the bracelet before following Stormy again.


"Apologies again, I didn't mean to offend," he said coolly, his smile unwavering, "as I said, it was simple curiosity. Especially considering the abilities you have, and I don't suspect you to be alicorn. Being able to levitate pens and books isn't exactly something you can just 'pick up' without a horn."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Stormy was having a bit of fun with this now but her blank expression didn't lead on to it,"Yes I'm quiet sure I'm far from any kind of princess material. Also says who? Why does my lacking of a horn have to keep me from accomplishing the same feats as any Unicorn? I do not have to have the strength of an earth pony to know that I can still buck a tree to make the fruit fall down too me so why should magic be any different there is magic in everything we touch it's simply how you learn to use it that changes things for you." she said wondering what he's take from that.

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The pegasus nodded, smirking as he too was beginning to enjoy this. He did enjoy a good debate now and then, especially with an intellectual opponent.


"I see," he began his rebuttal, "so by your logic, if you don't need to be a unicorn for magic, or an earth pony for strength, would that mean you don't need the wings of a pegasus to know how to fly?" He gave his own a small flutter for emphasis.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Correct!" she said simply,"Because Ponies have already come up with different methods of travel to get up to the different cities in the sky by hot air ballon of even using gliders off of montain side so even if I lost the use of my wings I would still be able to be in the air I know it's not as affisiant but I'm sure some day there will be no real lines to separate our kinds from doing what others can do with the difernt way they work to come together." she said thinking.

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"I agree, we all have our unique talents along with our species' abilities," The pegasus nodded, turning to the side and lifting a saddlebag to reveal his cutie mark, "I'm quite an accomplished dancer, for example. And you-" he paused. "-have your literature-controlling skills."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Cosmic Star,


"What's the matter Cosmic? I don't like seeing anypony feel down." He said holding her hoof trying to be there for the mare. Neutron wanted to be there for Cosmic and help cheer her up, not see her down. "Listen, you can tell me anything Cosmic. I want to help you out." He offered to the mare. 


(OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner.)

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