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private Shadow Bolt Mercenary Recrution RP

Snow Frostflame

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"as a Mercenary here you have two goals being productive here and being productive on contract Alamo you seem to be 3 steps ahead of us we need you to first reinforce the walls and repair any damages done to the keep lets see here... Rave you are not like any Unicorn here.... or was here.... anyways you seem to master in dark magic find a way to make use of it because I know it will be of great use during contracts... actually see if you can thicken the fog we need this place hidden.... Corporal First Class Red Sage you were once a Royal Guard and are still a valid guard you will mostly be used as a spy let us know what the military is up to.... Mirrorwing besides Scratch you are the only Pegasus in the group so you will be mostly taking Cloudsdale jobs.... also we need to find a way to keep your storm thing under control..... and finally Deep Blue you do something called.... gem transformation..... I have never heard of such an art... maybe you can demonstate it to me and the doctor when we have time but for now I need you all for this is important.... it is time you met the 5th member of unit 1" you all hear what you think is hoof steps but then you all are shocked by the sight of Jonathan you thought things like him were only myths or legends but right before you stands a human wearing a similar outfit as Snowflakes "hello Ponykin I' am Jonathan"


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"He doesn't appear to be equine. Nor does he seem to belong to reptiles, canines or birds. Hmmm. Strange indeed. Forgive me, but if I might ask, what are you and where do you come from?". "This is an entirely new being. I have traveled far and wide in Equestria and never seen its like".

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"What the hell?" I said, raising an eyebrow at the unknown creature standing before me. "I ain't never seen nothin like this." I thought. "It's bipedal. The only hair it has is on the top of his head. And his hooves are replaced with...whatever those things are." I took a moment to look the mysterious creature before speaking. "I ain't never seen nothin like you. What are ya? Uhh Jonathan."

Edited by Apple Bell
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"Just say the word and I can show you the art of gem transformation." Blue said to the two. "This is a new turn." Blue said, "So then, how does one of your sorts come about." He said to Jonathan. The new biped had got him curious, is this the head of operations, cutiouser and curiouser.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"my name is Jonathan I'm from a completely different dimension I was a former member of the Anti-Brony Brotherhood on a mission with three others to destroy Equestria I have been hunting Snowflake his entire life and it seems not shooting him when he was a foal was the downfall of my group Snowflake and the former Shadow Bolts stopped us and kept killing us one by one until it was just me and another guy.... Snowflake has forgiven me for my actions because I had saved his life by killing the last Anti-Brony who came with me as for what I'am I'm a human" Jonathan takes off his sunglasses and removes his balaclava revealing his face


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"Destroying Equestria? Interesting". "Interesting indeed". "So you tried to destroy our world and kill Snowflake and suddenly you are best buddy buddies just because you killed another of your kind?". "It is not like ponies don't kill each other occasionally as well". "And what do you got to do with anything that is going on right now?" Rave looks at Snowflake. "I don't suppose you would have recruited us unless you actually needed us for something? Why now?". "I know there is more to this".

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"Humans. Destroying Equestria. You know, while I believe you, I can't fathom how I never heard about this, but then again, even the shadowbolts were out of my jurisdiction. Who else besides those of us here know about him? As far as my storms, well, I'll try to keep it tamer."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"I never wanted to destroy Equestria the others made me come along with them... in fact I had never killed a pony that entire time... the only thing I killed was my old leader...." "you nearly killed me Jonathan" "yes I know don't remind me about your eye... alright then if Snowflake says you 5 will make good recruits who am I to judge I trained Snowflake and the others the arts of stealth and I guess I will teach you 5 as well" 


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"Stealth, I got to start on this building, I'll mostly be building things and walking around since most ponies already know who I am, I blend in by being me, I doubt anyone will question me with tools since I am a builder, so I'm gonna start filling these walls to be 10 outa 10, could luck guys." (Alamo walks out of the room and everystarts hearing stuff breaking and nails in the next room)

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"Stealth? Well guess that's somethin' I'll have to get better at. So I guess that you can try and teach me how to sneak." I said, standing in a thinking pose. "I don't like the sound of this guy." I thought. "He could just be usin that story of killin his leader as a setup. I'll be keepin my eye on him."

Edited by Apple Bell
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"I would like to improve my stealth skills. I currently only know how to stealth myself when I'm standing still". "If you were to learn the shadow form, you would be able to pass through objects without anyone noticing you". "Not now, leave me alone". "I doubt that you will be teaching me magical stealth, am I right?". 

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"the arts of stealth are simple and can be mastered easily with the right training. Rule 1 cling to the shadows and avoid light if you can. Rule 2 move a slow and steady pace otherwise people will hear your hoofsteps Rule 3 if you need to eliminate someone cover their mouth and bring them to the ground Rule 4 hide if clinging to the shadows isn't enough Rule 5 if spotted quickly eliminate who ever sees you before it is too late Rule 6 refrain from killing it is always best to knock them out Rule 7 if you can't find any shadows make your own by eliminating candles and torches.... or in some cases actual lighting needs to be turned off Rule 8 try to blend in with your surroundings, camouflage.... that is all you need to know about stealth remember these rules and you will survive..." "before we all head out doing our part show us what your gem transformation does Deep Blue"  


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"Gladly," Blue said creating a shortsword. "If you need detailing on how it works I have a book you can read, it should be stocked at all magic librarys." Blue said, looking back at the rest of them. "Problem is that you need to have a large magic pool, if not, you will quickly become fatigued."

Edited by Gearhart

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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the doctor stairs into the sword you just created he then picks it up "this is increadable I think I just found my new assistant... with my alchemy and your gem transformation you and I will make a perfect team" MaskedMystery hands the sword to Scratch "Deep Blue follow me into my lab so we can get better acquainted"



@ @@Concerto Dusk


"you and I are going to be together in quite a lot of missions... anyway we need to get back to our posts in Ponyville before the others wonder why we haven't arrived from Canterlot. Just don't blow your cover. as for you Mirrorwing, Snowflake wants you to focus mainly on Cloudsdale but you need to control your powers so you don't cause a scene.... maybe the doctor can help you if you have a hard time controlling it" 






"you earth pony. If your going to be in charge of construction your going to need my assistance I know more about this stronghold then anyone else here"






"don't think we haven't forgotten about you Rave... me and Snowflake would like you to demonstrate your dark magic in the courtyard we haven't had another type spell caster in awhile and me and Snowflake both master in Ice so we are looking forward to see what you can bring to the table"


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"Listen buddy, I understand that you want to help but before anything can happen I'm gonna need to fix the walls or else the place gonna fall in on itself, you want to my job go ahead, but if you really want to help please draw me a blue print, once I know what is needed, Boom!, done, so start drawing will I fix the wood in the walls." (Alamo then turns and with his hammer smashes another hole in the wall) "She ain't looking any better here."

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"Sure" Blue says, following the doctor. "That biped, how did he come to this world exactly? As far as I saw he didn't have any magical output. So then, say the word and I'll make it, just don't go too crazy." This could only go well from here. For all he knew he was going to end up in a trash can near the town.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Rave grinned. "Of course. I would love to demonstrate to you the dark arts of magic" he made a friendly bow. He then started walking in the direction of the courtyard. "What do you want to show them?". "It's a surprise". "Even for me?". "Yup" he grinned. They would be in for a show. 

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@@Snowflake Frostflame


"Alright sir. I'll try not to blow my cover. Now lets get on our way." I said, yawning the last few words. "Damn I'm tired. I need a few moments of rest." I thought. "Hey lieutenant. When we get to Ponyville. You think I could have a few minutes of rest? I need some time to recap what's happened tonight."

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When Deep Blue got to the lab, he was amazed. There where bottles filled to the brim with magical colors. Lights and steam comeing from the cauldron. "This is quite the sight to see, I've never seen anything like this in all of Equstria. How on this world did you do this?"

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Rave started to perform his dark magic as he stepped into the courtyard. His horn flared dark and his eyes turned green, purple smoking leaking from his eyes. From the ground came dark crystals. He started to suck dark energies from them. He chuckled. "I can summon forth dark crystals to both magically enhance me or to drain magic from a certain area. It can also be used to impale other ponies... silently" he chuckled again. He readied another spell and green fire shot from his horn and he created a giant inferno from it. "Dark fire, if it touches ones hide, you will be scarred for the rest of your life. I have tons of spells to show you, but I think this is enough for now". "Why didn't you show them the Nightmare spell?". "Because that would have been too much and it requires a victim, I doubt that either one of them would want to volunteer to be trapped within their own head, facing their worst fears and nightmares" he thought. 

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"we weren't always Mercenaries we use to be Alchemists and Magic instructors before any of this, as for all these potions they all have similar effects but not all the same... weather it be positive or negative, so if I were you I would read the labels before you touch any of them... besides me Snowflake is also an alchemist but one thing you should know.... a Canterlot unicorn will never be a better Alchemist then a fully licensed plague doctor" MaskedMystery chuckles a bit "and they say us Earth Pony are meant for farming"




"this is interesting but lets try not to destroy the Stronghold I don't think Alamo would appreciate it, lets put your skills to the test with out using anything fatal try to last as long as possible" "remember the rules Jonathan mentioned refrain from killing" Snowflake summons a living ice pony in the shape of an Equestrian guard, he then summons another one then three more then five more then 10 more "so you don't have to test your magic on Scratch and Red these guards will do what any other guard would do if they see you commit a crime they will try to restrain you now if you use lethal magic and cause a fatal injury we will start over" Snowflake gives the order for his ice pony guard to attack "oh one last thing don't let the ice thing fool you they don't melt to heat like a snowstallion (snowman) would"




"I don't care what you say I'm still going to follow you around" Jonathan hands Alamo 5000 bits from the treasury "just so you don't have to use your own coin to pay for the reconstruction, and don't worry we have plenty more just don't steal any"


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Rave dodged to the sides, he cast shadow magic on their eyes to blind 3. However, when he did that 5 others managed to get to close to his comfort and that resulted in him casting the nightmare spell. The artificial ponies started to howl in terror as they experience some forms of fears and terror. Rave didn't understand what artificial, magical created, life forms could fear, but they did. He then surrounded 2 ponies in dark crystal prisons, there was no way to call out for help as the dark crystals started producing magic that Rave fed them, that blocked all sound. There were 10 remaining artificial ponies left. Rave started to cover himself in darkness and there was nothing standing there. Rave had disappeared. A shadow crept past the artificial guards, unnoticed. 

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