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The Shadow Stallion

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(We have no pegasi)


Southern Ponssian costal fort


Guards on the walls scouted the horizon, one of them spotted the approaching pegasus.

"Sir!" he called, "target 200m 50degrees south east! Looks like... A flying pony sir!"


The officer approaced with a telescope,

"Flying pony... Have you been drinking soldier?" He looks through the telescope, "id be dammed.... POSITIONS EVERYONE!" He ordered.


The 1000 strong garrison rushed to their positions, many standing on the wall ready to engage if needed. The four cannons on the forts towers turned. The officer shouted through the megaphone,


"State your identity and mission! If you dont comply, we will fire"

At those words all the soldiers simultanously took aim and waited.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Gloomfury, "Aye. You're right up along our border." The sniper was surprised by the varied colors of the messenger's articles of clothing. He was used to seeing the strong solid bland colors of his nation, which he could see not but seeing them with others, in what he could only describe as some form or fashion disarray. "The Kaiser is out of state on a diplomatic journey. Unfortunately I can not allow you to stay within our borders since I have no means to escort you to the capital and we are on high alert. If you'd like, we can take the message and deliver it for you, or you may return from hence you came and we shall alert our leaders of this encounter and eventually invite your leaders, or visit them personally." Edited by SharpWit
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"Ah yes, our agriculture isn't the strongest since winters here, especially up north, can be brutal. I have not heard of any famines lately so I'm sure a deal can be made for exchange of food, and that glorious pistol you have there," the captain said while eying the exquisite piece of manufacturing presented to him. 


"And 50m you say? That makes my sidearm look like a sling," The captain pulled out his sidearm to show. It was a basic smoothbore pistol. "I'm lucky if I can get this to hit someone at 20m."


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Sunny was a small pegasus with even yellow coat and dark sandy blind mane in long pigtails. Thanks to her size she was able to fly pretty fast. Along with the flying messengers outfit she also wore a lot of thick metal bracelets around her forelegs.  As she was getting closer the sound of another ponies voice after about five days traveling calmed her a little. Till they said they were gonna fire at her if she didn't say who she was and what she was doing. 

She stopped in mid flight and left her arms up to she wouldn't seem threatening. "Um, hello! I'm Sunny of the flying messenger platoon of the nation of Quinacta. I have a message for the leader of Ponssia from the council of the five Dons. My nations  leaders. Please don't shoot." She said with a nervous chuckle. 





Flits sighed. "I flew all this way for nothin'? Shite!" He took off his flat cap and smoothed back his mane. "And I'm sorry but I was told to bring this letter right to the Kaiser. But, I understand that nothing is ever that easy." He flew closer to their basket. "But, uh,  would ya mind if I took a rest with you bunch for a bit? I've been flying for three days straight and I could kill for a pint. Or anything to drink really."

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@@Derplight Sperkle


"Well... we do our best." the captain gloated as he put his pistol back in, "its stainless too."he patted it.


"How about you? dont u wanna know anything about us?"




(Did u use Sunny cuz u know i like Sunny =p)


"Diplomatic emissary for his majesty? Very well." he turned to two soldiers, "Get the carriage and escort the lady to the capital."


The soldires saluted and shortly brought out a dark red carriage with cushioned seats and gold plated wheels.


"These men will take you to the capital."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Lordav, ((The name just came to mind.))


Sunny calmed down a little. "Thank you." She said as she flew down to the carriage. Even though she was a little more at ease she still kept her wits about her and stayed ready if anything should happen. She slowly climbed in the carriage and got comfortable, taking out a canteen of water from her bag and drunk it slowly. 

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The carriage soon reached the populated capital of Perlin. 


The streets were filled with civilians and groups of soldiers frequently patrolled the streets. The sky was grey from all the smoke erupting from factory chimneys. the carriage passed through the ricer area of the city where noble houses stood proud and tall, decorated with marble statues. Soon, it stopped in front of the palace. She was escorted through the grand hall. She was dropped in front of an open door, where the king waited, already informed of the diplomatic ambassador coming to see him.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Sunny took in a deep breath to ready herself. She's never been in front of royalty before and she didn't want to mess things up. She bowed, thinking it was the right thing to do. "Greeting your majesty. I am Sunny of the flying messenger platoon of Quinacta. I have an invitation for you from the council of the five Dons. Who are the leaders of my nation." She reached into her bag and pulled out the invitation along with a bottle wine. "They also included a gift of good will. A bottle of hoof made wine, made by the head Dons mother. Which is a sigh on great respect where I am from."

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(No reactions to my nice pictures ='( )


The king listened carefully and silently, he stood up, showing his above-average height and walked to a wall with a map pained on it.

 "Quintica? I have never heard of it." he looked at the map."Now, were would that be on this map?" he asked the messanger. He also made a hoof sign, a servant stroll in the room and takes the bottle, placing it on a silver plateu. 


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Lordav, ((They were really cool. But she was too nervous to take in the sights.))


Sunny got up and walked over to the map. She pointed out the spot where Quintica would be. "It around hear your Majesty. And I don't doubt you haven't heard of us. We're a fairly new nation and we live quite a bit away. But we have sent out many to scout the lands and we've heard of you. Along with a few others. We have plans to send out invitations to them at some point but we like to start out small.  They wish to invite you to come to Quintica."

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@@SharpWit, Flits sighed. "I flew all this way for nothin'? Shite!" He took off his flat cap and smoothed back his mane. "And I'm sorry but I was told to bring this letter right to the Kaiser. But, I understand that nothing is ever that easy." He flew closer to their basket. "But, uh, would ya mind if I took a rest with you bunch for a bit? I've been flying for three days straight and I could kill for a pint. Or anything to drink really."

"I'm afraid we have nothing to spare, for we are but given daily rations while on duty." One of the other snipers tapped him and motioned towards the incoming airship. "Perhaps you may find some drink with the guards on patrol." The airship, now only a few hundred yards off gave a steam whistle to make their presence, although not hidden, known. A moment later the captain aboard called out. "What goes on here?"


@@WindyParadise, The Clash of warm air from the west with the cold air of the north created a strong stream of wind that ebbed it's way south east. It's effects were ill felt, unless one happened to be over the skies of the Dominion of Katrin. The Nightingale hadn't run into any troubles so far on the Kaiser's diplomatic journey, but now as it came about the edge of the Dominion's southern mountains, which they had decided not to go over after they had sighted a dragon, they felt the full strength of that wind, and found they could not come across it, and were forced to go north east in the direction of their homeland. This normally would have dampened the Kaiser's mood, since it interrupted his affairs, which were currently deemed as being of the utmost importance because they were now in the realm of being foreign, which would greatly impact Abendstern's stance in the world. But he loved a good storm, even if it was missing the thunder and lighting. He stood atop the large airship alone, bracing the cold strong wind, while seeing the Guard of the Raging River. He decided that they would make a quick stop at home, before meeting up with the griffons.

Edited by SharpWit
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Flits let out a puff of smoke though his grin. "Thank ya kindly, gents." He flower over to the airship. But not too close. "Ahoy! I'm a flying messenger from the nation of Quintica with a letter for the Kaiser. But seeing as he ain't home at the moment I was hoping to give it to someone who'll give it right to him. Also by any chance could you spear something to drink and maybe a place were I can rest for a bit."

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Flits let out a puff of smoke though his grin. "Thank ya kindly, gents." He flower over to the airship. But not too close. "Ahoy! I'm a flying messenger from the nation of Quintica with a letter for the Kaiser. But seeing as he ain't home at the moment I was hoping to give it to someone who'll give it right to him. Also by any chance could you spear something to drink and maybe a place were I can rest for a bit."

"Well isn't it just your lucky day then. We happen to be headed back to the capital at nightfall to resupply. If you'd like, you may come back with us and give it to him yourself when he returns which shouldn't be too long. You'll need to douse that cigar before coming aboard, and I'll need you to hand over all of your belongings to be inspected. We have strict rules about what is and isn't permitted on our vessels. We don't have any water, will Mead suffice?"
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Flits's grin got bigger." It'll do more then that, mate. I could drink a river of that if I had the chance." He said with a laugh as he took out his cigar. " And aye, I understand." He said as he pulled out a combat knife from his back and cut the lit tip of the cigar. He then placed it in his bag along with the knife and tossed it onto the ship before landing on deck. He also took of his uniform. Underneath his jacket was a sash, of the same color of his kilt going over his right shoulder. Under it was a dark brown vest and a long tan sleeved shirt. On his vest there were two still axes across his chest, a large dagger on his side and a flintlock pistol on the other side. The pistol stood out the most because it looked hoof made, with carvings in the metal.


"Ye can't be too careful, am I right? And don't worry, there ain't nottin' under me kilt other then a mace and two cannonballs." He burst out in laughter. 

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(I still think you chose that name on purpose =p)


"Very well then." He walked to a mirror and arranged his medals (wearing a general outfit). "I shall accept the invitation."


He pulled a small rope near his desk and a bell rung. A servant entered the room and bowed.

"Yes m'lord?" He asked.

"Begin preparations for my departure. I shall leave on a royal voyage."


The servant bowed again and slowly walked backwards, out of the room.

"Yes, your grace."


He turned towars the foreign messenger.


"I trust you are tired from your journey. Silver!"


The servant that was holding the plate with the recieved wine stepped forward. The king conrinued.


"This servant will escort you to your quarters, until our departure is ready."


The servant bowed and pointed a hoof towards the door, then adressed Sunny.


"This way madame."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Sunny smiled. And gave the king another light bow. "Thank you, your  grace." She then followed the servant. As she walked with him she was so revealed that she was able to make a good first impression. The metal rings around her forelegs clanged a little as she walked though the halls of the palace. She looked around, making sure to soak everything in. 

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Dock workers cleared the way as the four approached. A few crewman darted back into their ships. In seconds the dock was almost empty of life. The only noise was the sea and the creek of walking on the dock.


"Can we help you?" Asked an aging Earth Pony flanked by tow Griffons, one with on oar, the other a sword as they emerged from a small building built onto the pier.

"I'm the dock manager and I say you can't just come barging into our harbor! State your business"




"Cap! They need us at the docks!" Shouts a young solder to his CO.

"Wa? What?" He bumbled waking up.

"Some random Bat Ponies showed up with a whole fleet!"

"Ring up Command then get to the harbor, I'll get the others"

"Yes, sir!" 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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(Ill be stalling a bit... As the preparation takes time. Also i wanna meet sharpwit there)


The usual guest protocol was to amaze them and give them all the confort needed, in orded to make a good impresaion. This case was no different. Sunny was escorted to the Royal Guest Lounge where nobles were usually acommodated. She was given a giant room with gold-decorated walls. The bed was huge and covered in fine silk and velvet sheets. The room also had two servants ready to do their guests wishes.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Gloomfury,  The captain smiled at the crude joke. He was used to such banter from the young guards he served with. "If that be the case, I feel sorry for your women since they have not had the pleasure of experiencing Abendstern artillery. Proper weaponry, if nothing else." He said. One of the crew members towards the back shouted, "Aye captain, but we wouldn't want to turn there lasses into smooth bored whores now would we!" The rest of the crew cheered and gave hearty laughs. The outspoken crew member burst into song.


I once met a rather nice and fine Unicorn,

I asked her if she'd like to take a gander at me horn,

Later while sneaking out a window I could have sworn,

Her father was about to come in, ready with his sword


I once met a cute and darling Pegasi,

She'd never done the deed and acted so very shy,

That night I showed her a world of joy, but when the sun began to rise,

I met an angry glare coming from her father's eyes


I remember an interesting night that ended with a scare,The sh

e-devil who had her way with me, suddenly had her teeth bared,

Should I fly, or should I flee were things I considered but did not dare,

For one does not just leave after having been with a true Abendstern mare!


The crew gave a round of applauding hoof stomps and brought up the barrel of mead, passing and filling glasses for all. "I suppose you have now been given a proper Abendstern welcome." The captain said holding a glass out to the messenger. "I'll have to confiscate your weapons and all fire starting materials. They will be secured for now and given back when you decide to leave the capital."


@@Firehearted, Meanwhile at a dock in the Griffon Kingdom, the Bat Pony obviously in charge, who happened to be an Admiral, took out the letter the Griffon Emperor had sent in approving the blockade, and gave it to the Earth Pony. In a very thick Abendstern accent he said, "We have arrived to ensure the blockade is properly set up on your end and to provide aid to your nation so it meets our standards."

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Flits joined in with the laughter and enjoyed the shanty. When the captain hoofed him the mead he gladly took. "Aye, captain. Your ship your rules." He said with a smile before taking a long drink from the glass. "Damn that's a fine drink!" He then took off his weapons and placed them in his bag. He then dropped it next to the captain."Make sure to take good care of them. They were past down from my granddad. He use to work on a ship as well before settling in Quintica. I also served on one for a little. It was just a cargo ship . But still. But this my first time on a air ship. I've only heard stories about them." He said looking around. 






Sunny looked around with wide eyes. This was one of the nicest places she has ever been to. And she's been to the head dons house. So she was indeed amazed. She gave the servants and polite bow. "Hello." She walked over to the bed and took off her jacket and bag, placing them on it. Underneath her jacket she was wearing a black (Chinese) style shirt with no sleeves but it covers the shoulders and a small collar. On it was a pattern of trees with little red leaves on them.


She kept her metal rings on her arms and took a seat on the bed. "By any chance do you have milk hear?" She asked one of the servants. 

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(You know the drill... Amaze the 'ambassador' so he/she tells how great the country is... Meaning it is more probable to get good deals)


The servant answered,

"Certainly, madame" a d left the room. And returned a few minutes later with a jug filled with fresh, warm milk. There was a gold cup and a silver platter holding 3 small, butter croissants, warm freshly baked. He also held a letter seed with red wax, he opened it. She was invited on a tour of the city and its surroundings. Another servant entered pushing a rack of dresses (18-19 century) for the guest to choose from if she wished to change. They were all gold-trimmed and had a large variety of colored silk.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Sunny was surprised when the servants came back. She thought she would just be given a glass of milk, but not a whole jug! And fresh too. She also didn't think she would get  invited for a tour so soon.. That and having to dress up. She wasn't much for fancy wear. But that didn't mean she didn't know how to dress up. Her mother use to make her dress up all the time.


She was thinking of just going out in her normal wear. But she thought it would be best to. She didn't want to seem ungrateful for the hospitality. She sighed and got up. She poured herself some milk in the gold cup and took a sip. Usually she would drink it cold. But it tasted really good warm. Next she tried one of the croissants. They were the greatest croissants she has ever had. So she eat them all and drank about three glasses of milk. 


She thanked the servants and started looking though the dresses. Son she picked out one she liked. Which was a dark purple dress with short sleeves and a long dress with ruffles on the back if it. After putting it on she fixed her mane in two buns with white covers with purple ribbons. 


((Think Chun-Li's hair style but with purple ribbons.))


When she was done with her mane she added a little makeup. Mostly on her eyes and a little on her cheeks. once she was ready she made her way to where the tour will start.

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A pony with a white wig (all the servants had the mozart-ish wigs) escorted Sunny to the courtyard where a carriage pulled by horses (real horses.... wild ones... only we have em <3) awaited. Two tall soldiers in black uniform were driving the carraige. The tour was meant to "show off" some of the capitals most prestigeous places. The carraige soon left and a gide explained a bit about the surroundings. The first pass was by the industrial sector, where the king wanted to show off the countries massive industrial power. The Sun was barely visible as thick smoke from hundreds of factories raised to the sky. They smelted steel and created the best products available in Ponssia. The next stop was by the cities suburb in the imperial vineyard. Grapes were carefully grown and turned into superb wine. Sunny was offered a bottle of 200 year-old wine (which is good =p). These vineyards were passed from noble generation to generation. Before going towards the cultural center it wsas time to show off the county's millitary might, which was highly valued (millitaristic society). The Imperial academy trained the nations elite forces. Thousands of stallions were taken through harsh discipline measures such as whipping and torture to create the perfect soldier. Units moved at one and did everything syncronised. They wouldn't blink if the commander said so. The carraige then made its way towards the center. 


(i could continue... or ya wanna skip? its pretty much info about mah nation)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Sunny made sure to remember everything she sees. The strange horse creatures, the industrial sector, the Imperial academy. Which interested her more. Mostly because she was in the militia. She was also trained by her father, master of a fighting style that's been practiced by her family for generations. 


((Guess what it is. Hint: The heavy metal rings on her arms.))


Thinking of an interesting way to impress this nation, She leaned out to speak to the driver. " By any chance could I check out the Imperial academy? I would like to see what kind of training your solders go though. Maybe we can learn a thing or to from each other. Plus it's been forever since I've sparred with anyone."

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(i think i have an idea what that is =p)




As they wanted to enter the imperial academy they were stopped by six guards. The guide showed them the imperial letter and they were allowed in. Most of these soldiers strted training during childhood and certain units, such as the kings guard were taught to know nothing but loyalty. Soldiers had to run for 4 hours straight each morning. In order to ensure discipline were ties to huge woodens Xs and whipped for hours or almost drowned in pools, they had to learn to fear their commander more thatn the enemy, or death itslef. Once a unit was decimated 3 times for retreating in battle without order resulting in the execution of 99 soldiers. Torture was sometimes used as well. Giant squares were formed where soldiers were trained to act as a single unit, fight and move "as one". They were trained to fire from long distances and trained in melee combat on dummies, with each other or even put in a cage with a wild animal. They had to be trained into loyal, disciplined, killing machines. Soldiers were trained to fire 4 shots per minute (thats fast) and all of them were trained wirh bayonets. regiments formed lines and fired at sandbags (hitting them) before starting a deadly bayonet charge.


One of the officer trainers, armed with a one-handed sword on his belt approached.

"May i be of any assistance?"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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