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open Fallout Equestria: Endeavor

Defender of Tomorrow

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/122905-fallout-equestria-endeavor/page-1


Fog Blanketed the Wasteland, visibility was reduced to just a little over of how far you could extend your hoof in front of you. It was then and there when I first experienced the effects of the creeper, I hadn't quite figured out why they called it the creeper, but that day I know one thing for certain, it was a nightmare. 


The particular group of ponies I was traveling with were rather careless, it all seemed like another ordinary boring event less day, that was until a shriek rang out from the far back of the group. Everypony turned back to look at the source of the scream, a unicorn. He had fallen to the ground, screaming so loudly, screaming like I never heard before. Suddenly it just stopped, his body lay limp. One of the wise guys of the group had made a snarky remark of how pathetic the unicorn was, he didn't reply, only a faint cry radiated from his mouth as his horn glowed a bright blue, his assault rifle pointing at us and discharging so accurately, the bullets sinking themselves into almost all the ponies, I myself was lucky, or rather unlucky to have not been shot. Most of them were dead, and there was just so much blood everywhere, then unicorn's body lifted itself to a standing position, it was so unnatural, but now I could see his face. Tears rolled down, his lip quivered, his scared voice crying out 'don't shoot me..'. The remaining alive ponies shrieked as a little vine seemed to wiggle out from under his eyelid, the infected one took quick notice to it, shrieking as well, his eyes soon bursting and plant-life quickly 'harvesting' the bio-mass...


I woke up in a sweat, I looked around the cold lifeless building for any signs of life, it wasn't the first time I had this nightmare and it wouldn't be the last time I was plagued by it. Ever since then I never traveled with anypony, the only companion of mine was my Magical Energy Lance, I didn't have to worry about him becoming a plant-possessed nightmare nor worry about him stabbing me in the back. The miniature fire I had set up had long burned out, the leftovers cold and my E.F.S with a red dot, somepony or something was lurking, just to be safe I readied my lance.

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Broken startles awake and groans quietly. He is disoriented and tired, his last memories are of the slow and agonizing death from dehydration. His head feels like it is full of cotton and it is hard for him to for thoughts. His ears are full of a low buzzing whistle, just barely audible, and a quiet murmuring that sounds like a crowd beyond a wall.


He struggles to his feet and looks around. His wings suddenly come online and the magical systems hardware into his body and brain override his normal senses. Diagnostics return results in an array of sensations- power levels in scents of jasmine and apples, the results of a magical pulse in complex patterns of taste and ghostly touches along his flanks. He is not alone. His wings spread and the feathers snap open and vibrate. The whispers and murmurs begin to get louder.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Sleep, I thought. A thing for fools and the weary, I mentally remarked noticing the two ponies wake up. I never needed sleep or food as a ghoul so my life was comparatively longer then most. Then again, most ponies never had to rely on radiation to live, It was my curse as well as my gift. I approached the two casually, "You ponies sleep well, because I didn't! I think I'm sick or something!" I jested with them with a bit of mirth. "Then again, you can wake up now. I just thought you might have wanted to banter unreasonably for a moment. We ALL need that yes?" I asked them looking for a way to spend my time.

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Dashia was resting within the cloud layer. This was the last remnant of the once Great Pegasus Enclave. She was looking for a fragment of their techology. She had found, weeks ago, blueprints for a new weapon. Now she was looking for the parts listed to make it. She looks at the blueprints and says (Science Check.), "Novasurge....I still don't fully understand this thing. I hope for a better understanding once it is made. But still who made this and why was it never completed. Guess i will have to find out. Now that I am rested, I should continue looking. It shouldn't be much farther."


(Perception Check.) She continues looking for the old cloud base. It was said that she could find a magical energy core fit for a rifle there. She knows she is close but doesn't wish to deal with a negative interaction. Her mother's pipbuck flashed with a red dot bellow Her location and she freezes in place, readying her magical energy battlesaddle.

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Crackshot's eyelids slowly opened as he regained consciousness. A good night's sleep was somewhat of a foreign concept to him these days, so he was thankful for it. He smacked his lips, still feeling the tang of alcohol in his senses.


With a grunt, the unicorn arose from the rotted-out bed he'd called his own for the night, and stretched out his limbs, sighing with content hearing the clicks and pops of air. He hopped off the mouldy old mattress and stepped over the skeleton he'd unceremoniously shoved out of the bed prior to using it.


The bombed-out building had no roof, and little walls. The room he'd used was more or less a platform at the top of some half-stairs. Despite the little security, the place was quite out of the way, so he went undisturbed.


Plus it was known to be the site of a raider gang. Formerly of course, but it's hard to get word out when you're either dead or asleep.


He glanced out from where a wall once was, toward the horizons of the Wasteland. What would he do today? Maybe somepony will come to him with a job? Or some tough guy gangsters would be stupid enough to go for him?


A giant rat scurrying across the dirt below caught his attention. Breakfast would be a good start.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Lance in hoof I searched around the warehouse looking interior for the intruder, as I got closer to the manager's office the red dot got closer and much larger. I could hear papers and the like being rummaged through from the other side of the door, if my unreliable E.F.S was right, there was only one pony through that door. "Shit.." I heard the clicking sound of a revolver from behind me and I turned around to see a stallion, still young and inexperienced, I could see him shaking, was he scared of me?


"G-get on the ground!"  The stallion ordered, the revolver shaking unsteadily in my direction, I couldn't tell if it was his first time catching a pony off guard or his first time catching a mare off guard. "On the ground?" I questioned with a psychotic voice, the stallion's voice wavered "D-don't try anything funny!". I sighed, my horn glowed a brilliant blue and I cast a defensive spell, a shield composed of the same colored magic appeared in front of me, protecting me from his bullets if he discharged his revolver. I lifted my lance and charged the stallion, if he was going to point a gun at me then he knew very well what he was risking, he fired off three rounds before I sank the magical energy lance into his torso, his flesh being maimed beyond repair if he survived. Before I could turn around the pony in the other room slammed the door open and fired off his weapon at me, I felt like I had been bitten real nasty as a few bullets sank themselves into my armor, I turned around and charged him also. "Maybe you should have bought those AP rounds!" I shouted moments before I sank the lance deep into his neck, going through it completely. I removed the lance and his body fell limp, I turned to see the amateur stallion trying to retrieve his gun, his troubled breathing lending pity as I finished the job, his body going limp as well.

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"Well looks like you got lucky boy." I said, laying down a sack of cans on the ground and pulling one can out. "Found you lotsa food King." I unsheathed my knife. "At least enough to last about a week if ya eat right." I stabbed the knife into lid and began cutting throw it until I worked my way all the way around. I took out a metal dog food bowl and powled the canned dog food into it. "Here." I put the dog bowl in front of the german shepherd I called King. "Eat up." I said. As soon as I put it down he began eating. "Hungry little bastard aren't cha?" I said pulling out some small 2x4s out of the sack. I sent them up to form a tepee looking structure and then dosed it in some fire starting liquid. I took out my lighter and light the wood. Poof! The fire appeared. "There we go King. Now we gotta a campfire and a little place to stay for the night." King barked and then walked over to me and sat down with me beside the fire. "Well goodnight boy." I leaned against the bricked wall of a building, covered my face with my hat, and drifted off into sleep. I know it's crazy to sleep out in the open like that with a campfire burning bright but I had King and he'd let me know if anything was around.

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A few minutes had passed, and Crackshot was sitting in the dirt outside the ruined bulding, using his magic to levitate a carved rat carcass over a small fire. Poor little bastard never saw that lead pipe coming.

He knew that lighter he took from that raider leader's body would come in handy for something. Never saw a reason to smoke, even after all that's happened.


He looked out toward the permanently cloudy horizon as he dangled his catch over the flames. Nothing like smoked irradiated rodent in the morning.

He did have a few provisions in his saddlebag that he'd procured from a few buildings, and unfortunate ponies, but he was really in the mood for smoked rat, a bottle of dirty water, and a nice topper of Rad-Away.


A combat shotgun and lead pipe sat at his side; his two best friends, aptly named Persuasion and Reason, respectively. They hadn't let him down before, and if anypony, or anything, tried to have a go at him, they most likely wouldn't now.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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I wandered some more until I came to a ruined edifice that was somehow still standing. I noticed a pony smoking a Rat at a fire and figured he could use some company. "You have room for another? I really don't require food or sleep but the thought counts right?" I was ready for a fight if he were hostile, but I was sure he was peaceful enough. I noticed the shotgun and lead pipe but gave them no real worry. I sat down keeping a respectful distance but giving a creepy, misshapen smile; I figured I would give him at least something to react at.   

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Crackshot glared silently toward the ghoul entering his space. He didn't seem to be looking for a fight, but you can never be too careful out here. He had Persuasion and Reason ready to go should he try anything.


The ghoul's misshapen grin didn't faze him; he'd seen many ghouls in his life and was friendly with the sentient (and passive) ones, so he simply returned an expressionless look.


But nonetheless, a friendly face, as gnarly as it may be, is much better than a hostile face. He carefully lowered the cooked rat onto Reason, and levitated a can of pork'n'beans out of his saddlebag, chucking it so it rolled toward the stranger. He then picked the rat back up and began chewing on it. Warm and juicy.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Hmm, food for me?" I asked surprised at the gesture. "I don't require much but a healthy dose of radiation every now and then." I said nudging the can of food back at him with indifference. "I just wanted to see a normal pony for once, the other ghouls often bother me with their abstract ways of life. I am not completely uncivilized you know. Just a bored mercenary." I said laughing now. "I could use an event right now to be honest. Not enough raiders or cannibals to play with." 

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Crackshot watched the can roll back toward him, and indifferently levitated it back into his saddlebag as he listened to the ghoul talk.


"The only ponies alive around here are you and I," he finally spoke up, his voice soft and a bit deep, "and if you're looking for a fight, then it'll only be me." He passed a warning glare to the ghoul, a hoof pressed toward his weapons.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"If I wanted to fight you, we would have fought already; I merely wanted company. Secondly, don't judge a book by it's cover. You want a fight, you merely have to ask. So I ask you, are you willing to lay your life down for a pointless endeavor such as this?" I said with a eager grin. If he really wanted to fight, I would be ready. 

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Withdrawing my lance from the body I noticed a blue pendant around his neck, it glowed blue faintly and appeared like it was chilled. I attempted to use my magic to levitate the pendant off his neck but I found myself unable to do so. "Tha hell?" I said while scratching my head, I tried again but the same results ensued, I sighed and just plucked it off his neck with my hoof. "I wonder what makes you so special.." I said as I held the pendant closer to my eyes, an inscription read 'property of Intelligence Defense Systems, Model'  the last letter was illegible, wonder what that could be all about, I simply placed it around my neck, it was mine now.

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Crackshot listened to the ghoul as he ate up more rat, rolling his eyes at his little challenge. He didn't really feel like taking him on right now, but he seemed pretty amiable.


He finished up his rat and kicked dirt into the small fire, dousing it. He took a hearty drink of dirty water and put the bottle in his saddlebag, topping it off with a sip of Rad-Away to balance it out.

He picked up Persuasion and Reason in his magic, and despite the ghoul's warning expression, put them on his back.


He got onto his hooves and walked toward the gnarly stallion. "If you want to do something, you can direct me to the nearest town."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Relaxing a little, I kept alert in case he or someone else had decided to act up. "The nearest town is about three miles from here to the northeast." I replied politely. I began to led the way kicking a rock in the process. "Might as well stick together now, we seem to be mutually interested in the other's interests...for now." I began to walk, "You best pack up quickly before you get left behind pony. I don't let the mediocre accompany me who can't hold their own weight," I said with a teasing smirk. "It isn't far regardless, mostly empty scenery. I doubt many could stand up to our combined might anyways. Too much fire power if you ask me."    

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Crackshot cocked an eyebrow at the ghoul as he began to walk away. He never agreed to an alliance; they just happened to be going to the same place.

Nevertheless, he was going to lead him to town, so in a way, he was right; he had to keep up.


He broke into a brisk trot until he got a few paces behind the ghoul, and slowed into his usual walking pace, which wasn't too fast but it still kept up with his apparent new companion.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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I could hear the voices of other ponies fill the air of the warehouse, they were, if what my ears picked up on the opposite end of the building and probably looking for retard and amateur pony here, I couldn't take on all of them head on so I could either get the hell outta here or try my luck with stealth. Yeah, I wasn't feeling THAT lucky today, I scurried back to my little encampment, gathered my belongings, and shuffled around what I could leave to make it seem relatively normal rubbish lying around. I bolted out the back entrance of the warehouse, if it had been functioning properly the alarm would have sounded, but thank celestia for jacked up generators, right? Traveling for quite some time now I could make out a figure of two ponies in the distance, one was well, a ghoul or something and the other...relatively normal? I took my position inside an abandoned shack, the door peeped open just a tad so I could see them, they looked like trouble.

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We had made some headway before long. (Perception Check - 7) I noticed a door open ajar from a nearby shack. Just to be on the safe side I decided to make sure we weren't being watched by the wind. "Hey partner, you don't mind if we check this out real quick right? This looks a bit suspicious." I said with a edge of tension. I didn't live this long as a mercenary by ignoring these small details. They usually killed you or saved your life in times like these. I changed my course just to see what was in the shack. Besides, probably some good salvaging to be done. 

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Crackshot perked up from hearing the ghoul talk, and glanced over to the very shack he was addressing. True to form, he didn't really respond; instead he simply walked toward the ajar door with him.


His horn glowed a soft lavender and Persuasion floated out from his back, pointed toward the door in case something tried to sneak-attack them.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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I backed away from the door as I saw the two ponies approaching the shack, just my luck! I placed myself somewhere between the middle of the small shack and readied my lance in the direction they would enter and cast that same spell shield. I watched the shack door carefully, a little bit of perspiration running down my face. If their was going to be a fight nopony was going to walk out of it alive, or the very least the same, she thought as her lance glowed brighter than normal, the magical energy set slightly stronger. 

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The signature moves on and so does Dashia. Dashia traveled for a bit longer in the cloud layer and had found her base.


(Perception and Science Check.) It was deserted. She filed through the items available for grab. She found a half gone power armor w/a tailblade in dire need of repair. She also found more magical energy ammo for her weapons. She also found the item she had come to find. It was in decent condition. She matched it to her blueprints. She then placed it with the other part she had gathered thanks to help from her father. She thinks, "Two down five more to go."


(Perception Check.) As she is finishing up, Her pipbuck ignites again the same signature as before. This time two more are closing on it.


She thinks, "Again? But this time they need help. May as well check it out."


Dashia leaves the complex and heads out. Peaking bellow the clouds she sees two ponies approaching a shack. She determines that she would make it to them as they are entering.


She descends. Her father's Dashite mark colored in with Rainbow Dash's Cutiemark colors. She will land 20ft from them As they enter the shack. She has her weapon on standby just in case...

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I entered first my weapon within reach of my hoofs but not drawn. I saw a pegasus primed and ready to attack with her lance. "Assassin!" I yelled as I charged forward drawing my rebar club for strike at her. I wasn't aware of her shield at first, however my sheer force managed to break through; Although I had to take a second to recover before I could strike again in the space of the medium sized shack. However I wasn't completely defenseless, (Agility Check - 7) I could potentially dodge some of her counter strike but I'd still take something for sure.   

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Crackshot jumped from the ghoul's exclamation and pointed Persuasion in the direction he was facing. He had to squint a bit, but indeed, another pony was perched a ways from them, stalking them as they approached the shack. A rather intimidating lance sat in their hooves, ready to strike.


He halted in place and kept the shotgun pointed in the direction of the newcomer, avoiding opening fire unless they attacked first. The last thing he wanted was to attack an innocent scavenger.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Assassin!" the ghoul pony exclaimed as he saw me, promptly swinging his club in unison with his shouting at me. My magical shield shattered as it absorbed the immediate force, magical energies dissolving in the air, however this left him open. I entered a defensive stance, ready to parry his next attack and began casting a spell, five magical knives materialized in the air around me, all pointing at the ghoul. "Put down the club or these knives are going in your skull." I took notice that his partner had stood outside, was there an ulterior threat?

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