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What is your favorite color =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)?

It used to be purple, but now it's a bright orange. I like how the color signifies happiness and warmth.

What's your favorite book?

Ooo that's a toughy. At the moment I would have to say Crime and Pinishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Sick of the snow too?

Isn't everyone sick of snow in New England? I want the weather to be warm already.

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Hi there! :squee: Do you ever get cravings for anything? :fluttershy:

Well my cravings come and go. But the foods/drinks I crave the most is:

~McDonald's French Fries

~Peanut Butter

~Eggnog :3


and many more!


As for non-food related cravings, I don't think I have any. (Not that I know of anyway)

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Hello stranger! What's ya dream pet?

Hello Bullfrog! Ever since I was little, I loved horses. So naturally, I would like to have a horse someday.

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Train A is traveling at 40mph, and leaves Station A at 10:30 a.m.....


Oh, not that kind of question?


In that case, what kind of music do you like?

Haha very funny! xD


My favorite kind of music? That's a tough one, but if I had to choose, I would pick pop music.(: (Not that T-Swift, Rhianna, One Direction junk that's on the radio, more like OneRepublic and Maroon 5).

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At what point in your life did you first become interested in being a social worker? That's a noble choice of profession, although I wouldn't be surprised if it's a thankless job. I'm sure you can do a lot of good in such a position, but be prepared to deal with the worst humanity has to offer.

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At what point in your life did you first become interested in being a social worker? That's a noble choice of profession, although I wouldn't be surprised if it's a thankless job. I'm sure you can do a lot of good in such a position, but be prepared to deal with the worst humanity has to offer.

Social working wasn't the first major I thought of (I decided to pursue this career at the end of my junior year of highschool). For years, I've maneuvered from one major to the next; uncertain of what I wanted to be in life. For the longest time, I had the desire to help; the desire to make a difference in the lives of others. On a daily basis, I hear about the horrific tragedies people went through on the news. The murder of a loved one, the loss of a child to suicide, the list is endless. Just seeing those people in pain...it gives me a heavy heart. To think, there are people out there alone, with no one to say "it's okay, everything will be fine" to them. No one to consule and be there for them. Why should I stand idely by and watch as the world turns to ruin? I know I can't stop all the negativity in this world, but what I can do is be the shining light in the darkness. There is a saying: "Small steps can lead to a big difference". Carrying out even the smallest action can make a significant difference in not only the lives of many. I believe that everyone should be able to experience a glimmer of hope, peace, and love. I am not doing this job for praise, but out of the goodness of my heart. I could honestly care less about praise from others; I feel it's not necessary. I am willing to take on this task, despite how hard the job may be.

We certainly do seem to have a lot in common in terms of film selection. Is there any particular reason you can think of that you like Disney movies? (I'm a die hard fan myself.)

Disney movies hold a sense of innocence. The simple storytelling, the plot, all of it is what makes this franchise appeal to me. I deal with so much bad stuff in my life that I want to escape from it somehow; and these movies do the trick. I can escape to a fantasy world, where I don't have to worry about the stressors I deal with on a daily basis.


Also, I grew up with Disney (hasn't everyone?). The nostalgia is what gets me sometimes, so that is why I enjoy what I enjoy. You are never too old to like Disney (And cartoons, for that matter).

Edited by MissPurpleBookworm
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What do you wish to do when you grow up/for a living?

I want to become a social worker when I'm older. I'm going to get a bachelors in Sociology first, then I'll go from there.

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Why do you wish to do that? Also I'm not annoying you am I?

Of course not! I love talking with people.(: I actually have a response as to why I want to pursue Social Work. Refer to the answer I made above.

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My deepest apologies for not seeing that. It's a noble thing, your goal. Here's one I'm surprised none have asked. How did you become a pegasister?

I am quite suprised no one asked this question too! You would think most people would ask this question first.


I became a fan of the show (I don't like to use terms like Brony or Pegasister; it's just my personal preference) during October 2012. It might've been a few months earlier, but I'm not so sure. Anyway, flashback to spring 2012. A friend of mine was drawing a picture of Applejack. I looked over her shoulder and I was like "Is that a pony? Like from the show My Little Pony?" She said yes and said she recently got into the show. I thought it was strange a girl her age would like ponies (She was a few weeks younger than me), but I just brushed it off and forgot about the ordeal for awhile.


A couple months later, I was bored one hot summer day. I decided to go on YouTube and look up some videos to watch. I stumbled upon a MLP episode (forget which one). Just for laughs, I decided to click on it. Before I knew it, I was watching episode after episode; I could not get enough of it. The animation, music, writing, everything was so well done. As a fantasy nerd myself, just seeing the fantasy elements and the world building in the show drew me in. Within a few hours time, I knew about the fandom and the Brony phenomenon. To this day, I am a big fan of the show and proud of it.

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You mentioned being a fantasy nerd. What fantasy stories do you like? (I.e. Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones)

~The Lord of the Rings (my personal favorite).

~The Hobbit



~Macbeth (This has witches in it so it's fantasy).

~Chronicles of Narnia (I liked the series as a kid).


....Aaaand I can't think of any more. Sorry I'm tired. xD


I don't like any of those young adult fantasy novels; those are dumb in my opinion. (Think Twilight, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter etc.)


I REALLY want to read Wheel of Time. Someone told me it's like LOTR, so naturally I'm interested.

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