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open A prison story rp

cybernote nyan

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Tom shrugged, "Alrighty, then." He wasn't sure how to respond, and being alone with him was appearing less and less helpful to his cause of getting out of cleaning the chow hall himself. He suddenly felt like he was in danger. Not imminent, blood pumping death probability, but more equated to being in an eerie dark and unfamiliar place.


@@Snowflake Frostflame


Snowflake's colored coat danced in Tom's peripheral vision and caught him off guard. Tom nearly jumped out of his skin, and the black and grey pony simply kept to his own. There was no way he had seen Snowflake coming. Tom assumed that he had to have heard him, but the fact that Snowflake's sudden appearance in the chow hall didn't phase him AT ALL was a bit unnerving.


What was this pony in for again? Tom thought to himself while wishing he was face to face with this pony's file rather than him in the flesh.


"Snow! Buddy!" Tom nervously chuckled, "You scared the shit out of me!" Tom trotted to Snowflake and pulled him close, "This guy is freaking me out."


Tom pushed Snowflake away to a reasonable distance, "So, inmate..." Tom began falling short on what to call him, "How about you finish wiping down the bar, and we get some of that good chow, eh?" Tom usually would kick the inmate to his housing unit with whatever he planned to give him, but Tom was far too morbidly intrigued by this mysterious pony.


Despite his intrigue, he still wanted another pony nearby to witness what this pony was saying. Who better than the facility's interrogation officer.

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@,@@Snowflake Frostflame,


The arrival of the Interrogator wasn't unnoticed, just ignored.  He had learned to phase out activity around him, to concentrate on only what he choose.  At the moment, it was the guard's previous question.  Why shouldn't I use my old name? he was asking himself.  Nopony here knows about my actions.  I could easily just take it back.  But would it mean anything to him, reclaiming his identity without cause?


"How about you finish wiping down the bar, and we get some of that good chow, eh?" 


"Very well," he said, moving over to begin the task.  Finding a rag and small bucket of water sitting next to the bar, he began wiping it down, while still pondering the question.    ....you have a name?  





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@@nx9100, @@Snowflake Frostflame,


Tom was astounded and uneasy. Inmates were never this compliant without a bit of lip. The responses from them were usually, "What's in it for me?" or a cursing grumble. Never in his five years there had he heard, "Very well" from an inmate after a command. Very eerie indeed. He tried not to make it obvious that he was making his way around the cafeteria as far away from the inmate as possible while giving him a thorough look-over. He feigned stepping over wet spots and generally trying to stay out of the area in which the inmate had just cleaned. Tom studied him in his false conveyance of courtesy.


Tom made his way to the holding cooler and nodded to the other guard, "Hey, Snowflake." He pulled his key ring from the shoulder clip on the duty rig attached to his stab vest and held the keys on a hoof while tonguing from key to key, "I'm writing off some hot-daisies and lilac omelettes as waste for the contractors." He took the master-lock off the door and dropped it while fumbling to get his keys back on the vest. Tom cursed to himself and left it on the floor as he reached into the walk-in fridge for a couple of cling-wrapped boxes inside. "It's an off the books exchange for this pony cleaning the cafeteria for me."


The key-ring clicked as it was re-secured to his shoulder, and it jingled as Tom nosed his way between the vinyl strip curtains above the threshold. Tom called to Snowflake while waist deep in the cooler's doorway, "That's cool with you, right?"

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@@Pripyat Pony


"Wait, immortality, you can transform into a girl... what?" I stammered as I couldn't form a complete sentence. This was like a plot out of a cheesy movie I was watched on a dare. I couldn't even comprehend this, but I suppose given the fact that this whole is ruled by two princess's that are practically immortal demigods that control the sun and moon kind of eases the shock value of this. I mean I suppose it's possible that they aren't just messing with me... Scratch that, Atlas doesn't joke around though it begs the question. Why did he never tell me any of this before? I knew he trusted me, but did he think I wouldn't believe him? I have no idea, I can't even form a coherent thought right now let alone anything else. I just sat back and continued to listen to their conversation, hopefully the shock value eases down and I can actually begin to form sentences.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


@@Eternal Night,

"Uh-huh... Well - Technically I'm a demon from the pits of Tartarus. I only know form Atlas since I don't remember aaanything before 'the thing' happened.



Cosmo, you know the thing I told you I'd never tell you about when I broke down in the woods. Yeah, that" I knew I was visibly shaking. "Okay, let's move right on?" Sal seized control. "So even though I'm technically a demon I'm not really one anymore" Good save, Sal "Or at least don't act the part - Yes, she has become watered down. Sure, she can be a jerk sometimes or a lot but she can be the sweetest mare you've ever meet sometimes... Mostly a jerk though.



And don't expect me to suddenly be a mare by the way. It only happens if she is on control overnight... Which won't be happening


But I will say we look damn fine as a mare - Let's just stop that train of thought there" Okay, now was not the time Sal. Hey, you didn't say I couldn't say that. This is my narration, get out! Jeez cool your jets. I'll leave if you want me to so much.


Where was I?... Oh, yeah.



"So yeah. We don't talk about that thing and Sal is a jerk sometimes and I know what it feels like to be a mare. I was hoping we could find a way to but since we have different ways we got new ponies in our head I guess we can't help each other"


Thank Celestia Sal can't just overpower me like Jinx can with Jay. Who said I can't? Not the time. I feel like narrating for a bit. Scoot over! Sal!


Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Cybernote had been listening in on the conversation going on with Atlas/Salta, Jay/Jinx and Cosmo and decided to make herself known, "Hey, I've not been here longer than a few seconds, just got here, so what's going on over here? Anything worth while talking about? I want to be in what seems to be a conversation!" She says with a smile. (This didn't happen)

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"Da, go ahead I don't think the Warden will mind" Snowflake shouts across to Tom...with nothing better to do Snowflake walks over to Tom "eh Tom you need any help with anything I'm clear for today on interrogations and I haven't received further orders from the Warden"

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@@cybernote nyan,

(As stated before our characters are in a secluded area in an open field. It makes no sense that your character could have just been eavesdropping on the conversation without us noticing... Not that I don't want to include you or anything it just doesn't add up.)



@@Pripyat Pony,


"Right... So basically after you smashed that relic or whatever it released that demon thing that possessed you?" I said pointing to the mare. " and you're possessed by some pony who failed or "succeeded" in an immortality experiment..."


I sighed to myself.


"If it weren't for all the crazy nonsense I've been through with you Atlas, I would have never even considered believing this insanity."


I smiled to myself, at least things weren't boring anymore. Besides this explains A LOT of Atlas' quirky actions on the island. Especially that little break down of his... I still had a lot of questions but honestly I don't think I had the mental capacity to process anything else right now. I'm already overloaded at that moment and its starting to give me a headache. That or it was my daily reminder of how messed up my magic was. Judging by the time, I probably had to go down to the medical center and take my meds. The daily migraine was a pain but at least I got a better cell because of it. Who says being disabled is all bad...

Edited by Eternal Night
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@@cybernote nyan,

(As stated before our characters are in a secluded area in an open field. It makes no sense that your character could have just been eavesdropping on the conversation without us noticing... Not that I don't want to include you or anything it just doesn't add up.)

Ooc: ^This. As stated before, it's impossible for anypony to eavesdrop on this conversation, otherwise, it would not take place.


@@Eternal Night, @@Firehearted, "I consider that I succeeded," Jinx remarked. "Of course, I lost my body in the experiment, but I'm still here, am I not? Had the experiment failed, I would have just been snuffed out when my body was destroyed. Of course, this is not an ideal situation but at least I have a horn with which to channel my considerable magical power."


Jay said, timidly, "I was pleased at first when Jinx came thru cuz these pegasus bullies were picking on me. I used to be scared of heights and they put me on the top of the climbing frame and pushed me off."


"That was when I took the opportunity to intervene," Jinx said, with satisfaction. "I got inside Jay's head and as she was not using her body at that moment, I took over and used my magic to punish the bullies. Violence is all that ponies like that understand."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@nx9100, @@Snowflake Frostflame@@Pripyat Pony@@Eternal Night,


Tom returned from the cooler and whispered to Snowflake, "I'm going to send this pony back to the housing unit with this stuff. We don't want any of the inmates finding out that we gave him this stuff. I don't want them asking for favors."


Tom set the small boxes down on the table and said to the inmate, "This stuff will heat real nice on your hot plate back on the unit. Take it back to your cell, and then report to the rec yard for the rest of the hour." He turned away from the inmate and continued to whisper to Snowflake, "I'm not sure if you're keeping an eye outside, but we've got a small congregation of ponies that I'm not so sure about."


He led Snowflake to the double-pane windows and pointed with a hoof to the four ponies gathered together. "You interviewed that quiet one earlier, and I don't like that she's become so popular while we were inside."


Tom glanced back at the grey and black inmate, to make sure that he was outside of earshot. "Let's go break that up and figure out what's going on."


OOC: It should be noted that Tom is conspicuously pointing out the group in a way that is possibly noticeable to them. Snowflake, I'll follow you wherever you want to take this.

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He stared at the boxes with mild surprise.  True, the guard did say he would get them, but he didn't believe it was the truth.  Of course, why do the extra chores then?  Simply put, he was bored.  While being sent here after being stripped of his identity was supposed to be punishment, and it was, there were days where he simply wanted something to do.  


He stacked the boxes up, nodded to the guard, and headed back to his cell.  Quietly, he placed them in a corner, and headed back out into the yard.  The sunlight caused him to wince a bit, while he looked around.  Choosing a spot not quite all by himself, be began doing some simple exercises, while watching the others, almost as if studying them...


(OOC: anyone, feel free to interact with him....)





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Snowflake thinks to himself "Jay if your doing what I think you are it will be the end of both of us" Snowflake looks over to Tom "right lets get out there and see whats going on" Snowflake follows Tom through the hallways until they made it outside "how ever you want to approach this I will follow your lead"


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@@nx9100@@Snowflake Frostflame@@Pripyat Pony@@Eternal Night



Tom watched the ponies while making his way into the field. The massive fences surrounding the yard made the enormous acreage feel small, but Tom had become accustomed to being enclosed with these ponies.


Tom stopped about 30 meters from them without breaking his gaze from their group. He tapped Snowflake, "Let's just establish a presence and maybe they'll break it up on their own."


He shifted his sight around the yard to make sure that the black and grey one had followed his instructions. There was something about that pony that just wasn't right. To Tom's surprise, the inmate had made his way to the yard and was utilizing his recreation time for exercise as prescribed in the regulations which every inmate was to follow.


The correctional association required that all inmates receive the utmost health-care during their stay at the involuntary resort and spa. The outline was that inmates were required to consume three meals a day with adequate nutrients (not necessarily to taste good), to participate in good hygiene practice, and exercise daily so that the inmates remain healthy enough to return to society eventually with the least amount of reconditioning.


The ponies gathered away from everypony else were certainly not engaged in any exercise that Tom was familiar with, unless gum flapping was finally recognized as a real calorie burner. Tom doubted that they would alter their behavior because of Snowflake and his presence. Inmates often would passively do something wrong to see if the guards would both notice and correct them. As far as Tom could tell, their little group had no Crash-Test Dummies, or inmates that would continually fuck up so that everypony else in the unit could gauge exactly how far they could push an officer and what they could get away with.


Tom tapped Snowflake again and pointed at the inmates very conspicuously, "Watch them, Snowflake. If they break on their own, the first one to go is usually leading the group. If they don't, we'll separate them and send a couple of them to the housing units. Use clear commands to walk in specific directions. If they don't, we'll give them a class B write-up and lock them down in their cells for Failure to Follow Orders."


He took a deep breath as he watched them and unfastened his asp. He was sure they were up to something. He didn't know what, but their gathering simply didn't sit right with him. Inmates mostly weren't too accepting of orders, can't be too ready. Tom nodded to Snowflake, "Be ready to get mean, Snowflake."


OOC: I'm going to wait and see how they respond before I decide what I'm going to do.

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@ @@Pripyat Pony @@Eternal Night @@Firehearted


Snowflake grins and moves his hood back a little revealing his eye and his eye patch... "we never took the job to be nice Tom" Snowflake stood around and listened in on their conversation.... Snowflake was sure his presents had intimidated somepony even if they weren't showing it


ooc: a little side note the entire time (except for the Wardens Office) Snowflake had been wearing his hood and all you were able to see before was his mouth and nose


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Still working on his exercises, he noticed the two guards enter the yard, their eyes taking stock of the situation.  The one who gave him the food appeared tense, as if expecting action at any moment.  While the no-longer hooded one looked almost, eager.  A frown crossed his face.  He had seen looks like that before....  in the mirror.  Dropping to the ground, he began a series of push-ups....





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(I'm in class all day so I won't be able to post again till evening)


"Uggh... These clowns," I say in disgust. "We're going to have to pick this conversation up later."


I nudge Atlas, the old let's get the hell out of dodge signal we made back on the island. I cast my whisper spell briefly to send a private message to Atlas.


"Let's meet up next meal time, fill me on what happens then. I'm going to get rid of them for now."



I turn to the guards and wave at them acknowledging their presence. "Hey, hey, hey, just who I was looking for. I need one of you to escort me to the medbay! Its about time for my medication."

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@ @@Eternal Night 


"I'll take this one Tom, see you around" Snowflake looks towards the pegasus "alright keep close if I don't see you by my side I'm throwing you back in your cell... kapeesh?" as Snowflake walks towards the medical center he looks back to see if he is out of sight from Tom "tell me.... what were you and the others talking about over there?"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,

((Did you mean me or Cosmo, the unicorn?))

Atlas tapped Cosmo on the hoof as he went to the guard. I think that means a yes... I don't know, probably.

"Yes, officer" Alright go sit down Sal, you got your sentence. No buts! I walked toward her slowly and deliberately "You beckoned for the pegasus?"


"Oh, and my unicorn friend over there really does need his meds... What were we talking about?" Like I'd tell you. "Nothing really, just catching up an getting stuff straight. Rumors said little miss Jay over there was one of the most dangerous here so I wanted to talk. I talked a bit then we just kept talking and my friend, Cosmo joined us for the talk. Simple as that" I swear I could hear Sal snickering somewhere in my head.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Firehearted @@Eternal Night


"You think Jay is dangerous?... hahahah, she maybe in here for some serious crimes though that mare is about as harmless as a newborn foal..... its Jinx that you need to look out for..." Snowflake looks back at Atlas with a grin "oh yes don't think I don't know about Jinx" Snowflake turns his head forward "now as for what happened I can tell that isn't everything... either one of you can tell me what she was talking about now or the three of us will be having a little play date in the interrogation room tomorrow.... its your choice and if I were you I'd tell me everything now"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,

Maybe I could try acting batshit insane like I did in front of Cosmo back on the boat. Nah, I need a sword for that. Cause that's a great idea with armed guards 'round.


"Okay, fine we were talking about that AND catching up. Simple as that, sir. I was trying to help her really. You see, before I got locked up in here з поважних причин style, I was a archaeologist/explorer so I know a thing or two about dangerous artifacts. I thought I might be able to help her but I can't 'cause this was all a different kind of magic than I'm used to and I'm no unicorn" I finished fluttering my wings.


"We weren't trying anything, sir, honest. Just talkin' and we like privacy, Cosmo can testify that I like privacy. I haven't seen him in forever so it seemed like it would be nice to talk to him too. I've got nothing else to say, sir. You've milked this source dry"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Jinx had noted the two guards approaching and had understood the danger. She decided to let Jay handle the situation. Jay did so by retreating behind her forelock and agreeing with everything the other ponies said, adding that she only wanted to make friends and since these two had spoken to her, she had talked back as she felt lonely inside with nopony who ever wanted to talk to her.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Firehearted @@Eternal Night


"alright that is more believable.... just remember next time I ask a question you should tell me all the details" Snowflake understood his Russian but didn't bother to ask he'd rather save his questions for when he needs to interrogate him... arriving at the medical center Snowflake opens the door "hey this inmate is in need of his medicine..."


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@@Eternal Night,


The pegasus had left with Snowflake just after the unicorn asked for medication at an unscheduled time. Everypony there knew that Med Pass was at the conclusion of rec. Why can't these inmates just get used to the routine? What about them makes them want to deviate all of the fucking time!?


Tom had a tightening in the base of his skull and he raised a brow as the anger boiled in his brain. Snowflake is a bit more understanding than Tom is. He appears to get that these inmates are ponies, too. But, ponies have rules to follow, and they're on a schedule.


What are they going to do during med pass now? He thought. We'll be passing out medications in the units, and they'll just skip today? Tom was getting the feeling that the good ol' days in corrections were gone. When you'd tell an inmate what they needed, and never the other way around. They don't *need* shit! They want-want-want, and that's why they're here.

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My head throbbed harder as my magic became more and more unstable. Usually my head never hurt this much, nor did my magic ever feel this wild inside me. After being sentenced here the ponies running the Med Pass had totally messed up my treatments, often times giving me too little of a dose or even completely skipping me like what's been happening the last few days. I could already feel the negative effects, and it wasn't very pleasant. I needed to take my meds before I began to lose control and blackout.


It makes me wonder why they put a pony like me with extremely aggressive enervation disorder in a maximum security prison like this instead of some other sort or alternative center. I'm practically a ticking time bomb here, if they kept messing up my meds like they keep doing my magic could seriously over power me and backfire. Heck it could possibly kill me if I had a full blown episode, not that these clowns cared. To them I'm just another scumbag locked up here.


I stood there rubbing my head as the medical staff got my medication together. My migraine was already pushing beyond what I could normally handle, I realize now even using my whisper spell was a dumb idea but what's done is done. All I could do now was wait and hope they get me my medicine in time, which I hoped was soon as my vision had already begun to blur.

Edited by Eternal Night
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@ @@cybernote nyan


"Officer Floor Tom this prisoner is in need of medication I have no idea what for but he doesn't seem to be doing well... and I really don't need another inmate dying on my watch that is way too much damn paper work...." Snowflake looks over to the pony running the medical center.... "doc inmate 374528 is in need of his medication"

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