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@@Firehearted,@,@@Pripyat Pony,


The voice of an unfamiliar mare caught his attention, and he glanced at the three ponies around the table.  Not sure who had spoken, he dismissed it, returning his attention to finish his meal.  He was finishing, when the friendly guard spoke...'


"So, what's up? You got a name yet?  I'm sorry for interrupting your breakfast. You just, honestly, fascinate me is all." 


He looked up at the guard, doing his best to contain any sign of emotion.  One of the skills he had been taught.  "No," he replied in his deep, (Russian) accented voice, "at least, not one I can claim as my own.  Not anymore..."  Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the purple pony glance at him.  Curious...  "...not since it was stripped from me, before I was sent to this place..."





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Tom frowned and nodded at the ongoing perplexity of this inmate. Tom looked down at the floor and shrugged while an internal conversation went back and forth in his head. He decided to press on. The inmate appeared calm and, although it was none of Tom's business, it didn't seem that asking directly would hurt anything.


"So, why is that?" Tom asked, "What happened that made you want to strip yourself of your name?

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@@Pripyat Pony,



"I gathered that," I said again using another whisper spell. "But given my circumstance you can understand why I'm skeptical. Its almost like telling a blind pony you'd give them the ability to see. Besides as long as I'm in here I don't see the use of it save curiosity. Not like I can really use magic in here, especially the spells I know."


I finished the food on my tray and looked back towards Atlas after he finished chugging all that coffee. I'm surprised his tounge hasn't burnt off, that coffee looked scalding. I shook my head a little and took a sip of my own coffee, and forced it down with a disgusted expression. I always hated this bitter sludge but the caffeine helped with the migraines so I always tried to force a cup down in the morning.


"Anyway," I asked trying to change the subject a little. "What did you all have planned for today?"

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((I'm using mobile so I can't mention right now))

"I dunno. Whatever I can. Keep in shape, serve my time, write some letters, not too much. I'm pretty sure Sal's got nothing on her mind to do either"


She kept quiet but I could hear her grumbling.


"Anywho I'll just go where you do"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Not a lot, but then, that's me," Jay replied. Lowering her voice again, she said, "But I think that Jinx wants to talk to that pony over there, the grey and black one. She thinks that he has powers and she's never wrong about that. I understand your skepticism, but honestly, Jinx is powerful enough to give you a temporary cure. It would have to be reapplied, but it would work. Maybe, if I ask her nicely, she'll do it so that you can see for yourself."


Jay paused, then went on. "I sometimes wonder what my cutie mark would look like if I didn't have Jinx in my head. Maybe I don't even have a special talent and I'd be a blank flank for the rest of my life."



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@,  (OOC: anypony close by can overhear this, if they're listening)


He looked away for a moment, his mind lost in the past.  "My first mission, after training," he said, voice slow, almost as if reluctant to talk about it, "a small village of Zebra's, just under twenty of them.  I was told they were practicing dark magic."  He paused, eyes not focusing on anything.  "It didn't matter if it was a mare, stallion, filly, or colt.  My orders were clear."  He sighed.  "Once it was done, the Pegasus who was supposed to retrieve me never showed up.  I was caught, tried, and sent here."  Finally, he looked up at the friendly guard, eyes red as fire.  "My identity was lost that day.  Now, I am nothing."  After holding the other's gaze for a moment, he turned back to his plate...

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Tom nodded slowly until the grey and black stallion looked away. He wished he hadn't asked. His blood ran cold and his heart thudded hard against his chest. Tom was right in assuming that this pony was dangerous. He had no reason to doubt if the story was true, and the chilling conviction in his eyes made the tale as true as if it had happened right in front of Tom.


Tom shrugged and didn't know what to say. He just shook his head lightly and said, "Shit..." In his experience though, it was pretty consistent that ponies which had committed intensely violent and heinous crimes were usually the best behaved. Tom was torn between choosing to make this a reason to trust him more, or to write him off as a psychopath and try his hardest never to cross paths with him again. Tom pondered for a moment before opening his trap again, "The ponies you worked for..." he paused, "Had they crossed you? Is that why you're here?" Tom paused again, but trying to make the question less ambiguous, "I mean, is that why you're here alone?"


Tom was fairly certain that he would regret asking that question as well. He was beginning to like the mystery more than the truth, but he had a morbid curiosity that almost involuntarily stroked his vocal chords and made him press further. Tom contained himself to appear as if he was discussing nothing more than the weather outside. Although, he felt strange speaking so nonchalantly about something so dark.

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Snowflake looks around and sees nothing but uninteresting conversations... so he just stands there deep in thought "anyone who gets too suspicious must die..." Snowflake doesn't like to kill, he only does it when necessary... he especially doesn't like to kill any pony he likes.... "killing Tom might be the hardest thing I have had to do since I the day I had to betrayed that changeling and lost my sister because of it... maybe I won't have to kill him.... maybe he will mind his own business..... just be prepared Snowflake... be prepared to kill a friend..."


@@Pripyat Pony @@Eternal Night @@Firehearted @@nx9100

Snowflake looks up at the time.... "everypony who is done eating head outside for recreation"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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 He turned his attention back to the inquisitive guard.  "I am here because I was caught," he replied.  His voice didn't contain any anger, and he spoke as if simple stating a fact.  "Another trainee, a Pegasus, was supposed to retrieve me after the... mission."  He paused a moment, before continuing.  "He did not show up, instead leaving me to be captured.  Those who had sent me simply... abandoned me, once the task was done."  His eyes narrowed.  "And I didn't work for any ponies.  I was trained and sent in by a small group of Griffons.  And before you ask, I do not know who they were, nor if they were working for anypony themselves.  I was trained to do a job, and I did it.  And now," his head turned to look around the dining hall, "here I sit.  Mission completed."  





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@@Pripyat Pony,


"Everypony who is done eating head outside for recreation." Yelled the guard.


I grabbed my tray looked back towards Jay and Atlas. "Looks like that's our cue to get out of here."


After I took care of my tray I used another whisper to send one last message to Jay. "Tell Jinx if she thinks she can do it, now would be our best time to try."


Once I casted that and started heading outside with the rest of the prisoners, I conjured up my final whisper, since using all this magic admittedly started giving me a headache, and sent it to Atlas.


"Hey, its Cosmo, been awhile since I did this huh? Anyway don't say anything but Jinx is going to try some spell on me to see if it has any effect on my magic. If things go wrong I'm trusting you to stop her, while I believe Jay can be trusted I don't know about Jinx. Something about her dark magic puts me on edge but I feel I should give her a chance. Who knows, this can either be a huge mistake or something truly amazing. I think I should give it a shot, and should things go wrong and she double crosses us I want you to stop her at all costs. I don't know if we can trust her, but if she proved herself I think we'd have a powerful ally."


Powerful was one word for it, with her magic we'd be unstoppable. Not mention she definitely has an in with that interrogator, which will definitely come in handy around here...


I walked outside with the rest of the inmates and stood in a corner in the exercise yard, waiting for Atlas and Jay to make it outside. Hopefully Jinx's spell worked and she didn't try anything funny. If that happened I have no idea of Atlas could even stop it. For all I knew this spell thats supposed to balance my magic could just be a way to control me like a puppet. As much as I didnt like the idea, I had to put my faith in the two of them for now.

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@@Eternal Night, @@Firehearted, Jay walked outside with Cosmo and Atlas. When Cosmo asked if Jinx could perform the spell, Jay took a deep breath and relaxed, letting Jinx take control of her body. The eyes of the purple mare changed colour from soft blue to bright red, and Jinx looked at Cosmo arrogantly.


"A simple spell," she said, pitching her voice low so as not to attract attention. "I think that this will not take too long. Just stand still, and wait."


Her horn glowing red, Jinx performed the spell. While it wouldn't cure Cosmo's instability permanently, it would work for a week and could be renewed as many times as possible. Once she was done, her horn stopped glowing and she studied Cosmo. "Yes," she said, as tho considering whether a roast was done, "That ought to do it."



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Tom watched the other inmates leaving and turned his attention back to the black and grey pony, "You should probably join them. Do just like you did yesterday." He said. Tom got into the cooler and placed a box of apples and dried pears out for him.


"I'll see you around." Tom said as he left. Tom figured that Snowflake had the out-door watch covered, so he went into the records office. The labyrinth of file cabinets had an oak table at it's center. He hoofed through a few files until he found the black and grey pony's number.


Tom laid out the file and spread the papers out on the table, "What the...?" he muttered as he stared at the blank 'face sheet'. Tom had come to call the cover page of an inmate's record a 'face sheet' because it usually had their photograph and all their identifying information on it. The dull black and white photograph was not underlined with social security numbers, addresses, next-of-kin... etc. There was simply nothing.


He sifted through the other pages, and there was a brief outline of the time which he had accrued while he was there. The inmate was currently class C and earning 54 days a month due to good behavior. Nothing remarkable or anything could be seen about the inmate except his number.


Tom raised a brow at the very thin file, and decided that he'd have to get a bit invasive in his search for information about this particularly interesting pony.

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@Snowflake Frostflame


Maximus sees a blue pony with an eyepatch, it must be Snowflake, the guard that he has heard off. Rumors has it that he's the interrogator of Manehattan prison. Little does Maximus know about this guard's personality. Suddently the guard introduces himself, better do the same thinks Maximus.


"Its pleasant to meet you Mr.Frostflame. I'm Maximus. I just arrived here this morning. I presume you are the boss around here" says Maximus with a little smooth way of saying it.

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Snowflake keeps his hood over his upper face "boss? no but I'am superior to you and the guards...I make sure everything is going just dandy..... you could say I'm the warden's eyes...." Snowflake turns around to face the new guard "there is a lot to do around here go see Tom he is in charge of the guard for the day shift" Snowflake points at Tom then thinks to himself "more opportunity... or distraction..." as Snowflake tells Maximus to see Tom he walks towards the recreation "time to find Jay"


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@Floor Tom @Snowflake Frostflame


"Alright Mr.Frostflame. Thank you sir" Maximus walks his way to Tom. Noticing that he seems busy. "Greetings Tom, i heard you are in charge of this place. I am Maximus, pleasure to meet you sir" says Maximus reaching out one hoof, awaiting to be shaken with a cheerful attitude.

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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Firehearted,


"Was that really it?" I asked with a blank expression my mind expecting a whole lot more. "I don't really feel all that different."


It was at that moment when I realized my headache was gone, completely gone. In fact for once in my life my head felt, it felt, clear... The random pains and aches throughout my body were gone too, it was a bazaar feeling. Even doubling the dosage on my medicine never had an effect quite like this. It was truly remarkable, I didn't know what to think. For once in my life I was no longer chained down by this stupid disorder. No longer did my magic muster inside of me wildly, instead it flowed evenly and freely. The vast energies that dwelled deep within me were finally mine to control.


"This must have been what Balestra must have talking about..." I thought to myself, with an arrogant grin. "She always did tell me I had talent, I'm sorry I ever doubted her."


My horn glowed a hue of light green as the excitement of my new found power mustered up some magical energy. I smirked with anticipation, eager to test put my awakened powers. However seeing as how the guards were watching us like hawks. I would have to save my tests for later I suppose. It was disappointing really, it was like getting a gift you couldn't open right away. I couldn't remember a time in my life I was this fired up. I felt like I needed to run a marathon to burn off all this energy.


I looked towards Jinx and gave her a confident grin.


"I'm sorry I ever doubted you, I can't say I ever felt this good in my entire life."


"Though I have to ask," I began to say with a more serious tone. " Is there a possibility you could teach me this spell?"

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@,@@Pripyat Pony, @@Eternal Night,  


"I'll see you around."


He nodded, as the guard wandered off, glanced at the food box, and began repeating the tasks from the previous day, cleaning the dining hall as before.  Altering his methods, he was able to improve the speed of the work, and finished several minutes faster.  By this time, the others had all moved outside, so he carried the box back to his cell, before heading outside himself to join the others.  Most had gathered into the same groups as before.  He calmly walked past them, just beyond the purple pony and her 'friends', and stared into his usual exercise routine...





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Tom turned his head to see the greenhorn that had his hoof stretched out towards him. He raised a brow slowly and gave him a quick look over.


"You're Maximus?" Tom asked. Most new guys learn pony's names through working with them and use the companionship earned from experience on the job to form bonds and eventually friendships. This was probably the most forward newbie he had ever seen.


"I am Floor Tom, but I'm not a supervisor or anything." He nodded toward his sleeve to point out the lack of chevrons.


Tom shook his head, "I'm just a guard just like you. So, don't hesitate to ask me for a favor just like I'm going to ask you right now."


Tom pointed to the blank face sheet, "I'm trying to get some information about this guy, so we're going to search his cell. I need you to hold the door for me, so I don't get locked inside. The cell is D4-1, You in?"

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@Floor Tom

Maximus lands his hoof on the ground, listening to what Tom has to say. A cell?. Wonder who that could be, thinks Maximus?.


"Well, we gotta get our hoof to keep this place free from riots, i assume that shouldn't be a problem for guards like us"


points a hoof in the air, (The typical as celestia is my witness sign) .


"As a guard its my duty to help my comrades, i'll hold the door for you"


says Maximus gracefully. Noticing Tom seems like a guard who knows how to keep things in order.

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@@Pripyat Pony


Snowflake leaves the dining hall and then wanders around the recreation place looking for Jay...he eventually spots her but instead of walking up to her directly he stands ahead of her watching the other inmates waiting to see if she'll walk up to him and say the word


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“Good deal.” Tom nods, “Follow me.”


Tom set off in a quick canter because they didn't have much time until the recreation ended and the inmates would be allowed back into the day area during which time they would be afforded the opportunity for visitation and general free time. This free time allowed the inmates to return to their cells if they choose, and going hoof to hoof over being searched when a newbie was the only back up Tom had at the time was not an ideal situation.


Tom radioed for central control to allow them into D-block and he led the way to the fourth cell in the hall. He plucked the keys off of his shoulder clip and tongued the ring to the universal cell key. He popped the door and pushed it open for Maximus to hold.


Tom paused in the doorway, “Since we've been short staffed, I know they've been cutting back on the length of your academy. Was shakedowns part of your training?”

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@@Eternal Night, @@nx9100, @@Snowflake Frostflame,


"Of course I can teach you," Jinx replied. "It's a very simple spell, and shouldn't take a talented pony like yourself very long to learn. With it, you'll never need medication ever again. I'll show you how to do it during free time." She shot a quick look at the grey and black pony nearby and whispered, "That pony right there. He has powers. We need to befriend him, somehow. He could come in very useful should we ever get the chance to escape from this dump."


Jinx turned the body over to Jay, cuz she had seen Snowflake standing a little way off. Jay excused herself to Cosmo, and walked over to Snowflake. She whispered in a low voice, "Not yet, but soon perhaps there might be another. The grey and black stallion; Jinx says he has great power."

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@Floor Tom

Maximus follows him to Cell-D. Getting asked if he had skills in shakedowns and holds the door for Tom. Maximus says with a breeze "Yeah. At the royal academy training we were trained to inspect ponies with dangerous possessions. Its a royal duty for us guards to protect citizens and royalty at all cost"

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"Good." Tom nods.


Tom enters the cell which is a 11-foot by 10-foot concrete box with a flat steel bunk welded into the east wall. A hard plastic box with an open top is kept under the bed for storing property. A toilet with a sink built into the tank was welded to the floor and wedged into the south-west wall. The west wall has a tiny plastic hook for hanging towels. A small steel box was against the east wall at the head of the bunk on which inmates could sit at the hard-wood slat bolted to the south-east corner. All the amenities a pony could need: A place to sleep, a place to write letters, and a place to wash their hooves and shit. Only a few of the luxuries at Manehattan's involuntary resort and spa.


Tom looks in the 8oz tumbler on the 'desk' and finds nothing. He checks under the bunk and finds the property box. A roll of bathroom tissue, a travel size tube of toothpaste, a tooth brush with a 3" handle (to deter making it into a weapon), and a single-use bar of deodorant soap. Tom pushes the property box back under the bunk and turns his attention to the bed.


It's neatly made with the blanket tightly wrapped around the sadly thin mat. Tom pulls up the blanket and finds two sheets which is standard issue. He folds the mat back and exposes the steel below. He finds an old newspaper page with an article about trouble in a Zebra village. Tom stares into the photograph of the village, but cant stomach skimming the article for details. He shakes his head at himself, takes it, and places it in his pocket.


He brushes the hanging towel with a hoof and takes a final look over the cell. "Nothing here, Max." Tom says as he exits the cell and shrugs. The cell was almost as blank as the inmate's file.


"Can you make his bed up for me?" Tom asked Maximus. "I want it to look exactly as if we weren't here, and I don't have the dexterity for that." Tom explained while giving a little gesture at Maximus' horn.

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@@Pripyat Pony @@nx9100


Snowflake merely nods, he waits a few moments for Jay to leave then he walks away "the pony Jay was describing... who could it be.... the Russian that Tom has been chatting with very frequently" Snowflake eventually finds him "you get over here!" Snowflake waits until he is close enough then quietly says "Вы говорите по-русски?"


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