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@@Snowflake Frostflame, Jinx had by now taken full control. She smirked as she answered Snowflake's question, in a voice that was markedly different from Jay's soft tones, it was harsh and with an accent rather reminiscent of the uppe r classes of Canterlot.


"Terrible, actually, since you ask," Jinx replied, grinning. She didn't intend to play all her hoofs just yet and was happy enough to tell Jay's story. "Other ponies just didn't like me at all. Can't imagine why. I never had a friend in the world at school. As for your earlier question, the answer of course, is yes. I just love seeing ponies' faces collapse in terror as they realise that they're about to die. It nourishes me, like food."


Jay was listening to what Jinx was saying, but she was trapped inside her mind and unable to control what Jinx said or did.



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@ @@Pripyat Pony


Snowflake took notice of the slightly different voice "hmm" he then gets up from his chair and leans closer to Jay's face... Snowflake notices a different eye shade he then sits back down "just as I suspected... your not Jay are you... don't think you can fool me, when I was an adventurer I had a friend named Rave.... he had a similar problem but he had more control" with a grin on his face "now tell me what is your name? and why are you possessing Jay" Snowflake thinks to himself "this changes everything..." Snowflake then looks to Floor Tom "Officer Floor Tom you can return to your duties I'd like to talk with the prisoner alone"


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, Jinx smiled. "Oh, I don't think I want to give out too much information at this point," she said. "Unless you make it worth my while. What about a simple exchange? You tell me something about you, and perhaps, I'll tell you something about me. How much do you really want to know?"



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@@Pripyat Pony


Snowflake's grin grows... he then looks around and sees Floor Tom isn't with him anymore so he uses his magic to turn off the any audio being recorded in this room... "hehehe my hooves are probably just a dirty as yours.... it all depends on what you wish to know... and I will speak so long as you answer my questions...."


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, "That suits me just fine," Jinx replied, smirking. "Well, I have answered one question, so I feel that you owe me an answer from your good self. When you do, I will answer another question that you ask me. Fair's fair, and an exchange like this suits me down to the ground. It was this way that I found out so much about Jay."



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@@Pripyat Pony


"hmm I see..." Snowflake leans back "I can only trust you with some of my light secrets.... maybe I will tell you some darker ones but I don't know if I can trust you....don't need anypony reporting me to the Warden.... now let me think.... ah here is one, kinda embarrassing actually.... a lot of ponies confuse me for a Mare because of my smaller body.... now I know you want something juicer but I don't know if I can trust you.... so tell me were you once a pony yourself? or have you always been apart of Jay?"


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, "Oh, I was once a pony with my own body," Jinx replied. "I was a powerful unicorn mage who knew no fear. I performed spells, each one worst than the last, in order that I could live forever. Sadly, one of those spells did for me and I lost my body; however, floating around, I found that I could share a body if I could not have one of my own. At first, none were suitable but then a wimpy unicorn filly named Jay came along. She welcomed me at first, cuz I dealt with ponies who were bullying her; the knock they gave her on her head meant that I had a door to enter her mind."



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@@Pripyat Pony


"hehehehehe just from that one statement you told me all I wanted to know.... I know a lot more about you then you think..... Jinx..... I just needed to confirm if this was really you or not..... though to be fair I will tell you one last secret..." Snowflake comes close to Jay's ear and whispers "I'am a Mercenary..... hired to save you from this place" Snowflake walks back and uses his magic to turn the audio back on "well Jay that's all the questions I have for you today meet back with the other prisoners" Snowflake unlocks the door and opens it for Jay


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Jinx laughed to herself as she walked out the door. Jay timidly asked Jinx if she could have back control, and Jinx agreed. "But if there's something that needs to be said, rest assured, I'm going to say it," she added before relinquishing control to Jay, who then made her way towards the exercise yard where the other ponies were either walking up and down, or smoking in corners.



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"Man was that really necessary?" I said dusting myself off a little. "You know how I feel about you manhandling me like that, we've had to of had this conversation a thousand times now."


I knew those words fell on deaf ears as usual, Atlas did whatever he wanted. He was such a one track minded kinda guy nothing I could say would really change the way he acted. I took a seat on a nearby bench off to the side of the exercise yard, there were very few ponies out and about as most were still eating breakfast. I wondered what was up with that guard to throw us out like that, though I guess worrying about it now doesn't make much difference he's probably just having a bad day.


"Anyway, I'd like to have a conversation with that girl too. I have a feeling good things would come from making friends with her. Most of the prisoners here are scared of her, having her as a friend would do wonders for us I think."


Having her as an ally would make life in here extremely easier among other things. The only values that the scum in her respected was fear, I couldn't even begin to imagine the power we'd have if Atlas, her, and I all formed an alliance. Just the fantasy alone is enough for me to wanna risk letting another into my thin circle of trust.

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@@Eternal Night

I leaning against the wall waiting for Jay.

"Sorry, bud, but we've got to do this"

I'd manhandle him if I felt like manhandling him. Besides when I manhandle someone I had a reason.


Really, Atlas? You've never told anyone about me... Not even Hunter.

Well that's changing. Just hold your horses, Sal.

I'm pretty sure she would have rolled her eyes, if she had control of them.


"Having her on our side would be nice... But I've got some other reasons why I want to talk to her. We can get her on board with us though too..."


@@Pripyat Pony

"There see is" 


"Hey!' I shouted waving in her general direction. "Over here!"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Floor Tom watched Jay exit the interrogation room. She appeared shaken, but then again Snowflake was unique in that way. He turned his attention back to the grey and black pony before him and pointed around the area.


"You want to clean this shit up?" Tom asked. There wasn't any harshness in his tone, but as if he was asking the pony to do him a favor. "Our regular trustee got out last week, so I've had to do it myself. Frankly, I'm tired of it."


Tom raised a brow and spied the last of the inmates making their way to the rec-yard, "And, off the record..." Tom took a few steps closer and made his voice low, "We have extras that go to the minimum security prison every day that gets thrown away. Hay burgers and hot daisies and shit like that. If you do this for me, I'll throw it your way instead."


Floor Tom backed up quickly into the appropriate distance between inmate and officer before continuing, "So, what do you say?"

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@@Firehearted, @@Eternal Night,


Jay heard herself being summoned and trotted over to where the two ponies who had spoken to her earlier were standing. "Hi," she said, shyly. "Jinx talked to the guard, not me, but I can tell you what he said to her if you like. Before she decides to shout it out to everypony within earshot."



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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Eternal Night


 "That'd be nice... Me, Sal, and Cosmo would like to hear about it. And if Jinx can hear me, mind not screaming everything? I want to talk without that"


At least you don't do that... Now isn't the time to fight for control.

Cool it. All I what is control of your face, mouth, and vocal cords. We're just going to swap back and forth as this talk goes.




"Hey, hey, hey!" A young (Mid-twenties), very feminine voice came out of Atlas' mouth. Sal tried to make a face that would look much better on a mare but looked a bit strange on a stallion.

"Nice ta' meet ya"

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Firehearted, "Um, hi," Jay said, nervously, but her face lit up at the evidence of what was obviously another pony who had a second pony in their mind. Jinx spoke up in her cultured Canterlot tones. "Well, hello," she said, her voice jarring with Jay's soft tones. "Seems like a mare after my own heart."



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@@Firehearted, @@Pripyat Pony,


"Umm... Hi..." I said with a very confused tone of voice.


In all the time I spent with Atlas I have never heard him talk like that. I had to admit it was a rather spot on voice impression of a mare that I had ever heard from a guy. However it seemed like this was something entirely different. It was like his whole personality had completely changed, as if he wasn't Atlas anymore if he could imagine it. It didn't make any sense, I mean this couldn't be joke. Atlas I knew was never the one to pull jokes like this. There had to be more to this, perhaps he was crazier than I had previously imagined.



What have I gotten myself into...

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@@Pripyat Pony@@Eternal Night,


"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not" She swept her hair into a more feminine position. "Ugh. Atlas, can you let me stick 'round overnight? I really hate your, ugh, stallion hair and hooves"


"No... I might want to mention if I leave in control overnight I wake up a mare. It's awkward. Before I got locked up we had a deal where every weekend or so I'd leave her in control so she could do whatever mare's do. I really don't pay much attention" 


"Yeah, yeah, I know, it's off since we're in here" The two swapped in perfect tandem like they'd been doing this for a while which they had.


"Anyway, this is Salta or just Sal. I know it's my name backwards - Hey, when I popped into existence that's what my mind told me my name was - You know we don't talk about that -Yeah, yeah, woods, panicking, - Shut it... Anyway as soon as I - We - We heard someone else had another pony stuck in their heads I - We - ... WE wanted to know what was up. First of all how'd you get another pony in your head and which is the original?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Snowflake checks who is next on his interrogation list and sees that he is clear for today... so with nothing better to do he stays in the interrogation room, looking over his notes he thinks to himself "I can trust Jinx but can I trust her host?.... if not I have to kill her... damn but if I do that how will I know Jinx will survive?....they have been sharing a body for quite awhile now" Snowflake releases a long sigh in stress "keep calm you have gotten yourself out of worse situations before, just believe in Jay for now.... and remember why your here..."

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, Ooc: Um, that's a bit op; the three are in a secluded area so can't really be overheard, or else Jay wouldn't have told them. So it's not really realistic to have Snowflake just pop up unseen to overhear Jay and the others, especially since at this moment they are in the exercise yard, and would easily see somepony approaching, especially a guard.


@@Firehearted, @@Eternal Night, "Oh, this body is Jay's," Jinx replied, carelessly. "I happen to have made a tiny lack of judgement in my life, when I was searching for immortality. Seems I found it, but I lost my body in the process so of course, I had to have another to inhabit. Jay's seemed suitable; I wanted another unicorn mare body, as I needed a conduit for my magic."



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He stood there, thinking about the offer.  It was way more attention then he'd ever thought he would get from anypony here, and caught him off guard.  Might as well, he thought.  


"Very well," he replied, "I accept."  With a final nod, he began moving about the tables, picking up used trays one at a time, and carrying them to the counter.  Once that task was finished, he fetched a broom and began cleaning the floor...


To fall so far, he thought, while sweeping, as to be cleaning a dining hall.  His plan was just to sit out each day in his cell, living with the shame of his actions.  So why was he doing this?





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Snowflake gets up from his chair and decides to roam the halls.... for the most part it seems empty giving Snowflake more thinking space "I don't think the guards have suspected a thing...or at least I hope they don't... if I'm caught its all over... or is it?...." once Snowflake came to he realized he was in the dining hall which was nearly empty

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Tom half watched the pony cleaning and half watched the ponies outside. If anything popped off in the yard, he could leave this pony here. The pony appeared to be less than retarded at cleaning the place which was more than he could say about most inmates.


He watched the black and grey pony drone about in sort of a sad way. Tom had an emotional pull at himself to make conversation against his better judgement. These aren't the kind of ponies that he wanted to get to know and vice versa. Letting them into his life in any capacity. In the five years he'd been working there, he hadn't shared any personal details about himself to anypony. Not even his co-workers because other officers can have loose lips and be just as dangerous as telling inmates himself.


Tom took a deep breath in his miniscule mental torment and decided that the point of a direct-supervision prison is to be involved with the inmates, to learn about them, and to interact with them. More or less, he was there to be a positive influence in their lives. This pony's demeanor appeared distant, sad, and confused. All of these symptoms, when unattended, can lead to a suicide of which reflects poorly on the facility. No matter how unpreventable.


Tom cleared his throat awkwardly to catch the working pony's attention, "So, you have a name? I'll uh..." Tom felt the need to come up with some bullshit about why he decided to speak with him, "I'll need that for my records."


OOC: Nx9100, I'm not saying that your character is suicidal. I just thought I'd point out, that's the way it appeared to Tom.

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@,    (ooc: you're kool....)


The broom paused mid-sweep, his posture frozen.  "A name..." he muttered, "my name..."  He had one, once, but he'd left it behind him.  He'd left alot behind him.  Did he even have a family?  Friends?  He couldn't remember anymore.  Not after what happened...


But wait, there was the code name, the one the they gave him during his training.  He'd almost forgotten it, having giving it up as well.  But no, it wasn't him, wasn't what he wanted to become.  So, who was he, then?  


"I don't have a name," he finally replied, moving the broom once again, "not anymore..."

  • Brohoof 1





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"I don't have a name." The pony said and then muttered a bit. Tom shifted on his hooves. Ponies like this were usually dangerous, if not to themselves, to others. Ponies that had lost their identity had nothing to lose. Without leverage of taking something away from an inmate, they could become difficult to work with.


"You don't have a name?" Tom repeated at a loss of how to respond. His attempt to make the quiet chow hall less awkward between them was an enormous failure. He felt even more nervous for the pony and even more strange for having approached him.


"So, I'm guessing you're not patched out with anypony." He said stupidly. He didn't talk about that stuff with inmates for several reasons, but mostly not to acknowledge that gang activity existed within the walls of the prison.


"I'm sorry for that, I didn't mean it." Tom took a breath and continued without giving the mysterious pony a chance to respond, "I gotta be able to call you something. I don't want to have to look in your file and address you by number. Truth be told, I hate that. It makes me feel less like ponies and more like machinery..." he paused, "I don't want to be part of a machine. Give me something to work with."


OOC: As soon as I posted this I realized that "patched out" is rather colloquial. It means that you belong to a gang. If I didn't explain that contextually well enough.

Edited by Floor Tom
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Having finished sweeping, he returned the broom to the corner where he had found it.  "To answer your obvious question," he began slowly, "I am not, how you say, 'patched out' with anypony.  My time here is my own."  He looked out to the yard where the others were moving around.  "My time, which is all I have left."  Then, he raised his head, as if to look the other in the eye, before pausing.  No, it is not my place.  I am a prisoner here.  "Call me what you wish," he said, staring off into nothing.  "It doesn't matter.  Not anymore..."





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