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open A prison story rp

cybernote nyan

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"Yes, I'll get on that," the unicorn mare behind the desk (?) Says as she walks out. "Okay inmate 374528: Cosmo," she says as she is reading his medical files. She began trotting to the back of the room where the medicine is kept, grabbed the pills (?) and a small cup of water with her magic and gave it to Cosmo. "Here is your medication." She says as she levetates it in his reach.

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(Didn't see the post, whoops.)@@Snowflake Frostflame,@@cybernote nyan,


I reached out and grabbed the medicine with my hoof, and quickly swallowed the pill. While I totally despised the forced routine when it comes to medicine around here, especially with my condition, the nurses around here did cater to my needs. Placing objects directly in reach for me instead if hoovering it halfway was a huge thing for me. Most don't realize or forget I can't use simple magic like that so its nice to see the consideration. If only that stopped the occasional stares I'd get from the other inmates, though I could hardly blame them. Seeing a unicorn function without magic was a rarity, its like watching a pegasus that can't fly. I was truely an oddball.


After taking my meds I turned to the guard and asked. "I hate to ask even more from you but would you mind escorting me back to my cell for a bit? I don't think I'm going to be able to exercise much right now."


The medication needed time to kick in anyway, plus I was still rather nervous after my sudden attack. Usually I just have a minor headache in the morning, it never usually gets this bad by itself. Though randomness was a huge factor in my illness, unicorn magic was wild by itself let alone with my conditions. The best I can do for now is rest for a bit, and hope things calm down.

Edited by Eternal Night
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@Eternal Night

@Snowflake Frostflame


"If it will help, I'll walk you to your cell in the... third wing I believe. Snowflake I'll take it from here I think you might want to get back to your post. You could get a penalty for not watching the inmates." The unicorn turns back to Cosmo. "Okay let's get you to your cell," she says as she walks out the door and gestures Cosmo to follow. With that she starts to walk at a speed that Cosmo can keep up.

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I followed the nurse the best I can, my head pounding and my vision dizzy. This had to be one of the worst attacks, perhaps the worst, in my entire life. I could feel my horn pulsating with magic, it was like a dam barely holding against rapidly raising waters. Once we got back to my cell I immediately flopped back onto my cot and relaxed for awhile.

Edited by Eternal Night
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And I was stuck standing around like an idiot. Now what?


I guess I'll just be standing around... Maybe I could talk to Jinx/Jay. I had nothing better to do. Cosmo was off somewhere and I could catch back up with him later. I walked off to find her.


@@Pripyat Pony

"Sooo... What's up?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@Pripyat Pony



Cybernote saw Jay and an unknown pony so see decided to go see what they were up to. Before going to jail she remembered a mare that taught her a way to walk that wasn't all that pony but since she like doing things like she did. She jumped into the air but instead of landing on all four of her legs she shifted her weight to her hind legs and landed standing only on her back legs. 'Let's do this!' She thought and began walking akwerdly towards Jay and Atlas. "Hey guys! Check this out!" She said upon reaching them.

Edited by cybernote nyan
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@@Firehearted, "Not a lot," Jay replied. "I think that Jinx has gone back to sleep. I hope you don't mind just talking to me for a bit. I meant what I said, I really would like some friends."


When a strange pony came towards them on her hind legs, Jay gasped, then giggled at the sight. @@cybernote nyan,



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@@cybernote nyan


Snowflake walks away from the medical center muttering "I'm not a guard... I'm the Interrogations Officer" once Snowflake walks away from everyone he goes back into a trance, thinking very hardly.... "Tom seems to trust me... hell he seems like he'd be easy to befriend... I could use this to my advantage... same with Cosmo and Atlas they might be of some use..... just remember your here for Jinx nopony else but her... but what of her host?.... I know she doesn't belong here but she could be a problem.... I wonder if I can kill her and take Jinx in my body.... no bad idea... I don't want my body being shared.... especially with my power..." when Snowflake came to he noticed Jay and the inmate he threw on the floor a few hours ago.... but what in Celestia's name was she doing?... Snowflake walks up closer and looks at the inmate on her hind legs "what the tartarus?"


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@@cybernote nyan,@@Snowflake Frostflame, @@Pripyat Pony,  


"I'm fine with that, I just want someone to talk to right now. It's a bit boring 'round here"


Then I saw the one on his hind legs. The one of us with the strongest emotion, considering no one is pushing, will normally come out.

"Ти виглядаєш так чертовски нерозумно! ХА! Чому, чорт візьми, ви навіть зробивши це?!"

Remember how I said she could be a jerk? This is now. I forced Old Griffon onto her and tried to force her down in general. Basically I can swap her form speaking English to Old Griffon if I force it on her, she can do the same to me. I also made her sound a bit stupid if you translated what she said. Not the best insults.


Now all I had to do was bluff to two other ponies that they were hearing things.


"How are you two doing?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@cybernote nyan,@@Snowflake Frostflame, @@Pripyat Pony,  


"I'm fine with that, I just want someone to talk to right now. It's a bit boring 'round here"


Then I saw the one on his hind legs. The one of us with the strongest emotion, considering no one is pushing, will normally come out.

"Ти виглядаєш так чертовски нерозумно! ХА! Чому, чорт візьми, ви навіть зробивши це?!"

Remember how I said she could be a jerk? This is now. I forced Old Griffon onto her and tried to force her down in general. Basically I can swap her form speaking English to Old Griffon if I force it on her, she can do the same to me. I also made her sound a bit stupid if you translated what she said. Not the best insults.


Now all I had to do was bluff to two other ponies that they were hearing things.


"How are you two doing?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@Pripyat Pony


"Um, what? Is that a different language? What'd you even say? Jay did you understand what he said?" Cybernote questions rapidly. Just then she realized something off. "Hey dude just realized something, did your voice change? You sounded like a mare for a second there or are you messing with me?" She said to Atlas.

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@@Firehearted, Jay recognised the voice speaking another language as being Sal, but said nothing. She already knew the situation so there was no point in asking silly questions. "I'm fine at the moment, thank you," she replied. "It's alright during the day but at night they lock me in my cell and I'm all alone." Jay knew that Atlas would know that she would have Jinx as company but didn't want to discuss this in front of the other.



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@@Pripyat Pony @@cybernote nyan @@Firehearted


"you inmates and your little social gatherings" Snowflake circles the three with a grin "you there mare who walks weird, you do realize your imitating a human... a mythological creature from another world....  they are deadly, I would know... that's how I lost an eye...." Snowflake stops and stares at Jay "also Jay..." Snowflake's grin fades "I might need to speak with your little friend again in the morning..... expect me to drop by your cell before breakfast"


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@@cybernote nyan,\


"Huh?" I looked at him confused. "I've got no heavenly clue what you're talkin' about" Play dumb, no one here would talk and he'll just think he's hearing things.


@@Pripyat Pony,@@Snowflake Frostflame,


Discreet enough. I hoped this new guy would bugger off. 

"Say, Officer, you know when I'm up for interrogation? Tomorrow was it?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Firehearted, @@Snowflake Frostflame, Jay looked at Snowflake with wide open eyes. "I'm just trying to make friends, sir," she said in a voice that was barely a whisper. Of course, she wasn't about to reveal anything, not in front of the stranger; the weird pony walking on her hind legs. That would nix the slight hope she had that she could get out of this place.



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@@Pripyat Pony @@Firehearted


"good keep close with your friends they maybe of some use to us" Snowflake whispered as quietly as possible Snowflake then looks at Firehearted "I have no questions for you at the moment, but when something comes up we can bring you in for questioning"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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My throbbing headache prevented me from getting any real rest, as I tossed and turned uncomfortably around my cot. I was sweating bullets and shaking uncontrollably, my horn pulsating with a visably blue glow. There was no mistaking, this was the worst attack I have ever had. My medicine had already numbed the pain down tremendously but I was still far from being stable again, hopefully I'll be over this whole mess soon.

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Snowflake had clearance to leave the corrections facility because the graveyard guards were taking over, but he really didn't want to... especially because how far he lived from Manehatten.... so instead he went into his office nodding in and out of consciousness trying to stay awake but it was no use he gave into his drowzyness and fell asleep in his chair


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I made my way back to my cell.


Today had been strange. Just strange. At least I knew Cosmo was here. It was someone I knew...


I ignored the odd shout from other prisoners. I didn't care about what they had to say.


I plopped down onto my "bed." For others it may have been uncomfortable but I could sleep most anywhere. I tried to get some sleep for tomorrow.




Meanwhile, Somewhere in the Griffon Kingom...


"We clear?" Asked SwiftWings as his friend walked in.


"All connections are cut. We're off the grid and off the hot seat... The Griffon Kingdom cell is in the clear"


"Good" IronClaw sighed. "We can operate without Equestria on our tail-feathers"




"So now what... We know he's in this prison and he's in tight... We can't do much" SwiftWings asked idly.


"I would get the other contacts but, one: we're cut off from each other, and, two: I don't want to start a war with Equestria by blowing a prison to bits"


"Sooo... What do we do?"


"I don't know yet. I guess keep out heads down and the cell together. We can try and hook up with the other parts of the network soon, once we've made sure the cell is completely secure and all portions have gotten back on their paws, hooves, and claws. Till then we aren't going anywhere"


"Right... I'll send the letters and check on our people. I'll have reports to every sect, regional, and operations leader and safe-house by the week's out"


"Good. Get to it" SwiftWings gave a nod and left. IronClaw sat down with a sigh. They had a big job ahead of them.

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Tom was roused by the buzz of his alarm clock for the third time. At his age, he laid in bed for a long time thinking about getting up before actually getting up.


Sugary Fondant, his foal-sitter, opened the bedroom door, "Tom? I'm here."


"I know." Tom said into his pillow. He could hear his foal in the living room playing with something that he probably shouldn't. That kid was always into something, and for a two year old, he was increasingly resourceful at getting into things.


Tom rolled off the bed, "I'll be out in a minute." He reached into the closet while Sugar returned to the living room. He strapped on his stab-vest and tested his TASER and groggily sauntered out.


He put twenty bits on the dining room table, "I'll see you later, boy." He said to his son, Grand Overture, and gave him a warm hug.


Tom ignored Grand's cries as he left without him. Tom cantered to the train station and barely caught the ride to the prison.


He galloped off the train as everypony was going to their posts after squad meeting. This was considered early for Tom.


Shift change was underway and the graveyard shift ponies were making their way out as Tom clandestinely fell into step with his morning security check.


The inmates would be roused from their beds any minute for breakfast. Tom simply watched the inmates sleeping behind the bars as he strolled through the housing unit.

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Another day was beginning.  He sat up, not sure what had awoken him, as the guards had not yet come to gather the prisoners yet.  Deciding he was just restless, he climbed off his bunk, and started doing some light exercises, mainly just to pass the time until breakfast.  He pushed aside one of the food cartons the guard had given him the day before, grateful for the better-quality snack, and started doing push-ups....





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Jay had gone to her cell with a guard as was usual for such a high security prisoner. She had meekly walked alongside the guard, who didn't speak to her, and had stood quietly while he unlocked the cell. She walked inside, hearing the click as the cell door was locked and got into her bed. Jinx spoke to her inside her head as she lay down and shut her eyes.


"We could be out of here very soon," she said, unheard by nopony save for Jay. "You heard what Snowflake said; we should stick with Cosmos and Atlas, as they could be useful. Also, I'm sure that if we do, they could very well be useful allies to us."


"Friends, too," Jay replied in kind, somewhat wistfully.


"Perhaps," Jinx replied. She saw getting out of the prison as more important. "Perhaps too they might be able to help both of us. If I could only get into the Castle of the Two Sisters, the library there has a section for dark magic. I could make a new body for myself."


Jay said nothing, but it was what she wanted, too. To be free of Jinx, even if she knew that she would stay around Jinx regardless, as she had nowhere else to go and nopony she knew as well. But at least she would have her body to herself. Jinx spoke no more, and soon Jay drifted into a deep sleep.




The next morning, Jay awoke early, before the morning bell went. She washed her face at the tiny sink and sat down on her bed to wait for a guard to let her out of her cell.



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I woke up exhausted and drained after an almost sleepless night. My head still hurt and my body ached, but other than that I was perfectly okay. It was an odd attack normally I just get a migraine. However magic was entirely unpredictable at times so these things can happen. Its very draining to say the least, the nursing staff seems to have stepped their game up since the incident so that's a plus I suppose. Though I'm still disappointed that it took something like this for them to tweak my med schedule...


I sat up in my cot and rubbed my head a little while I waited for the guards to let me out of my cell. Hopefully the food will be better this morning than last. I was starving since I ended up skipping both lunch and dinner yesterday. I wondered what Atlas was up to since I last saw him yesterday, I wondered if he learned anything else about that odd pony Jay or Jinx or whatever her name was. I'm still kinda confused about the whole thing (that thing inside Atlas was also a mystery) but I suppose I'll learn more about that later. She seems nice enough, well one of her personalities at least. I suppose it was nice having friends again, even if they were total oddballs.

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(this will sound weird at first just keep reading it)


Snowflake standing outside a large building with his sister "alright we are here on business, we were hired to execute the changeling who owns this building.... our client fears he is a spy so we will be doing Equestria a favor... we move in and out, quickly and efficiently...." much later "Snowflake the building is burning we need to leave now!" "I will leave as soon as he is dead... I'm not backing down now after all the trouble we went through tracking him down and getting here.... leave if you want but I'm staying" Snowflake eventually encounters the Changeling and after a few moments of fighting him Snowflake is defeated and thrown against a wall "you damn merc... your ruined my business... you shale suffer for that" as the Changeling is getting ready to finish Snowflake off Snowflake's sister comes and dives off a ledge into the flames with the Changeling, Snowflake quickly gets up on his hooves as he watches his sister get engulfed in flames "EMBER!"


[member=@Pripyat Pony]

*gasp* Snowflake awakens.... "shit... Ember...." Snowflake pulls out his pocket watch of him and his sister as foals "I'm sorry Ember..." Snowflake gets up on his hooves putting his pocket watch away heading off to collect Jay "Jay were going back to the interrogation room... follow me..."

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, Jay was both startled and puzzled to see Snowflake unlocking her cell door, instead of the usual guard, but followed him obediently to the interrogation room. She felt a stirring inside her mind and knew that Jinx was also awake. She remembered what Jinx had spoken of the night before, and wondered if it would ever be possible.



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