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@@Snowflake Frostflame,@@cybernote nyan, @@nx9100, @@Eternal Night, @@Trine,


Tom took a quick glance at his watch. Max (Trine) was reporting to the Warden's office right now, but there was a schedule to keep.


The contractors had just finished their breakfast which was dried lilac pedals on rye, Bermuda pellets, and mechanically separated mystery cereal. A bit tastier than usual, but still far less than adequate for a free pony.


Tom checked his watch again. 2 minutes behind, and breakfast was ready. He shrugged, drew his collapsible asp, and walked down the housing unit while running the steel baton against the iron bars.


He said through gritted teeth on the baton, "Everypony on your hooves for count!"


When he reached the end of the corridor, he inserted his key into the release, switched it on, and pulled the lever which opened all of the cells.


Tom stalked down the unit eyeing each inmate and noting their presence while announcing, "When you are counted, proceed to the chow hall!"


As Tom passed the unnamed black and grey stallion from the day before, he gave a slight upward gesture with his chin towards him, "Same arrangement as yesterday?"


(OOC: I will have passed your cell when you post. Feel free to proceed.)

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@@Pripyat Pony


Snowflake locks the door to the interrogation room and shuts off any audio recording them he then takes a seat in his chair "this is going smooth, a little too smooth... no pony has suspected I'm a spy... and you haven't told any pony right?, has she told any pony right Jinx?"


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, Jinx spoke up. "Nopony at all, tho she spoke with Atlas and Cosmo about how we... met." Jinx chuckled at the thought. "Sometimes I miss not having my own body, but I suppose that I'll have to be content to share Jay's until I get a chance to view the library at the Castle of the Two Sisters."


Jay gasped, tho she had already known of this due to their talk the previous evening, she still didn't think that Jinx was really serious about breaking into that castle.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony


"good now our next move is to gain some allies... you mentioned Cosmo and Atlas... they could be of some use but Atlas is about as off as you two are, and Cosmo... if we don't steal his medication on the way out he could be a problem.... some pony has payed a lot of coin to ensure Jinx gets a new body and I would hate to disappoint them.... as for you Jay when your free of this prison and Jinx I shale protect you and clear up your name.... I maybe a mercenary but I'm not heartless, also you mentioned you hid quite a lot of bits before you got locked up Jinx.... maybe we can split it when this is all over" Snowflake hears knocking on the door "that must be the guy delivering your breakfast.... go now you two and get the trust of others... whisper thunderbird in my ear when your done" Snowflake walks up to the door and unlocks it "there will be no need for that anymore we finished the interrogation, she will be heading back to the dinning hall"


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, When Snowflake mentioned Cosmo's medication, Jinx replied, "I'm sure I could use my magic for a temporary solution. Would need reapplying, but would ensure his mood is stabilised enough for him to be useful to us. As for the bits, sure. I will tell you where they are once we're out of this dump."


After Snowflake let her go, Jay walked slowly to the dining room, her mind in a whirl. She was willing to help Snowflake, if only he could get her free of Jinx.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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I walked out of the cell with a yawn. I guess it's time for breakfast. I popped my back and wings a bit, that felt a bit better.


@@Eternal Night

I walked toward the mess keeping an eye out for Cosmo.

"Hey, Cosmo!" I called approaching him.


"I'm sure you slept well! I sure did!" I clicked my hooves smiling at him. 


You are WAY too happy.

Just because you're not a morning person doesn't mean you have to drag me down.

Just go get some coffee.

Fine, just don't expect me to be a dud like you!

Did you take too many crazy pills today or something?


I ignored Sal as she groaned.

"SOOooo. What are you doing today?" 


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Griffon Kingdom...


"So your amazing plan is to send him a cake with a file in it?"


"Yes... Yes it is. It's so cliche no one will suspect it"


"...Vanilla or chocolate?"



Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Pripyat Pony,


"Oh hey Atlas," I said nodding to him in acknowledgement, at least I think it's Atlas this time. "Sorry about yesterday... but well you know how it goes with me sometimes."


I shrug my shoulders a bit. "I'm not up to much (not that there's much to do) but I'm starving that's for sure. Wanna meet up with Jay and head to the mess?"


Atlas seemed to be full of life today made me wonder if somethings up. Then again he's a strange fellow so it could be a number of things I suppose. I made small talk with him as we made our way down to where I find Jay already sitting by herself. I get my food and sit down next to her.


"Good morning." I said with a smile

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Everypony was making their way to the chow hall. Things appeared to be going smoothly when Tom noticed the same three inmates from the previous day all at the same table.


Something was up with them, but Tom couldn't put his hoof on it. He sauntered in their direction and pretended to watch the room while keeping an ear on their conversation.


Radio traffic from the other units buzzed in his ear while he fiddled with his TASER holster in idle. He figured they might notice him eavesdropping, but the idea was to make sure that they knew. He liked to call it passive assertion when he silently, without body language even, asserted the thought into inmates heads that if they were up to something, he was onto them.

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Snowflake entered the dining hall so he wouldn't be missed on his way there he had heard over the radio about a new guard but he didn't pay much attention to that. Snowflake then sees Tom watching Jay and her friends from a distance though the look Tom gave seemed different Snowflake had hoped he wasn't catching on to them "hey Tom" Snowflake sticks his hoof out for a brohoof


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@@Eternal Night,@@Pripyat Pony,


"It's fine, man, don't sweet it" 


"Sure, I wanted to talk to her anywho"


Food. It was disgusting as usual but food.


"Hey, Jay. You sleep well?" I took a sip of the coffee. Ugh. This stuff was terrible. I don't really need the coffee anyway.


Don't you dare stop drinking that, jackass.

What got into you?

Shut up, and let me drink it.

Fine jeez.


I let Sal take control to drink the coffee. Maybe it would make her cool off some.


Well as soon as Sal was in control she swapped from my chipper face to looking like she was ready to murder someone.

"What the hell are you two looking at?"


Now, now, Sal. No need to be a jerk.

Shut up.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Firehearted,@@Pripyat Pony,


I shook my head a little and shoved a bit more food in my face, which admittedly wasn't nearly as horrible as usual. Then again anything tastes good when you're as starved as I was. I tried to ignore Atlas' other half or deamon thingy as she voraciously downed the cup of coffee in front of her... him?? This was still utterly confusing to me but I figure lingering on that wouldn't really help things.


"So how are you doing today?" I say looking up from my tray. "I'm sorry about yesterday, my magic doesn't really work right and I need to take medicine so it doesn't get out of control."

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@,   @@Pripyat Pony,  @@Eternal Night,@@Firehearted,


At the sound of the guard's voice, he got up off the floor.  "I would... like that," he replied, glancing at the empty boxes sitting in the corner of his cell.  "The food was.. much better."  Then, following the guard and the other inmates, he made his way to the dining hall.


After receiving his tray, he carried it past a table with three ponies, being watched by the guard who offered him the food, finding a spot at an empty table just within earshot of the three others....





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@@Snowflake Frostflame, @@nx9100


Tom bumped his hoof against Snowflake's. "Sup, Snow." He said quietly so that he wouldn't drown out the inmate's voices. Tom was nearly deaf in his left ear and his right ear was filled with radio traffic. There was a big move going on in so calls for individual cells in the Specialized Housing Unit to be opened were non-stop. Tom nudged the volume control with his nose and shot a wink at Snowflake and tilted his head toward the inmates. It was a subtle signal to Snowflake that Tom was listening in on them and to keep his voice low, but to act natural.


"So, I'm taking my foal to Canterlot this weekend." Tom said passively. A mistake that he regretted immediately after realizing that he was within earshot of the inmates. None of the inmates knew anything about Tom. To them, he was without a family or anypony he cared about. He hoped that they weren't listening and continued.


"Yeah, I'm going to the castle to see Celestia's home as just a little fun day out." Tom said while giving a slight shrug. "I've seen it before, but I think it's kind of cool to go and look at it's immensity every now and again."


He saw the nameless grey and black stallion sitting by himself. That's a good prisoner. One who just sits alone and does his time without trying to hatch shit up. An inmate who keeps to himself and doesn't try to quell his boredom with nonsense behavior.


Tom turned to Snowflake and kept his voice low while keeping an ear on the inmates, "What are you planning?"

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Sitting at the table, he attempted to 'enjoy' his breakfast, while listening to the various conversations around him.  Normally he wasn't one to eavesdrop, but hey, it passed the time.  The group sitting behind him were talking about medicine and magic, while the guard who was nice to him mentioned taking his foul for an outing.  Excellent hearing was one of the skills he was taught...

  • Brohoof 1





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Snowflake grinned and said quietly "trust me your foal will love Canterlot its a lot more majestic compared to Manehatten, I was actually raised in the city when I became an orphan, but that's another story..... as for my plans I have none, I may only be 25 but I have seen so many things in Equestria... I use to be an adventurer.... now my only concern is making bits"


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, (OOC: "But then I took an arrow to the knee?")



Tom gave Snowflake a little smile, "I love that town."


He stifled a yawn. That foal was a few weeks away from 24 months old and didn't always sleep through the night. He consistently woke up at least once and needed to be shushed back to sleep. Tom had sinister thoughts now and then about exactly how long he would need to apply a vascular choke to avoid permanent brain damage, but put the little bastard out for a few hours. Sleepless nights were becoming less and less frequent, but he appeared to be unable to acclimate himself to less sleep than before he had Grand Overture. Especially after Rosy Mane died.


Tom realized he was staring at the grey and black stallion in silence. He looked away from the inmate and returned his gaze to Snowflake, "Geez, that radio is buzzing." Tom said as he rubbed the ear-piece out of his ear to give himself a break.


Tom cleared his throat, "So, there's a new pony working today. How do you like that? You going to train the newbie or am I going to get saddled with that?"

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While listening to the chatter around him, he noticed that the friendly guard, who was now joined by the interrogator, seemed to be watching him.  He turned his head slightly to look back, but the guard had already looked away, and was talking to the interrogator about a new guard just starting...  With a sigh, he resumed his meal...





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"yeah I have heard about the new guy.... or lass who knows...." Snowflake chuckles a little "last I heard they were in the Wardens Office, we could go meet them there after breakfast.... we don't need the dining hall being under guarded now"


Snowflake then thinks to himself "Tom seems to be getting real suspicious of Jay and her friends... I hope he doesn't interfere... he seems serious about his job so persuasion most likely wouldn't work....  killing would be my best bet but its also my last resort....but I can't kill a friend... especially knowing he is a father... and if I do kill him what of his foal should I kill him too?... NO what the tartarus am I thinking I can't kill a foal.... should I raise him as my own?... maybe... I just pray it doesn't come down to that"


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@@Firehearted, @@Eternal Night, "That's ok, Cosmo," Jay replied, taking a sip of coffee. The coffee was strong and well sugared, too much sugar in fact than Jay liked, but she knew that Jinx liked coffee with lots of sugar so she put up with it. She looked around; there were several inmates around them who could overhear as well as a guard. She lowered her voice so that nopony could hear save Cosmo; she whispered in his ear. "Jinx could temporarily cure you. It wouldn't last forever but if you're without your medicine, it could work." She sat up and scratched her ear in an absent manner, turning to Atlas.


"I slept better tonight, thank you," she replied. "Nopony disturbed me at all last night, it was very restful, for a change."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,



"Ha, if I had a bit for everytime I heard that..." I said with a smirk.


I casted up a whisper while Atlas was too busy enjoying his coffee, and directed it so that only Jay could hear it.


"Listen, Atlas knows first hand just how messed up my magic is its a miracle I can even do this. I don't doubt Jinx's magical abilities but do you really think she could fix something like this? Enveration isn't really all that simple you know, and after yesterday I'm not looking to try anything for awhile. I'll keep that offer in mind however."


I returned back to my breakfast after casting the spell and shovled a few mouths full, I was still voraciously hungry. I honestly didn't doubt the power Jinx had, however I didn't think she was willing to help me out of the kindness of her heart. She must need me for something if she's offering to help me like that. I guess that'll all become clearer as time goes on. Worrying about it won't solve anything, judging by our sentences I have all the time in the world to figure out a possible motive. After all, its not like I'm leaving here anytime soon.

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((Note for everyone eavesdropping, when Sal is talking aloud (red text) Atlas sounds like a MARE cause Sal is talking))


"Gimme that!" Sal snatched the coffee from Jay (See: Sal is a jerk). She jugged the whole cup wiping some off her lip.

"Okay, that's enough for you" I took back control. I could Sal was TOTALLY okay with it by her long tangent of expletives.


I failed to notice Cosmo's spell. I really should have caught onto those by now.


I sat there waiting. For once in my life I didn't have a ready question...



Meanwhile, Somewhere in the Griffon Kingdom...


"No! We can't fit a whole musket in a cake!"


"But what if we made it a REALLY LONG cake?"


"No, Swift... Just no"


"A knife?"


"We don't want him in for another murder"








*Puts file into cake to Swift's disappointment*

"Now go and mail this"



Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


Tom heard a mare's voice come from nowhere. He didn't see Jay's lips move, so it wasn't her. Tom figured his bad ear was picking up noise from somewhere else. Maybe it was the tinnitus.


The inmates were just shooting the breeze it seemed. He had already spent too much time on this innocuous meeting. He gave Snowflake a swift pat on the shoulder, "I'm going to rove around the others. Let me know of you pick up on anything worthwhile."


Tom slowly sauntered around the dining hall for a bit listening to the inmates bullshitting and eating. The same comments from everypony, "You gonna eat that?" and "This food is garbage."


He made his way around to the grey and black pony and stopped in front of him. This stallion interested him. Tom had been wrapped up in other things so he hadn't looked up his number and pulled his file, but the fact that he remained unnamed was strange to Tom. He figured, although nopony trusted the guards, if he could get this pony to talk a bit, maybe Tom would learn his name. The mystery behind this pony was unnerving, but he appeared to be a model inmate. Possibly trustworthy.


"So, what's up? You got a name yet?" Tom gave a slight smile to mask his discomfort of the pony's unwillingness to talk about himself. Prisoners are usually very arrogant and self-centered.


Before the inmate could respond he felt the need to add, "I'm sorry for interrupting your breakfast. You just, honestly, facinate me is all."

Edited by Floor Tom
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Snowflake watches Tom wander off he then looks around and sees the dining hall is well guarded and he won't be missed so Snowflake makes his way down towards the Warden's Office on arrival he sees the new recruit, Snowflake kept his hood over his eyes making only his mouth visible "The warden is busy... he will order you around over your radio... I'm Frostflame... Snowflake Frostflame I'm the facilities Interrogations Officer.... "

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
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@@Eternal Night, Still in the same low voice, Jay replied, "Jinx could do it. A lot of ponies don't know this, but Jinx was once a real pony. She's not just a split off of me or anything like that. She was a very powerful mage who's talent was dark magic."


Jay glanced down at her cutie mark, the yin yang sign then continued. "If somehow Jinx was out of my head, my cutie mark would disappear. I haven't found my special talent yet; I only have this cutie mark cuz of Jinx sharing my body."


@@Firehearted, Jay made no objection to Sal taking her coffee; she just reached over for the jug and poured herself another. Jay was used to just putting up with things that Jinx did.


Meanwhile, Jinx was awake and, while she listened to Jay's conversation with Atlas and Cosmo with half an ear, was busy checking out the other prisoners. Discounting most of them, she fixated on one particular pony, with black and grey colouring. Interesting, she thought. This pony had potential, she could sense it. Perhaps a meeting could be arranged.



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