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open A prison story rp

cybernote nyan

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@Floor Tom

Maximus sees him investigating the cell. Then hears what Tom wants to ask Maximus.

"Sure sir".

Maximus stretches out the bed sheet and makes everything back to normal, using his magic to fix it.


"Alright sir, everything should look as if nothing has happend. Did you find anything interesting sir?" wonders Maximus.

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"Nothing useful. This pony's a star." Tom said referring to the inmate's good behavior and clean living. He took out the newspaper page and skimmed it. There wasn't anything identifying in the article which was particularly disappointing, but Tom figured he could give it a good hard read and possibly contact a few ponies with more information.


"This appears to be garbage." Tom says to Maximus. "Let's go help Snowflake get everypony inside. It's almost time for visitation."


Tom trots out of the block and goes to the recreation area to see if Snowflake had already begun without them.

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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


"Вы говорите по-русски?"


He stopped mid push-up, and turned to look up at  the prison interrogator, mild surprise on his face.  "You speak my native tongue," he stated, expression shifting to quizzical.  "I do not understand.  Is there some kind of information you require from me?"  He stood himself up to his full height, slightly taller then the average pony, and brushed some of the dirt from the yard off his worn down body suit.  





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@Floor Tom

"As you wish sir. I've already met Mr.Frostflame. He seems like a good guard and seems to be good at observing and has a keen eye on keeping it tidy" says Maximus. Maximus follows Tom to Snowflake. Noticing the different aspects of Manehattan prison, getting to know how the prison works like while walking with Tom. Observing and working goes hand in hand thinks Maximus.

Edited by Trine
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@@nx9100 @ @@Trine


"Вы не должны быть слишком удивлен ... Oh maybe you should I'd recognize your accent from anywhere" Snowflake grins... "Джей поручился за вас, так что я ставлю много веры в вас..." Snowflake looks away "Shit the others are coming we'll speak later in my office get moving and don't look back..." Snowflake calmly walks towards his comrades "ah Tom I see you're getting along fine with Maximus"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@,@@Pripyat Pony@@Eternal Night,  


After the interrogator left him, he just stood there thinking.  What could he want with me?, he thought.  and what did he mean by Jay 'vouching' for me?  Sparing a glance at the purple pony who had watched him in the dining room, he sighed.  There was only one explanation.  They must know about me, and the skills I was taught.  He couldn't think of any other possibilities.  But then, that thought lead to another.  What are they planning?  It must be big, if they are considering bringing me into it.  A breakout, perhaps?  It wasn't something he had thought of himself, having long ago accepted that his life would remain here, within the walls of the prison.  But maybe....


Following the other prisoners, he thought about it....

Edited by nx9100





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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Snowflake Frostflame, @@Trine, @@nx9100, @@Eternal Night,  


Tom shrugged at Snowflake and glanced at Maximus, "I have a feeling I'm going to like this pony."


"Let's get these ponies inside for their their up-time." Tom said while he gestured to the inmates.


"Alright, everypony!" Tom announced to the yard, "Let's get inside. Move along, now." He commanded.


Tom stepped closely to Snowflake as the inmates began moving to the day-area where visitation was beginning, phones were available, and commissary vending was opened. The pair of radios were turned onto a chart-topper station and a news-talk station for the inmates to enjoy.


Tom nudged Snowflake and whispered to him while keeping his eyes on the inmates, "I took the new guy to shakedown that grey and black inmate. Nothing turned up. New guy's a fuckin' solid dude. I think we got a good one."


Tom stepped away from Snowflake and made his way inside to monitor visitation, (which was strictly non-contact in nature), make sure that nopony abused the phones (it was common for ponies to get into arguments with whomever they called on the phone and beat it against the receiver), and to keep ponies from touching the radios (they're for listening, not touching).

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