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open ~* Dr Whooves - Equestrian Adventure *~

Pripyat Pony

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Ooc: http://mlpforums.com/topic/122076-dr-whohooves-rp/




Wish gritted her teeth as the Tardis shot thru the centre of the wormhole. She clutched the console to steady herself as the small blue box got up to an incredible speed, with sparks flying off it as it sped into the unknown. There was a small space in time when Wish fell unconscious; when she came round, she felt as tho every single atom of her being had come apart and was floating around, waiting to reform. Before she could work out just how to scream, given that her throat and vocal chords were in different places, Wish felt her atoms reform, tho her body wasn't human any more, that little she did know. Again she clutched at the console, only to find that she didn't have hands any more; she had hooves.


With an almighty shriek, the Tardis tore thru the atmosphere of the new world. Clouds drifted by, as did technicolour flying ponies, each with a look of utter surprise on their faces. The Tardis finally landed with a crash in a town square, outside what was clearly a cake shop. Wish took a few moments to catch her breath, feeling as tho she had had all the stuffing knocked out of her. Just where were they? Wish caught a glance of herself in the reflection of the screen and gasped. She had become a small dark teal unicorn, with a black and white mane and tail.


"Doctor?" Wish called out to the Time Lord, wondering that if what had happened to her, had also happened to him.

Edited by Pripyat Pony



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(Octavia's PoV)

Octavia looked up from her dandelion and daffodil sandwich, trying to locate the awful shriek that seemed intent on boring its way into her skull. "Is that..."


Just then, a large blue box of sorts came hurtling out of the sky, smashing down hardly thirty feet from where she was standing.


"What is that thing?" She hurried over towards it, sandwich forgotten.

Edited by You Heard Nothing

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Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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"Must re-calibrate... Navigational system... Misaligned controls... Oww." The doctor saints in a faint voice from behind the control console, out of breath and possibly hurt.


However, he soon emerges, as a technicolor pony of all things. "Well, that was one way to make a landing... Why does my brain feel all muddy?"


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Twilight was reading a book on the roof of her castle(uncretian if I should use that) reading a book and she saw a blue box flying out of the sky. She found this supscious and went to gather up the girls. She first went Pinkie's, then she went to Rarity's and knocked on her door. 

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(Rarity's PoV)

Rarity was just finishing up her latest design when she heard the knock on her door.


"My, I wonder who that could be?" She walked over and opened the door, to be greeted by the sight of Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. "Hello, girls. Is something wrong?"

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Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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@@Samurai Equine, Wish stared at the Doctor. "Doctor," she said. "You're a pony. And I am too. Where the hell are we?" Feeling slightly dazed, Wish used the control to open the door, thumping inelegantly with one of her forehooves and the door opened. She looked out at the weird technicolour landscape.


"Suppose we'd better find whoever's in charge and warn them about the Cybermen," she added.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Rairty, this may sound werid,but a blue box is following out of the sky Im gather up the others to investiage" Twilight explained 

"I cant wait to see him", Pinkie said with a cheerful smile

"Who,Pinkie?", Twilight asked

"Spoliers",Pinkie replied with a faint laugh 

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At first, the Doctor isn't paying attention. He's too busy walking around back and fourth, doing this and that. "First we have to pin point where we actually landed, reset the controls to match... No! No. Should probably go into the core and fix any anomalies that might be there... Would there be any anomalies? No, of course not. That's a last option... Should probably find some spare parts, make sure the system is cooled down... Should we get something to eat? A snack might help--" But finally, the Doctors hears what Wish says.


"What? Ponies?! That's completely..." The doctor then notices Wish, then looks down and sees his own hoof. "...accurate. Well, that's fascinating." The Doctor feels his face. "I have a muzzle. And a mane. And fur! ... Well, it could be worse. I could be a ginger in a funny hat." The Doctor says.


"Cybermen? Yes. NO! Maybe? Wouldn't want to cause a panic. On the other hand, maybe we arrived late? Yes. YES! Let's do some investigation first. Come, Wish! Right this way. I almost know EXACTLY what I'm doing." The Doctor grabs his coat, opens the Tardis, and leads the way.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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(Rarity's PoV)
"Oh, dear. Do you think it's dangerous? Oh, are we meeting somepony? What should I wear?" Rarity asked, checking her boutique. "Just give me a minute to clean up, then we can be on our way."

After cleaning up, (slightly) she grabbed a sunhat, and asked Twilight, "Shall we be off, darling?"

(Octavia's PoV)
Octavia was nearly at the strange blue box when the door opened, and after a moment, a strange pony with a coat over his shoulder trotted out of it. this was strange for two reasons. One, he was moving at a fair trot, with the box being barely large enough to allow him to be coming out of it at such a speed, and two, he looked much too unconcerned about the fact that he had just fallen out of the sky in a box.

"Oh, my," she muttered to herself, then called out, "Are you alright?"

Edited by You Heard Nothing

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Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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@@Samurai Equine, Wish sighed. Yes, the Doctor was completely alright; this was just how he was all the time. She trotted after him as he left the Tardis, just remembering to shut the door after her. Of course, since the time circuits had been damaged, there was no danger if anyone got inside, but still, better to be safe. Wish noticed a greyish pony with a dark mane and tail watching them; maybe they would be able to tell them where they were? @@You Heard Nothing,



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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(Octavia's PoV)

As Octavia watched, a second pony exited the box. She was a unicorn, and looked slightly confused.


Octavia approached the two. "Hello there. Are you alright? You fell right out of the sky. How did you even fit in that box? It can't have been comfortable."

@@Pripyat Pony @@Samurai Equine

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Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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"Oh my, more talking ponies!" The Doctor says upon meeting Octavia. "...I mean, yes. We're just fine. Everything is okay. ... Would you believe this was all just one big science experiment? No need to panic or anything." the Doctor says, noticing they are in a town square, with plenty of ponies looking at them.


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(Octavia's PoV)

"Are you quite sure that he's alright?" Octavia asked the strange unicorn. "Did he hit his head upon landing, maybe? After all, a landing like that should have killed you both."


Several other ponies nodded in agreement.


@Pripyat Pony @Samurai Equine

Edited by You Heard Nothing

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Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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@@You Heard Nothing, "No need to worry, the Doctor's always like that," Wish replied, trying to sound confident which was difficult given that they were now in the middle of a very interested crowd of ponies. "I'm Wish, by the way, this as I said, is the Doctor. And the Tardis is a lot more that it seems."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@You Heard Nothing,

They went to get  the rest of girls. When Applejack and RD were told they  seemed confused about it, and thought Twilight lost her mind, agian. In the end, they wanted if Twilight was teling the truth or not.  Fluttershy was just confused,but followed anyway Twilight. When the girls where all gather up, Twilight  used her map to get an idea where the  crash site was .

"This ways girls",Twilgiht order them  and going towards its direction and they headed towards the crash site 

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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"Yes, that's right. I'm the Doctor. And..." The Doctor pulls out his Sonic Screwdriver from his coat, but accidentally drops it. "Oh stupid mud brains..." He tries to pick it up but can't. "Haven't... quite... mastered using these hooves, yet." The Doctor says. Finally, he picks it up with his mouth. "Well... Dis is new..." The Doctor says with a mouth full.


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Wish was feeling a bit impatient, as well as freaked out. They were in what was obviously a completely different universe, and obviously their bodies had changed to fit said universe. The Tardis was damaged and the time circuits were unusable, and needed to be mended if they were ever going to get out of here. Not to mention the fact that there were Cybermen on their tails...



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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(Octavia's PoV)

"Well, if you say so. What is a Tardis? I have never heard of such a thing before." Octavia answered. She was still very confused, but thanks to her experiences with Pinkie Pie, she knew better than to question some things. "And what does he mean by hasn't mastered using his hooves?" Or, maybe not.

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Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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Octavia soon gets a glowing Sonic Screwdriver pointed at her face and waved at her. "Lets see... Organic life form, perfectly healthy and fit, you seem perfectly normal." He looks at Wish, and sees that she has a horn. "A horn! You have a unicorn horn!" The Doctor looks around and notices other unicorns. "And of course! Why wouldn't you have one? That makes sense. A unicorn needs a horn, why else would you call them unicorns?" He looks around more and notices pegasi. "And pegasi! With working wings!" He runs over and begins to examine more of the ponies in this town, also scanning for Cybermen or any other threats.


Seems the Doctor is still getting use to this brave new world.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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(Octavia's PoV)

"You two aren't from around here, are you? He's, well, how to put it..." Octavia trailed off.

"Crazy?" suggested one of the ponies in the crowd.

"Eccentric!" Octavia quickly said, trying to drown out the other pony's comment. "I'm sorry, some of the ponies here can be, well, less than courteous. Do you need a guide? Ponyville can be a bit confusing, at first," she asked the strange unicorn.

@@Pripyat Pony  @@Samurai Equine

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Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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@@You Heard Nothing, "That would be very useful, thank you very much," Wish replied, gratefully. "And yes, the Doctor is eccentric but I'm used to him. The Tardis is what we use to travel thru time and space, tho at the moment, the time circuits are damaged. We were escaping from enemies when the Doctor asked me to direct the Tardis into a wormhole, which eventually led to this place. Normally, we don't look like this, but obviously our bodies changed to fit the universe."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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(Octavia's PoV)

"O-okay. Shall we continue? I-" Octavia began, looking extremely confused at the explanation. However, she was cut off by a voice, the owner of which appeared shortly.


"Tavi! Shame on you, you were supposed to wait for me! When I got to the cafe, no one was there." A white unicorn with an electric blue mane trotted out of the crowd.


"I was waiting, for nearly an hour," replied Octavia, rather icily. She continued in a warmer tone. "Then these two ponies fell out of the sky in that box. I don't know where they came from, but I've agreed to be their guide for the moment. Now, as I was saying," she said, turning back to the strange unicorn, but she was interrupted once again by the white unicorn.


"Ooh, can I come too? I bet these ponies would love a bite to eat at the cafe. Or maybe they'd like a-"


"Vinyl! Calm down. Yes, i suppose you can come along. Now, as I was saying before being interrupted- twice," -Vinyl had the decency to look sheepish- "is there anywhere in particular you would like to go?"

@@Pripyat Pony @@Samurai Equine



(Rarity's PoV)

"Oh, dear. What a crowd of ponies. Do you suppose that there is anything left of that box?" Rarity asked upon reaching the crash site, and seeing the crowd of ponies clustered around it.


Edited by You Heard Nothing

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Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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"If fells like....", Twlight said almost getting into a trance and ging into what seemed to her like an hour,but in relaity it was only two minutes

"Fells like what,sugarcube?", Applejack aske d

"Nothing", Twilight repleid shaking her head,"Let down and meet let up."

They rushed down to the crash site and while Pinkie hopped on the way down there 

@@Pripyat Pony@@Samurai Equine@@You Heard Nothing

"Hello Im Princess Twilight Sparkle of Friendship and they are my god friends,Applejack", she siad begining to introduce 

"Howdy", Apllejack said tipping her hat 

"Pinkie Pie", Twilight said

"Nice to meet you Doctor", she siad with a smile 

"Flutershy", shesiad 

"Um..hi",Fluttershy introdocued 

"Rainbow Dash", she said 

"And one of the best filers in all of Equestria", Dash stated 

"And Rarity", she said, finishing off 

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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@@You Heard Nothing, "We don't know this place, so anywhere you think we'd need to know about would be fine by me," Wish replied.


@@COBLoneWolf, Wish was mildly startled by the arrival of a group of six ponies, the leader of whom seemed to be a cross between a unicorn and a pegasus. "Are you the ones who are in charge here?" she asked.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Princess? Princess! Royal family. Of course. Tis a pleasure." The Doctor bows before Twilight. But all the the while, he is secretly thinking "Princess of the ponies? Feels like I've fallen into a little girl's playset."


"Good day. I am The Doctor. And..." He stops and looks at Pinkie. "You all ready knew that. How did... Well, that's not important right now. Twilight, your highness, I need your assistance. Have you seen anything strange lately? Specifically, ponies disappearing, then reappearing but acting cold and detached?"


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