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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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Tyra perked up as she heard Caramel's announcement, and as she headed toward the island, she looked toward the others.


"Should somepony go after her?" She suggested, looking over her shoulder toward the island, "I fear I may be of little use here, and there are dangerous things on that island."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Why all this struggle Rave? Why can't you let me take control? Why do you refuse my help?". Rave was trying to ignore the voice as best he could, but it was very difficult. "You know you don't have long to live. You know you are about to die". Rave stopped breathing. 

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Caramel running around the jungle, gathering all sorts of plants. She flew back to the ship as quick as she could. She ran below deck, she wasn't even sure if any pony noticed her passing through. She mashed up the plants with a bit of water. "Thank you Zecora for yer wise lessons. Let's hope this works." Caramel went back to Rave with her mixture when she noticed he wasn't breathing. She ran up to him "This isn't how I imagined our first kiss." Caramel thought. She quickly started giving him an air by mouth to mouth. "Come on Rave, don't die on me, come on."

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Rave felt something. It was as if he suddenly could breath again. His body seemed to be breathing again. He opened his eyes, however, his vision was very blurry. He tried to talk but could not. He was in a lot of pain. "What is happening, I am still alive?" he thought to himself. 

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Tyra grinned as Caramel returned to the ship, and watched as Caramel gave Rave mouth-to-mouth.


Considering her earlier notions that the two were becoming an item, a smirk entered her face.

This certainly wasn't denying it.


Though her smirk turned into a genuine smile as Rave opened his eyes.

"He is awake!" She announced, "I knew that foul spirit would not take him!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Spellbind had passively watched anxiously as Caramel and the team had put in their best efforts to bring back Rave, and imagine her relief and joy when Rave started to awake.


"That's a start... pleas be alright," she said, stating the obvious with tears welling up in her eyes.

Edited by Littlecandylulu903
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Caramel noticed everypony starring at her and Rave so she stopped. "Well this is awkward." she thought. She saw that Rave opened his eyes. That is a good sign "Rave, are ye there, can ye hear or see me?" Caramel looked at him with anticipation. "Talk to me lad, are ye alright?" 

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Rave thought he could hear something. Someone calling, a voice that he recognized. It seemed distant. "Hello? Is anybody there? Can you hear me?" he thought, not able to talk. He managed to move a hoof an inch, but not much after that. Rave had gone pale (for his color). 

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violet, meanwhile, had softly removed one of the arrows. she looked at the point, sniffing it and even tasting it. then she lit up, and dashed into the forest, gathering various plants. she had flew back to the others, and began crushing up the herbs in a bowl. "flare! fire!" the phoenix blew a small fireball in, which burnt it. "here, this might work!" violet said, as she wrenched open his mouth and dumped in the antidote. "i couldn't find all the ingredients, so it wont cure him completely, but if he has a strong enough will, his immune system will fight it off."

Edited by Peytonjay


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Rave felt stronger. He lifted his hoof up and his vision started to return to him. The antidote seemed to be fighting the poison. "Crml, crml" he mumbled, not being able to completely form words. Color seemed to be returning to him. He lifted another hoof up. 

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Tyra glanced over to Rave, and went wide-eyed at the sight of him stirring.


"Violet, I think you have saved him!" She grinned widely, and trotted over, "He is awakening!"


She suddenly realised she probably shouldn't be speaking so loud when close to him, and promptly put a hoof over her mouth with an awkward smile.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"yeah. but odds are, he's probably about to spit it out. its about to taste downright nasty." violet whispered to tyra. "i hope he doesn't, though..." she looked at the others. "but he still needs blood, right?" violet was still worried. "what are supposed to do about that?"


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Caramel waved her hoof in front of Rave´s eyes. "Rave, are ye in there, hello?" Caramel looked a Violet and Spellblind with a concerned look. "I don't think a blood transfusion is possible. We don't have the resources and working without the right ones is just too risky. The only thing we can do is let Rave heal by himself with some help of course, but I'm afraid there isn't much we can do." 

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Tyra frowned at Spellbind's self-blaming, and sat next to her to put a hoof on her shoulder.


"My friend, none of us could have helped what had happened," she said with certainty, "but we got there in time to help him, which is much better than not being there at all."


She smiled. "Besides, you were the first to return inside. You are much braver than most ponies I have met in my travels, and believe me, I have met a lot of ponies. So please, do not put yourself down. You were just as helpful as everypony else."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Wilhelm was tempted to remind everyone that Rave and him had previously mentioned to everyone that they should not be here, but instead settled for binding Rave's wounds. "You know," he said conversationally, "he'll be pretty good. He hasn't lost that much blood considering his heart was beating at a lower rate since he was unconscious, and the magic in his blood should dispel the poison and restore his blood levels sooner than earth ponies or pegasi; though earth ponies are naturally resistant to poisons."

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"Do you think it will be save to move him? I don't think it's a good idea to leave him out here in the burning sun and the cold wind. Maybe it would be better if he was laying in his quarters below deck?" Caramel said. "Rave, can ye hear me? Do ye wanna lay in yer bed? Would that be better?" she said looking at him.

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@@Pucksterv, @@Littlecandylulu903

Rave could hear Caramel's voice in the distance. "What?" he thought. He also thought he heard someone sobbing. The antidote was trying its best to fight off the poison within Rave's body. Rave's head seemed to be nodding slowly though, as if he had heard Caramel's question and was responding to it. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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@@Unicorncob, @@JonasDarkmane,


Spellbind managed to collect herself slightly when Tyra comforted her in an attempt to make her feel not-so-worthless.


Still, she looked at Rave as he lay, moving slightly. "If only there was a unicorn who knew a body-switching spell... my consciousnes could go into his body, and his conscioussness could go into mine. I could inhabit his body for him until it heals..."

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Tyra kept up her smile and gave Spellbind a gentle pat on the shoulder. "And do not forget that, yes?"


She cocked her head as Wilhelm mentioned earth ponies are naturally resistant to poisons.

"We are?" She muttered, blinking, "Huh. Well, that would explain a few things."


She listened as Caramel asked if Rave wanted to go to his room, and he seemed to nod. At least he was regaining consciousness.

"Allow me to take him," she said to the captain, putting a hoof to her chest, "I would be honoured to help in any way I can."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Thanks Tyra, that is very kind of you." Caramel said with a smile. She looked at Rave again. "Tyra is going to take ye to yer room, yer going to be okay just hang in there. If  ye need anything just name it and I'll be there. Hang on there bud. Ye will be alright, I promise." Caramel took a little distance so that Tyra could take him to his room.

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Tyra opened her mouth to politely deny the request, since she'd be more than capable of carrying Rave to his room, but given the circumstances, she'd have to be delicate. A word that was not exactly in her vocabulary.


"Actually, if you could lift him onto my back," she suggested, grinning as she removed her axe's harness, "and perhaps keep an eye on him while I walk him to his room? That would be a great help!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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