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Ticktock look around and said to Tyra "We listen to Scarlet to go south,but I now think we should move east.Scarlet is not so...stupid and let us find Luna this easy." Ticktock jumped acros the room to the rock on east and put all of there keys in thet key lock.Dore sudenly appered and opened,he moved in and waithed for Tyra and Icarus.


(Sry nex for this,but you know comm T is out...a lot...and unic cant pick his room alone without god moding.)

Icarus and Tyra folowed Ticktock to the next east room.

-Team B.Red,Blizzard,Caliber

They walked in next room and frst thing they see thet there was not anny dore at north wall,so they must have got all the way up as they could.
And at same moment one green,probably hologram pony appered in midle of room"Welcom." He started "Answe my couple of questions and we all can move with our lifes,yes?" It was looking board,and whanted to finish this fest.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard took note of the hologram and looked around to see if there was anything else, "Hmmm....fine then. Let's see what you have for us. Let's get started shall we?" He said as his confidence grew. He knew he had this wrapped up, "Come on, let's go. We gotta hurry to save Luna."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber groaned, and sat down when the hologram started talking. "MORE brainteasers?!" he asked, "why?!"


he looked at red. "and good job on killing our ruler who was just trying to save her kingdom!" he said cheerfully, "or was that a wachknight? shoot, I hope it was a wachknight..."


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Hologram looked at Caliber as he started talking about lest room "No need to afread this is not so hard.No wrong answers here..." Holgram had green on his face after said lest part,it was like he was not telling th truth."Frst one for you grey one.." he was still looking at Caliber "You dont have feling for no one in your team.Am I right?" Next to hologram appered some sort of paper and a pen.

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard heard Caliber's talk and consoled him, "Chill out my bro. I was tested by my grandpa on a LOT of these puzzles and such. I'll pick up the slack for ya. We'll be fine ok? And by the way that was indeed a watchknight that Red killed so, yeah." He then simply watched as the hologran got near Caliber, ready to strike if need be.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Red eyed the hologram quietly, not answering either of her team-mates because she saw no need.

She blinked at the question. Was this some sort of trick? She wondered. No, of course it was a trick... but what kind of trick? She couldn't see any possible reason for the hologram to ask Caliber whether he had feelings for any of them. Unless she was just too tired to think properly. She stared at the pen nd paper now. That was either a bizarre joke, or a bizarre intimidation tactic.

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Hologram looked at Caliber but not a single answer comed out from him "Take all the time yo. need,next question..." he looked at Red "...at the end whay did you join this...up raising.Whay do you whant to take Scarlet down?" Hologram pony was looking cold blooded.

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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caliber looked at the hologram, and took a moment to think 'DO i have any feelings for my teammates?'


he shrugged. "they're good friends." he said, "and id die for any of em."


he didnt really wanna answer. since he kinda didn't know the answer. sure, he'd been in battle with them, and fought together, bonded and stuff, but they've only known each other for about a week and the battles...those were just battles arranged by higher-ups. he would've preferred to do all this alone, but he knew that would be impossible, even for him.


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Blizzard got into his battle ready stance in case the hologram tried anything funny. He knew never to accpet anything at face value when dealing with Scarlet or anything that has to do with her. He simply watched closely, as the hhologram began to ask Red her question.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Red glanced at Caliber silently. She approved of his answer.

She turned back to the hologram, considering. He said there was no right answer earlier, she mused, and any truth I give may be used against me in the future. Though lying may be dangerous-- but everything here has been dangerous so far. We'll test the waters.

She answered easily after a moment of consideration. "My father is from the royal guard. He died in one of the recent bombings. So I'm going to carry on his work."

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Hologram turned to Caliber "You would die for em?Interesting..."He wrote something down,right before Red starte."Thet is a good to know." But unlike with Caliber,he wrote this down on other paper.Then he turned to Blizzard "What would you do if you had to chose betwene life of your love or saving the world?"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard thought long and hard about his decision, "*sigh* I'd go with nether at all costs. But if I absolutely HAD to choose, I'd say the world. If my love really loved me that much, she'd want me to save the entire world, rather than just herself. I'm not kidding."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Sad,litle pony.But your choise." He wrote thet on 3th paper,diferent from Calibers and Red.He moved litle away from group "Ok now for all.." he started onces again "Would you stil whant to save the world,if your leders know vs what are you fighting.But dont whant to tell you until its too late?"


(Leaders-I was aiming for Celestia.)

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard then began to think some more. Would he and his team not be told about what's really going on until it was too late? Preposterous as it may be. He didn't knock the notion, but verbally he stood firm, "No way! That's simply not possible dude. Try again."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Red considered the question. She wasn't pondering really an answer-- she was trying to figure out whether the hologram was asking a trick question or not. It almost certainly was, but... It was just that the question was phrased as to be a trick. Phrased to make them doubt their princesses... Which Red was considering. Was Celestia holding something back from them? Something dangerous?

But if Celestia was hiding something, it was probably for good reason. And the question made by the hologram was almost certainly made to doubt the princesses. She shouldn't be taking this question so seriously, at any rate. She should probably lie again.

So, what would her truthful answer be? If Celestia was hiding something... Then she would keep following Celestial, because if she didn't have faith in Celestia, who could she have faith in?

"No, I would abandon the cause." Red said calmly. Since he didn't ask for reasons, she gave none.

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caliber looked at the other two, and back at the hologram.


"dude, im here to fight strong opponents." he said simply, "i could care less if this empire falls. though, truth be told, i would prefer it stay like this, so..." he shrugged. "whatever fits the bill, you know?"


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"Well..." he looked tru 4th paper and contineu "...thet will be all.We will see soon inaf if you are lieing wont we." He was stil cold blooded,and he started to decapired from his green hooves up.And in his lest seconds he said "Go east,it will let you faind Luna quicker." He was gone and with it two dores opened.East and west doore.


(Look at map in ooc,to see where would you like.And beter listen to my and go east)

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard jumped up, ready to get moving as fast as possible, "I say we go east guys. Are ya with me? I don't know, but I've got a strange feeling that going east might be the best option here for us." Blizzard said as he walked toward the eastern door, "Well, you guys coming with or what?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Red and Caliber gone with Blizzard in east room.


-Team A.Tyra,Ticktock and Icarus.


As they entered in east rooom,they seen,again,normal sqare shaped room.On floor there where pony shape bones,must been the bones from agents thet order have sended to stop Scarlet.Room was bloody,and on other side of room was some dog like monster,he didnt seen our heroes because he was sleeping.One wrong move and he could wake up...

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Tyra entered the next room, and froze at the site of the huge monster dog. It reminded her much of her pet ice wolf at home, only a bit larger.


Seeing the skeleton on the floor, it was obvious what it enjoyed eating.

"No sudden moves," she whispered, "This beast possibly hunts by sound."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ticktock nodded "Yeah we need to be stealthy and get to a door but first we need to figure out which door to go to and what to do if that dog wakes up" Ticktock started looking around the room thinking about where the dog might go if it wakes up (but hoping it doesn't). 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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And as plan have been planed,all light in room gone down and east,north and south doore opened."Im so soory for this,but our generator started to miss behave.Il need to fix it...old fashon way-Hit it until it start working again." Wall falled in front of the dog like beast,and it made this room cleard and doore are opened.But our heroes needed to act fest because generator could start to work anny second...



(Still have no conection,and because no one done annything,i ended this room so you could start yours.Dont forget this generator miss behave is onli for team A.And Unic is gm until my conection is back)

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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As the power went down and the room became clear Ticktock sprang into action "Tyra lets go east and hurry before the lights and everything start working again. And when we find Luna if she is hurt then I will make sure that Scarlett feels the same pain." Said Ticktock rather coldly.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"Aye, I agree," Tyra nodded, and sprinted after Ticktock toward the east door, "We shall make the witch suffer for what she has done!"


She glanced back toward the dog. It was a shame; she would have liked to try making friends with it, but nonetheless, she had a job to do.


Team B - Blizzard, Caliber, Red


The second the three entered the east room, they felt a sudden sting in their necks. A quick look would reveal a dart sticking into them.

"I hope you didn't get stung too badly," Scarlett's voice taunted in the air around them, "I have a special surprise in store for you this time!"


The lights in the room lit up, to reveal the floor covered in tiles. Most of the tiles depicted images of lions, hawks, wolves, and other predatory animals. Others depicted mice, deer, fish, and other prey. At the end of the room were three bottles, along with three doors, one on each wall.


"As you may have guessed, I've poisoned you!" Scarlett continued, a hint of joy in her voice, "Fun, yes? This means you're on a bit of a timer! Now, those bottles you see at the end are the antidotes, one for each of you. Figure out how to get to the end, and they're yours."


Suddenly, spikes appeared on the walls, and a jet of flames shot from the ceiling momentarily.


"I know you three might try cheating, so any of this agility or ice-skating nonsense is not allowed, understood?" She asked, a hint of warning in her voice.


Her joyful tone returned as she concluded, "Have fun!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard had felt the dart impact his skin, and felt a little sluggish. He heard Scarlett's voice once again, and saw the perks of the new room, "Fine then! Let's do this guys!" Blizzard said as he began to examine the ground's properties. There were tiles everywhere, "Ok guys, puzzle time. What's the deal on these tiles?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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