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Fallen Valkyrie

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Tyra and Blizzard were standing in the river, watching as fish swam by their legs. The water was just below knee-height for the mare, thankfully, so it wouldn't be a problem for her.


Her ears flicked as she heard somepony mention her, and with a swift motion, hers and Blizzard's heads jerked into the water, emerging moments later with a fish in each muzzle.


"Fishing!" The mare chirped, proudly strutting toward the shore.

Tyra turned her head as a bright light shone in the distance for a few moments, and then dissipated. She and Blizzard tilted their heads, unsure what to make of the anomaly.


After a few moments, the mare shrugged and turned back to her companion. "Would you like some too? I can catch you one!"



The black stallion blinked and looked around to see where the flash came from, but he shrugged it off and looked back to the mare with her companion trotting back to him. Storm chuckled and smiled wide. "I can get some on my own, but thanks for the offer, Mis Shatterhoof." He drew out his katana from the sheath on his side, the handle in his mouth. He slowly trotted into the river and waited for the fish to swim by his hooves. He quickly jabbed the blade of his sword into the water, revealing a large fish at the end of his blade when he raised the end of his katana out of the water. He went back to the shore with the large fish, sliding it off his blade and onto the ground. He washed his blade in the water of the river before putting it back into it sheath. "It seems that you and Blizzard have gotten quite a lot of food here. We should bring them back to camp and cook them for dinner for the whole group." He said, looking over the fishes they had caught.

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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Ice had slept, and awoken the very next morning. Bright and early. He walked out of his tent, and went up to the princess, "Alright. So what's next? Where we headed off to bright, early, and bushy tailed?" he asked, as he stretched and yawned. Clearly just barely waking up.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Rarity giggled behaind Twilight as Blizzard said 'Bushy tailed' ,but Twilight did not laugh or did her mouth moved to show anny sign of smaile on her face.She did just looked at Blizzard and started,yelling so others could hear her "Well IF others are to wake up...." and then contineued in normal voice "...we are going behaind thet forest."She pointed at one forest on north-east , it was maybie one hour walk from our hero current position.She looked back at Blizzard "There should be one proble out there,thet by latest Order news is for some reson gloving red,also Order report say there should be could of molten dogs guarding it.Did thet answered to you question?" Twilight finished looking right in Blizzard eyes.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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The black stallion blinked and looked around to see where the flash came from, but he shrugged it off and looked back to the mare with her companion trotting back to him. Storm chuckled and smiled wide. "I can get some on my own, but thanks for the offer, Mis Shatterhoof." He drew out his katana from the sheath on his side, the handle in his mouth. He slowly trotted into the river and waited for the fish to swim by his hooves. He quickly jabbed the blade of his sword into the water, revealing a large fish at the end of his blade when he raised the end of his katana out of the water. He went back to the shore with the large fish, sliding it off his blade and onto the ground. He washed his blade in the water of the river before putting it back into it sheath. "It seems that you and Blizzard have gotten quite a lot of food here. We should bring them back to camp and cook them for dinner for the whole group." He said, looking over the fishes they had caught.


Tyra watched closely as Arcing entered the river with his sword. Blizzard sat by her master and watched as well, tail flicking with curiosity. The two watched as the stallion stabbed his blade into the river and lifted out a fish.


"Wow, skewing!" Tyra chirped, pattering the ground in applause, "My aunt does something like that, but with harpoons and huge frost sharks!"



And soon later others, Storm Tyra and Ticktock returned to the camp.And rest of the night did gone as picefully as it was till now.


The next morning,sun rose and started to over take lifeless horizonts around our heroes camp.This looked like it should be another day like before,stop Scarlet and again be a hero....but litle our heroes know thet today it would be different.Today was the day thet true strenght of our heroes,and all of Equestria would be tested by Scarlet Briar....today Scarlet will show her true teeths....

Rarity and Twilight were already awake and at this moment they started to wake our heroes up,so they could finish there mision.It was still early morning,but as one pony onces said 'Early bird gets the worm.'


Tyra emerged from her tent and yawned, stretching out her limbs. Blizzard followed her out not long after, yawning and shaking herself.


"Are we ready?" She asked, a determined smirk on her face already.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice smirked when Rarity laughed. He felt his little jokes were actually meaning something nowadays. When Twilight began explaining, however, he was focused, and stopped smirking. He listened to her, and responded when she was done, "Makes sense. When do we move out?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Twilight loked at Tyra as she woked up,and then whanted to answer to her question,but then Blizzard asked almost the same question and so as Twilight did not whant to repeat her self twice she said onli one answer to this two question "We are ready to move out the moment evryone...WAKED UP!"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Ice covered his ears in pain when Twilight shouted, and looked back up at her, shaking his head. He didn't like crabiness when he wakes up in the morning, so he responded, "Woah, calm down, Twilight. If you scream any louder, you'll lose your color and become a pretty shade of white like Rarity here," he said before laughing.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Meahwhile in Ticktock's tower (which he had snuck away too after everyone had gone to bed) he was awoken by the sound of shouting and then saw what time it was. He quickly put on his suit and hat, before teleporting to the group "Yeah... um sorry for being late i was...you see i... i was getting dressed, took a bit longer than expected." At the end of the sentence Ticktock let out a nervous chuckle.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


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My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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After Blizzard said,intentional or by misstake,thet Rarity was pretty,she giggled and after finishing this giggled left an soft smaile on her face.But Twilight did not been happye about this and as she thinked what should she yelled at Blizzard for this action sge moved one hoove step forwered,at a Blizzard direction. But before she could yelled,Ticktocm appered and as she did nit expect thus shr jumoed couple of hoove steps back.And after Ticktock finished giving his sentance Twilight said "I hope you did not put your best dress on,as I wont want it to get destroyed." Twilight smailed and contineued "So is everyone ready?"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Tyra and Blizzard were nearly blown back by Twilight's yelling, but kept their hooves and paws firmly on the ground as they leaned back. When the echoes finally ended, the mare sat and clapped her forehooves together in applause.


"Not bad!" She chirped, grinning, "But I am often considered the North's champion shouter. May I demonstrate?"


From her lowered ears, even Blizzard knew this was a bad idea.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Sure,just do it as we move forwered." Twilight said to Tyra as she turned around and started to walk in a way,she pointed moments ago. "Come on,time is not our side." Rarity smailed at our heroes, and thet smaile looked like she was saying she is sorry - probably for Twilight behavior today , and then almost skiped up to the Twilight thet was no in the lead.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Ice listened attentively at the next movements they were supposed to make, and once Twilight and Rarity were finished speaking, he replied, "Alright, then what are we standing around here looking pretty for? Let's flippin go already! Which way we headed outta here?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"The way I am currently moving." Twilight said yto Blizzard, sge said this the way like she thinked Blizzard should figure out this.She was not happye thet she did had to say this.

And onces again like before Rarity turned around, carefully thet Twilight dont see her an weak smailed at Blizzar, onces again it looked like she was saying I am sorry with her weak smaile.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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And just like thet our,litle heroes were on there way to there next mision.


Our heroes walked true the forest,not so long as sun wasnt on its throne in the sky as Twilight stoped them from moving forwered.Twilight turned around and said to our heroes,with quait voice,it was so quait our heroes barely heard her "Behaind thos bushes,there is one of thos probs,but is guarded by one molten dog and one of thos Djinn creature.We should take them out before they find out what is going on." At this moment Twilight did not care if enemie is ready to fight or not,there order was clearn -Capter one Energy Probe- and it was from wery top of the food chain - Right from Celestia.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Tyra listened closely to Twilight's warning and nodded, smirking and dragging her hoof on the ground.

"Only one of each?" She snickered, cricking the joints in her neck, "A foal could fight them. I will not even break a sweat!"


She began stalking toward the bush, grabbing her axe in her jaw and readying herself to pounce.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As Tyra looked beyond the bushes she could see this two "enemis". Molten dog was not like other molten dogs they were fighting,this one had just it one hand turned molten and rest of its body was still Diamond dog like,but he still had one molten sword in its hand.As for the other Djinn,she looked quait small,almost Tyra size,and un like her's friend down there she did not had anny wepon. This enemis were not prepared for fighting and our heroes could see thet and so our heroes could maybie try doing this picefuly, but from other side of the coin this two could be just here like a warning agains the enemi and if they were not taken out quickly they could destory this energy prob , and with it upper hand our heroes could get agains the Scarlet.


If our heroes whanted to win agains the Scarlet,they should not risk annything and do as they got mission from Celestia - capter the prob,under any means necessary.Or they could risk evrything by showing mercy to this enemi thet showed no mercy to picefull ponys they killed from the start of this Scarlet up rising

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Ice thought carefully, and weighed the options of the situation. They could try and handle this peacefully, or fight. Either way, all that was important was the mission; and that was to get the probe, "Wait Tyra, maybe we can handle this calmly and carefully...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Tyra crept closer to the two enemies and saw that, indeed, they were unarmed and not looking prepared to fight. The Djinn looked almost her size too!


She looked up at Ice and nodded, sheathing her axe. "Aye, I will have no pleasure in attacking an unprepared foe."


Instead, she decided to take the most diplomatic route she knew; she stepped out into the open in front of the two. "Greetings, friends! I have come for your probe!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Djinn looked at Tyra coming out on open,and moment she seen her,it was like she seen her death."W-w-we are pr-prepared for y-ou murderers." Djinn said to Tyra,as couple of dark vines dig into the ground under her.She was scared of Tyra for some reson,could it be just fear because she knowed Tyra was good.......or maybie because of thet burned village.


The half molten dog looked at his scared friend and pulled pointed his sword right at Tyra "Turn aroun and no one need to die here." Molten dog was much more confident in him self then his partner.He pushed his friend litle back of him,and Djinn had striked the prob thet was behaind half molten dog and in front of Tyra.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Ice stepped forward, still trying to be peaceful about this, "Hey, hey hey hey. Calm down. We don't want to fight anymore than you guys do. We just want that probe, alright?"


He stepped forward again, "Come on, let's be calm and peaceful about this and simply get what we need."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Get what you need?!" Half molten dog yelled out "You are just as they said you would be!..." Molten dog was pointing his sword at Tyra and then moments later at Blizzard,and then again back to Tyra.He did not know to who should he care more,one bold inaf to come out frst,or the second one who is clearly whant this. 


And in back Djinn was now trying to hold her figure up high,like her friend in front of her thet was not afraid of our heroes.But she just could not be still....she was scared from the 'heroes'.She moved one step back closer to the control panel the probe.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Tyra assumed that the Djinn and molten dog had heard of the village attack a while ago. She sighed and dipped her head down.


"I apologise dearly for any attacks on you," She muttered honestly, "I had no say in whether to do it or not. And the village of Djinn...that was an accident. We rescued as many as we could manage..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"And yet many died!" Djinn said true voice,thet was almost breaking.She made one mire step back and looked upon when control panel of the energy prob.


"Accident?!" Hlf molten dog yelled as he pointes his sword back at Tyra "Your lies wont work on us!" . At this point,half milten dog did not had anny solid ground to trus our heroes,they comed out of no were and instantly said thet prob, thet they were guarding, is free for taking.


This could be the lest chance of our heroes to do something,or enegry prob could be destroyed.






(Guys have in maind I could bluf thet prob will be destroyed,but in same time I could be telling the truth.If you dont know what to do,and il give you a tip here,open the page were I started this chapter (chapter we are currently playing) and read thet litle about chapter I write.)

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Twilight loked at Tyra as she woked up,and then whanted to answer to her question,but then Blizzard asked almost the same question and so as Twilight did not whant to repeat her self twice she said onli one answer to this two question "We are ready to move out the moment evryone...WAKED UP!"

Storm emerged from his tent with a soft yawn when Twilight shouted. "I'm here and ready to go." He quickly packed up his tent and put it into one of his saddlebags, his katana sheathed next to the other one. When the group started to move, Storm followed after them quietly, just listening to them chatting.


"And yet many died!" Djinn said true voice,thet was almost breaking.She made one mire step back and looked upon when control panel of the energy prob.


"Accident?!" Hlf molten dog yelled as he pointes his sword back at Tyra "Your lies wont work on us!" . At this point,half milten dog did not had anny solid ground to trus our heroes,they comed out of no were and instantly said thet prob, thet they were guarding, is free for taking.


This could be the lest chance of our heroes to do something,or enegry prob could be destroyed.

Storm had been listening carefully and finally came out of the bushes. "Please calm down before we do anything that we would regret later." He said calmly, looking at the Djinn and the molten dog. "They didn't intend to hurt anyone. It was an accident, quite a...regrettable one, in fact." He sighed heavily, shaking his head. He then looked up at the Djinn, asking softly. "So can we have the energy probe peacefully and without any fighting please?"

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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Half molten dog looked at a 3th pony thet comed out and instantly,with out anny thinking pointed his sword at this new pony."They burned the village and Djinn insaide.Thet can not be an accident." Half molten dog said to the Storm.And as he finished it was like he relaised something,he made on step back and smailed at our heroes "You know what?I aint gona give you an easy way out..." He made another step back,and now was right in front of his Djinn friend "...you killed un armed.Now you will have to live with thet." Half molten dog turned around and stabed the controll panel of the energy prob."Come they are not wort it." Half molten dog said to Djinn,and right after they started to run.They had run like a wind,and even if our heroes would run behaind them,it would be use less,as they would not be able to chapter the enemie at this point.


After molten dog stabed the energy prob,it was quait obius thet our heroes would not learn noting new about Scarlet plans for future as this energy prob was un useable at this point."You should have done as you were told." An voice behaind our heroes said - it was Twilight.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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