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Elements of Nature - 2


Element of Nature  

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Garth shook his head.

"You're speculating that she killed your sister. And lying yourself. Anarchy never destroyed Canterlot, he brought it into the sky. Your sister might very well still be up there, trapped by Anarchy."

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Rigel finished his drink and cleared his bottles. He went down to where frost was to find plasma and Garth already there. He glared a Garth.


"why are we keeping her alive? What use is she to us? What has she done other than kill our friends?"

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Garth began to get ticked off.

"There's a reason I stopped you from killing her. Unless it's necessary, I'd rather not have my comrades kill, and necessary means that if we don't kill her, she won't be able to be stopped. Frost gave up and Legacy took away all her powers. She's useless to them right now, but she has information we can use."

Garth glared at Plasma.

"But I'd rather not force it out of her."

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PlasmaStorm lowered his head.

"Me & my sister have a very special connection. Plus i never said she killed her, i said that if she knew where she was. & i can`t feel anything from my sister since Canterlot flew up into the sky."

PlasmaStorm rose his head up.

"I need to know if she`s still in Canterlot, or even if she`s still alive."

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*And... done!*

Atom had finished doing a few things. He put a voice module into Cell, hooked up a camera feed from cell into his computer, and had finished charging Cell.

"Let's see how I did!"

He turned Cell's functioning back on.

"Brother, can you hear me?"

"Ye-. I c-n h-ar -o-."

"Damn, I'll have to work on it later. For now, I'll turn the speech off. Let's test out the camera feed and controls, shall I?"

Atom proceeded to his computer, pressed a few things, and was now controlling Cell.

"Voice check, one two..."

He heard his own voice behind him. He looked back and saw his face on the screen that the bot had.

"Good, now let's mingle."

The bot proceeded towards the kitchen to meet the other ponies.

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Frost rolled her eyes.

"If she was in Canterlot when it went up, she's up there now. Anarchy told us to only kill the guards and to disable those who fight back. Is that all you wanted to know?"

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PlasmaStorm started the get enraged.

"Stop lying to me. I know my sister very well i know she wouldn`t have let herself give in to that moment."

PlasmaStorm teleported out of Garth`s grip & Closer to Frost.

"My sister knows she what battles to pick & not to. She would`ve known better than to fight. She would left Canterlot to find aid."

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Rigel shook his head.


"Tch, she doesn't seem to be volunteering any useful information."


He turned around and began to walk away. he stopped by the stairway and turned his head around.


"ponies like her never change. The don't deserve any mercy. She'll never help us willingly. Force it out of her and be done with it."


He walked up the stairs and headed towards his room.

Edited by Evilshy

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"You LIE!!! She Was In Canterlot, & She Couldn`t have left the Vicenity because i can still feel her presence around there & She hasn`t moved for 2 months!"

PlasmaStorm`s eyes started to glow dim-lit.

"If you know anthing at all about my sister you better TELL ME!!!"

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Rigel stopped and glanced sideways at the robot.


"and what are you? One of gizmos little creations?" he shook his head. "I'm not in the mood right now."

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"Oh, sorry. I'm a new pony here. I'm controlling my brother at the moment. You see, his brain is in this bot I created. I figured I may as well meet all of my companions before I do anything. Also, who is this 'Gizmo' fellow?"

Edited by Derp2daherp
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Frost drew closer to the bars.

"You know what? Enter my brain. See what I know about your damn sister. I'll tell you right now: Nothing!"

(It's true. She has no idea where your sister is.)

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PlasmaStorm put his hoof on her head.

"But you still know something about the Elements of Nature."

PlasmaStorm glowed while he started to acces frost`s memories.

"Now, lets see what you know."


(Ok something just happened at my library & there was a fight with my friend so I GTG.)

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Plasma sees that Frost knows nothing more than she needs to know. He sees that she only knows the general location of the other 5 bards and only knows a small amount about how they fight. She knows even less about Anarchy. And nothing about his sister.

"Are you happy now?"

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Name: Nidal / Raven

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Personality: Kind and Shy / Rude and Violent

Specialty: Supportive Magic / Combat Magic - Cutie Mark of a coin - Heads up / Tails up

Description: Light green coat and green mane / purple coat and dark purple mane

Other: She changes as she sees fit. Unable to change rapidly. Oldest friend of Legacy.


Nidal walked towards the door.

*Knock on the door, then take a few steps back. That's what Legacy said, right?*

*Yep. Let's get this over with.*

Nidal knocked on the door and took a few steps back. A doorway rose up from the dirt at her hooves and revealed a staircase. She went down the stairs and settled in one of the couches in the living room.

*So now we wait for her to show up.*

*Surprise her. She's never been able to keep tabs on us.*


(This is my new character. Unlike the others, she's not a veteran.)

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Taking in the air of the deserted city, Larva looked down at what used to be the town his sister wanted to visit so badly.

The remains of the once bright city were scorched. He began to walk down from the hill, watching his step from the debris of the 2x4's that had fallen from the buildings. He could imagine how the ponies here must have lived, not expecting to be destroyed.


*So much destruction...*


A small hissing sound caught the back of his ear. He looked down at the ground to see a small rattlesnake that had made itself a home in the ground. Larva stared at the small thing.


*The poor thing must be alone out here... I doubt there is food for miles from here.*


Larva reached out his hoof at the small reptile. The snake started to hiss again, and snapped its head out to his hoof. Larva chuckled to himself. He closed his eyes and opened them again. They had turned blood red.


"Come out my friend. I am not going to hurt you."


The snake slowly slithered out of the hole and directed its cold eyes into his. Larva smiled again.


"Now that's better. Come, I have uses for you later."


He grabbed the pack that was on his back and opened it on the ground so the snake could find its way inside. The snake, as in a trance, obeyed and slithered inside. His eyes turned back to their usual luminous green.


*Now to find this base Daisy was rattling on about...*


Larva remembered her face as she set out of their home to head to this so called "base." She had said that this could change her life, and she could finally feel right about herself.


*I should of followed her... but my duty to Miyu comes first.*


He remembered later that night he decided to join the team as well, as he knew they traveled the world, and there was that slight chance he could find Miyu, and the people who had captured her. Larva shook his head.


*I have more important matters to attend to right now to dwell on thoughts. I need to find this so called base. Now what did Daisy say she had to do to get in...?*


Larva picked his head up and looked at the sun. He knew if he stayed out much longer in the heat, he would join the souls of the people who had died out here too. He looked around his shoulder. He noticed that he was in the middle of the city now. He continued to walk, and saw what seemed to be the town hall.


*Ah, she said to knock on the door... but what good is that to a deserted city...*


Larva once again shook his head.


*I need to get out of the sun now. At least my pony body can actually stand to be in this god forsaken sunlight.*


He noticed a tall building slowly over the heat emanating off the ground. He squinted his eyes to get a better picture of what it was.


*This must be the town hall...*


He walked up to the door, his steps getting heavier and heavier with each step.


*I need to get out of this sun...*


Reaching for the door, he knocked three times and stepped back. He stood in his spot staring at the door. He looked around, growing impatient. Suddenly, the ground beneath him opened up, showing stairs that led down to the underground.


*Convenient placing. Time to see how my dear little sister is doing.*


He slowly walked into the tunnel that had opened. He could feel the cold that was coming off from the stones. It made his skin tingle. He loved to be cold. He stood close to the wall and continued to walk, when he heard the passageway behind him close.


*No going back now I guess...*


He looked ahead of him as he heard mixed voices trailing into the passageway. He had wondered if any other pony had really been down here or not. He turned the passageway and stood in the doorway and looked around.


(that was for the person who called be a beginner)

Edited by Finesthour


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(That post took Finest at lest 20 minutes by the way. He kept asking me for information.)


Garth nodded his head.

"Sure thing Dusty."


Nidal noticed a pony standing in the passage way. She jumped off the couch and went over to him.

"Hello. Are you new here? So am I. Currently, you can call me Nidal."

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Dusty took the key off of the wall and unlocked the cell, tossing the key to Garth.

"Hold on to this will ya? I'd hate to be an accidental prisoner in our own base."

He walked into the cell, closing the door behind him. He sat down over by Frost.

"I see that you've already had a talk with Plasma. Don't worry, I'm nothing like him."


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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