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planning Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure (Updated) [Full]


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Just need to ask, is this RP still in its setup stage? If so may i make a character for it? Thanks in advance. If done on roll20, am sorry to have wasted time. Don't have a computer right now.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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... You're David Silver??! No, you must be joshing me. I hope you don't have a problem with me refluffing everything to be MLP related, such as the 'mark of destiny ' to cutiemark. I am still considering how to handle changing up deities to relate with the greater beings found in MLP:FiM. One thought being changing Princess Luminance to Starswirl since I plan on the Mane Six being a high level adventurers/heroines that the adventuring party can meet.


Laughs, well this is awesome, perhaps I can ask you some questions and seek advice from you in PM?

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I'm always available for questions, and you'd be far from the first to use Ponyfinder for MLP hijinks. While we can't support it in any official capacity, what you do with your home game won't get us sued.


As a note, Ponyfinder has a forum for such questions: http://forum.ponyfinder.net

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Thank you


First draft of the Deer race



Deer are among the oldest races, and are naturally very gifted when it comes druidic magic and experts of ancient lore. Proud of their heritage and culture, deer see themselves as the guardians of nature and the earth. Often stubborn and very much traditionalists, deer hold true to their beliefs and connection to the land though normally live apart and isolated in family units that may join together with their own kind through marriage or alliance. This race tend to remain in their homelands and are not usually the adventurous sort. They are suspicious of strangers, not one to trust those that are not like them, and fear nothing more then capture by others. Because of this deer, as a whole, actively avoid pony towns and settlements. Adventurers are the exceptions, willing to brave the world as a whole, even the worrisome civilized parts of it.


Deer Racial Traits:
Type: Fey (deer)
Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Medium: Deer are medium size and gain no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Fast Speed: Deer have a base speed of 40 feet, and a bipedal speed of 20 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Deer see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Fleet-Footed: Deer are naturally very lithe and agile, given to being very quick with a strong sense to avoid danger or threats around them. Deer receive Run as bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks.
Distrusting: A Deer takes a -4 to diplomacy yet also a +2 to sense motive checks when interacting with strangers and those they meet for the first time.
Guarded Freedom: Deer gain a +2 to perception checks but whenever they are entangled, pinned or bound, this race immediately becomes shaken.
Fingerless: See fingerless rules.
Quadruped: Due to being four-legged, deer receive +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense against trip attacks and +50% carrying capacity.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Oh wow; I don't really know what to say in a situation like this other than I'm even more motivated now to see this game take off. So speaking of which; how's everyone's character sheet coming along?




The Deer race looks good so far; although they seem a little on the weak side at a glance; perhaps giving them a bonus to sense motive as part of their Distrusting trait to balance out the diplomacy penalty?

Edited by Jaith Adymn
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The Deer race looks good so far; although they seem a little on the weak side at a glance; perhaps giving them a bonus to sense motive as part of their Distrusting trait to balance out the diplomacy penalty?

I missed this, I was actually considering a bonus to Sense Motive

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First Draft of Ponykind Deities (Alignment Thoughts?)


Celestial Lights [Celestia, Luna, Cadance]

Shared Domains: Community, Healing, Nobility, Protection, Law, Good


Celestia; the Goddess of Wisdom and the Sun

Domains: Sun, *Prophesy, Fire, Weather, Glory

Alignment: Lawful Good


Luna; the Goddess of Dreams and the Moon

Domains: *Moon, *Dream, Animal, Darkness, Void

Alignment: Neutral Good


Cadance; the Goddess of Love and Hope

Domains: Liberation, Charm (Love), Luck

Alignment: Chaotic Good



Starswirl; the Archmage of the Sisters, God of Magic and Knowledge

Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Time*, Travel

Alignment: True Neutral


Faust; the Goddess of Creation and Fate

Domains: Creation, Fate, Rune, Language


Mag'ne; the Savior of Dream Valley, Goddess of Herosim

Domains: Heroism, Friendship, Rainbow, Redemption



Additional Domains


Moon Domain

Granted Powers: You can manipulate the moon and creatures associated with The moon. You also have some command over the mental state of lunacy.
Touch Of Moonsilver (Sp): You may imbue a weapon With magical powers against shapeshifters. At 1st level this weapon is the equivalent to a silver weapon. At 11th level this weapon is also Bane against shapeshifters. Each day you may use this power a total number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level these rounds need not be consecutive.
Little Moon (Sp): At 8th level, you gain the ability to create an orb of moonlight at will. This is equivalent to a light spell centered on the characters hand A number of times each day equal to 3+ Wis modifier you may hurl this ball as a ranged touch attack delivering 1d6 points of damage for each 3 cleric levels the character possesses. This attack delivers double damage against shapechangers.
Domain Spells: 1st—Fearie Fire, 2nd—Moon Beam (Or Rage*), 3rd—Moon Blade (Or Daylight* moon version) , 4th—Emotion, 5th—Moon Path (Or Feeblemind*), 6th—Permanent Image, 7th—Insanity, 8th—Animal Shapes, 9th—.Moonfire (Or Shapechange*)
* Use this spell if you don’t have FRCS


Dream Domain

Granted Powers: Your dreams provide you with visions of future events, giving you and your companions an advantage in avoiding danger and allowing you to communicate with others.

Dodging Danger (Su): Your sense of future events allows you and your companions to dodge attacks, spells and breath weapons. Twice per day you or a companion you designate gains a +5 bonus to AC or to Reflex saves for 1 round. The bonus can be applied to two different individuals once or to one individual twice.

Dream State (Su): Beginning at 8th level you may enter a dream state once per night. In this dream state you can visit the dreams of any other creature on the same plane of existence with the same chances of success as if you had cast the spell scrying. If you are successful, you can communicate with the person whose dreams you are visiting.

Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—pleasant dreams, 3rd—premonition, 4th—sending, 5th—commune, 6th—wind walk, 7th—ethereal jaunt, 8th—dreamwalker, 9th—astral projection.


Prophesy Domain

Granted Powers: You see the future, for good or ill.

Forewarned (Su): Your knowledge of the future allows you to anticipate danger. You gain a +1 bonus to Perception checks and a +1 dodge bonus to AC. Theses bonuses increase by +2 at 8th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

Future Sight (Su): At 8th level, once each day you may declare that an action you have just taken did not happen. You may then take a different action. You can do this after the results of your action are known. The mixing of future and present is disorienting. You are shaken for 1d4 rounds after you use this ability. This does not stack with other fear effects, but nothing can remove this condition.

Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—augury, 3rd—locate object, 4th—divination, 5th—commune, 6th—find the path, 7th—prying eyes, 8th—moment of prescience, 9th—foresight


Time Domain

Granted Powers: The god of time has given you the power to stop time briefly, and to shift backwards in time briefly as well.

Moment of Pause (Sp): As a melee touch attack, you can stop time for one creature briefly, freezing them in place. For one round, the creature can take no action and experiences time as if that round never took place.

Time Shift (Sp): Beginning at 8th level, once per week you can briefly shift time backwards. You can shift back no further than 4 combat rounds, or 1 minute outside of combat. Any actions that took place during the time you shift back before are considered to have not taken place, and all actions pick up from the point you shift back to.

Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—one track mind, 3rd—delayed reaction, 4th—haste, 5th—hold monster, 6th—contingency, 7th—lesser time stop, 8th—temporal stasis, 9th—time stop.


Fate Domain

Granted Powers: The god of fate's touch has given you the ability to affect the fate of others, and to even change your own fate.

Fateful Touch (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting them the ability to automatically succeed or fail (at their option) on one saving throw, skill check, or ability check. The automatic success must be used within one minute of being touched.

Amor Fati (Su): Beginning at 8th level, your acceptance of the god of fate's grand plans leaves you mentally calm, granting you a +3 bonus to your Will saves.

Domain Spells: 1st—serenity, 2nd—augury, 3rd—bestow curse, 4th—saving grace, 5th—opportunity, 6th—geas/quest, 7th—resurrection, 8th—greater spell immunity, 9th—miracle.


Rainbow Domain
Granted Powers: You can call upon the myriad properties of the rainbow, associated with brilliant colors, gentle spring rains and the beauty of life.
Dazzling Arc (Su): Three times a day (plus one additional time per day for each point of your Wisdom modifier) as a standard action, you can produce a dazzling multicolored light that will Blind a single target within 30 ft. for 1 round, and then leave him Dazzled for 2 rounds thereafter. Creatures with the light-sensitive or daylight vulnerability trait suffer twice the penalty if dazzled by thedazzling arc.
Rainbow Stride (Su): At 6th level, you become able to surround yourself in whirling winds that transport you up to 60 ft. in any direction, and provide you with a 50% miss chance against projectile attacks during this jaunt. You can use this ability for up to one round per Cleric level, and these rounds do not need to be consecutive, although you will fall normally if you end your movement in midair. Movement does not need to be in a straight line, but there must be a clear path to your destination. This counts as a single move action, and you can also perform a standard action either at the beginning or end of this move (unless you possess the Spring Attack feat, in which case you can make a standard action anywhere along the path of movement).
Domain Spells: 1st - color spray, 2nd - hypnotic pattern, 3rd - fly, 4th - rainbow pattern, 5th - find the path, 6th - control weather, 7th - prismatic spray, 8th - prismatic wall, 9th - prismatic sphere.


Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I think True Neutral may be fine for Faust, given she would be a distant figure that pens the destinies and stories of ponykind with perhaps few but Luna and Celestia truly having connection to her. They being the daughters of Faust along with Discord, and it having been so long since she has interacted with the world directly (my lore thoughts).
Mag'ne would be a lesser deity, perhaps Neutral Good, once a human called from a different plane to become the hero of Dream Valley before then disappearing... yet growing into a figure of worship and legend to be carried to modern Equestria. She would then be one turned to when it comes to acts heroism and friendship... a savior of worlds who many whisper may one day return (I added her because of reading a fanfiction months ago and because Faust had already been added as a deity of sorts into Ponyfinder itself).


I have been debating flipping the alignment of Celestia and Luna, since Luna is a 1000 years behind  thus likely having a more traditional view into Lawful and Celestia would have had a 1000 years to become more relaxed in possibly going from Lawful towards Neutral.



Other Deities will be coming: particularly Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra.

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Well obviously Discord would be Chaotic Neutral, King Sombra Lawful Evil, Chrysalis Neutral Evil and Nightmare Moon... Chaotic Evil?


Also; while looking at the Time Domain; it's 8th level ability is really powerful; 4 rounds in combat is a long time and the nightmareish bookkeeping the GM one would have to do for that ability; having to keep track of everything that's happened in the last 4 rounds...


If you're looking for good time based abilities you should look at the Revelations the Time Mystery Oracle gets http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo---oracle-mysteries/time

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Those are good suggestions, though of note is that Discord will be a villain/antagonist in my campaign. Actually taking place before Keep Calm and Flutter On, as I am not a fan of Discord's reform. I will see to using those alignments while I build the other deities.


I got the Time Domain from here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/3rd-party-publishers---domains/4-winds-fantasy-gaming---domains/time-domain

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I was hoping you would say Chaotic Evil for Discord, before all that nonsense with KCaFO.


How about these for the Time Domain Powers


You are capable of briefly altering subjects’ perceptions of time, taking advantage of ensuing hesitations.
Future Shock (Sp): Your touch can cause small gaps in a subject’s perception of time, causing a creature to become stunned for 1 round as a melee touch attack. If you touch a stunned creature, that creature becomes paralyzed for 1 round instead. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Time Halt (Sp): At 8th level, you can briefly slow your perception of time, allowing you to accomplish twice as much far more swiftly then usual within that time frame. This acts as a time stop (Core Rulebook, pg. 359) spell with a duration of 1 round and as an immediate action. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and one additional time per day for every five cleric levels beyond 8th.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I'd probably use Stunned instead of Paralysis, Since you can't Coup De Grace a stunned character. Other than that Future Shock looks fine


As written; the only benefit Time Halt has is giving you an extra move action while not letting you affect anyone directly that turn since you have to burn your standard action to cast Time Stop; perhaps instead letting them gain an extra Standard Action as a Swift Action? If you want it to be better than that then you can make it an Immediate Action which gives it interruption possibilities though if going that route I would lower the uses per day; 1/day at 8th; 2/day at 13th and 3/day at 18th?

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